Saved for Decades... SOLD FOR CHEAP!!!

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lots of kids stuff at this one but uh cross our fingers for some vintage stuff maybe that's a good sign hopefully they have more of that oh yeah the little T little racer I've never seen that little scooch that's cute that's probably worth some money actually that's not too hard to ship no not at all okay you're on a mission to look that up I'm going to do a lens search really quick first and see what it's called and then I'll Che it out they want they want a Fiverr on that we might give it to them you just never know yellow race car Roadster hot rod good morning hey how we doing good how are you doing awesome thank you wow you guys got lots of toys got out of baby City oh yeah wow some Ninja Turtles hello how are you doing doing well thanks [Music] dups okay how's it looking on that one well I'm still looking oh dang I did Fisher Price on accident come on it's little ties I know what were you thinking see one listed for 90 let's see if any have sold none under the slds at least under Roadster hot rod dang it if other people searched look at this old school McDonald Barbie set for three bucks that is probably yeah stuff is good we got to get that right yeah look at the old school little thing too oh my goodness yeah we're looks like it was never played with1 all right where's our sold stickers it's actually a kind of cool kitchen too yeah I'm going to need a second here yeah we're going to need all the have the pieces those little Villages do pretty decent which ones right there this little Stewie thing if they have the girls yeah it's got some pieces there like one or two all kinds of goodies in here nice oh wonder if I could pay him five bucks to use the restroom look at this McDonald's set that's complete for 100 bucks right there look how much they're selling for in the Box D that's awesome and the actual Old McDonald's kitchen have you ever seen that those for like hundreds also like an actual full size little kitchen nice blow we got the little kayak tent boat cooler and stove for $2 what oh this is actually Barbie just says China not Mattel okay whatever it is pretty cool cooler no way yeah that's awesome okay well I feel like we need our own so table there's like Ninja Turtle stuff over there too okay I feel like I've sold that that bu right there before I can't remember what it's called but that one in the front the fronty thing the actual thing oh yeah should I snag it okay for 50 cents I think you got to snag that what year is this from okay this one's only 50 cents okay has a sticker kind of beat I'm trying to remember what it's called we could still maybe clean it up for only 50 cents yeah 50 cents I don't even know looking at so I was just trying to find this really quick and I just the fridge is the only thing I found it okay so we're going to be getting this set too that's with thetion by the way so we need to make some decision I'm going to take both of these but we need a container or something probably I'm just going to see what else I can grab over here ma'am I'm going to take two of your Barbie sets over here do you have something I could put them in yeah yeah okay great awesome oh sorry sorry thank you all right I'm grab this thank you so much that's perfect I'm just going to leave this sitting right here and I'm going to keep peeking I'm going to take the two sets Okay thank you oh sorry dear okay sure thank you you find something else yeah I'm just going to grab that I think you people yeah yeah thank we'll be right here to guard it too grab some toys okay that's cool out yet got some trucks uh you want this set too I don't know but I do want this set right here okay I'll grab these two things this one does not have her little price sticker on there okay this little set down there dear didn't have a price sticker on there okay or do you okay what is it were you saying that this is a no I need to I feel it's been like years but it used to be their are like the bigger P pockets okay it's probably only like five bucks for the set so well let me just ask her you put this stuff in there do you know how much that set is right there this set three bucks okay we'll grab it thank you you might need to just get another box okay I'll grab another box left oh well you got some trucks too huh oh yeah go get more cash man so much cool stuff in there huh well I run a day care so nice loaded up then right I'm trying Cobra rat to put everything maybe pick your here you want to bring it over here maybe start a pile does that look like a good spot for you thank you all right I'll just move this here for them for a second yeah no problem what am I doing helping the competition cuz you're sweet you can't help it we do need a box for hours though oh I put it uh over there okay gra here's what we need I need to start that box over on this new one so I can take the stuff out of is this yours yeah okay that's 2013 okay I think all these little guys are newer okay okay any good GI Jo stuff I don't know anything about GI Jo do you are these GI Jo yeah they are oh then we should grab them I think these are probably we should probably grab that it's missing the big top piece have you sold GI Jo before I've sold a few and even a few of the newer ones did pretty decent let's load it up then I mean if even if you loot all