Hermitcraft 7: I'm Rich! (Episode 27)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to hermitcraft last time we saved will's knight from season six and we made a new edition of the herald and we worked on this area here with our multi-items order at the beginning of our multi-item store today guys uh we will maybe be working on this a little bit we'll see uh but we do want to accept a challenge from one iskall85 uh who gave a challenge to hermits to mine 2 000 diamonds in a single episode so that is what we're going to be attempting to do uh the reason we're attempting to do this is because we have only 21 diamonds to our name this is all we got mostly because uh this pyramid is already quite expensive despite the fact that it's you know still 90 empty um that's because we have spent so far on the pyramid uh how much how much 864 diamonds right on just on just what you see here just that little bit so we're gonna need well over 2 000 diamonds to spend on this pyramid and our goal to make this the most expensive build on the server so yeah gonna be an expensive build and we're gonna need a lot of diamonds and i feel like this is a good way to do that mining two thousand diamonds in a single episode um so i need to go get some shulker boxes because we're gonna need some shulker boxes to put away some stuff i probably could do with another pick i might just go with just this uh this silk touch pick though for now and um yeah let's pick up some shulker boxes and let's go mining hey there we go all right ladies and gentlemen these are our first diamonds we're just past where the mine shaft was so let's see how many we got one two three four five five diamond or only one thousand 1995 to go actually that's not true because we're gonna use fortune three on these so less than 1995 to go more diamonds diamonds dungeon sounds like a zombie dungeon yep zombie dungeon which means there is guaranteed to be a cave i think the skeleton came from the cave pretty sure break the spawner sweet what level we at here oh yeah at diamond level let's see if we got anything good in here nothing and power one okay well that's a disappointment i feel like they really need to increase the level of dungeon chest loot in my uh mineshaft chest loot to make it worthwhile because right now i mean zombie flesh zombie flesh and coal is basically what we're getting here i mean come on beetroot seeds beetroot seeds and pumpkin seeds and some basic mob drops that we just got more of from taking on the dungeon then in the chest that is not treasure that is not treasure they got they got to change that out thank you creeper appreciate the assist on that one always good when that works out d i a m o n d what does that spell diamond yep it it spells diamond lots and lots and lots of diamond all right guys so we got the first day of mining completed and yeah we got these diamonds right here so we got six and a little bit extra stacks of diamond ore now we will hit all these with fortune so we'll get 120 percent uh increase in diamond production but i still think we need more i still think we need more um so yeah i think what we're going to do we're also i think iskall named his uh shulker box so we're gonna follow in iskall's footsteps and put 2k challenge uh and actually since a shulker box can only handle uh 1728 items uh we actually need a second shulker box which i'm going to grab right here and this will be 2k challenge 2. there we go oh and then we're at the anvil let me quickly replace that with another one right there and we also probably want to dye these the color of diamonds which is light blue there we go so that one and the 2k one perfect okay now that we have our shulker boxes dyed i think we got to come out here and we got to make a pyramid of diamond ore now it's not going to be as big as this pyramid for sure but maybe the size of the bee farms over here i think we could do that i think we can make one that's at least that big uh so let's go ahead and grab out our diamond ores and we'll just start to make a little bit of a pyramid here so we'll just start here and then go out like this up and then we'll do the next layer which will be five blocks across like so all the way around and it will just keep going up like so and yeah we'll see how big we can make this thing all right so we got a pyramid now of diamond ore which is 13 blocks across around the base uh we still have an area up here where we have to fill in more uh diamond ore and also on the side but this thing is totally solid so you know if you dig into it you just find more diamond ore uh so yeah just got to uh be aware of that but it's already bigger than this pyramid uh this is only 11 by 11 i think right here so that's fantastic but it needs to be even bigger needs to be even bigger we need to complete uh this bit up here and maybe add another layer around the entire thing so i'm going to leave these two shulker boxes here the 2k challenge boxes we'll hopefully be able to fill those soon but for now back to mining hey hey hey it's diamonds so this cave is so big you can actually see the social zombie spawns and it's actually kind of a it's kind of its own mob farm to be honest a little bit of a lag spike there but yeah yeah you can see zombies are definitely socially spawning here this is insane i'm not quite sure like what to make of this like this is not like a special place it's just like the biggest cave in history right here i should probably leave this cave but you know what i think we i think we stay look at the zombies oh you want to play king of the hill okay okay what