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and there we have it of course there are loads more combinations as well as optimized ways to play the character in a vacuum setting however I think in actual combat this is probably my favorite way to play Yingling hey everyone my and welcome to another wering waves video and this is The Ultimate Guide to every single Yingling combo out there okay and the reason why I say that is because remember we did this uh poll when I asked you guys which ones you want to see in terms of the combo rotations well look no further we're actually just going to do them all that's right in this video I'm going to show you some of the most popular team compositions with Y Ling and their rotations but I'm also going to teach you how to use Ying in any single team composition that's where you can use her with anyone as long as she in the sub DPS or should I say the burst DPS slot because by understanding how to use an opener rotation as well as a burst rotation you will be able to master the use of Yingling and the slaughter anywhere we will cover both the CN as well as the global rotations for G Ling in this video now this is like a twoin one special however if you think about it this is more like a five in one special because not only are we going to cover Ying Ling and her openers and standard rotations we also cover the rotations of her teammates that's right in the team compositions we will cover the variations in her rotation and how her teammates will be using their attacks and the timing of that so this is going to be a very very in-depth guide and also for the global mobile one there's also an easy SL emergency mode rotation that is mobile device friendly so I think a lot of the Casual players would definitely appreciate this and get the most out of their Ying on a mobile device now the first combo you're going to learn is the opener rotation for ginling from the global side and this is done by prideinn and I believe the Pioneer behind this is uh wi to lose I win to lose so definitely do check out his channel as well as the pride one site if you have a chance honestly some of the best and the smartest e the Crafters in the game now taking a look at the opening rotation and uh setting a difference okay what is the opening rotation what is the standard rotation they have the same terminology as well over on scene essentially the opener rotation is how you get your characters to warm up often times you'll have the ultimate ready as in the uh Tower of adversity you'll have that available at the start so that's the difference and of course at the very start you're not going to have the Forte gauge available so there's no intro and no outros unless you build it up and that's why in the beginning the rotations will be a bit different and once you use all of the skills at the beginning then we can go into the standard rotation but this is more like the warm-up phase of the game so let's take a look at what Global has to offer now let's see this in action in slow mode we're using the Encore Yingling and Jing team but Encore can be any main DPS and of course Jin can be any support you can use Verna here or even yangyang how you Jing to gather everyone up and the carrier of the Bell Echo you can see here we use it with animation cancel with the long press the resent skill y comes in with a swap okay there's no intro from this just a swap with two basic attacks you hear a quick slap one two and now you can use your resonance Liberation and a lot of people ask why don't you use resident skill well it's okay because we want to save the energy gained from the resident skill here it's not a lot but at least it's something we use our resonance skill twice in animation cancel with a swap in quick swap with uncore again this can be Havoc MC we get the entire resonance skill off of the enor and we quick swap back into Yingling slap twice with the attack from the quick Swap and then heavy attack this is the crucial part you want to heavy attack twice with the yling after the quick Swap and you can see here that the damage coming out is decent but most importantly it fills out your judgment points at the bottom and you're going to Mark everyone so now everything gets converted into punishment Mark and this fills the Forte gauge so the next DPS coming in is going to have an and here we use Encore but again you can use Havoc MC and this is your burst window coming out so the cool part about this is that you get your warm up from your support character which we use Jing here and then you get a quick resonance skill swap in or a quick Echo swap in that can be the dreamless from your Havoc MC and then Yingling will come in basically once in the beginning to do the warm-up and then once at the end to quick swwa in after the resonance skill from the main DPS to do crazy crazy amounts of the damage Mark want the two heavy skills and then she can basically set her ass down on my face right away so this is the global opener and a super super fast one at that this is probably even faster than the CN one which we're about to see so the CN opener rotation has some subtle differences so pay attention now we're going to use the exact same team and again your main DPS can be anyone and the supports can be swapped as well but Jing here is going to gather everyone up and use the Bell Echo animation cancel with the resident skill everything is the same so far Yan comes in slaps twice and we'll use the resonance skill that's right that's the big difference we use our resonance skill first gain that boost for the crit rate and then use the resonance Liberation followed up with a four hit basic attack trigging off of these uh magnetic States and then ending with the second part of the resent skill and then one round of heavy attack that fills up our judgment Point gauge and then we can intro in after everything's been converted to the punishment marks and now uncore can do some serious damage everyone is marked you can see that the difference here is that um the CN rotation actually has