this stuff up right yeah here's probably another one right here like that Nyland Corp USA I wonder if that's any good or that a metal trailer yeah Nyland I've sold a truck of that okay I don't know are we just grabbing everything yeah let's just grab those yes I am sorry I was coming with a box and I got distracted over here I'm going to have to grab another box probably yeah help oh you're good thank you appreciate you having them okay excuse me all righty okay I'll start loading this up yes we need to do it in order now so that we know that's $5 in that box cuz the other oh excuse us sorry oh we've caught back up with you again I a couple over there yeah there's so many there's so many yes there's just so many you don't even have to today okay dear these kind of see cuz I need to stack stuff on top of here so if you just want to start tallying those oh that's a cool Bowl Matt a bowl Peter and Jim did you put that in there where this oh yeah I thought that was cool though um do you want this little Barbie thing right here what's that this Barbie cake I have no idea does it open uh does it open I got to take a couple more things out of the bottom of this box before we can do it it looks like it's going to open okay sure I got my phone I'm just trying to keep the sets together here so we don't mess you up too much all right here's that one set there yeah I think I'm down of paper okay yeah keep track of everything okay I don't want to leave those which ones these sets here okay so I'm just going to pack these in and then we'll know we're at $6 in this box okay cool and then that goes over there to our pile sir let's see where you this one's from who knows okay wait until we're done piling it okay yeah thank you excuse me at all these look at all that oh wow it's got all the little pieces oh my goodness this is so stinking cool Matt that's a nice set a it's look I mean look how really cool that is like what the heck I know it's in perfect condition I'm super excited about this I know this is this is like you were just saying you want to find some vintage toys I know so happy it's been too long since we found vintage toys that's crazy and it's like my favorite thing to find well besze trinkies yeah did you want these two or just I don't think those are actual Barbie so I don't know okay okay we'll leave them for now like I've sold a couple Barbie tents and this one's not even put together the that one says Coleman on the tent too that's crazy does it the tent says heent does okay maybe I'll should just lick it up real quick or we can just grab it really it's up to you wonder what these are I don't know I thought one of them was a strawberry shortcake but she had no smell left feel like we just uh do we just grab them all that's they're so cheap we can try to figure it out later right if you want to I think it actually has oh I see the sticker okay 25 cents each I don't know I'll let you decide on that I think we'll grab this one too like the pool sets are sell them for like 40 but I think with these number of pieces it's probably still 20 bucks for $2 Okay cool so then we have $8 in this box $8 in that box okay cool think we just grab this too figure it out later yeah we have eight these three sets are all in this box right here okay they Barbie there's three whole sets in there yeah all Barbie po uh your poly pocket were five right was it five I think she said three but we could pay her five okay yeah so I can't keep up with all this yeah I'm going to go check out the trucks over here Kayla okay go ahead and five okay that's everything in the bottom you need to get the total going let's just see what they got going on over here okay no all the cool trucks three a piece on these okay not some cool stuff oh yeah no you guys are doing great this one's pretty cool I might grab that one I don't know if you want to put Suz yeah that right okay yeah be able to Total it up thank you sir yeah thank you uh I might grab this GI thing too the garbage gobbler they always like putting blocks in the back cuz the thing oh okay dumps it out yeah that's cool I might grab that one too thank you this little Dora set might be nice too dang I don't know about these what do you think oh you're looking up something yeah sorry what you got look at that garbage gobler Isn't that cool oh that's very cool what is that even I don't know I I'm going to turn this off and maybe look it up real quick garbage oh you got me goer do you know anything about I know some of these do really well but I don't see any markings on there yeah I've never found any of that were that I could tell that were really worth it but okay I know there are some out there another Marks One something marks okay so this one says 1970 brought up a million garbage pill kids cards oh okay let go to S here okay pass on it okay what's that honey pass on okay there I just saw another GI Joe so what is this gu I don't know if you want that for our collection we got a bunch of other ones I know it's pretty cool right yeah and 1989 like the last one is in my arms right here pretty cool cool it little Tonka night flare main USA yeah I'm going to go put the what's that do you sell it or yeah we I figured yeah got what the price stuff at yeah get rid of it so right yeah put some of the stuff in the Box it's a lot of cool stuff you have all right I'm going to put the gobler back