Solo Overnight Using Old School Military Gear and Bacon Chili Mac With Campfire Smoreos

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all right so we're looking like a broke ass snoopy house in the woods yes all right that time again time for another solo overnighter in the woods this video right here i want to piggyback last week's video last week was titled solo overnight building a sandbag shelter in the woods it was outstanding if you weren't notified and didn't see it you're not alone surprise surprise go back and check that bad boy out it was outstanding all right this video here i'm rolling with old school military gear get ready okay so here we are we're at our shelter location now this is my third set that i'm working on i have two complete sets and this one's about 85 percent complete i've been piecing this together from ebay goodwills swap meets flea markets things like that also a few dealers that are on ebay that have new old stock so someone's looking at this going that stuff looks new he's never used it moles you're right i've never have used this set and it's about 30 years old brand new because it's called new old stock google that so we're rolling with our medium sized alice pack 2 core container e-tool our 782 gear or deuce gear or y harness we have our two quart canteens animal pouches butt pack or aspect and most of the accessories that go with it so get ready we're going to get a shelter half or military pup tent right over here and get her done okay so if you want in-depth review of this gear i have two videos just google that corporal's corner military gear old school gear alice pack 782 gear and both those videos are going to come up now i bought this shelter half set used and by looking at it i can see that's missing pieces already we have eight tent stakes usually you have 10 or 12. sometimes they're green sometimes they're orange you have six poles and we have all six and two shelter halves now real quick how this worked each marine had one half three poles and between five and six tent stakes okay so to drive our stakes in the ground we'll use our e-tool now the e-tool is a standard usgi digging shovel but it's a whole lot more we have our indentations or serrations on here which allows it to be a chopper we can fold it down into a minecrafty pickaxe from here folding it all the way down it becomes our hammer and last but not least but most important the nco stool or seat take this flap here you see there's a hole right there that's right though go ahead and take this flap and place it over top of this one it sort of shingles it like a roof and then we're going to go ahead and snap all the buttons in place and boom there it is okay so there's more than one way to do this i'm going to show you the most efficient light flat button that seam one and done okay grab three tent stakes pick a side any side stick it down one two three okay now grab one tent pole i'm gonna run it through my grommet on both sides and grab the material and pull that side flop it over [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so one thing that always piss me off is these things never fit all the way inside if you pound them in and then try and take them off the metal male end always seem to twist off and then you're duct taping the thing out the field and it's just a nightmare [Applause] all right so we're looking like a broke ass snoopy house in the woods but we can fix that we have one guy line i need two so i have to improvise one we also have eight tent stakes instead of ten so i gotta improvise two of those but once i stake out the wings and pull this bad boy tight on both ends we should be looking outstanding so all they've done here is if you look there's an existing loop right here that we just ran it through so to improvise one all i'm going to do on my opposite end is create a bowline and then create a running bowling by passing the end all the way through it should work out just fine [Music] so at whatever spot i choose i'm just going to rotate it over and then walk it up that line and pull it through that creates our marlin spike hitch place my spike or in this case my tent stake inside tighten it down and now i can stake it in right here [Music] and there you go home sweet hell okay so the last thing i want to talk about is rain runoff this is cotton canvas and there's that smell once you smell it you never forget it now for the most part these things are waterproof okay the issue was on the inside if you were to brush or rub against it for a long period of time you start getting seepage so a lot of people what they would do is dig a trench or a moat around the tent watching where the slope is where it meets the ground just dig out a trench so the water will actually facilitate here coming down fill that moat or trench and work its way around the tent so we're gonna do that as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box that's what we're talking about right there okay so i'm thinking we forego the berm on the inside because this is looking like it's pretty much sealed up and the tent falls into the trench so it facilitated water runoff and the water will flow around us i can dig [Applause] nco af chow time [Applause] boom it's almost like christmas time just so excited okay so talk about downtime and the one thing the marine corps prides themselves on is hip pocket classes so just when you think you have some down time you're gonna sit down take a nap relax bust out some unappropriate reading materials and all of a sudden you're called back and your free time or your downtime is absorbed in a hip pocket class it's nothing more than a period of instruction a teaching moment if you will and we're shooting