Solo Overnight Doing a $25 Thrift Store Survival Gear Challenge In the Woods and Bacon Wrapped Steak

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[Applause] and we're sort of double bagging it because we don't know where it's been [Applause] uh all right that time again time for another solo overnighter in the woods and this one's going to be really different i'm going to work with a budget so get ready buckle up we're hitting a bucket list item let's do it this is a solo overnight building a thrift store kit something to that effect i went to a thrift store and i wanted to find a nice gear loadout or a good kit for 25 bucks or less and i made that goal with the exception of the food why because i have a bomb ass recipe that i want to share with you but 25 for a solo overnighter first thing on our list is our backpack it's from l.l bean and it belonged to drumroll miles paulie right there well i appreciate it okay so the next two items on our list is this knife and a container the knife right here is a kitchen knife it's cuisine de france um it's a full tang stainless steel knife and what i like best about it is that it's almost 3 30 seconds thick it's very rigid and the blade's really long i guarantee you i have no problem batoning with this if i need to but it's very sturdy and i'm going to enjoy this next thing on our list is a container now check this out this is a an actual clean canteen got it for 1.99 and the rubber seal is still intact stainless steel wide mouth bottle and i guarantee you i can boil with this just like i would any other wide mouth bottle so that's a steal 199. okay the next items we'll talk about here is our container and our utensil we got a standard stainless steel fork 59 cents nothing special but it's a fork we have two containers a stainless steel cup right here that i can use for a small nesting cup fits perfectly on my container check that out and we have our pot that i'm going to use to cook in 299 for the pot and 199 for our cup the next two items are the cordage and some duct tape or cargo tape this right here i believe was 299 and our cordage was 149 and this stuff right here is crap but it's 20 foot of all-purpose rope mixed polyester and rayon whatever the hell that is but i mean is it rope yes can i get something done with this can i tie things up yes like make a shelter yes the tape it's that silver highly reflective material but can i repair my gear or my tarp or even start a fire yes i can okay so this one right here was actually a good find it's a task force flashlight now the lumens are gonna suck because it's an incandescent light bulb however when i saw this one battery was flipped i flipped it back over and boom it actually works so if i had to walk at night or signal i can do that so i'm happy with this and being that's incandescent it has that reflective surface on the inside that emits the light so i got a plan for that later but 199. okay so the last couple items here i want to refer to as my shelter system my cover element first off we have the crappiest tarp in the world made by pro essentials 8 by 10 and it is that nasty really thin blue crap material and this right here was 2.99 and i guarantee the grommets are going to rip out it says has rust proof aluminum grommets well we'll find out um oh well next thing is this large blanket now this is an electric blanket but i can't plug it in anywhere and i chose this for two reasons it was the cheapest and the largest blanket that i could find and the price tag on this bad boy was i feel like i'm on the price is right um 2.99 so we can see the size difference on this this is a full size blanket here and i can wrap up in this and actually attempt to keep warm but we'll find out 2.99 and the last two things were two regular 44 gallon garbage bags and i tossed these in here i have a whole roll at my house we're talking 10 cents if you want to charge me so all of this excluding the food was under 25 bucks now let's go ahead and get all this gathered up and make use out of it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right this tarp is cheap af but we have enough material here we have our bedding and i could actually stake this down if i need to and actually create a improvised tube tent that will facilitate water runoff on both sides as well as keep me off the ground and contain some body heat so that aspect it'll work out well but i'm thinking we flap this back over [Applause] onto our back wall and we're sort of double bagging it because we don't know where it's been then we utilize this rock face over here for our fire and bump that heat around us all night all right so all this gear was bought at a thrift store and it has not been cleaned and who knows how long and there's been several people touching all over it and you know doing their thing so what i want to do is go down to the creek and light a fire and then in a sense fill all these containers up with water and then go ahead and disinfect everything prior to actually cooking or drinking out of it [Applause] foreign okay so real quick in a nutshell per the cdc when you're in the back country the number one way to disinfect water meaning render inert or kill the viruses bacteria protozoas and parasites is to simply boil the water we want a rapid rolling boil for one minute at elevations less than 6500 feet and that's where we're at so we collected our water now we're gonna make a fire and to do that i'm thinking we break open our flashlight access that parabolic mirror now up there on the way down we stopped and we collected some punk wood or punky wood this right here is nothing more than wood that has a fungus on it that has started the decomposition process we're going to take some of that place it inside that parabolic lens angle it towards the sun and try to create an ember i can then transfer that ember into a bird's nest or a tinder bundle then blow it in the flame add my fuel and disinfect my implements and boil my water and there you go took about a minute and a half just like that [Applause] all of our cooking implements and containers are disinfected now there's one more thing i want to disinfect and that's that blanket it's been sitting inside the thrift store goodwill for who knows how long and used by or subject to who knows what imagine putting a black light across that thing you'd be like damn anyway i'm thinking we're going to use the sun it's called sun washing lay it out for about 35 to 40 minutes per side and the sun the uv light is actually going to kill any type of bacteria microscopic critters dust mites and eliminate some odors as well okay so i'm going to say about 30 to 45 minutes and we'll