I'm going to put this one back we might get one over here yeah thank you oh man one more there for you what are we thinking about this one right here Kayla oh I don't know you you just make a decision I'm not even going to look this up we're just going to grab these last few things and it's SC cuz their prices are so great if something's more the other we'll make up for it all right you can set them over here if you want to sir we're going to add that one to it and let me grab that other one out of your hands for you 1989 Batmobile 89 huh that's cool I'll grab that for oh thank you thank you okay and here's another $3 one thank you I think this is missing something this is cool it's a mini version of the Power Wheels Jeep the the battery thing's missing and it's not worth that much okay but it's really cool right yeah I don't think this is anything okay cuz is missing this little missing some pieces okay I think we're ready to roll huh we did good here not bad are we sure we're ready got some got some work ahead of us I think so thank you do we know what our damage was I think she's been toing it up yeah okay cool all right all righty that was I know there you go thank you oh don't worry about the change a good deal yeah yeah so like the old stuff like this is getting harder and harder to find yeah some of the stuff is better quality oh it's all better quality like my daughter has barie stuff now and I try to find as much of it I can at yard CS it's way cooler all right I'll be back I'm going to take this over here's the next cell all right let's see what we can find here huh yeah some you need a nice blower $3 what oh my goodness are you kidding me right now $3 I've never even seen one of those before it's too bad it's all tore up I know somebody else will still be happy about that a pickup right there oh this blower for 40 bucks is pretty good especially a gas yeah okay okay we got to focus we're 3 hours away from home so we cannot dump the truck today oh yeah got to fill it up wisely fill it up and that's what you get okay that's cool the little teacher Nutcracker I've never seen a teacher she's a little cutie mhm not as cute as you oh cool look at that guy little santti with the the hemp knots he's missing something right there maybe a little beer was on I call me cute too by the way Little Beard extension he tries to slip in these little compliments you guys what are you talking about you're so sweet you're cute you're cute o some mowing products hey what is it what is it it's $2 it's got a thing on it so you can scanon it it's a toilet paper holder or it's a whatever that's called a towel holder well I'll scan it since I already got it up yeah there's two of them 86 86 b n b n bow movement no B bow n oh in I said literally in I was going to try think of something else but my grandfather was a doctor so we can never say that's his initials BM it was always a joke you know B movement there you go okay I see him listed for 25 let's see if they're sold for 25 or not let's see n sold that all right we're going to roll hey puppy how you doing hi I'm never dying to this clo I hate it this is cool though look at this Cincinnati Zoo with the tiger what's that look at that what isn't that so cool on a vintage Le tag mhm I like that a lot that one's very cool just needs a a pillar pillar yeah yeah say yes to that one we about any of other say yes to that one for sure um I mean they're all cool but like do we want to get into them right now I don't know most of them are stained yeah well I think we should grab this one for sure okay here's some T-shirts though Matt okay let's check them out um these look all hand painted so maybe just go to that bin right there go to that pin right there okay these little things see if you find anything should we look through this and then update or let just keep going yeah let me just look real quick and then I mean there's cool shirts in here but none of these are anything really okay these don't look like anything either this one says Thrift what something about thrifting yeah these are all just homemade tennis shirts okay yeah there's also of those in here too Hard Rock Cafe Skydome 1989 that sounds cool but I don't think it's Canada I don't know I don't know what's the sky down like a tourist have you ever seen puff paint that thick oh I hav't oh my gosh I wish I could see that looks like shag carpet on there yeah let's just grab that one just for fun okay it's cool enough it looks like it was never worn yeah all right what's the Peabody are you familiar with that Peabody looks like a guy he's rolling out of red carpet for some decks oh I've heard of Peabody I think he's a kind of looks like a new like unwashed old shirt yeah New Old Stock yeah okay I don't know if it's anything or not let me see if I can look it up really quick yeah let's just grab it it's probably like a dollar okay all right we'll grab the peab body we'll just get the hod Ro Cafe one all right and then Thriftway let us see the front of that one yeah I don't think that's anything yeah okay some cool stuff though very cool you got I'm looking something up underneath the camera so I'm not participating in this conversation oh you're good oh I see Mr Peabody okay okay yeah he like a cartoon or something right yeah he had a little doggy friend okay yeah since we're grabbing these I'm just going to grab that uh