now what now zombie that's what i thought that's what i thought automatic xp farm right here in the cave look at this they come from far and wide just to be slain right here one step shorter than mountaintop that's what i thought any new contenders you bob no okay you sam sally nope okay all right you're dead you're all dead you're all dead all right oh no tell you what put something up like this and like that [Music] come on up i swear it's fine you're fine see you're fine no i'm just kidding you're you're dead you're dead [Music] okay well that was interesting all right guys we got a bunch more diamonds we can now add to the pile uh so we're just putting some stuff down here we got about six stacks of diamond ore plus 45 so i think that gives us just north of 800 diamond ore and i think we need like 920 or so 930 somewhere around there um to get to 2000 uh after mining everything out with fortune because with fortune you get about 120 percent uh boost in the amount of diamonds you have so i'm just gonna go ahead and put this down there is another level of the pyramid now completed very good this thing is getting rather large and we'll start on the next layer right about here so yeah this is coming along nicely just a couple hundred more diamonds to go all right so back down to the mine yet again and i gotta say this is a pretty good challenge this does take quite some time you just gotta put in the time to get the diamonds of course uh diamonds being the rarest item in the game for now at least um yeah it's kind of tough to get 2 000 of them in one episode but we're doing it guys we can make it the end is in sight the end is in sight all right guys so welcome back uh we are now approaching the end of our mining session we've encountered a mine shaft down here uh at level 11 right here uh so level 13 up here there's a couple more diamonds here to add to the collection very nice very good um yeah it's been about three days two or three days so yeah lots and lots of mining but i think i think we got it i think we got it so yeah we will oh man that's way down there wow what do we have right here we're at 14 right here that's like at level two i'm dropping in oh there's more diamonds down here too oh but it's bad but it's bad okay well we're nearly at the end here assuming we survived this onslaught of demon and undead skeleton action that's going on here uh but yeah we're gonna pick up a few more of these diamonds uh where was this one at right here right next to the cave spider spawner pretty much i think yeah literally right next to the cave spider spawner let's just take this out real quick there we go now we can drop down here man this is a really low mine shaft but anyways yeah we're gonna head on back to the pyramid now see how many diamonds we got well guys our giant mass of diamond ore is now complete uh it still has a pyramid-esque shape it's more like a ziggurat now though i would say uh just because yeah if i were to have kept making the pyramid shape the base would have been so big it would have been like hanging over this part here we would have had a terraform and landscape this part over here because the base would have been coming like a couple blocks in here so i just decided to build it up uh so it's like a ziggurat type of thing so it still has a pyramid-esque shape but yeah this thing is totally solid with diamond ore so now now comes the fun part let me get out my fortune pickaxe right here cubs fortune there we go swap that out for the royal silk and yeah we can now go ahead and start to mine this thing i think we should have enough to uh fill up this box and then we should have some overflow here to put us over 2000 diamond ore so yeah let's go ahead and start the time lapse here let's mine this giant diamond ziggurat [Music] shhh ladies and gentlemen i'm proud to announce the 2k challenge has been completed we got a grand total of get this 2713 diamonds to our name now plus whatever we have in the under chest which is not much but you know it's something so man that is looking nice that is looking nice that is that is a lot of diamonds man all right let's uh let's pick this stuff up here i'm gonna swap out my fortune pick once again for the royal silk there we go take this and yeah two thousand seven hundred diamonds mind in one episode nice so yeah big thanks to iskall for issuing this challenge this was a fun challenge to go after and uh yeah we crushed it we did it guys 2k challenge now completed on my way to the shopping district decided to stop by the button turns out it's on green and whenever it's on green you know what that mean that's right baby another press for the green team absolutely perfect thank you very much for the concrete and we will put this right in there case people want to practice pressing green and a button has reset very good okay on we go to the shopping district ladies and gentlemen today we buy all remaining spaces in the shopping district with our diamonds just kidding but we could if we wanted to i think we could if we wanted to but we're not going to do that but still feels good to know that we could feels good to know that we could so yeah let's see what we're actually going to do today so what i'm thinking is we're running the hermeton herald right and there's also a mayoral race going on right now so you can see there's some solicitation going on in front of the town hall here we got get gorgeous signs from stress we got the dark oak signs with black text which are very difficult to read from scar we got some mumble for mayor signs we got a mayor false sign we