SOLOS OR SQUADS? 😎 | Escape From Tarkov #53

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[Music] marker sounds like what the hell we were all in you you're running in place on my screen so I stopped moving it was weird what'd you get I need that for a quest sick no sick no I just ruined that guy's whole reading I'm sorry pistol guy where was he is in the barbed wire fence heading towards this where he bunkers was he alone yep I just shot him in the face I mean really like I'm like oh hey we got a kind of a dick I'm looking dude am i you got somebody coming our way by heating from meeting play easy to count my posing I think if he comes this way I should be able to bang him no problem somebody's on the e bunkers somebody's on the Hermetic right now okay I killed him he's dead I don't know not see that guy sooner he's literally dead about like that big rock next to the bush damn it's like I'm moving towards him oh yeah he's right here it's real clear oh well we have yet a Mosin yes oh there's 34 out of 34 abs Matthew you hit him in the face I'll have [ __ ] Mosin dude coming this way from that side I haven't seen around the back of medic yet but okay he exploded this guy's head well you know he was aiming at you guys and I will not allow him to explode your head I don't think the average person is willing to spend 600 every three years on a console absolutely people would spend $600 every three years people spend 900 every year where is penis Mosin man those guys probably located m1a Oh get over here so fast you didn't I have no idea that's honestly pretty sketch there's no way he could have gotten over here so fast it's been three minutes I mean I guess I guess he could have but I'm just gonna glad he's dead not there anymore cuz that kind of sketches me out dude yeah I don't even know I killed him like a minute ago just do something you see me know are you where are you I'm going on the train yard no no no I'm looking at a different dude this guy's watch scablands terror do my beard become a dude okay that's me on top of clothes for medic so is he in the tower now look like you went to scablands okay yeah I mean it's found in raid unless he found it in some boxes luckiest Claire ever yeah that's possible you can't find him on boxes but I mean if he had marked room should I be I'm just not like I said I'm glad he's I shot him in the face yeah I'm not seeing this guys running around there somewhere I would like to move towards other marker and so I can get the dome wait the dude that I killed us in here oh sorry bro he's not sorry know what sorry shut the [ __ ] up okay my bad sorry dude supposed to be facetious bro yeah so you think this dude's over at the tower oh yeah he's in the tower right there in the tower right now coming out he's lagging down lagging down oh my god I'm gonna go right you go left is er which tower yeah would you get up you beat up a level 12 you should try hard more didn't just quit his job play if he did find check his ammo be their best PP take his bag no there was another guy I saw I think that might have been him I don't know let's get you to our marker and little postgame we take sixty Brown Meg nobody and don't crowd where you right now I'm shooting scavs at the back of scablands well like I am scablands shooting scabs out front I don't know this building called the GPU are in building a black Bishop yeah you're you're in front of us yeah I am you'll see me able to tank firefight going off upon white pawn it's past this building yeah I like your cross me right yeah that's something why pawn here switch boy freeze hold on I might have heard somebody crosses this side don't shoot me please yeah that's him okay okay what it heard you hey you're inside GPU room dude no I was looked I was killing scabs inside GP room from back here why am i oh [ __ ] I need to eat oh my god no I have to who died just forgot that either get some of that sorry I was like why am i dying I'm gonna go up inside a bishop right I'm gonna work my way to dumb yeah yeah like that like the little campers that I am all [ __ ] dumb camper ball Lowell are you going with clean yeah okay I need one more [ __ ] GPU for my class well get one then just just get one or head smells like mom oh my god oh I smell mmm I smell coffee what's that 380 series coming out I know soonish the summer there's a guy are you in this building no he's not he's in bishopric ok this I just heard would I hundred percentages her would in this close right window somewhere black fun there you are yeah the Martin yeah I heard what for sure we're on the Hermetic bunker behind it I can't see anything in there dude it's the sunshine dude oh you're by Pride Rock right now yeah yeah someone's someone's in there close to you Lupo that on that side I just went in on first dude okay did you clear the first floor I bet sure he's upstairs Oh looking for is that you nope nope nope no he's on second or second floor okay I got a super day he's done that for Infernus he he's just your front left he's in the med area yeah you could probably nade that and kill him he's probably healing right now yeah I hit him squarely just looking for me as