probably grab that Olympics one too on the champion tag so here's some Peabody shirts like that one sold for 30 best off run 25 that one sold for 29 and ours really just looks unwashed like that one's $28 and these are unbranded I think ours is branded look at that one wow oh that's who it is off of Rocky and Bullwinkle okay Mr pe oh yeah sorry I was looking at the wrong thing there we go okay pretty cool all right Che grab these yeah I'm going to grab that Olympics one too okay just for fun all right some of my favorites two sweatshirts and two T-shirts okay so that's two four five6 okay sounds good sounds great that tiger one is really cool yes I forgot we had that thank you there you go thank you so much appreciate it you too all right so that swe shirt's cool for multiple reasons cuz that was the coolest zoo I ever went to as a kid yeah they had an albino alligator there no way yep okay and this is like the Bengals territory right this Isles and then you got the tiger that goes with the Cincinnati Zoo dang what the heck that's really cool and did you see his eyes are green no way this is so cool they paid extra for that oh that's so cool okay well cool little pickups yeah stuff I don't like to list it's okay but cool nonetheless we we'll uh we'll still get it listed look how much stuff we have already and it's like 8:30 gosh we've only been to like less than 10 sales is that right I think one sale without buying something you guys don't jinx it okay question for you is Young Living something that you liked yeah okay there's a whole thing of oils for three bucks and there's like maybe six or seven of them unused nice let's hope for a really good one in the mix okay you ready yeah you frankincense what's freaking sense a good one is that a different one that's good no it's a scent it's an actual oh it's a scent that you like it's a little box right there the SE to he knows me well yeah that's try listen we got another one of these at a sale and we I let my kiddo like mix scents up oh yeah this is what she uses when she mixes the scents she has fun with it my kid does that with her spices in the kitchen oh gosh o right stinks and they want they want you to smell every one of them she does that too with the cookie she makes concoctions of cookies yeah and then we have to taste them oh yeah totally from scratch she doesn't even look up anything she doesn't want any assistance whatsoever so she just whips them up every time yeah every time something different all right she was saying that all those are probably not opened yet oh nice yeah that one looked Co that I looked at yeah do we need another set of these we just got this set a couple weeks ago oh I don't think so but that's a fun game I know we just got it at a yard sale we have two actually someone bought us another one I'm like well there you go maybe just use the extra pieces make one big one thank there you go thanks so much thank you have fun today yeah you too all right good fine is it really good hang on hang on go back choc on the bottom there beep beep beep beep got some Keen sandals some Chocos those are nice chos right right like I know Chocos are kind of a hard sale but I feel like for $3 sweet you still got to be like 30 bucks okay nice I don't know about sandies might be like 15 20 bucks they're $3 each okay yeah we don't want those are probably BN like sloths or mes BN little boat shoes CL they're more like driving shoes or like loafer right yeah loafer CLS I don't know don't ask me I think I'm going to grab both going to get the Chocos and the do you think we should grab those or no no okay okay so we owe her6 more dollar the one yard sale I tried to St in the car to warm up for two seconds I'm going to take two pairs of your shoes great thank you very much awesome thank you all right thank you sir I got it I got it baby oh jeez I got it okay do you need the DB method no but it's probably cool I don't know how cool it is but it might be cool that uh frankincense was full was it oh there's another sale right there no way there's supposed to be two more on the same street okay so how much do you think those young livings are worth okay so the last set that we sold was worth like 40ish but it had different or maybe it was 30 actually 30 okay I just know a little uh aren't the things is that the same brand of the the fuser or whatever it is it these they're like MLM essential oils yeah so like I know like this one is a little bit more expensive this one's not a like that one's not super much okay this one might be good RC okay but look you can actually tell that these haven't been popped yeah she was telling the truth and then if you lift this all out there should be is there more down there free samples down there and look a whole another bonus oil that hasn't been opened you just know everything about these things no we just found this exact same one stress away stress away cool that's a good one all right I'm excited these are new good job Matt three bucks I'm not even going to have a chance to look it up I'll look up frankincense Alone by the time we get the next out all right we'll see how much a new Frankie sells for a new Frankie all right we didn't really give you much time to research but uh I think we can go this way this way okay I was just going to meet with you real quick um the frankincense by itself sells for $24 oh just that