got a vote joe hill's dog catcher sign and a bunch of other uh signs for mayor so i think what would be cool is if we put somewhat of a polling station outside of this town hall that way we could get a sense of who is sort of in the lead of the mayoral race who has the most support who has the least support and who you know needs to catch up if they want to win the mayoral race they give us a good opportunity to perhaps put those pulling numbers in the herald so you could see like the rise and fall of candidates in the herald and yeah i would also you know maybe uh encourage some people to get out and uh you know get voter support you know get convince people to vote for him that would be pretty cool so i'm thinking what we do is probably right here off of this main avenue here from this portal which is now by the way the main portal in the shopping district so our portals have been disabled up there so basically i think we need to extend this pathway and we need to put polling stations on the side here so um let me go ahead and clear out an area here and you see i already have like a little bit of like a layout of how i want this to work so we're going to clear out a little bit of area here basically lower this terrain down on this side i think quite a bit and put pulling stations on the side here so give me a sec here i'm going to extend this pathway a little bit and we're going to start to build the polling stations all right ladies and gentlemen so we've extended the pathway here in front of the town hall slash mayor house and we got ourselves a area set up and sort of figured out so yeah the way this is going to work and before i build this i want to say this is not how we're going to vote like this is not the vote for mayor at all this is simply a gauge of current support that each candidate has that's all it is that's all it is um so yeah basically the way this is gonna work is we're gonna have players support be indicated by a column of concrete powder so here we have you know gray concrete powder because that's that's all i had on me at the time but basically the higher this thing is the more support a candidate has so uh for instance like right here just as an example uh false has the most support because she has one two three four five six uh concrete powder right here whereas stress has one two three four five scar has three doc has two joe has two and mumbo has two um so in this case false would have the most support so she would be sort of in the lead for the uh for the mayoral race so to speak at that current time uh but we're also gonna have it so that you can lose support so like if i break this concrete powder the concrete falls by one block so we're also gonna have it so that players can remove support from a candidate in case you know they get convinced by another candidate to support them instead so these columns will move up and down as candidates uh gain and lose support so yeah that will be interesting to see uh i think everything is laid out properly you see we got false mumbo joe on this side we got doc stress and scar on this side so yeah we're going to go ahead and make this thing happen here and i'll be right back alright guys so we got the first module done and all the other modules are gonna be pretty much the same as this one i think just to keep it fair uh the only difference and distinguishing feature is gonna be the concrete powder color uh which i'm gonna i'm gonna choose one for each candidate like a different color that i think is kind of representative of their campaign and their character but yeah they can always change it if they want to so basically the way this thing works is you place a concrete powder in support of your candidate on the gold block it falls down and then gets put up right here and you can see as i put down concrete powder the column goes up and up and up and up like that and then let's say let's say i don't want to support the candidate anymore i just hit this button and the concrete powder falls down i can hit it again i can hit it again and there we go so yeah supporting a candidate you put the concrete powder on the gold block the column moves up and unsupport press the button and it comes down so let me show you how this works real quick it's pretty easy to understand uh once you take a look at the redstone here so let's just break on in even though i already sort of covered this up a little bit um so yeah this is how it works um basically whenever you place down the concrete powder that goes into this slot right here you can see there's a torch and a repeater here so basically this gets powered which sends a signal through this way uh so it first powers this piston which pushes the concrete powder forward to here at which point it's actually in front of a sticky piston so yeah that's where the concrete powder ends up first then what happens is this signal splits here it goes down to this uh wire below here comes this way down this line right here at which point it powers a that sticky piston so it then pulls the concrete powder backwards and then powers this piston which is facing upward so it pushes the concrete powder up um this piston then depowers and this piston arm moves forward so the concrete powder is then left standing uh above where it once was so it gets basically moved over and then up and then this arm sort of prevents it from falling back down um and then likewise if you want to unsupport a candidate it's pretty simple this sticky piston here just basically pulls this uh concrete powder over this way it then falls breaks on the carpet and we