a move ah yes she made me coffee let's go good players kept their armor on she's so sweet he's so sweet she's so great she's so Frank forty round pepper sketch she's surprised that I smelt it let's bully [Music] that's good you're all the way down at the end oh it's not even like even though 30 p.m. it's not even that like who did I'm gonna drink the whole cup of coffee it's just like I just love the tea me might be me you're behind your shirt I wonder you yeah sorry talk too much so how many PMC's do we kill so far I think I got three sleep oh you got two five six so there's probably three and PMC's left somewhere on the map night should be still around cuz markers open Artie he's got looted all this [ __ ] he could be around here Adam he looted this building you're on metal right yeah at least you're coughing somebody's coughing near me I'm third right now he's in sight you hear you hear I'm coughing no I'm third I'm gonna opening this balcony I'm on the roof I'm on the roof yeah he's he's second floor I think dude he's coughing I don't hear coughing just let me go quitter say there's somebody here for sure he's really [ __ ] up he's not coughing anymore did you say P case I think he's second floor second side of my building by the way yeah well I'm trying in a position to cover you then Chad you got that guy yeah soon happens I got the guy outside to worry about me okay you worry about second or first floor dude oh he's in this room second floor I don't have needs he's in this room holding the door you gotta calm him dude talk to him [Music] right in here coughing ready I don't know what the room looks like so it's like a server room you can open it yeah [Applause] he's right to the left think I got him is it whoo may not have meds or what I tried to blind fire him I don't know dude maybe he's like hungry or something maybe he needs a snack or at the shank out on his body if you go bud anyway no that was throw the homies yeah this is actually pretty good a room good loot in here Sam was a little peep sorry about that little peep we got a little boat I'm going back over to black Bishop right now yep I am going to spectate I think that's pretty much all the PMC's somebody's stuck cleaning with me that revenue that red bin by the sandbags next to the garage building I don't I'll just build things called stuck right behind it yeah that red bin right there next to suit oh okay and then there's another guy in white night I don't know where I just know he's in it ask a beggar not him okay we're a bunch of bullies given dirt naps to everybody dude Eva's in the best way mm-hmm you mean well right yeah let me [ __ ] them with respect you know yeah with respect with respect GG nerd yeah GP remarked that skills I'm getting extra points just to hit him twice you know somebody's running out really we both shot up at the same time I didn't know look I missed I missed I definitely missed you you got him shot I think all the PMC's are dead kill them all I'm running out to the helicopter right now okay giving you a heads up so you actually shoot me or purposely shoot me either way only if chap paid me and I'll give you half it'd have to be a lot it'd have to be a lot of money that honestly I'm not I'm not about to ruin our awesome gaming experience like that for passion yeah what do you find Hey lots of players gaps I think we're a bunkers e bunkers lost him okay got dark I don't think I saw any of them two of them I don't know the [ __ ] they went I think they're in the bushes I see one hold on he's dead by evanka s-- yeah they're in the field see the other one I don't see a damn thing he's gone the best part about this one we're good he's like brother the trench just oh I just saw him I'm the best part about doing this is that we get to loot all the dead scabs later yeah hey get all their random good loot uh-huh I say amen I know the [ __ ] he is he's just backed by where the APC would be I think one of them had a foul yeah he's got an SI 58 in his back that's what that is no he said he's dead good shots what scope using the Boris Boris good I'm getting it down a little bit yeah I mean at the end of the day it's like any scope is just preference in this game and once you like learn the scope and the lead that's all that really comes down to you're not even zeroing in oral yeah these are the tracers the reference is the way to go yeah my channel weighs tells me to zero but it always makes it harder the only time the only time you should ever zero is when you're using bolt guns because they're actually zeroed according for the scope and it's when like say if you want to see shoot all the way at that tower over there right like far far tower in you're marked and you want to hit that light zero at 200 meters and use the very bottom of the reticle at least on the boudu for me and it'll hit hit that every time on you have to see that far so I can't even test it man I don't know why it doesn't render for me I can't I can't see that I think you just need a longer view scope I'm on top of King by the way if you look down here after that oh I see you that's me you and the doc I'm in the dome alright you bow yeah you sure