one for just that one yeah oh Dam all right we're back at the house we're going to do a little bit of shipping huh shipping time guys got a lot of things going out Yes actually let's just start right here well we do have a lot what 41 41 things 41 orders on a Wednesday on a Wednesday on a Wednesday unheard of okay let's just start at the top right here these beautiful mid-century modern tapered tap no they're not tapered they they they're called like tulip or something tulip yes that's it around the top we paid $4 for these at a yard sale three days ago and they already sold for $79 yeah they sold within 24 hours too 79 bucks I really wanted to keep these you guys that was a hard one to let go of not easy all right something else wood something else wood where didd you put that little Nutcracker Nutcracker guy did make it out here yet oh here you want to pull something else while I go grab it yeah I'll pull something I know exactly where it is okay all right while he's grabbing that let's grab this beautiful paper weight well I thought it was a paper weight but you guys told me that this part at the top is meant to hold rings and it's signed on the bottom by Joe stclair this is the first of any of his paperworks I've ever found and it's flipping beautiful with those controlled bubs find yeah I know that all these things sold they didn't make to the skew system yet but I'll I'll just sit down the ones that uh okay the other ones will be down here we sold lots of stuff we just listed so that's all we're pulling out of the kitchen so this little sailor guy uh he's a little Nutcracker I thought he was an owl I said in the video look at this little owl clearly I kind of see that might look like an owl it kind of does but now that you say sailor i' see it yeah he sold for 17 plus shipping so that's pretty cool and we paid like less than a buck for that guy yeah he's like basically free yeah okay um what else where's the comp oh I left it over there on the other side but I can go ahead and show them we sold this beautiful carnival glass candy dish that we picked up at that same sale and so we paid about a dollar for this and it sold for $29 bucks plus shipping okay should we do uh jewelry is that out here do it okay so I'm assuming this little piece of jewelry is over here somewhere lots of jewelries going out Matt uh T trifari is it this those bad babies okay I don't know if you'll be able to get those good on camera yeah they had the little heart rhinstones with a little burst going out around them little cutie sold for 14 bucks for $14 not too bad not too bad up next we got a teenage mut Ninja Turtle shirt that was so cool yeah this is like a baby size or toddler baby size yeah so this was like a pants and shirt combo that we got for a dollar the pants were all stretched out so we didn't sell those but that sold for $6 yeah the biceps were in good condition you saw the video you know the dude was saying that uh he stretched it out in his younger years muscular kid all right another pair of earrings have you showed these yet no we haven't there's so many in here all right so these are nice little Sterling Navajo drop earrings these were one of my favorites they're so beautiful and they have that stone which is in the listing but I can't tell you what it was called uh the stone little clippies a and they're marked on the back 925 oh yeah I don't even know I don't even see the stone I don't even know how to pronounce it5 bucks plus shipping yeah $35 and we only paid $10 for a whole thing that had over hundred that was a crazy video yeah all right so up next another thing we just listed didn't even make it out to the skew system so these are uh we call them pen holders but they're also you put little flower buds in there yeah little bud vase or pin holder whichever you prefer yeah paid like0 50 cents for it sold for 17 yep not too bad shockingly enough this is the third would one of these we've sold in the past two weeks I know we definitely uh do pretty good with us never found him before but we found the third one in like a month go all right up next we got a little plush dog oh sty this guy you know anything about that guy well I know I sent him an offer out on him and I know we only paid a dollar for it okay I think the offer was around 20 bucks is that right uh he was yeah $19.20 there we go not too bad okay uh do you know where those brass frames went brass frames I do it's the one with the red trim these were my favorite ones so gorgeous marked Italy and they have like almost a like a soft filthy material behind the brass very oret and gorgeous and yeah we paid a dollar a piece for them marked right there made in Italy yeah two bucks into $34 plus shipping yeah not too bad not bad at all all right up next we got these uh earrings right here these are the ones that you considered keeping those are my favorites let me set this down you could show these off so the coolest part of this is I was trying to figure out and learn how to identify true Amber because I found something else you guys see all those particles in there that make it look imperfect that's how you know you got some real Amber because there's actual little leave particles in there these are marked on the back sterling silver they sold for what 40$ 39 39 bucks 39 bucks not too bad not bad at all I like those a lot too okay where are those little