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what's going on everybody welcome back to another SLA video all right guys we're going to be talking about something that many of you have been asking me to do for a while now I did make a video back in Early Access now we're going to update that video and give you guys a little bit more data and we're going to talk about who the best Breakers are now real quick before I do this what is the purpose of break well the break bar that exists on many of the bosses are there for a reason whenever you break it number one you do of course stun them but number two you actually do more damage during that break part now I did make a whole I guess data spreadsheet SL video about how much damage the actual artifact set does and if it actually does work so in fact it does work guys this set does work really really well and the break bar does exist so there are two different types of break bars there's one break bar that happens once and then goes away the entire fight and that effect will still last the entire fight after it does happen then there's a second type of break bar which will actually come back and you'll have to rebre it again so we're going to do a little bit of an analysis and test to see who is actually the best breaker in the game because before it was pretty solidified with Beck being the best breaker I and jno being number two I think now we might have a little bit more competition and I'm going to show you guys what I'm talking about okay so we're going to go into game modes and I'm going to show you guys a couple of the breakers that I'm going to use so we are actually on the let's go to reverse on the Vulcan fight here now this is a great example because Vulcan here has a ton of HP I won't be able to kill him but he has a break bar that I can actually break for you now going to show you guys a few different Breakers okay so we're going to go ahead and start off with just one breaker at a time um no matter who I put in here guys just so you guys are aware I'm going to be in the red if you guys can see here my top three units I'm still going to be in the red so it doesn't matter every stat is going to kind of break down here and I am fighting Vulcan so this is on reverse mode and my whole goal here is to show you guys who in fact can break now I'm going to just tell you guys this now ahead of time saw and Emma are out of the equation um I use them more of DPS I consider them more DPS you can definitely put a Brak set on the the two of them Emma will still not be the greatest breaker there so she's not even on the list of of top Breakers but she is incredible at everything else she does Breaking is obviously a smaller part of her kit which still does decently well and then saw you can put a Brak set but quite honestly I run her with crit set so I'm going to give you guys couple other options here so let's go ahead and look at a few different Breakers right now we're going to go with n Beck and for the sake of it let's go with someone that a lot of people have been sleeping on and that is going to be ginch yeah so he has been buffed guys quite a bit now real quick before I go into this just so you guys are aware her actual skills are A10 now when she hits A1 her break Effectiveness does increase by 20% just so everyone is aware of that that will obviously like amplify her damage when it comes down to Breaking if you look at gin Chul as a matter of fact he's got a crazier one the effects of meditative power change increases break effect by 100% and can be used up to three times however in increases the cool down by 2% so this is going to be pretty crazy for breaks okay and then lastly we have Beck here now I don't have a one back oh sorry I do have a back I don't have A2 back A2 back actually does also receive a 20% bonus here for breaking but a lot of you guys who are freeo playay players may not have any of these units like everybody should have gin Chul obviously because we we got him for free after 7even days including his weapon and this why I've been telling people stop melting weapons because you will in fact get Buffs once in a while he's getting buffed yet again right so um so we're going to show you guys these three let's start off with this and I'm going to show you guys who is the best breaker so just real quick as a side note uh she does uh n has an advantage here with water so you may see a little bit more breaking power from her for that but I can promise you guys you'll be pleasantly surprised overall at how much she actually does break okay so let's go ahead and show you guys two of her skills for breaking so we'll start off with the freeze skill okay so we'll just normal okay here's first skill one whole bar almost okay ready two and a half bars almost okay and then we'll go her basic attack you guys can see her core actually does do pretty good breaks as well too right so again one B one one two three insane amount of breaks right there and then just her core attack now her basic attacks don't do any breaks just so everyone's aware all right so so there's that one so you guys can see here her second first skill does about one bar her second skill does 2 and A2 all right and very fast animation then we're talking about also the ability to freeze which is a bonus now let's go here and try somebody else real quick okay we're going to try to now they all have the break outfit on by the way or the Break um armor on so the artifacts are all break for all three of these guys okay next up