you shouldn't hit the switch response and widest somewhat some of the waiters asked I might be able to snipe him yeah if they spawn on her medic you can totally kill him I'll go with the bun for you thanks dude you know what to hear that that sweet sweet music mmm chant you ready yes I'll see what I said I'm getting down there I'm gonna loot some of those skills we got starting with starting with the to buy the sandbag see what they got good [ __ ] this one okay I feel like volume playing sharp top though she was like a different game from doing this yeah I mean I don't know why it's a lot safer [Music] helping each other sixes [Music] stand down [Music] potential lava to ask now even though we're doing good guys don't get complacent head eyes have it so does head Johnson let's see this guy but he's heard movement near me where are you Lupo where are you I'm by the red bin that we go you got it you got a crease Nikki Buki got him okay maybe that's why he's sneaking up on your ass man also the PMC highlight this and just call the video pub reserved bullies where's the scab that you killed that was creeping on me by E bunkers right by the alley I think it might have been an AI honestly so once you go through the alley go through the fences you should be you're right you're right also when you go through the bunkers there near the campfire there's a dead scam then FAL and then you get the guy that you'd pop I'll be able to buy the cake they had nothing I killed a man Pam where do I go from here do you shoot if you to the right like once you go through both defenses should just be like right to the right there on the health I can shoot him if you want three fences no I'm talking about after this guy looted this guy the cut the fire guy okay good okay go to the campfire shirt ahead I'll shoot his body for you oh I see that sparkle yeah one movement okay one yeah it might come in front of black night in a second I can't tell on the left side of it from you clean okay I'm trying to look all I can see is really towards the underground entrance I thought my readers like to hang out there is this you on top of white night no white night negative that is not a person don't worry about it it's all it's not a person okay it looks like a person at data and things looking like people and stuff damn steps I'm by the scab tower or whatever I killed escape here him a little I see you get the FL yes I was playing Scrabble and we wipe them down we will I feel like we wiped the whole server like before 30 minutes did I'm really seen or heard from anybody else Wow mm-hmm Oh hold on I think I got movement vitami up on the hill here potentially Apple maybe I can't hear with Joey that's not your fault I asked you to do it I'm scoping up the Helen see movement where do you think you hear it I'd like the path is closest to me I don't see anything good and I have a pretty good angle here I see nothing they just shot them but I'm just popping a couple scabs that's the shot so you heard did you heard those ended here and four is loudest [ __ ] yeah you black night yes nope I'm in the alley scavs one of these days this wallets gonna have something good in it I every time I find a wallet there's never anything in it at always ever F an empty like caustic nothing yeah it's like this scabs will have like 45 K rubles in his pocket but a wallet now managed broke this wallet broke-ass [ __ ] you just do to me no no no no no nothing ek that's enough white knight that's one white knight where'd you get shoved right now yeah I think yeah I think I actually just saw him third floor holy third floor he's third floor in the the room I'm running near you the poem near you oh hold on I almost had a Linus I don't eat this [ __ ] window do you do it did he peek the window he pick he picked the window that was right next to symbol oh my god I almost [ __ ] Bob me dude yeah I can't see [ __ ] in the windows not challenging that are you gonna wait till the oh please don't try and take a shot you might go to blue maybe I don't know see get an easy crowd yeah move it away nothing on this dude mouth sunshine pop out so I can see inside the building because science why you kill the scab worth looting probably not but I'll do it anyway I guess there's one next to me I'm gonna back up huh that sounded scary I'm going triggered it melt look the guy's okay there glitch out that's right yeah it's like it was coming forth in this way wait for it you know just what happe the chili entered the train station you know no you know what you don't want to get in there early good whoa he's shooting it I know he's shooting something right now I don't know if it money I'm gonna kill the player scammer something in there he's still in White Knight third for EMC no idea I even got another solid eye on him hey man okay what good is that EK r PK ak74 maybe something for you we're not kill this guy are you wait that's not I'm on the Hermetic bunkers looting these polluting these kills okay you five seven this guy up here clean we're up on heretic whoa you okay you good did I did it say it killed somebody with a five seven yeah up on here I'm a hermetic bunker early in