Ying on field a bit more and they don't do the quick swap cancel versus the global one where we got one round of the uh resident skill off of Encore or potential potentially an echo off but uh they don't do that they just let nean come in after the supports have done their thing and then the warm-up rotation is just full in Ling marking everyone and then the ultimate gaining some uh cers marks and then converting everything before we swap out with a full Forte gauge and an intro to our main DPS personally um both are good I think if you are a bit more beginner friendly then your option should be the CN one because you don't have to do any swaps in between but if you're looking for that extra damage potentially you could do the uh Global one for that extra boost because you can get your Havoc MC get a heavy attack off or an ult off and then the dreamless can come out right before you quick swap into um into Yingling so it's it has its pros and cons but the most important thing you need to know is that regardless of which opener you do and what main DPS or support you run this equation of the opener will fit into any single team you get your supports their rotations you get it off whether it be longer than Jin's current rotation or shorter uh like a ver a 5sec to open a rotation it doesn't matter your goal is to get your supports rotations off and then let Ying come in and do her thing fill up the Forte gauge and then your DPS will be able your main DPS will be able to dish out insane amounts of damage to enemies that are all marked with um uh punishment marks and the one thing to note is that this works best in AOE situations where they're multiple mobs now for the opener especially if there are just a single boss for example you may not gain enough judgment points in which circumstances you have to use a few more basic attacks or you need to come in with an intro from Ying or just follow up with a few more basic attacks before you can sit your asses down with theing and gain uh a full uh fully filled judgment points gauge so that's the difference but um yeah this is the opener and again this opener is widely applicable and let's take a look at what the standard rotation looks like once uh you get things going now let's take a look at the CN standard or verse rotations as this is very similar to the opener as well so while it's still fresh in your mind now it's very important that once you learn the openers and then the standard rotations you can mix a match between any characters that have these combos or rotations because you'll see later on as showcase the team rotations video that it's basically putting all the puzzles together and then you just do all of these in sequence so let's take a look at yling one now for the C ins side they basically ask you to intro in with Ying you can and then use your resonance skill once and then resonance Liberation so far the same attack twice and then you get to sit your butt down now you can use your Echo after that if you don't have enough to set your butt down what you can do is use resonance skill resonance Liberation four basic attacks and then resonance uh skill for the second part and then you can say your butt down so it's very very similar and easy to do and uh compared to the opener it's pretty much the exact same unless you have a bit more more in terms of the energy the Judgment points then you can skip forego the second part of the resonance skill and forego the second two parts of the four attack basic to allow your heavy heavy strong main DPS like a Havoc MC to come in and then deal insane damage to the enemies that have been marked with the punishment Mark now the global part of the standard rotation is actually very straightforward basically you can come in Echo swap cancel and if you have intro come in and use your residance skills and swap cancel the second part of the res skill now if you swap in and you don't have your resin skill ready then just bace the attack a couple of times as long as you reach the final part where you can swap cancel again for the animation and by this time you should have your ultimate up which means another quick intro or just a quick swap in use your ultimate to apply the centers Mark and then hold hold the left click button because it will sit your ass down right away without spending an extra basic attack because it just continues where you left off from the ultimate so all of this is quite straightforward but again through real testing okay not a lot of times are you going to be able to Quick swap in and then get two Basics off and I'll show you in the rotation with calero Encore and whatnot that this new rotation that I've been using which is a combination of both really works well with the uh characters the main DPS and uh it doesn't really require to use the basic attacks at all because you have that window to let your main DPS do his or her rotation so anyhow those are the standard as well as the openers from CNN Global so let's take a look at what things look like when all of the teammates and all of your three characters are in action now we'll showcase the calero rotation with Yingling and we're going to use our level five yangyang just for the AOE crowd Gathering ability and also the echo quick swap now we're going to use the CN opener which is resident skill for the extra crit and then Yingling is going to use the resident's Liberation followed up by a four hit basic attack combo into the second part of the resident skill now one round of heavy attack after all this will give us enough ad judgment points to apply all of the punishment marks and then we outro into Calo with a resonance Liberation right away and the damage is absolutely insane so someone did the Cal post quick swap Nerf it's much better for Cal Carol to remain in and even if you only get off three death Messengers she he will do a lot lot more damage than comparing to a quick swap doing three death Messengers with Ying filling out the death messenger animation between so now yilan comes in with an intro because KERO does