Soft Skills - Spoken English Errors

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hello friends and welcome to yet another video on tutorials point with Mira Chou today we are going to talk about a topic which might be of interest to many of you watching this video which is on spoken English errors well all of us have to speak in English because that's a universal global language all across the world well we might face challenges in terms of spoken English while many of us may be very well versed with written English it may become a challenge for many of us to kind of understand how and what are the rules and regulations for spoken English well fear not and worry not we will talk in detail about this particular module on how to speak correct English well on the agenda today we will talk about what exactly spoken English we will talk about some common mistakes and errors why we speak in English example use of double negatives use of wrong tenses use of two comparative and superlative degrees together incorrect use of I and me use of words like revert and reply back confusion between does and do we will also speak on certain tips in order to improve our spoken English well let's get started right away what exactly is spoken English well English is a tricky language and I'm sure you will agree English is also very funny language at times there are various sets of rules that we need to keep in mind while reading writing or speaking this particular language though speaking is the way fastest mode of learning how to speak in a very very fluent manner well common mistakes that most of us go through while we are speaking in English use of double negatives now what are the beliefs we tend to use double negatives while we are speaking example she didn't see nothing now that is grammatically wrong because it means she must have seen something in order to not make a double negative out of this the right example to say it is she didn't see any when we say she didn't see anything rather than saying she didn't see anything or rather she didn't see nothing well grammatically the second a sentence is more correct because it doesn't negate the negatives hence please keep in mind this particular rule the second common mistakes were many of us which might make is with regards to our tenses now simple terms continuous tense perfect ends and perfect continuous tense we will look at this with help of examples well present present tense is warp that is verbs plus an is or are the past tense of it becomes the second form which is regular or irregular and the future will be will plus the verb that the person is doing verb is the action that the person is doing it could be dancing it could be acting it could be walking it could be jumping so present past and future is with regards to the work that we are using continuous tense is with regards to present which is am is or are plus the verb plus ing the past would be was word plus the verb plus the ing and the future would be will be plus verb + ing perfect tense would be half or it has plus the third form the pret or the past tense would be had which was in the past so had plus the third form and future would be will have plus the third form well perfect continuous is something which is happening on in terms of the tenses and that is half has been + verb + in that is the present well the past would go like had been + verb + ing and the future would be will have be plus the were plus the ing well use of the wrong tenses can be complete disaster when you're speaking in English we tend to use the wrong tenses while speaking example this is one just one odd example that I'm sharing she didn't bought the car now that's grammatically wrong because didn't is never followed by a past tense so the correct way to say this she didn't buy the car please understand friends that the way you use your tenses is very essential because if your spoken English does not have the right grammar it can lead to a very bad impression well now we're going to talk about some comparatives and superlatives this is again one of the common mistakes or errors which people make while they're speaking in English comparative is when we use comparison when you want to say a thing or a particular person is more than something else for example my dog is bigger than yours so I'm comparing my dog with your dog and that's comparative second is my sister is younger than me again a comparison younger than whom is a question over here so again our comparative is one thing superlattice is when we use superlatives when we want to say a thing or a person is the most of that particular group please realize the way most has been underlined over here there's nothing that goes above it so that is the whole and soul and that's the end point of that particular thing for example John is the tallest student which means there is nobody taller than him so I'm not comparing John with anybody because he is the tallest in the class second example is Antarctica is the coldest place in the world so there is nothing colder than Antarctica that's how we are saying we that superlative we are not comparing it is the most of that particular thing use of two comparative or superlative degrees together a sentence should never have both comparative and superlative degree together it's important to use them independent and individually example isn't this more better more is the comparative of much and better is for good rather than saying isn't this more better what we can do or say is the correct sense is isn't this better so well friends that's something that we need to keep in mind but this is again one of the common errors in speaking English common mistakes again is the incorrect use of I and me we usually get confused between when do we use I and when do we use me example Ken and me are going to the movies which means I is the subject and me is the object a better way to say it and correct grammar would be Ken and I are going to the movies which sounds better and is also grammatically right well certain words like reward back or reply back means the same but we use it in in a way which is both of them together so kindly revert back is wrong English is wrong grammatically wrong because revert and reply back is meaning the same for example please revert or reply back to the mail which is wrong instead please revert or slash reply to the mail is the right way so please do not use it together revert and reply back means one and the same thing well there can be a lot of confusion between does and do so when do we use does and when do we use do we have to understand that does is used for singular subject whereas do is indicative of the plural forms for example why does they always reach late that is again grammatically incorrect a better form of this would be the correct sentence why do they always reach late so instead of does you change it to do because you're using in a plural way when there are many people together well there are certain tips in order to improve your English language and I am NOT saying that it can be done over a fortnight or a week you have to continuously practice how to speak in English let me share with you certain tips of doing that first thing is read newspapers magazines and books which will help you to build the vocabulary which will help you to speak more fluently and correctly second is record your voice while you're speaking in English and listen back to that particular voice which will give you an idea of where you're going wrong next is try to in English as much as possible whether it's at home or at work please get into the habit of practicing in English no matter even if you might be making certain errors and mistakes it's absolutely alright as long as you're able to correct and practice more watch English movies and listen to English songs which will again help you to improve your English well friends to conclude this particular module on spoken English errors it is important to understand that English is a very very important language something that you need to use very very frequently when you are working in a professional and a corporate environment and it is only essential and imperative that we learn how to speak the correct English I do hope you have liked watching this particular video keep writing keep watching more videos coming your way do feel free to leave in your comments in the comment box thank you
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Keywords: Soft Skills, Soft Skills - Spoken English Errors, Spoken English Errors
Id: k4HNvEedaKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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