Soft Skills - Self Confidence

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hello friends welcome to yet another video on tutorials point with me to charm today in this particular module we will talk about self-confidence well this is such an amazing topic and I genuinely loved and passionately loved to teach on this particular topic of self-confidence let us see what is there in store for us today we will talk about what exactly is saw with confidence all about the definition of self-confidence was talking about what are certain reasons why people are not confident we will also talk about six ways in which you can become or rather train yourself to become more self-confident benefits of self-confidence why people with self-confidence succeed well I'm very excited to teach you on this particular module so let's get started right away so friends what exactly is the word self confidence self means your self and confidence means to be really amazingly sure of one's ability to do things well here is what self confidence is the concept of self confidence is commonly used as a self assurance in one's personal judgment ability power etc if there is a particular activity that you are very very fond of doing and you feel that you have absolutely mastered the art of doing it in the right manner it means that you are very self confident about that particular thing nowadays a lot of people suffer from a low self-esteem well self esteem and self confidence are two diverse subjects however they are closely linked together and hence I would just like to add were here saying that self esteem is completely a different subject altogether and we will talk about that in one of our modules so what is self confidence self confidence is a super power once you start to believe in yourself magic starts happening and I'm sure you all have experienced this in one time on another in your life wherein you have really felt self confidence in yourself and because of which you really feel and magic starts happening you feel like you're the king or the queen of the world right so that is the power of believing in yourself and being really confident of yourself let's take a look at certain reasons why people are not confident in their own abilities here's what it is like when you try to be somebody that you're not when you try to copy or ape somebody you really become fake and that is something which doesn't make you a self-confident person criticism affects you when you get really affected by any feedback which is a negative feedback coming your way and you try to become a little defensive on that feedback you don't take it in a positive manner is when you're not self-confident you don't have that particular skill affected by painful past experiences because of which you don't really become confident in yourself because you are still hounded by your past experiences you don't have supportive people around when your network of friends colleagues and family members do not support you is when you feel a lack of self confidence in your own abilities friends now let's take a look at how can you become more self confidence well you can train yourself to become a more self confident individual here are certain reasons the first one being visualize yourself as you want to be well try to close your eyes right now while you're here into this particular video try to close your eyes and try to imagine and visualize yourself physically mentally emotionally on the kind of person you really want to become and that is a power in itself it's a miracle trust me when I say that because I have experienced it myself when you visualize yourself as the person you want to be really you feel that the entire universe helps you to make it come true the second one is a form yourself well there is a power in the positive affirmation and if you have read the book called the secret I'm sure you will understand it better when you start believing in yourself in terms of positively affirmation you know doing certain affirmations for yourself like I am improving each day this is a positive mantra that you keep telling yourself telling yourself something like I am blessed and grateful when you continuously repeat positive affirmations to yourself that is the power in which the magic starts happening these things start becoming more and more true because you start repeating yourself these particular things the third is do one thing that scares you every day the idea is to get out of your comfort zone and get out of your fear zone get into a zone which makes you uncomfortable so do something like anything which you get scared of initially it could be bungee jumping or it could be hiking or it could be swimming if you are afraid of water do that one thing every day which gets you out of that scary or few zone for this question your inner critic well human beings are the best critic of themselves so try to personalize it yourself by spending time with yourself during an introspection period and try to be your best critic the next one is set yourself up to win remove the word I count from your dictionary think positively that you can and you will do something and trust me magic starts to happen when you do that so try to set yourself up for only winning do not think about losing think about winning because whatever you put your mind to that happens the sixth one is help someone else well this you know so many people in this world that need health and if you are compassionate and kind enough to do things for yourself good Karma's start working your way and in fact these good Karma's do more good to you than to the other person so if you go out and help somebody today trust me you will feel very very self confident about yourself it is just positive energy well let's look at what are certain benefits of being self-confident and they are being your best under stress whenever you're stressed out and your self-confident trust me your stress will just melt away you are also able to influence others as a self-confident person you suddenly become very magnetic personality kind of person and people are attracted to you and people are influenced by what you see and what you do having leadership presence as well as having a more positive attitude friends these are certain benefits of being self-confident let's take at some more benefits you also feel valued when you value yourself you are turning out to be more and more self-confident you also turn out to be more beautiful more happier and there is a science regarding this if you feel self confidence you genuinely feel more happier and more beautiful as well as more handsome having greater freedom you feel that you are in control of your destiny rather than the destiny being in control of you so hence this gives you creative freedom to exercise your powers well there's a very beautiful quotation on self-confidence and here it is you never really know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice that you have and hence it becomes important that if you want to be self-confident you need to trust in your own instincts why people with confidence succeed well again let's understand people who are confident how is it related to success they know the strengths and weaknesses they are people who live in the present moment they don't think about the past they don't think about the future they are very very balanced in thinking only of the present moment they stop measuring success well what is success any which ways you don't go on striving for success without living the life of being a successful person so they'd stop chasing success they live in the present and they are happy being in that present moment also as I mentioned they work on happiness they work on relationships rather than going after the rat-race of becoming more and more richer for example and they also set a lot of goals for themselves which will help them to be confident in themselves well again a quotation which says you can either be your own worst enemy or your own biggest cheerleader what its gonna be so for you this means whether you can choose to keep on complaining about things or you stand up being a cheerleader the choice ultimately is yours and yours alone well I would like to conclude this particular module by saying that self-confidence is only an umbrella term for a lot of things emotional constraint humor empathy resilience string relationships all go into creating the personality that exudes self-confidence hence my dear friends it is really essential that you are self-confidence and I hope that you enjoyed listening to this particular module and you turn out to be more and more self confident individuals thank you for watching us do leave in your comments and your suggestions once again thank you
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 225,375
Rating: 4.9207592 out of 5
Keywords: Soft Skills, Soft Skills - Self Confidence, Self Confidence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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