Minecraft Glitches - A History (2009 - 2019) - DPadGamer

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these days minecraft is seemingly everywhere on just about every platform with fans of all ages that said it's easily forget we're all started so I like to go back 10 years and look at the history of Minecraft but with a twist we'll be looking at a number of glitches across the various phases of the game's development not gonna lie this first part might read like a bit of a book report but all the same let's look at a history of Minecraft glitches starting right at the beginning on May 13 2009 markus persson henceforth referred to as knotch released a video titled cave game tech test and seen here as expected from a tech test it's very simplistic there's basic physics allowing me to walk around and explore there's only two different lighting levels the caves are there and the world is made up of only two physical blocks cobblestone and grass fun fact the textures for those blocks were actually reused from one of notches previous and complete games called Ruby dum which was a building game influenced by tor fortress this video quickly caught people's interest and not decided to focus his efforts on expanding the cave game which on May 14th 2009 he decided to call minecraft order of the stone that subtitle was eventually dropped but it was used for the name of the group of heroes in Minecraft story mode so that's a fun fact for you we'll go ahead and fast-forward about a week to where my craft entered its classic phase at this point the game was starting to resemble the Minecraft we know today though the simplistic worlds were only 256 blocks wide and 64 blocks tall initially the only game mode was creative though you couldn't fly in the only blocks you could use were those that you had in the bar but that didn't stop people from being well creative it's worth noting that at this point you're able to save and reload your position and will of course this could be used to clutch the game all you needed to do was the jump and press are at the same time this would reload your safe position and make you jump you could then tap enter to save that new position rinse and repeat to sort of fly this isn't all that useful but it can be used to go really high up so far that you actually hit the upper limits of the map which immediately crashes to the game cool before this next bit I like to show you how water worked back then as it's quite different than the good old h2o we know these days rather than flowing a set number of blocks it just create more blocks in any space below or to the side of it lava which was added in zero point zero point 12a had the exact same physics threat the month of June not ran in a number of multiplayer tests and lava could spawn and service level pools but with the weird physics some players experienced lava floods as seen here as you might expect was patched not long after following the multiplayer tests throughout the months of September October and November there were a number of survival tests these are easily playable through the launcher but it's worth noting that during this time enemy mobs were added to the game first of which being the creeper you may or may not know this but the creeper was actually created too thanks to a mystique in the coding at this time notch was creating the models with code rather than a modeling program and when trying to create a pig he mixed up directions and made them tall instead of long with four little legs he liked how it looked so he slapped a texture on it and added it to the game it's not technically a glitch but there you go in addition to enemies being added we also saw the addition of health being able to deal and receive damage the first instance of food in the form of brown mushrooms and the ability to shoot arrows moving right along the next version of the game was in dev which stood for in development this phase started on December 23 2009 at this point the game was fairly playable and could be purchased allowing players to try out new versions as they were released much like the survival and multiplayer test these versions cannot be accessed through the launcher which makes them pretty hard to show off still this version brought with it a load of new features such as an inventory crafting dynamic lighting new types of food tools farming updates the Mamba hi the day/night cycle and so on throughout all of this the maps were still limited in size and it wasn't until february of 2010 that Mac have to move into the next phase of development simply called in Stev after a rewrite to the code train would now be infinitely procedurally generated which means that no matter where you go there's always more world to be explored this change to the game also brought with it a mysterious glitch that persists at least in the minds of players for years to come and in order to visit it ourselves we need to go to the edge of the world known simply as the Far Lands to reach the Far Lands you could simply start a world pick a direction and start walking in fact that's more or less what kurt j mac has done with his far lands or bust youtube series which started back in march of 2011 seven years and over 750 episodes later he's just about 25% of the way there I hope that begins to convey just how far away the farlands actually are I imagine that kurt j mac will eventually reach his goal with next one or two decades making him the first ever player to reach the edge of the world without using cheats however I don't think I have that much patience or persistence so let's go there using an old version of the Minecraft world editor mcedit the farlands could be found in worlds made from n Fidesz all the way to beta 1.7 point 3 since it works with the version of mcedit the gods will use beta 1 point 6 point 6 also it's a bit of a spooky number so it just feels right the iconic farlands starts proper at 12 million 550 thousand eight hundred and twenty one on the z or x axis after placing our character there and loading in you'll see that it's very hot a flavor of laggy you can see that as you move around the blocks we see in the blocks hitboxes or d st. this is due to a floating-point precision error which is due to our distance from the center of the map rather than the farlands themselves without getting too far into the technical aspects because I don't really understand them minecraft prior to beta 1.8 rendered blocks and their visuals separately the rendering engine first determines the position of the world around the player and then uses a floating point integer to calculate how far the blocks move around the player when they move all you really need to take away from that is that the desync gets worse the farther away from the center of the map doubling whenever you pass a coordinate that is a power of two here it's almost an entire