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welcome back everyone ZF here to yet another video on Soul leveling rise in today's video we're going to go over the battlefield of time and we're going to challenge baruka one of the most annoying battles yet I'll give you every single tip and trick IO for this battle and don't worry my build is honestly very freet topl as you can see we're using a very wide range of hunters and two weapons everyone should have but first off congratul ation to Ali they were the first comment on our last video so remember if you the first comment on any video we upload I'll be sure to give you a shout out so congrats to Ally you are the first commenter and enjoy your exclusive Discord rooll now my build for this run is very easy to use there is one skill you have to use to make this very simple you want this right here vertical arts and you want the fire Rune you honestly must use this otherwise you will have a very difficult time there aren't really many alternative cus you could use black hole that being the Commander's touch it is an option but really you want to use vertical Arts with the fire Rune that's your best bet and for your second skill for my build you won't be using a second skill you'll only be using it on the boss battle that's why I chose cutting rush it gives me a 20% critical damage boost for 12 seconds and you can use it again because the skill resets itself so it's a very good option I didn't pick any other skills because this one is super easy to get off that's why I chose it you can use other skills that do provide Buffs that's totally up to you but I suck with these two skills they work the best for me now looking at a blessing Stones you do have a lot of options one you have to use would be weakness detection giving you a 12% damage bonus to any Target that has an elemental weakness super super simple you also want the boss giving you an 8% boss damage increase it does increase our coold down of Dash by a fair bit but that's not important you really won't be using them too much other blasting Stones you can go for would be the double-edged sword you can also go for blood lust but one I do personally recommend would be this blessing Stone here that I don't have myself which is super annoying my RNG for unlocking things in this game has been awful so Reawakening this one is amazing it reduces the cool cool Downs of all your skills by 12% super super useful we use skills in every instance of this battle so it is very important to lower your cooldown now speaking of lowering your cooldown if we go to Sun Jin Wu and we go to his artifacts these are the best ones I recommend you want to go for a straight toughness set as you can see mine aren't special and something you should note correct me if I'm wrong it doesn't matter what your artifact stats are when you go into the battlefield of time it does do it include your stats just your set bonuses advancement level stuff like that again I could be wrong but that's what I've heard multiple times if you know any information about this Drop it Down Below in the comment section because I'm very curious if anyone has cadus or if they have a knowledge base regarding these sets and speaking of sets I go for the concentration of Firepower another fantastic artifact to use not only does it reduce the coold down of our basic skills it also increases the damage damage increase effect to 18% so the user damage dealt by a total of 18% a very simple artifact to use an instant buff it is a must use for this run in my opinion now going back for our weapons I believe that's all that's left let me hop back to S jinu we have the Demonic Plum flower sword and also the orb of aest these two are a must for this battle and I'll show you why we use over vus it is super freeto play friendly and everyone should have a few dupes of this it is the best fire weapon in the game and the reason why I say that is because not all of us will have dupes of Vulcan rage no one really should be aiming for this that's why we use AIS with the dupes we get naturally it becomes a phenomenal weapon and the skill is super super strong basically nukes a Target so it is perfect for baruka and that mini boss we faced early on and the reason why I use Plum is because of all the bonuses that applies and also does Wipe the enemies which I'll show you shortly we do have the plum effect here providing us a stacking critical damage increase of 12% you should get at least two of these off meaning a 24% bonus and also full bloom giving us an attack and crit rate bonus super good and lastly if you have plummet A1 it provides us a 32% skill damage increase which is a must using this of revivus gives us a ton of damage which do has let us completely nuke the boss in one shot I don't believe anyone else use this method this is something I kind of came up with myself just because I realized with Plum the clear is super easy to do and for hunters I'll show you which ones you can use but let's go to the battlefield time I'll show you right there let's go to game modes press this button here and we're going to hop in and as you can see I am currently number one and actually I forgot I can claim our WS here so don't forget to do this we were actually ranked number one in group and overall rank last time I am actually trying now to get rank number one just because I really want that Crown reward so we got 50 traces of Shadow an insane reward that's going to be super beneficial and I should be yeah in the top three I plan on getting number one for this as well so I should be in the top three no matter what so yeah by it looks of it I should be unlocking this Crown that's why we all do it we all want this crown on our profile it doesn't do anything it's just literally a drip factor so as we start you have a lot of options for your Hunters you can use someone like Emma she boosts our fire damage let me show you here so we have heat absorption and heat emission increasing our defense penetration by 7.77% same for our fire damage duration for 20 seconds very good I also use cha she's a decent Choice she gives us a crit rate and crit damage R by 12% and as well we all know how good he is a 15% damage Shen increase super super good you can also use liora you can use Troy you can use yunu these are all good options anyone that provides a damage increase to the Target or a defense penetration amount or a lower defense amount any of those effects work those are ideal so look for hunters of those you can also use silver main yunu he provides an attack buff super super good if you so man Yun who there are some other methods you can use to the battle that might make it even faster but with my method you can use any hunter honestly any hunter that Buffs Jin Wu will be absolutely perfect for this battle so let me see that should be everything we need we have our artifact sets we have our skills we have our