mice you know what the little mice might have not made it out here yet I think they're still you they're inside okay all right well we can just show them on here and we'll grab them in there okay uh we sold these little mice shelf sitters cute little country chic Little Cuties yeah yeah only 13 bucks but uh we knew somebody would love them we have some nice lovers stuff like that we like to save and yeah you know we got to save it from the dump and good weol find somebody that wants these things not too bad yeah uh this next thing is the Abalone oh that's over there too thing it's over here I knew I saw it okay was this like a little trivet or something yeah so a little Abalone trivet sold for 20 bucks this is beautiful you guys look at all those colors we actually got that in California right yeah and it's marked on the back from Norco California there you go Betty shells Betty shells there go she's got the best shells around Betty shells shells Betty shell cell okay um The Christmas Tree bro oh right here right there yeah okay we're getting a lot of action on this trade today no so much this is beautiful just little colored rhinestones this was all you yeah picked up for 50 cents sold for 16 bucks signed right there on the bottom can't complain about that no these are all these are my favorite you guys these just go in a little padded bag and they're out the door Easy Money easiest shipping ever Yep this one's easy also yeah yeah so we got these this past weekend yep another thing that didn't make to the skew uh paid two bucks so for 20 easy fast out the door HP printer ink sells instantly usually yeah okay we got that uh mandolin micro Mosaic yeah show them that I love this you guys I was so happy to see this because I've come across one of these before and I left it and now I know what's up look at this with all the little tiny micro Mosaic P yeah those things are really cool yeah it's gorgeous yeah you said 15 uh we sold that for 15 bucks $15 and we paid a dollar all almost everything we've pulled so far has been from this past weekend too yeah not bad at all no uh here's another thing from this past weekend oh these little guys yeah it's not a big sale but it's a cool sale we like to save these little brass items yeah the brassies so we got these from a dude we paid 20 bucks for a bunch of stuff Decades of treasure in a garage sale haven't watch that video it's so good yeah it's a long one so get your popcorn but uh yeah 13 bucks for those two little brass guys not too bad at all peasy okay and you go have all the cut Co added out here yet um or do we still have some inside no some of them are inside okay I guess we should the one that sold should have been one that we already listed though right uh there's only one left yeah the one that sold was listed for sure where is it um but here it is right here we'll just show them okay so if you guys don't know about Coco just get used to this handle so these handles are pretty noticeable pretty yeah once you see you're going to see you like s out or the shape but yeah uh this one sold for 25 there are ones that sell for much more but you know typically if you find a Coco knife it's like a guaranteed 2025 end up so pretty cool yes all right especially for a dollar yeah all right alpaca earrings you want to show them those I do all right you show them those and I'll grab the next one another gorgeous set so these are made by alpaca not to be confused with the animal or I don't know maybe it says alpaca underneath the little thingy but it also is marked 925 Silver and it also has a signature these are Abalone and Onyx yeah those are really cool beautiful um can you remind me what these on sold for uh those sold for 25 bucks 25 bucks you guys and this is all all this stash of jewelry is all coming out of the same thing that we paid 10 bucks for yeah a little $10 box that was uh crazy hang on I'm going to go ahead and Skip ahead cuz I know this one this was a last minute Edition so this was not in the Box we picked it out of another box and the guy's like oh just add it to your box this was a Miriam has schal like scarf holder if you guys find anything marked Miriam hasell pick it up because some of these sell for hundreds some of the necklaces sell for hundreds pretty much any of this is from like the 4S and 50s can you guys see those ornate little flowers on the back I'm sorry I just can't believe this it's gorgeous yeah this one sold for how much uh I couldn't find it but I think it was 65 65 bucks 65 Buck 65 bucks guys not bad not bad for a little add-on into a $10 box I'm next we sold this little giraffe here actually I shouldn't really call this one little we call everything little yeah 21 12 Ines worth of a giraffe but yeah um 49 bucks $49 part of a little $20 buy that we bought a bunch of stuff from yep and uh Kinsley has like three of these in the smaller variety we didn't let her have that though that was definitely a big boy okay uh those little Adams Family things you want to grab those oh yeah we got um mortia I called her elv in the video is incorrect her name is mortia and Wednesday yeah and these lovely ladies sold for $12.99 not bad not bad at all especially for unmarked they're just cool yeah I like those guys uh this was probably my favorite find from this weekend it was a cool one yeah how often do you see like a a bracelet that's made out of