from the hip pew okay pew pew pew so let's have a hip pocket class on mre dates now this one right here came out of a box and it says they packaged these mres in 2018 may of 2018 with an inspection date of may 2021 now despite what your recruiter told you or your drill instructor or hearsay mres are good for three years and three years only now can you eat them 25 years later sure you can take that risk but they're only meant to last three years there's one authorized mre site once again it's mre has all the information from the us government and it stays right on there three years okay so that rumor laid the bed or put the rest let's talk about the dating and how to date these and know that you're eating one that falls within that three year range now once you open this up [Applause] every item in here will be stamped with a date code and the date code consists of four numbers the first number is the actual date so let's say 2018 the first digit should be an eight the next three digits are nothing more than the day of that year like the 100th day of 365 days makes sense so it said 8100 it is 2018 on the 100th day okay so these peppermint candy rings have a date code of 80 30 2018 and 30th day of that year okay makes sense so someone's going to say aha got him how do we know it's not 2008. instead of 2018. well glad you asked that question the website i gave you shows two ways to date mres first off the date codes second if you don't trust the date code you refer back to the packaging every decade at a minimum every five years but usually every decade the packaging changes things are added things are taken away mre shows you every single packaging from the dark dark brown years 1995 all the way up to the current so the important takeaway is one mres have a shelf life of three years can be eaten longer you have to inspect it to make sure two there's two ways to date the mres the date code itself and the packaging right now somebody's triggered af they're like chili mac where's the bacon come on bro got you [Applause] covered if you like what you see here please do my favorite hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell once you in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when new videos drop [Music] gum coffee crushed red pepper sugar salt matches instant coffee and no tabasco that's an american af [Applause] that's disappointing tell you what but don't mean nothing not a thing you know why i got it covered corporals emergency tabasco like my boy king says keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the world will turn 1997 baby oh man corporals bacon chili mac mre dudes bacon chili mac right here corporal style catch you all on a few so the mosquitoes get kind of bad out here and at some point i want to light that fire so i kind of drive them out of here but first we got some time so time for another hip pocket class and this one's going to be on basic land navigation okay we'll kick this off this is a suunto mc2 compass it is a base plate compass why because it's a plastic base plate where the bezel ring sits on top now first thing i want to do is i want to look down at my compass and i'm going to notice that on my base plate there are two plastic lines or tick marks that are on the base plate one right here and then one directly below it right here think of back to the future the top one tells you where you're going or your azimuth the bottom one tells you where you were or your reverse azimuth okay so the next thing you want to look down you're going to see a white ring that's called a bezel ring there's a series of tick marks all the way around it those tick marks are your degrees and every single tick mark is worth 2 degrees all right so lastly before we kick this bad boy off we're going to look into our bezel ring we're going to see a lot of stuff going on in there we only care about two things one a floating needle that's red and black we only care about the red portion the red portion is our magnetic north the second thing we want to worry about is a red hollow arrow this is called the shed or the doghouse so if i say put red in the shed or the dog in the doghouse or the needle in the doghouse all we care about is that red portion lining up perfectly centered inside of that hollow red arrow okay so now with that basic understanding and that knowledge the main purpose of a compass is to walk a straight line i want to create an imaginary straight line that i can walk on and then turn right back around and use my reverse azimuth and come right back now let's put all the things we talked about together i'm facing this direction and i know it's west it's exactly west so looking down at my bezel ring i'm going to put the w on that tick mark that's on my base plate i'm now going to stand up and i'm going to take my index finger and thumb on both my hands i'm going to hold the back of the compass like this i'm going to keep it perfectly level and look straight down i'm then going to rotate my body until that red portion of that needle is perfectly centered inside of my hollow arrow my tick mark of my base plate is pointing that direction w is right underneath it so i know now that i'm facing exactly on a west line okay so we're facing due west if you're looking at the numbers on your bezel ring that's 270 degrees so i'm facing an imaginary line or an azimuth of 270 degrees and i want to take all of this that i see and i want to narrow it down to about an eighth inch and create that imaginary line that we talked about by using our compass so to do that i'm going to raise my hands up like a pistol keeping my compass straight and level i'm then going to tilt that mirror down until i can see the reflection of that