Setting SMART Goals | Soft Skills | TutorialsPoint

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hello friends and welcome to yet another video on tutorials point with me to cha today we are going to talk about setting SMART goals but before we even get on to this particular module I would like you to think of the situation have you ever sat on a train or a bus or aircraft without knowing where it is headed or the final destination of the train bus or aircraft well have you ever written and lit a letter to somebody and forgotten to write the address of the person on the postcard and posted without it well if you have answered no to these questions which of course means that it's basic common knowledge or common sense that you need to know where you're getting if you sit in an aircraft you need to know the final destination if you're writing a letter to someone you definitely need to write the address of the person else how would the letter reach that person well friends the reason I've asked you on this thing is because of the fact that SMART goal setting is all about that well you need to know where you're headed in life else you can be in any stop or any aircraft or any train without really knowing where it's going hence it's important to set goals which are smart let's take a look at the agenda for us today we've talked about what is SMART goal setting we will also talk about what does the acronym smart stand for we will also talk about certain tips for extremely smart goal setting well friends what exactly is SMART goal setting a or it is a goal which is without a plan is just a wish or a desire how many times have you you know told your parents or relatives or teacher I want this I need this or I desire this well is it the same as goal not really because if your goal is not smart it is not a goal it is just a wishful thinking dreams without you know which are not written down are really just wishful thoughts which have no deadline so let's take a look at what exactly do we mean by smart setting organization use various tools to make their goals achievable using SMART goals is one of them this particular tech Nik helps you to a teen and track your progress you also can verify it every point where you are going or how much more closer to your goals you have reached so what does the acronym SMA are T stand for let's take a look at that s smart stands for specific your goals need to be something which is not general but specific like what do you want to do n stands for measurable which means that how will you know whether you have reached that particular thing or not that's being able to measure your success he stands for achievable which means is it in your power to accomplish it is your goal attainable or is it something which is too challenging or too easy to attain you need to understand whether it is achievable attainable or accomplishable R stands for realistic is your goal realistic or can you realistically achieve it if you say something like this that tomorrow I want to go on the moon or tomorrow I want to become an astronaut well is that realistic not really you need to be realistic about your goal and that is what R stands for T stands for timely when exactly do you want to accomplish it do you have a deadline do you have a time bound thing for your goal well if you don't have it then it's not a goal is just wishful thinking as I mentioned before your dreams are not your goals you need to mention make it specific measurable attainable realistic and time-bound for it to become a real goal well you need to make sure that you're asking yourself specific questions for example is your goal specific means what where how and when you cannot give a generalized statement and expect that goal to become you know alright you need to make sure your measurable that is you're making it measurable by breaking it down into measurable units achievable or attainable realistic how relevant it is to you and timely you need to make sure that and you understand that time is equal to money now let me give you an example over your if you say a statement like I want to be rich is that a smart goal well not really because for this to become a smart goal you need to make it more specific and measurable and attainable and time-bound as well so you need to say a sentence like this for example I want to be rich by 40 million dollars by the end of 2020 8 well now you have made it more smart because you have made it specific by saying that you want to be rich by how much measurable you have made it by taking a particular amount into consideration when once you reach that amount means you've attained your goal and you've also made it realistic which is 2028 which is 10 years away from now it's realistic it's attainable and you have put a time bound on it by saying that you want to achieve it in this year's time now that is what I want to explain with the help of this particular example your goals need to be smart and not just gender extents well let's take a quick look at what are certain tips for good smart goal-setting you need to think about the big picture how many times has it happened that New Year's comes and we are all kicked up about making a new year resolution midway through the year rather one or two months down the line we have broken all our resolutions and we have no idea how to get back to track well the idea is always think of the big picture always think about the end goal and what you would want to achieve by making sure that you always have that at the end of your mind you think of this is what I want to become or this is what I want to achieve so always think of the bigger picture it will help you to stay focused second is getting down to the bottom well this is what it means once you have said the bigger picture you need to break the goal into simple small measurable actions this will help you understand how you can make your goal measurable and attainable your goal is also something like this that planning smaller steps make you build the right momentum in the right direction so always break up your bigger goals into smaller actionable plans which is easily you know easy to make sure that you can carry it out use a systemized formula goal setting is not wishful thinking you need to actually write them down if you do not write your goals they are not goals they're just wishful thinking and hence you need to write everything down it will help you to get from one point to another smoothly you will also start getting the desired results if you have a proper and a structured formula so always make sure for example the the sentence which says I want to be rich by 40 million dollars by the end of 2028 now how do you put this into a formula how do you strategize it and make it a proper structure which will help you to go about your goal smoothly and in a nice functionable manner the next step for smart goal-setting is how do you track your progress so make sure that you are always reviewing your goals if you've set a goal today does not mean you forget about it nicely and remember it only after one year's time you need to ensure that every week every month every fortnight you are checking the progress of your goal and then only it will make sense to have a smart goal next tip for setting SMART goals is set and ended well if you do not have an end date you will not know whether you are going to you know achieve your goals or no so always have a deadline a timeline so that you know that this much is what is left to do and you can always track your progress so always always have a end time or a timeline for your goals well friends that brings us to this end of a beautiful topic which is known as SMART goal setting which is one of the topic which I'm very very passionate about training people on I do hope you have understood how to set your SMART goals making sure that you are also understood the tips of how to set your goals in a smart way please go ahead set your SMART goals right now thank you for watching us please like watch and our videos do feel free to leave your comments in the comment box thank you once again
Channel: Tutorialspoint
Views: 171,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soft Skills, Setting SMART Goals, TutorialsPoint, soft skills for career success, SMART Goals, how to set smart goals, smart goals examples, soft skill smart goals, soft skill setting smart goals, smart goals tutorials point, setting smart goals for employees, smart goals for students, goal setting, smart goals for career, learn about Smart Goal setting, soft skills tutorials point, soft skills training, soft skills in the workplace, soft skills goals
Id: 6-qb1dPNPog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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