we're going to use Beck okay same scenario first skill not looking to too good not looking too good now of course there is an advantage here right because of water but now he has basic attacks that also do breaks and again he is also set up with the artifacts the same they all set up with the exact same artifacts all catering to their strength so he's defense n is HP uh Gul is defense okay you guys can see here though X breaks aren't even looking too good even with that 20% increase he's not doing as much as n so believe it or not guys I've been trying to say this for quite some time but never got a chance to actually show it to you guys is that n is crazy for breaking now let's take a look at jinchu now he does obviously have an A1 here which will allow his meditate uh to do 100% more break damage so let's just see what that kind of looks like right look at that now we're going to switch this up for a sec to take Elemental weakness out of the equation and see if n still is the best one once you do this oh not even as good as back when it comes down to it okay so I think it's pretty clear right guys watch this look at that look at that okay so let's let's go somewhere else now where water is not the main factor okay we're going to go into we'll do a fight with igis okay we'll give Beck a little bit more of an advantage actually no Beck doesn't get an advantage on this version of igis um let's go to igis anyways because we know he has a bar right here same three again okay actually no he does have he does have an advantage okay with with light so let's try this out let's try this out okay we're going to see what happens when we use n versus Beck versus jul okay we'll see what the what the actual break looks like here and hopefully this guys this surprises some of you and you guys can take advantage of this even if you don't have any of the breakers I'm showing you from the SSR team right okay so let's go here damn bro three skills and a core core attack yeah pretty crazy right okay so three skills and a core attack all right you guys ready for this let's go over to our boy here now he has an elemental Advantage let's see what this actually does translate to and breaks much better much better so there you guys go with elemental breaks or Elemental Advantage he definitely does do more even without the A2 so there you guys go so you can see here mental Advantage does play a big role in providing that overall right next up we're going to find ginchu somebody with wind damage to see if it actually does make a difference so let's go ahead and use him now we'll jump in with him you guys can see not bad right not bad not great still not great and he has the 100% more break with his meditative power right here this move so yeah between the three of them he definitely does not do as well okay so good to know now we're going to go ahead and find ourselves another boss to do this on I'm just trying to remember who here is wind all right guys here we go on the boss now so we're going to try G first we're going to see if it happens that he has an advantage on this boss right cuz this boss actually does have a couple breaks so here we go go in here so still not that great in terms of breaking like you can see here his breaks have not been very good right okay so let's bring in N now let's see the difference in her break look at that two hits two hits and almost dead already okay let's bring him back back still killing back is still killing it so it's safe to say I think Beck is still considered overall the best SSR breaker but when it comes down to actual overall breaking ability I honestly guys don't think anyone is going to out outbeat N I think she is easily the best breaker in the game when it comes down to Sr units specifically uh by far even even over jno and I was playing with jno a couple days ago I was like oh you know what I'm going to try her out for break set and see how that goes and I've been noticing she is actually much much breaker than he is better breaker than he is now he obviously does have support with his potions which will help you guys but yeah when it comes down to actual breaking abilities this girl knocks it out the park like knocks it out the park so safe to say here Beck is in fact going to be the still the best SSR breaker with Advantage he definitely takes the cake especially if you have a A2 with him you're you're golden best breaker in the game second best breaker n so if you have n guys build her why why am I talking about this right well because I started using her in cus on my freetop playay account way way back in the day and she has been killing it I started doing it again when she came out in global she's doing just as well a lot of people don't know that about her they use her for the freeze and a little bit of braking abilities but they don't know how good of a breaker she actually is so put the break ability or put the break outfit on her and watch her break things left and right faster than almost anybody except for back and you need A2 back to really actually challenge her in any way shape or form her a Zer on my freeo playay account is even doing well so all in all if you have a need of a breaker and you have n kicking around just anywhere in your entire roster and you haven't been using her try her out guys I promise you you won't be disappointed all right guys pain hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 40,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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