wood yeah hand carved and everything yes and and the other side you got to show the tree oh yeah they got a little Christmas tree on there and everything with a little star on top look at that not bad we did pay up for this one three bucks but it sold pretty much within an hour for $19 yes so easy pey not going to complain about that heck no all this jewelry to ship today is making me happy yeah okay should we show a vitrix real quick yes let's do it but which one I don't know so we're going to show off the cheapest one okay so I think it's this one so this was the cheapest one because it has a little chippy little chippy right here oh yeah right in the front guys yeah so these vitrix bottles they are pretty valuable very much so um like this is going to be the cheapest one it sold for 47 yep oh and there's the other little chippy right there yeah quite a few little blemishes okay but uh yeah that's sold for 47 MH should we just show off the other two real quick yeah let's do it so we've already sold one of these we only paid $5 for them all for everything the one we've sold so far sold for about5 $5 then we have this one that just sold for almost 50 now what's next okay so this next combo of two sold for $230 there we go that's like ridiculous right so we got the little pink one with the swirlies oh it's gorgeous look at that yeah this is uh and this one the topper comes in this is good stuff man it's scary dealing with these things they're so delicate and then the second part of that little combo is this one right here oh that's so pretty with the light little green think I'm going to go for the light so they can see the look how pretty that is you guys a little more simple in design but gorgeous yeah these are beautiful little pieces oh no sorry I'm going move so risky it is okay so combo between all these yeah like 260 270 275 there you go did I do the mouth right I don't know I don't you're looking at 23 plus 45 230 is that how much they sold for 230 plus another 47 so 277 oh my gosh that's crazy okay and we got the big ones left that's so cool all right so let's get back to business here where did we leave off I can't remember okay it was vitrix right yep F1 this is old item okay we like it when the old stuff sells yes we do so we got a little uh Set of Lights oh nice Christmas lights yeah Halloween or Halloween lights The Ghost and pumpkins yeah we paid a buck for these paid a buck sold for 18 nice not too bad not bad at all here's another item that we just picked up this last weekend yeah same garage we dug it out of same garages as a giraffe yeah yeah how random was this to be in there with all those vintage ant I don't know yeah it was in there with like a bunch of glass in box 20 bucks 20 bucks we paid less than a dollar it sold fast yeah very fast man it's like everything we're selling we just pick up this weekend definitely Donkey Kong yes Donkey Kong so this was part of a little bundle of video games that we picked up mhm I did actually end up keeping a majority of these games but there were two Donkey Kongs so sold one of them for 27 bucks yep yeah sold one kep one not too bad no all right the Brighton earrings you want to show those okay here I'll grab that thank you sir you roll over there these were one of my favorite pairs out of the bunch probably cuz I'm newer to Brighton I've only known about it for like six months but these gorgeous little brighten earrings with the little rhinestones and clipons in the back sold for 22 bucks 22 buaron oh do you guys know how happy this makes me that there's like over 20 orders to ship in this one little tote oh that's a nice little shipping oh it's glorious this next one's a little bit bigger so uh it's those two frames right there these are gorgeous listen you I wanted to keep them and then you're like are you sure you want to sell these look how gorgeous these are you guys with the well it's actually wood edges but they're carved to look like bamboo these are professionally framed by Pink Flamingos ink just gorgeous little tropical birdies yeah so I had these listed at $95 and I an offer out for 70 bucks 70 bucks not bad those would have look good in the the new place dang it what were we thinking some those things well a viewer is very excited to get these she's ecstatic we didn't keep them so they're on to a beautiful new home enjoy should we cancel the order no we're not canceling her order he's just kidding we wouldn't do that to you okay up next we got another Nintendo 64 game okay so actually I'm going to show both these let's both I'm just going to pull them both out cuz so this little lot had three of these Zelda games mhm and uh two of them sold so the yellowed one I think sold for 25 a little bit of yellowing so a little bit of yellowing and then this one sold for 30 yep and both of those so like this one sold within a few minutes and that one sold overnight yeah Zelda is just like that classic like everybody loves it y so the other one actually just got listed this morning that's in a whole big lot of games yeah we decided not to keep one cuz I didn't really play Zelda as a kid so you kep a lot yeah I didn't really need a Zelda okay I'm guessing oh right here the hobnail oh yeah so another little item this is not one that we'd probably pick up all the time unless it's like really cheap this is little just a little hobell perfume canister