Soft Skills - Positive Attitude & Pleasing Personality

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hello everybody welcome to this video on tutorials point today we are going to speak about a very very interesting and an important topic which is known as having a positive attitude and a pleasant personality well dear friends before we even begin to talk about this particular module I would like you all to ask yourself a question right now do you like or rather I would say to people like being in your company do people love to interact with you do you get a lot of respect and attention from people do people come to you to ask you for any kind of suggestion or advices well my dear friends if you have answered yes to all of these questions it means to see that you are a person having a pleasant personality and congratulations on that well to all of those who have answered no to all these questions we have a lot in store for you to become a person having a positive attitude and a pleasant personality so let's see what's in store for us today let's get started Atena today will be we will cover certain topics having a positive attitude or defining what's a present or a positive attitude behaviors which define you what is a pleasant personality and how to become a pleasant personality key factors for having a pleasant personality benefits of having a positive attitude how do you have self change and factors which go into making ourself change behavior positive attitude and how it is linked to leadership behavior well these are certain topics we will talk about today well if I have to ask you a question how do you define a pleasant personality what exactly is the definition of personality well personality is nothing but a unique way of behavior thinking or feeling that defines you and makes you unique as a person having a pleasant personality is not a difficult task you should know how to change yourself and we're all what are the factors which go into changing yourself if I have to define a pleasant personality it means those who come in contact with you are really pleased to be with you and would like to remain in your company it is very natural that every living being wants to feel loved needed and respected and they also want to be missed when they are not present with a little effort on your part you can transform yourself into being a pleasant personality and trust me friends today we are going to learn how to empower how to transform ourselves into being a pleasant personality it's not that difficult how to create a pleasant personality well there are certain tips and tricks which I am going to share with you right now let's make note of that how to create a pleasant personality it is very important that a person who has a pleasant personality needs to be a fantastic listener in one of the modules which we have discussed on tutorials point active listening skills well I would write you to refer to that particular module and understand how to be a good listener it is very very essential the second thing is you need to have interest into other people's life well it's not always about I me myself it's also about other people show interest into other people's life people love to be acknowledged cheerfulness and enthusiasm well nobody likes being around a dull and a boring person do they let's be cheerful full of energy enthusiasm because that's something that really motivates people and people love to be around people who are always smiling and being cheerful be helpful be kind be generous let's do our bit for the society let's do a bit for people don't always be so self-centered and selfish it's good to help others and motivate others all the time it's important to have a pleasant personality you need to have a control over your temper do not lose temper on small small things learn how to be in control of your emotions rather than the emotions getting in control over you be in control of your life be in control of your emotions and that's how you can become a pleasant personality it's important to be thankful and having a lot of gratitude always be thankful for the small things in your life and always shovel your gratitude to God by saying a word of graciousness it's important and that's how it helps you to be have a pleasant personality we've understood what a pleasant personality is now let's understand what is attitude well if I have to define attitude all it means to say is that it is a mental position relative to a particular way of thinking or being having a positive attitude results into positive thinking well attitude is the way you react or not react it's the way you look at things it's the way you view ideas people all around you if you think you can you're right if you think you can't well you're right again and it's all a matter of attitude what you think is ultimately dependent on how you behave towards certain thing having a positive attitude my friends is very important in life and trust me 85% of your success in life depends on only one word and that is having a positive attitude the power to choose your attitude lies with you no one can take that power away from you if you think you can you're right and if you think you can't well you're right again so it's all in your mind have a positive attitude today well this nice-looking smiley out here only tells us one thing if you have a positive thinking it will always result into a positive attitude and vice-versa if you think good about things good things are meant to come your way we all have must have read about this beautiful book called the secret well if you want positive things to come in your life you can attract those positive things by thinking in a positive and a affirmative manner well positive attitude is having a lot of benefits and a lot of positivity around it so let's understand how can we as individuals benefit by having a positive attitude well some of the benefits are it helps us in achieving our goals and attaining success all of us want to have success in life don't we so in order to have success we need to have a positive attitude which will help in bringing more and more success into our lives success is achieved faster and more easily if you keep crying and complaining and crippling about things success will never touch your door it will run away from you the more happy you are and the more positive you are in life success comes to you faster and quicker positive attitude also leads you to be more happy in life and more happiness attracts more success in life more energy if you are positive you will have boundless amount of energy and people will always be shocked to see that how come you are having so much of energy all the time at any point of the day greater inner power and strength well you'd learn how to be resilient you'll learn how to be rock solid in your internal or in your mental energy and that's important ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others people always look for some one or the other to motivate them and if you are somebody with a positive attitude people will come flocking to you from all directions ability to surmount any difficulty where we all face difficulties in our lives don't be life is all about ups and downs however at the same time if you are a person with a positive attitude anything negative which comes in your life you kind of just surpass it and sail through the negative times as well life smiles at you and people respect you well these are all some of the benefits of having a positive attitude if so many benefits are there why don't we start having a positive attitude today well having a positive attitude is very very closely related to leadership behavior let's understand how and why a good leader is somebody who always