bezel ring and that red inside the shed was horizontally in line with my eyeball so i'm still locked into the 270 degrees i'm then going to look through an oval window right here and see a v-notch and side an object out there in the woods once i see a tree or a rock or something in that v-notch i can close my compass and simply walk to that object and i know i'm walking a straight line or an azimuth of 270 degrees or due west okay we're walking we're walking we're walking we realize this is no longer fun i want to go home i don't want to turn around and wander through the woods that's how you get lost if the top tick mark tells us where we're going and the bottom one tells us where we were that's our reverse azimuth so 270 i look straight down here and i see 90. all we're going to do is dial our bezel ring to 90 degrees to our top tick mark rotate my body around keeping the compass level getting that red in the shed or that needle in the doghouse and do the exact same thing extend my arms tilt my mirror look through that oval window slide an object out in the distance and i can now walk my reverse azimuth of 90 degrees back to my start point okay so that right there is basic compass use there's a whole lot more but that's just the basics the purpose of a compass is to walk a straight line you know the top tick mark on your base plate tells you where you're going or your azimuth the bottom one tells you where you were your reverse asmuth you now can shoot an azimuth by rotating your bezel ring to the number or direction that you want to go and you can also lock that magnetic needle or that red portion into the hollow arrow or shed guaranteeing you you're walking that imaginary straight line when you're done you can turn back around using your bottom tick mark or your reverse azimuth by dialing that to the top when you go out you walk out you can walk back [Applause] all right 8 27 pm about 30 minutes of light left and then darkness will fall it's going to keep it short and sweet my usual thank you to all my old subs all my new subs i appreciate every single one of you and i love every single one of you the past four weeks have been rough on youtube i've been bombarded by people telling me getting to the point where it's wearing me out that they're being unsubscribed they can't find the videos i'm out of their feeds they weren't notified i know and there's nothing i can do about it except sit here and keep toiling so i'm asking you just keep doing what you're doing watch my videos all the way to the end sharing with everyone everywhere get me back to the top of that playlist and as always show youtube that you want corporal's corner because having a hard time understanding that and we're going to give them corporal's corner regardless [Music] okay so it's summertime and we rarely do dessert on my channel so i got thinking families are going to go out get the kids out so it's time for corporal to introduce you to the smorio get a large marshmallow cook it to your liking get an oreo cookie carefully break it apart take your marshmallow place it inside and enjoy that gooey nastiness slash awesomeness okay so here we are inside of our shelter obviously enough room in here for one person and their gear or two people cramped up with their gear this thing measures about seven and a half feet so you can put your gear in the back or the front and get two people in here so it is what it is it was used for decades and it still works so it's the kind of thing where you're doing it for real you hate it and then you get out and for some reason you're drawn back to it kind of like that smell once you smell it you can't unsmell it but then you remember it i don't know weird psychology thing i don't wanna go down that rabbit hole anyway um is what it is so i'm here it's 10 o'clock and catch you all in the morning oh scary hmm hmm yep tastes like crap hammered crap with dirty socks oh god yeah let's talk about this shelter old-school military gear cotton canvas shelter half two shelter halves made our military pup tent from there we dug our trench around it to facilitate water runoff there was no rain in the forecast yet here we are and it worked out well the inside was dry so water is running off of this and i'm happy with that um grounds nice soupy muddy mess and inside was dry we dug our fire pit um nothing special just a hole in the ground and it worked out well from there we went to our mre talked about date codes from there we had a hip pocket class on land navigation and from there we went ahead and had our delicious dessert called the smorio nice night different from the usual builds but got the old school gear out here in the field and enjoyed ourselves so next week i got something big coming so stick with me and there you go solo overnight using old-school military gear just goes to prove once again if it ain't broke don't fix it with that all the gear my videos can be found in two places one of my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do a favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell once you read that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 1,015,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Using Old School Military Gear, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, camping in the woods, camping with military gear, alicepack loadout, military pup tent, 782 gear loadout, ovenight in an emergency shelter, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in the woods, joerobinet camping, best military tent for camping, best gear for camping, camping with steve, step 2, steve wallis
Id: fm1O-YG5CSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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