block off along with that desync even the most powerful of computers will run into pretty serious frame drops and high CPU usage until minecraft eventually freezes I jumped back into mcedit but the farlands messes with that as well warping the selection cube and blocks no longer line up correctly nearly impossible to reach by commercial means the farlands are just downright odd but I think they're really interesting case of a games programming limits converted into explorable terrain it's quite the enigma that could be explored in detail for hours and making videos that long is too difficult from so let's move on following the infidel phase was the alpha phase which had a lot of updates considering not was now working on minecraft full-time this lasted from June to December of 2010 and has during this phase that we saw the addition of various biomes redstone cows slimes chickens and most everything involving the nether along with those new features we also got boots and a quad a transportation option made of wood whenever they were destroyed by a player or touched by a very slight breeze they'd break dropping three planks and two sticks in the same update alpha one point 0.6 cactuses were also added which would yield damage to players when touched and also break boots players quickly realized that braking boats could actually be useful and in November of 2010 a little channel named ethos lab uploaded a tutorial of how to create a wood generator the build involves a spot to place the boats with the four adjacent blocks being cactuses that are surrounded by blocks as to prevent item drops from touching the cactuses and being destroyed when you place a boat here it breaks on all of the cacti and you get twelve planks and eight sticks allowing you to essentially generate wood also while doing this you might notice that it sounds a bit odd whenever I take damage for whatever reason at this point there was no delay on damage sounds for continuous damage if we take a flint and steel and use it on some friendly animals you could hear the glitch at play though it sounds not like them screaming at us that's not terrifying at all it also works for enemies as well rather than mess with animals we could also help them reach new heights it was during this phase that fishing poles were added which as you no doubt know can be used to move creatures around it's a bit finicky but if you get the positioning of your cursor just right you could repeatedly use the rod on the pig pull yourself up into the air that's some serious troll physics if I ever saw them one mechanic that has remained pretty consistent over the years are chests in that you cannot place a chest on either side of a double chest that is unless you're playing on this version and place them and walk for whatever reason you can place as many as you want next to each other and the game would even connect their inventories which messes with the interface the Wheel of Time continues to turn and December of 2010 the game rounded the corner and to beta status it's during this phase which lasted just under a year that we saw the reincorporation of the creative game-mode a rewrite to the biome code new types of trees a new mechanic in the form of hunger and a bunch of new redstone mac annex and more so many changes and some things stayed the same like cacti being weird like for example in beta 1.20 2 you could duplicate doors by placing them alongside a cactus which would break them into two different drops you could also place a bed next to a cactus which would break the bed leaving just the top part while giving you back the item that top part was still usable which was a nice life hack if you wanted a more compact sleeping arrangement next in beta 1.3 we got redstone repeaters which transmits a redstone signal from pilots to whatever is in front of it it can be used to repeat red signals to make them reach further delay signals or lock a signal into one state another addition to the many redstone mechanics that were added during this phase was the magical piston and sticky piston blocks added and beta 1.7 these blocks would extend out when given power pushing the block in front of them their sticky piston brings the block back when deactivated of course people immediately found ways to mess with them this build uses a simple redstone clock made with two redstone repeaters and some dust to form a circle with a redstone torch place to add power to the circuit by very briefly breaking and reforming the circuit you'd get power going off and on rapidly this would feed directly into a piston with the signal also being slowed down and feeding into a nearby normal piston what this gives you is essentially a money-printing machine minecraft style blocks placed in front of the sticky piston would be rapidly moved back and forth due to a glitch the other piston would push the block out but the original would remain essentially duplicating the block you could then sit nearby and continually mine the duplicated block for some nice reach on investment I'm sure we can see here for hours talking about piston glitches so instead of doing that here is something useless with this simple setup it's possible to create with either a normal or sticky piston a six-sided piston block neat huh okay so at this point there was another duplication method but involving nether portals you see these portals to another dimension haven't been tweaked over time one thing has stayed consistent about them is that they are odd with this setup we could float towards another portal as we place a item onto a crafting table as soon as we touched the port will be canceled out of the crafting menu and the item would fall onto the ground however there are now two items one is the original which you want to place up and place somewhere else the other is a glitched fake item with this one you could right-click into your inventory to just create more of them now I can create a bunch of diamond blocks iron blocks you name it another glitch involving the nether came not long after in beta 1.9 pre-release 4 in this version there was a sort of glitch sort of exploit involving the newly added silk touch and chance when you mind a block with silk touch you get the block rather than normal drop when uses on ice you'd actually get a block of ice you're not supposed to be able to place water in another buff for this patch you still couldn't you could however place ice blocks with torches nearby and wait for them to melt Ollie now if they then be a stationary source block but the next time they're updated they'd flow all over in the next version rate of 1.9 they made it so that you couldn't gather ice using silk touch it stay that wait until 1.3.1 but by that point they'd fixed it so ice would not turn into water in another two years after its creation on November 18 2011 minecraft was a fish released with