inspires people you would not like to follow a leader who's always talking negative or always putting someone down you always like to be around people who inspire you who motivate you and that's what a good leader does and a good leader has a positive attitude he reflects maturity you want to follow a leader who's mature in his way of thinking right so attitude is linked to behavior care and empathy a good leader who has a positive attitude always has a caring behavior and always feels empathetic towards people admiration good leaders do not ask for people to admire them their behavior is such that people automatically admire them being enthusiastic a good leader always is energetic and enthusiastic if you are not energetic and enthusiastic how will people follow you so you need to walk the talk and also having motivation teams so these are all behaviors which really link having a positive attitude to a good leadership behavior how to get a positive attitude well we have understood how to have benefits of good leadership behavior or benefits of a positive attitude now how do we get positive attitude by making certain changes in ourselves let's understand how to get that let's be open do not be like a closed book or closed person who's not accepting new ideas new ideologies new opinions be flexible and that's how you get a positive attitude always be balanced try to be a balanced person do not go into too much of extremes into any extreme behavior is bad for ourselves so learn how to be balanced think right towards people that's very important manage your angle if you have trouble controlling your angle I would rather say go for any kind of help that you need psychological help or also meditation really helps in controlling and managing your anger remove the word impossible from your dictionary even the word impossible has I am boss so nothing is impossible my dear friends in this world everything is possible if you put your mind and your soul to it having a winning attitude always think win-win never think in terms of losing if you have a win-win attitude it's something that will help you go a long long way in life aim high aim for the stars you will land somewhere near the moon's at least never ever give up it's really difficult to do that I know at times when you're feeling low you feel like giving up but I would really urge you stay positive think of a solution not problem whenever you're faced with any difficulty don't think about the problem think about having a solution to that particular problem my friends in these particular ways you can have a positive attitude so start walking towards these changes well folks if you really want to make some changes to yourself you need to make changes in three particular aspects let's see what they are these three changes need to be made changes in your attitude changes in your behavior and changes in your way of thinking well these are three things or parameters when you start making changes on this you will see success coming your way definitely how to change your attitude well mr. Steven Kawai a very well-known author and a philosophy has mentioned in his book seven Habits of Highly Effective People he mentions saying that life is only 10% of what happens to you and 90% of what you actually make of it attitude is the foundation of every person and hence change happens positively from inside out if you want to make changes you need to make changes within yourself no one can teach you how to have a good attitude it's something that you need to feel and something that you need to yourself work on so start accepting full responsibility for your actions and behavior it's very important that you should be in control of your life and not life having a control over you how do you make changes to your pattern of thinking or behavior well to change your thinking it very important that you'd start thinking in a logical manner in every situation don't be flooded by emotions so much it's important to feel logical in every aspect of your life and let's look at now certain tips to help us make these changes in our way of thinking have power of positive affirmation positive affirmation means believing in yourself and talking aloud those particular mantras or those particular phrases which help you be in a positive state of mind it's important to meditate daily I'm sure you already know that be a master of your moods do not let your mood get affected by what other people say or reactions or criticism of others learn how to be in control of your own mood wake up with a resolve to stay happy during the day every day when you wake up in the morning you have two choices either you feel that you are going to have a fantastic day or secondly you turn up to yourself by saying I hope I have a great day well believe in yourself and believe that you will have a wonderful team seek happiness and contentment in the present be in the present always don't think about the past or the future too much allow yourself to be always playful and childlike it's important to always be like a child remember our childhood days we used to be so carefree and so much of fun used to be there right somewhere when we grow up we learn how to be more and more serious so let's today put a full stop and learn how to be more playful appreciate and enjoy what you already have be thankful and have gratitude for the things you have learn how to apply a full-stop don't keep running and rushing always have a full stop in your life at times your body is your temple so honor it treat your body with a lot of respect and treat your body with a lot of courage it's important it is the temple of yours focus on changing yourself rather than changing the world around you focus on yourself not on the world and that's the crux of thinking or changing your pattern of thinking my friends if you start doing all these tips which are mentioned on the slide you will see definitely certain changes in your pattern of thinking well we have learned how to change our attitude and also change our thinking now let's understand how to change a behavior well we need to change our behavior through true assessment determination and discipline friends you need to understand what aspect of your behavior you want to change once you know what you want to work towards you will start assessing yourself in a true manner and through determination and discipline you will definitely be able to change your behavior well we have two choices wherever there is something which happens any stimulus from outside instead of reacting to it it's important to respond towards that particular stimulus well do not be reactive be proactive by that I mean to say whenever there is a stimulus from outside you have a choice whether you want to react to it or whether you want to respond to it and accordingly you do the needful so it's important to be proactive and not reactive and that's the responsibility that you have on yourself friends I would like to conclude by saying that this module on positive attitude and pleasant personality is something that will really help you in your overall life not only as students but till the time you live having a positive attitude and a pleasant personality will definitely make success come to you rather than you running towards success well I hope you have enjoyed watching this video and please do like and share your comments and feedbacks with us have a wonderful day and good bye
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
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Keywords: Soft Skills - Positive Attitude & Pleasing Personality, Positive Attitude & Pleasing Personality
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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