I don't know we paid a dollar it sold for 15 and it sold within a day so can't complain about that nope easy peasy another Nintendo 64 game it okay we know that this stuff sells super fast so not surprised that most of them have sold yeah okay this one's not a huge one this this little $13 Wrestlemania 2000 yeah I've never played this one before I got no input we got nothing else to say about I've never played it either so hopefully they enjoy it and uh happy birthday I know I was trying to remember her name I was trying to remember her name do you see it on there please uh let's see jeez man you got to find it we'll just pause right here and then you can start you got to find it so you can say oh are we still on yeah we're still on Happy Birthday Bella happy birthday to you happy birthday okay hope you enjoy it yes thank you so much Bella your boyfriend's amazing for telling us it's your birthday shout out boyfriend shout out boyfriend okay so we got that cat needle point cat needle point you know what I think I tucked that over here with the pillows oh you did yeah pillow plus here we go here we go this is just a really beautiful little needle point kitty cat pillow we have so many kitty cat lovers she was a keeper shelf sitter kind of it is a shelf sitter but she does not stand without assistance so I listed it as a pillow slash shelf sitter with assistance literally cuz she won't stand up anymore all right 99 Cents into 19 bucks on that guy in a day not bad okay this one's going to probably not be easy to find so this little pom pom P thing it's not skewed oh jeez it's not skewed cuz it's in the handbags oh it made it into the handbags it did it counts right it's a zipper pouch so it it it Ms that's special yeah okay so this isn't all you pickup yeah all this like San Rio vintage stuff like Hello Kitty type stuff sells pretty well so paid 50 cents sold for 19 bucks and like a couple weeks yeah yeah not too bad at all not bad all right the lon stained glass oh I love these so much so I actually had to debate on these two beautiful little loon stained glasses and we pick up a lot of stained glass pieces and have never seen these random little birdies like loons how much did they sell for babe uh those guys sold for for yeah 29 bucks plus shipping $29 so that was a good one it was good the people with the sale were precious too they had a whole Lon collection yeah they it was very sweet and awesome mhm uh we sold this little alligator guy okay uh how much did you pay for him I don't remember that guy I think he was a quarter a quarter okay sold for 10 bucks there we go not too bad I'll uh hand that to you and I'm going to go around this way and pick up the next item okay I'm going to drop these off yeah I'll meet you on the other side okay next item we got a Callaway polo shirt so okay so those are just going to be in the very front right here okay so it's going to be this little maroon guy okay yeah can't remember what we paid for we were in Arizona when we picked this up yeah they were very cheap we bought two of them at the same time new in the bags yep 23 bucks easy plus shipping easy busy not bad at all nope okay next one's this little Lily Pulitzer hat right here oh yes this is like one of my favorite yard sells from last year so this took like six months to sell maybe longer than six months but we only paid a dollar for this hat a dollar for this thing and it sold for 39 bucks $39 yeah new with tags and everything y new with tags just a gorgeous little sun hat yep we're down in the last item already that's the last one no we got one more okay that's fine how's that even possible look all of our 40 items fit almost almost in one toast this is unheard of you guys normally there's like tons of bins piled up on our Port this is going to be like the fastest shipping of 40 items ever I'm glad cuz we have a lot to do today okay last one's not too exciting so it's are really cool of clothes these are one of the cooler things yeah look at this things so these are Y2K which is just like early 2000s fashion basically made by chaps made by chaps and they just have these cool little they kind of look like bleached smilees right yeah they're bleached on there yeah did we pick these up at Goodwill uh I think so I think so too so that means we paid about 650 for these paid up for them a little bit but they sold for $39 easy peasy not bad not bad at all okay all right so that's it that's it all those items for man they there I'm just so happy they all fit in the thing the only that doesn't fit is that big boy yeah after shipping that lamp yesterday I'm happy about it not bad well hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I know we found a lot of cool stuff we sold a lot of cool stuff so thanks so much for watching guys yep and we'll see you soon with another video McDonald's Barbie set for three [Music] bucks right there this little St thing if I have the [Music] girls nice got the little kayak T [Music] Bo 50 cents I think you got a stag that [Music] no to with the cookie she makes concoctions of cookies yeah and then we have to taste them handles some chocolate each [Music] a
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 166,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: KTutPjcpBMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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