should see down here yep there is some yellow concrete powder in this hop and this hopper so this is where everything is sort of collected right down here so that's basically how it works pretty straightforward um pretty forward a straightforward system yeah you can see how it works right there when we unsupport a candidate so that basically removes support so yeah nice little system and i think this should work quite nicely for all of our candidates um so yeah that uh is the entire system now complete so yeah with that i think we just now have to replicate this for all the other candidates and maybe we put some type of like decoration on this as well like i'm thinking maybe like walls coming up here i think could be cool to maybe like sort of like box it in a little bit make it look a little nicer make it look a little bit more official uh because this thing can only go 12 tall basically so yeah i think that's a good plan so let's go ahead and get started on the other candidates modules ladies and gentlemen welcome to the hermitan herald mayoral poll so we got ourselves all of the uh mechanisms done to support each candidate so yeah we have all each and every one of these things done so we have uh false of course as you saw as the yellow concrete powder right here so we just yeah right click false's face with the concrete powder and there we go support for false has increased uh mumbo we have some red concrete powder right here so if i put this in here mumbo stock goes up joe hills joe hills is cyan color concrete powder right there we have doc m doc m's over here with the lime concrete there we go lime concrete powder for dock we got magenta for stress monster there we go and then scar we have orange concrete powder for scar there we go just like that sweet all right all right and looks like it looks like etho has made his way over to my world pay a polling place very cool so yeah basically the way this works yeah as you saw you right click the candidate's face with concrete powder concrete powder falls down and yeah support goes up for the uh person who you do that uh with uh then if you want to retract support hit the button and it falls back down so we're going to do that for all these candidates since we're going to reset these here and yeah we're going to hope that etho is not down there breaking stuff but we'll see oh he actually teleported away nice good job etho so yeah we'll take all these back uh we also added one additional thing uh and that is at the very top we added a firework that goes off when the candidate reaches full support like it's possible that somebody could get like you know 10 or 12 hermits to support them so uh when their column reaches the top a firework goes off so let me just show you that real quick if i'll just put in a bunch of concrete powder right here but if we get one more two more two more this one here we go this one there we go so you get a little firework if you reach maximum support level so yeah that's what happens and that's for all the candidates that each have their own firework colors so obviously false was yellow uh mumbo is red joe is cyan doc is lime magenta and then orange for scar for uh yeah everybody so that's pretty nice uh also i want to show you the book real quick and this does go off again once you lose support uh just because it's an observer up there so if i just get this down here take this down because i don't want to lose all the uh concrete powder down there okay so uh yeah i just want to show this thing here as well somebody's flying around uh so yeah we have the mayoral poll sign here and then we have the book here so the book says mayoral poll presented by hermitage and herald uh welcome to the hermitage mayoral poll you can show support for mayoral candidates and then it just says to support right-click can its faces with concrete powder from the chest to unsupport click the button on the pedestal of the candidate so i hope that is clear to hermits how to show your support for each hermit you can show support for more than one hermit like if you like you know if you like mumbo and you like stress you can add concrete distress and a concrete to mumbo it's not just a you can only show support for one person you can show support uh for more than one person so yeah that is that's mayoral poll now completed so pretty happy with how it turned out and yeah if the other hermits uh the other candidates if they don't like the aesthetic of this uh they are free to change it however they would like but um yeah i just want to make sure we keep the functionality correct so like everything above like this block here can be changed but everything below should probably stay so that you know it's not messed up and stuff so anyways um yeah with that guys i think i'm going to call that an episode for today if you enjoyed today's episode please do leave a like and be sure to subscribe and as always thank you once again for watching this has been co [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 502,269
Rating: 4.9594946 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Hermitcraft, Minecraft 1.15.2, Cubfan135, Cub Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft Season 7 Episode 27, Diamonds, Diamond Mining, 2K Challenge, Mayor, Mayor Race, Hermitcraft election, Pyramid, Hermiton Herald, Cubfan, survival minecraft, let's play minecraft, diamond ore, caving, Mining, redstone, Hermitcraft season 7, cub hermitcraft server, richest hermit
Id: BE5Em_pR2DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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