hunters and for your shadows just put digress at the front and any other combination of those Hunters doesn't really matter what you put here I use iron end blades didn't make a difference for me swapping between and artifacts don't really matter too much just make sure you have these for jinmu it provides the best benefit so let me show you what the battle looks like and I'll show you my record-breaking run so when the battle starts you basically want to start running in as fast as you can and you want to position yourself somewhere around here I'll show you some tricks as well but what you want to use is vertical Arts I'm just showing you an example this will clear all the enemies here including the crystal so I'll show you that in just a moment all right so I'm going going to use this replay to show you exactly what you should do in this battle it is super simple once someone does explain it to you you'll see how you can do it yourself so when we start we're going to just start dashing and running as fast as possible towards the middle here you want to position yourself somewhere here and I know it's very hard to get the vertical skill off because the game does auto aim and it does annoy me to no end so as you see here I actually use our aiming mechanic so it is right click on your mouse I don't know what it is for the GamePad but basically you want to aim at this target here so I'll show you exactly why we aim at this target so as we play you'll see I'm going to jump up in the air I'm going to end up hitting all these targets and also the new ones that spawn so you see here the new ones are about to spawn and those die too and the blue stone in the middle pops up as well this goes away as well that's why vertical Arts is so overpowered for this run run you clear one wave two waves and this wave here that being the Crystal and then what you want to do is position yourself right here in front of this Landmark right over here the reason why you want to do that is because you want to use Plum and I'll show you exactly why so I'm going to position myself and wait I'm going to dash so I get the full boom effect and as I use Plum skill you'll see it completely clear all the enemies very very easy boom bam every single one of them were cleared by just using Plum skill and now what you want to do is either just use the average skill sometimes I do Dash forward just so I don't miss it does often times aim to the side by accident which is super annoying so I might Dash forward here I walk forward there we go and I'm going to use the average skill and one reason why I do use Plum is because it's very food playay friendly everyone should necessarily have one copy even one more dup of it so two copies total because is at the A1 bonus as I mentioned earlier it provides a 32% skill damage boost meaning with your a you're about to onot the I self Guard Captain you'll see here a very easy clear one shotting it is super easy and if you don't D worry it's not the end of the world just start Auto attacking it but don't use Shadow step that'll be a waste just Auto attack and until it does die you can even use one of your skills even the one that resets by itself The Cutting SL one it provides a crit bonus so why not but overall that battle should be easy the hard part comes of baruka he is the most annoying boss we face now in the beginning you have a lot of options honestly we are waiting for our skills to reset their cool down so there isn't too much you can do here you can get hit you can fail to dodge any attacks you can basically do whatever what I do recommend is tab in your Hunters that is a must you can also use your shadows for some damage I recommend waiting and also use cutting slash to get that critical damage buff in so you see here I'm just going to walk forward start Auto attacking I don't even bother dodging this there's really no point because if I do Dodge this I'll have to waste my shadow step and I do want to save it so you see here now I'll Dodge but I'm not using Shadow Su right away I'm just Auto attacking and I'm stacking all our Hunter's effects I do want to wait for all these to stack because we're waiting for Plum skill to come up for the bonus damage to apply and again I'm going to wait last minute to use Shadow step I don't want to use it too early so I use it there I sumon my shadows and I'm going to start attacking and using the cutting SL skill to get the 20% crit damage buff and I'm going to use our last Center Chaw here if I don't forget there we go she's about to come up or did I not use Chaw at all interesting I cleared this whole battle without using Chaw so that is user error so I'm just going to go back it's funny how much you miss when you're in the Heat of the Moment so you should use all your Hunters they do provide damage and a buff to you don't do what I did so once you get Shadow St off it's very easy you're just trying to burst baruka as fast as possible and you do want to try to catch baruka when he is using his skill that way he doesn't use that one skill I'm sure everyone knows where he becomes invulnerable and we can't do damage to him but he goes up and Deals a 10 of damage to a super annoying that kills the run you do have to reset if he does that so that's that's why we kind of wait to use Shadow step and as he Cycles through more skills and you don't want their HP to drop too much because once it reaches I believe around 70% he uses that annoying skill so you don't want to wait for that as you see we're just bursting him as fast as possible before I use that skill I'm going to use avus and there we go super easy method anyone can really do this clear it's not that difficult obviously if you just start a game you're not going to get a very fast speed run no one can it's not that easy but with this build even if you are free to play it should be very simple to do given you have the right mechanics and a certain amount of dupes for aest for example only one of Plum is needed that way you'll have a very easy time and if you want another method let me know down below I do know other methods using Westwind and also the grimoire so let me know if you want that lots of choices this is the one I preferred it's super easy to clear the initial mobs and Bara is just as is easy so this is why I recommend this method I have a feeling a lot of you will find this method very very successful so if this guy did help you drop a like be sure to subscribe for more Soul leveling rise content and drop a comment down below if you have any inputs or concerns that's all I had for you today this was zap signing out
Channel: Zaff
Views: 21,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise power of destruction, guide, code, tier list, reroll, shadow, stats, jinwoo stat, build, power, jinwoo, hack, meilin
Id: I711inP0nV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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