Soft Skills | Assertiveness | Skills Training | TutorialsPoint

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hello everyone and welcome to another video on tutorials point with meter charm today we are going to talk about assertiveness well if you are somebody who is looking out for a job in the corporate industry you need to make sure that you look and are presenting yourself to be an assertive individual companies like to hire people who are not passive or aggressive but rather somebody who's an assertive person let's take a look at what is there in store for us my agenda today well we will talk about what is assertiveness reasons why people are not assertive six ways in order to become more assertive as a person benefits of assertiveness and lastly we will take a look at the assertiveness triangle so friends what exactly do we mean by somebody who's an assertive person well assertiveness means being able to stand up for yours as well as another person's right in a calm and a positive way without either being aggressive or passively accepting what is wrong well if you are somebody who stand up for your right in a very confident manner without really losing your cool or rather becoming angry and aggressive about it as well as not being a submissive person that means you're in assertive person so what exactly is assertiveness assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without appearing to be aggressive in the field of psychology and psychotherapy it is a learnable skill and a mode of communication so psychologists go ahead and say that assertiveness is a skill that can be learnt if you are somebody who you feel people take you for a ride or somebody who shouts and screams and physically or even mentally or verbally abuse people that means you're not in assertive person and as I mentioned some time back corporates today look for people who are assertive individuals hence if you are not assertive you can even learn the tips and take leeks are becoming an assertive individual let's take a look at why or reasons why people are not being able to be assertive in today's time and age well low self-esteem is one of the key reasons why people are not able to become assertive big responsibilities so they have so much on their mind they don't want to really hurt someone and they don't want to be on the bad side of somebody's and hence they are not assertive stress anxiety can also lead you to not be assertive past experiences maybe they've had bad experiences in the past of not being you know being able to be assertive and hence that could be one reason somebody has a personality trait which kind of doesn't let them be assertive so probably a little introvert as a person or you'd like to be alone not really being outgoing or friendly that could also be a sign of not being able to be assertive now let's take a look at how people can become assertive well I'm going to share with you six ways in which you can become assertive value yourself and your rights know what I have fundamental rights and know what are your viewpoints about things always stand up for your rights not in an aggressive manner but in a form and polite manner voice your needs and wants in a confident manner well if you do not ask it you will never get it and hence it's important that ask whatever you want in this world in a confident manner and trust me you will definitely get that don't control other people's behavior well-being assertiveness or rather being assertive does not mean that you have to literally be you know pushing yourself on to others let others be and let them enjoy the freedom at the same time you cannot push someone's behavior or try to control someone's behavior express yourself in a positive way well a part of being assertive is also being around people in a positive manner people should like being around you and hence that's an important aspect of being assertive you are always smiling and always having you know a wonderful wife and energy around you at the same time people like approaching you because you're assertive always be open to criticism if someone criticizes you whether it's in a positive or a negative aspect always take that criticism in a good way a lot of times we humans love to hear - positive feedback on ourselves however when somebody gives us a negative feedback or a criticism we kind of become closed as individuals and are not ready to accept any kind of criticism hence a part of being assertive also means let's be open to criticism because that is something which will help you in developing yourself learn to say no and how many times or how often has it happened that you always say yes to people and yes to situations and yes to things that they want you to do well if you really want to say no go ahead and say no you don't always have to say yes to things a part of being assertive is learn how to say no in a polite but a firm manner well let's take a look at the scale of communication on one side you have passive on the other side you have aggressive the balance is what assertiveness is all about well passiveness is all about you being submissive and you being treated like a doormat wherein you let others to win and you lose yourself that is being passive-aggressive on the other end of the spectrum is all about me me and a lot of me so I like to win at the cost of others and hence aggressive people are very dominating are really people who are full of you rather than me and there are always people who will physically verbally you know abuse people in order to get their tasks done assertiveness is where and you have a win-win situation so I would like to win as well as I would like to make sure that the other party also wins so that's an assertive person where in you not only think about yourself you also think of the other person let's look at what are the benefits of being assertive well assertiveness definitely helps you in high self-confidence if you are somebody who's assertive as an individual you are looked as as a confident personality it also helps you to recognize your feelings so you're true to yourself rather than being fake to yourself and others so you are genuinely a ninth person earning respect is again one of the benefits of being an assertive person improved communication is also another benefit creating win-win situations as mentioned a little while back assertive people like to think win-win from both the parties better decision-making skills if you are somebody who's an assertive person definitely your decision-making and problem-solving facilitation things will be very very high charged honest relationships people who have assertiveness as one of their ways of communicating definitely always have relationships which are very honest with people and definitely the job satisfaction is they're so assertive people are more happier and satisfied in their respective careers and jobs now friends let's take a look at the assertiveness triangle on one hand of the pyramid or you have a passive or you know on passive way of communicating on the other side you have aggressive group which is your aggression of aggressive kind of people now area of no choice definitely as you see the triangle at the base has most of people who are falling under passive and aggressive aggression style are people who have no choice in life they given up and they kind of they fall under area wherein they don't control their things and their feelings and their viewpoints as you go higher up the pyramid area of choice is what assertive people are all about so assertive people know what has to be done they also know what choices have to be exercised or what choices does not have to be exercised so in fact people who are assertive are people who know they want and how they want to get it why people with assertiveness succeed well it's a proven fact that if you are in a sort of person you are definitely on your way to success communicating with everyone is one of their aspects they always have a good judgement about people situations etc they also have excellent relationships and they always walk the talk a leader is somebody who's always an assertive person and hence they're people also who will definitely give an honest feedback and also take an honest feedback well to conclude this particular module on assertiveness it's very important to understand if you want to become a leader in your respective field or if you want to get into the job environment make sure that you're somebody who's an assertive person now that is a skill which can be learnt with a little bit of patience and with a lot and lot of practice well friends I do hope you have enjoyed listening to this particular video on assertiveness and please go on and practice being assertive thank you for watching us and bye-bye
Channel: Tutorialspoint
Views: 126,114
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Keywords: Assertiveness, soft skills in the workplace, soft skills training, soft skills, learn soft skills, soft skills training for employees, soft skills course, soft skills tutorials point, training for soft skills, improve your soft skills, What is Assertiveness, assertive behavior, Assertiveness Skills Training, Assertiveness Skills, being assertive, TutorialsPoint, What is Assertive, assertive skills, skills for assertiveness, soft skill assertive
Id: GbEhenMqinc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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