come back here and flip it to the opposite side and then another 35-40 minutes we'll come back and we should be good to go so i'm over here at the creek bed getting ready to transport some of these coals over to the campsite so i can start my fire and i look down in the creek and there's an old nasty views views lighter it's busted open all the fluids gone but what i'm thinking i'm wondering is that the flint still works inside here there's sparks right there all right so now that i have spark i have basically a mini ferro rod inside here a ferrochem rod and i got an idea for this let's go back to the campsite get our fire started and then we'll make some char material just like that part two if you like what you see here please do my favorite hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download their free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop bacon wrapped rib eye or how to die in the woods corporal style actually truth be told on this i stole this recipe from salty dog outdoors or kevin baxter our campmaster at the pathfinder school check him out on youtube salty dog outdoors once again that salty dog outdoors got the butter garlic you just smell that chunk of ribeye and bacon oh man melts in your mouth tell you what be back in about 30 seconds see you soon okay so coming out here without matches or a lighter was a big mistake and it sucked but we still managed to get an ember using our parabolic lens from our flashlight now there's no sun and tomorrow there might not be sun because it might be a cloudy day do i want to carry embers around with me and feed them all day all night until i get to my location and set up or risk not having the sun or trying to get the sun or a sliver of the sun trying to use that parabolic lens again i don't want to so i want to think about my next fire and i want that fire to be as easy as possible now we found this broken lighter but it still sparks so i want to create some char material the exact same way that i went with char cloth we have our punky wood that we found earlier or a punk wood i'll place it into my container take my nesting cup place it on top of that container then simply throw it in the fire once it chars it's deprived of oxygen and it will take the weakest spark say something from a broken lighter so let that burn all the way down and then remove the bottle leaving the lid on and let it cool down to where you can touch it and then we'll open her up and see if the char worked and we do that by getting a small piece out and see if it will take that spark [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so basically this is a large piece of char cloth but it's charred material it's a lot easier to get my second fire somewhere else like this versus trying to use that parabolic lens or create a bow drill oh man that food was outstanding got our dishes done made some char material for our next fire now someone's gonna say you could have just bought a pack of lighters i could have but two things one they didn't have it at the uh goodwill imagine that um and two i wanted something challenging and we learned something in the process i got to show you char material and creating an ember with a parabolic lens and then a broken lighter for my next fire um if you kill yourself making fire the first time you want that second time to be easy peasy lemon squeezy this shelter right here is the perfect setup there's no rain in the forecast so i'm not worried about anything it's not a cloud in the sky not for the next two or three days that rock face right there is pushing that heat right on top of me and i'm starting to sweat just laying here so a fire that size a full step away from me uh it's insane right now that's the perfect setup we've got our browse beds we're off the ground we'll talk about this shelter in the morning but i'm happy 25 and we got a thrift store overnight kit complete with a backpack so that's pretty cool it opened my eyes like i said even came out with a flashlight so i'm happy with this probably like 20 lumens but that's old school man i mean i'm happy with this yeah i can dig it man and a clean canteen container it's not a 32 ounce it's probably like a 24 but i'll take it and a nesting cup nice this knife though i've already said it once loving this bad boy right here so other than that i'm gonna lay here enjoy my fire um for now 20 minute videos are here to stay i'm getting 10 to 12 minute watch time on a 30 minute video and we're getting 10 to 12 minute watch time on a 20 minute video so if you think about it and do the math it actually helps me on a 20 minute video so for now we're going to keep that but i thank you for all your support i appreciate it um on that note i'll catch you all in the morning but that's a lot better sleep than in the junkyard oh man that small fire right there that actual wall pushed that heat on me all night keep it small and i was good to go that time so death wish coffee must not work because i'm still breathing okay let's talk about our shelter nothing special at all but it was a 25 thrift store overnighter we got an 8x8 crappy tarp two trash bags a backpack a pot fork container an actual clean canteen uh wide mouth bottle nesting cup flashlight what else did we get here duct tape and all of it fit into my backpack and it worked out well the tarp was actually big enough to where i could actually arrange it into a improvised tube tent style tint in the woods if i needed to yes the ends would be open but those emergency tube tents where you just hang them up and it's more like a triangle i could do that right here and shed the rain so i'm happy with that 25 bucks for an outstanding overnighter and there you go solar overnight building a 25 thrift store kit always outstanding and more great things to come with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one on my amazon influencer page and two myself reliance outfitters influencer page if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] [Music] what you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 558,907
Rating: 4.9462657 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Doing a $25 Thrift Store Survival Gear Challenge, corporals corner, step 2, steve wallis, camping with steve, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, camping in the woods, survival challenge, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, overnight in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, walmart survival challenge, building a shelter in the woods, thrift store camping
Id: E0TqnWCuj1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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