the white and a rate Amy yeah yeah shut the guy on the side of the head yeah where is this player scab that you killed up here I'm looting the one I killed did you guys meet there yeah you said you killed one on no I didn't kill anybody out there this fight those lost those lunch last uh-oh I thought when we were sniping at him he killed one and I killed are they so no I think those a different rated okay Thomas he and your Raiders spawn and I'll pop her Hermetic I see nothing you shroud yep that's me you contain your readers anywhere well I think we're here I'd be getting blasted I'm just like revealing myself to the world when I kill this [ __ ] white knight shot at my friend's boy and go pay for that [ __ ] it was just weird like I don't know he must have been in he was I saw some muzzle flashes up there he's running out now two of them which way there there in between black and white night literally pinned two of them out in the middle in the open yeah out of the middle by the red a blue container orange truck he's [ __ ] pinned come on boy you can stay there my friends will kill you or I can just make it quicker boy yeah see he's just on the right side of the containers right side of the containers right next the truck I don't think he's moved you need right in front of that orange truck you'll kill his ass the one close you're not the one further too far too far too far where are you dating from so I'm still still too far too far a little closer I'll see you body right there it's the one that I killed he's still right behind that [ __ ] truck he's gonna be right to you directly IV in the container I don't know I'm sure your left loop oh this is me is me real close I don't have an AIDS yeah [ __ ] them yeah choo-choo - oooh - Justin game boy try dis all yet yeah but soap - nice nice 103 ki AAG I didn't even have to go 16 nope 303 in a kebab and he did would the other guy have a [ __ ] dust with him sky on the open ak5 was the boy let you get a kick fast chat goes pick it up I'm running down to you guys now okay you want some BT rounds and a pro Pat all that's pretty much all I had I'd oh I'm good like I said I'm early here just for the six Snipes and the experience literally I just said that in chat now now that they're late because while you're looting his channel looting his kale oh my god oh my god Luke Goblin Wow Reed calm down Chad Lupo's poor he needs that stuff okay whoa how we're all friends here we are just honest you know check the basement maybe the boss is not on I'll hang it out or someone regular breeki it's a lot of blood down here Oh totally normal just got Agron we're pins were looted some train yard find it but underground you are you at the tower right now it's clean yeah is a you little look ask me doesn't mean it's me okay you didn't have a helmet Ritter I'm like I'll [ __ ] it's another scam yeah you have a helmet on my screen either I love it when the gear doesn't render I'm invisible dick helmets have no Raider steroids in a row I'm ok with that a good thing I think yeah it's it's better than them every time I'm you know this is this wife in terms of regression feels the slowest out of any wife I've ever played all right yes inside the Train oh oh [ __ ] notice an aid box right here right yeah and it's empty that's why passive I'm here I'm here silence let's go look no respawn yeah sorry spud no everyone get back on bastard [Music] oh that might be the best calm in the game dude [Laughter] all right let's me last one for me though guys been off for 10 hours thanks for loving the game so it's really fun I gotta jump off to anyways but don't make funny cuz I'm poor clean [ __ ] you I can do a couple solos I can do a couple solos my favorite is my favorite way of playing this game is solo honestly it is it's really fun to play with friends but solos is definitely one guy my preferred I killed for the PMC's and the or skips a little peeps are little peep well quests am I on shooter born in heaven which is getting headshots this is a pretty good raid shooter bored in heaven which is getting headshots on four different maps from 100 meters headshots with the tremor effect that one's a little bit harder you have to kind of force that getting headshots on players with tremor is more of a forced thing unfortunately Oh killing rush aula I could do killing reshawna that's something I could do pretty easily just get like a kid at em before just go in and just [ __ ] know everybody down oh no it seems looted the hell is that noise that's what I heard scab okay the best way to use this gun is to get super close I needed to get closer than that I shot nice shot all right I could try to solo snipe maybe um solo snipe if I had to solo snipe where would I go what's what's would it be bad I had at one time Mosin man should've gotten closer mommy I tried to get closer but I tried try to get closer all right so I gotta get a hundred meter headshots where would you guys go if you had to snipe people in the head from a hundred meters away on woods where would you guys go spine dick head suicide I guess it depends on the time of day if it's super clear or not roughly a hundred meters away hey