so much damage so the for the gaug is full and use e twice and then Echo and then you can quick swap to your support here to use the Bell or anything again this can be very not the best in slot and we'll use K Caro to come in and use a uh resonance skill the three-part skill and then we'll swap on the animation of the um death message or the he attack rather this is the he attack cuz this is not the resonance Liberation mode now Ying will come in here and this time on the second uh or rather this is the third swaping you will have your uh resonance skill up and you can use that with your ultimate or your resonance Liberation and you can sit your asses down and after this calero's intro will trigger with ging's outro so you can have enough energy to go into resonance elaboration again so this perfectly aligns with the rotation again you use your CN opener or Global opener this doesn't matter and your main DPS comes in we saw that how KERO was able to come in Via an outro with his own intro and going to Resonance Liberation to obtain the full benefit from Yingling's Buffs from the outro and after your death message is out you basically let England come in you use resident skill twice and then Echo out quick swap so this is going to be the same across everything you Echo out and then you swap to your support let your support do his thing or her thing and then you go back into calero and use your resonance skill three times for a death messenger and then by that time you quick swap in and now Ying has the ultimate as well as two hits of the resident skills remaining so this is perfect rotation wise okay you can see everything's cleared and everything fits It just fits now let's take a look at this Encore rotation and you'll find it very similar to Gaga one we'll start off with the support and you can use ver here best in slap I'm using Jing to match the yangyang and the bell Echo cancel into Ying quick Swap and this is the global rotation using the resonance Liberation first into resonance skill twice and then followed up with a quick Swap and enor is going to do massive amounts of damage with her residance skill and then we'll quick swap beinging back in in two rounds of heavy attack we'll Dodge this and with a Counterattack it's not going to do much we'll still get our judgment points filled up here and now we intro the main DPS in so very similar to how KERO intros in here and uses the residance liberation this time it's Encore doing massive amounts of damage to people with uh the punishment mark across all the enemies so you can see the main DPS window is going to be the same across any character you use and it's after the opener and after they've been marked now we'll swap Ying in with an intro here and use two resonance skills and we can Echo out if you don't have the echo or don't want to use it that's fine we'll swap into our support we use the belt and we swap back into our main DPS to spam their residance skill and their Echo this time this will give us the ample opportunity for Ying to recover from her resonance skill cool down and then we open up with a resonance elaboration into the resonance skill I move here to make sure that I catch everyone in this resident skill AOE and then we set our asset down and now everyone's marked and then your main DPS will come in with a full that's right a full resonance Liberation energy gauge to begin the second window of uh DPS output so this again it's very similar to kiro's Second inry where you will get the death messeng off and we get the intro Ling again after the DPS window to use two hits of the resident skill and we s our support in to get the Bell Echo up and this time we should be able to use the support uh resonance Liberation as well we get our main DPS in one more time to get off the resonance skill along with the echo usage and now Ying is ready to come in for another round of the ultimate into two resonance skills so you can see very very similar the timings and the rotations and now after the two resident skills we'll be able to use the heavy attack to now Mark everyone with the punishment Mark and this time the main DPS will come in with a full resonance Liberation ready to go just like Al Caro did in his rotation the timing just matches and there we have it of course there are loads more combinations as well as optimized ways to play the character in a vacuum setting however I think in actual combat this is probably my favorite way to play Yingling just due to the fact that you have got two openers to choose from and then for the main rotation it doesn't matter who you pick your main DPS can be anyone you want to use and your support can be uh varied as well whether you are valuing more crowd control or you want just straight up insane boost coming out from a character like Vera regardless Ying will be able to fit in that team as long as you use the rotation showcase here your opener and then into the swaps with the two resident skills and then allowing your main DPS to get off their resident skills and Echo and back into Yingling's ultimate into resident skill the outro and the main component of uh Yingling's kit will be with you the entire way and you will be able to activate the punishment Mark which is the most most important component of her kit anyhow I think I've kept you here long enough and thank you guys for watching this video and I really hope you enjoy this one and it's toise here let me know what you want next and I'll see you guys in the next one goodbye now
Channel: TimaeuSS
Views: 19,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess, connect, princess connect, global, english, crunchyroll, guide, help, reroll, redive, re, dive, quick, tips, knowledge, tier, list, tierlist, Tim, TimaeuSS, artery, gear, game, mobile, ArteryGear, アーテリーギア, 機動戦姫, アテギア, todo, best, unit, nikke, godness, goddness, of, victory, close, beta, test, 勝利の女神:NIKKE, star, rail, blue, archive, mihoyo, hoyoverse
Id: avDCoCFt9as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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