version 1.0 0.0 via an announcement during Minecon 2011 it's been out for 8 years now which means eight more years of updates and glitches like with the rest of the phases there's far too many glitches to cover in one videos so let me show you some of the highlights like for example the glowstone x-ray glitch x-raying first with the ability to see through the world and find treasures much like an x-rays bell d to see the spooky skeleton inside her body in version 1.0 point o you could place a single piston at eye level a block of glow stone in front of you and then a lever under piston flip that switch and you can see through the world with this you could find ravines abandoned mineshafts dungeons and so on also in that version you could do something fun with minecarts if you have minecarts fall off of a Ledge onto a piece of track they'd stack with at least five or so carts stacked together if you push them off the rail they just go rolling away I don't think that's supposed to happen this worked with all kinds of carts and they can even abduct mobs along the way oh and if you get them going on a flat world they can be pretty tough to stop without breaking them going as far as to slide around blocks next up in version 1.2 point 1 we got the addition of all slots and they're Tim's counterparts cats not like wolves when tamed cats will follow you around and teleport to your location if you get too far away cats however are immune to full damage when I asked to be a community post for glitches someone suggested a cat fountain which involves tamping a bunch of cats flying near a single block platform and letting them teleport with so many they constantly fall until for backup making the perfect fountain as soon as I recreated this my own cat Lucy took notice the noises and jumped onto my desk to see what was going on I quickly set up my camera you know to get some cute footage of my cat but she immediately stopped carrying up with noises so far we've seen how to fly using position saving pull yourself up by your bootstraps now it's time to sort of fly a boat using it tutorial posted by the L Mac back in 2013 I'll link the original if you want to check it out but involves a few basic things first you need a one block wide water stream falling from the sky which can be made using an ice block bunch of Sansom slabs and water once the ice has melted support structures removed you're ready to activate the glitch that involves placing a boat next to a block and pushing it through it's hard to describe but this messes with the game's ability to track where the boat is when you go up the water tower you'll raise up when you exit it instead of flowing back down you'll be sort of gliding up in the air in all actuality the hitbox for the water is still down on the water surface and the next time you touch something stronger than a butterfly it'll break and you'll fall down now we've seen cat fountains but what about jittery dogs inversion 1.8 we saw the addition of slime blocks which would turn out to be insanely useful and redstone contraptions they also for whatever reason cause dogs to glitch if they sat on them yeah I don't know why it but just look at that coordination continuing on we got a number of weird and interesting glitches some of them and evolve builds that are a bit outside my skill level so as always I'll be linking any video as a feature in the description firstly in version 1.9 we saw a glitch that caused entities to be translocated to the other side of a piston whenever it would quickly extend and retract of course this was found to be useful by some real smart redstone buoys like mumbo jumbo with his piston elevator it's pretty neat made in one point 13.1 we have this cactus farm by el mango it involves a bug where you set up redstone and pistons in such a way that they extend out for less than one tick which is 0.1 seconds this setup has Sam being pushed back and forth extremely quickly and on every sixteenth block updates the cactus grows once I think that's pretty cool and in patch 1.14 he put together a similar yet different setup which applies to zero tick trick to sugar cane and bamboo farms also in 1.14 just a few months ago simply Sark uploaded video looking at the odd properties of knock back with Ravagers a fairly recent addition to the game these giant mobs once provoked at close range have a chance to charge and knock back any nearby mobs as he displays in his video this gets stronger the closer and higher up you go with the most intense reaction being right on top of the ravager as it happens the knock-back gets so strong - at that specific point it'll actually teleport mobs a long distance away still in 1.14 there's currently a glitch involving boats which is weird because historically boats have never caused any glitches - see what I mean all you need to do is repeatedly jump on if you stop or jump onto a nearby solid block you'll take damage proportional to how many jumps you performed with enough jumps you can even outright gameand yourself by jumping on a boat I'm assuming this involves parallel universes or simply an error in the code counting each of the jumps as a total distance you have fallen almost at present day last month Ray works uploaded a video looking at an oddly familiar glitch as it happens you can get into a minecart make it fall off' allege and then rapidly yank on it with a fishing rod causing it to fly at this point minecraft has been out for ten years we've seen his rise to prominence fall to the wayside and return with a vengeance there's been entire YouTube channel that have come and gone and come back again I have no clue what is in store for the game for the future but I hope you enjoyed this look into the past I know I only covered a small sampling of the games many glitches but we're gonna end this video here thanks for watching woah look at that it's end card time if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like and subscribe to get notified whenever a video mine goes live Big Shot us to my channel members especially Christy countries for being a super fan it's a great way to score the channel and it's much appreciated that's it for this one I'll see you in the next video
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 2,655,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Minecraft, Minecraft Glitches, minecraft glitches, Minecraft, Minecraft 2019, minecraft glitch, minecraft, Glitches With DPadGamer, glitch minecraft, glitches in minecraft, glitches that work, glitches, Minecraft Duplication Glitch, Minecraft Dupe Items, Minecraft Duplication How To, Minecraft InfDev, Minecraft Far Lands, Minecraft Water In Nether, Minecraft 1.14, Minecraft Alpha, Minecraft Beta, Minecraft Indev, Cave Game Tech Test
Id: h_LbhwkER6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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