thanks I should have brought an AIDS oh well I will you think 100 meters you think 100 meter headshot would be perfect accuracy no drop I'm just trying to think if I need to aim at their head or not okay my [ __ ] him over here well it's not super clear zero in for a hundred and aim straight at their head I don't think you know how this works oh [ __ ] my bees get off I also hear Keter popping off over here I can't see anything though ash so dark so hard to see that's a little bit out of my sight here and force pretty sure that's cab boss oh my god that's a hard shot he just oh he just died - scab boss oh my god the scat boss right here just [ __ ] owned him holy [ __ ] let's try to creep up on the scab bus this is gonna be a dangerous [ __ ] game we're playing but if I pull it off it's gonna be glorious stupid AI you dumb as hell oh I'm so nervous the scab boss is a [ __ ] laser beam if he sees you you're dead the hell is he god it was so clear a second ago yeah Scott Voss ain't [ __ ] around if he sees you you're done though where is it what somewhere behind that woodpile I need to get around if I go to this rock I should be able to get an angle assuming he doesn't tell my goodness gracious that was very mean sir that wasn't very nice alright well that went right through my armor into my gut so how many [ __ ] this let me [ __ ] this boss up I think I can from right here what where is that not the boss I'm starting to wonder if that's just a player because I've never seen the scab boss venture that far that's like way out there god damn it Michael that might be a player that sucks there's a scav out here okay scout [Music] how weird is the painkiller look look on stream haha it probably looks so fun when you getting 100 meters knife would be so difficult huh usually when I do you know what I usually do actually when I do my hundred meter Snipes I usually get the quest I usually get the quest for the Mosin and then you need to like you need to kill people with a Mosin right that's usually when I do my hundred meter Snipes I combo with the kills with a Mosin you get a bunch of quests where it's just like don't kill this many things and with a Mosin and you're like okay that's usually when I do my hundred meter Snipes because it makes the most sense I see nothing I really did think that was the boss but not so much anymore I'm in a pretty bad spot but I don't care just want to see if I could see anybody anybody at all this quest is the worst I bet his view distance isn't set to 3,000 no it's not it's set to the lowest you use a lot of frames can i game froze hold on you lose a lot of frames going up she when I set it to a thousand ed it to a thousand I could see that far but when I scoped in it's nothing you know I said it to 1500 I still can't see anything but I could see it here mm still can't see anything 2500 still can't see anything see so doesn't matter if I said it it doesn't matter if I said it to 3,000 or not I literally can't I can't see that far so like I could turn this up but I bet you that doesn't do anything either see so I don't really know what to do doesn't matter what it's on kind of sucks you might have to do it before entering her aid I think I could try to just salt up for my game real quick kijima slap that for ya you could let me go restart my game real quick hello what if I change the scenes that doesn't make any sense why would that work why can't you guys see anything all right you see it just works like randomly it's just like oh here you go here's your game so weird how does that just randomly kicks into gear and it's like boom I hate this map who hurt you pants got red rebel how does everyone have red rebel okay so his buddy looted him dad Ben yeah I don't think anyone's left on the server I don't know I don't know why they would be I feel like I miss I missed all the action I missed all of the action there's so many dead players already it's crazy I think it's I think I just gotta leave I think all the actions done Zoo the best time the best time to get those head shots and those Snipes and those kills whatever is at the very beginning you kill somebody off their spawn that's [ __ ] up as it is but it's the best and easiest time to do it Wood dies really fast I'm starting to see that either people die or people leave I don't know it just seems like all the actions at the beginning and then everyone else is gone bummer the Jaeger session there somewhere streets at our comm man I can't wait for that map I'm so bummed it's so far away though we were we were told it was gonna be here but they're not ready they're not ready kilrush Allah and I need to buy a couple player oh that's right five five seven I need a kill Rishabha but I'm too lazy to swap weapons unless I kill him with my sniper okay should I just get CQC with my sniper and try to kill Josh Allah - just get in there it's possible not the hardest thing in the world [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 26,327
Rating: 4.7064219 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV
Id: AtHcyTaurgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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