Soft Skills - Stress Management

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hello everybody welcome to this video tutorial on stress management well this is a very important topic because I really feel stress affects all of us you might be belonging to any age group living in any part of the city the world or the country or you might be coming from different backgrounds and cultures well stress is a part of our life and we need to accept the fact today in this video tutorial we will talk about ways of handling stress better let's get started well the agenda today is going to be on understanding what stress is all about the causes of the stress the types of stress how stress affects our daily lifestyle well we will also identify what our individual stressors are it's important to know what stresses you out otherwise you will not be able to manage your stress better we will also check our Wallner ability to stress in different situation and this is a part of a question and answer test which you will take techniques to control stress and that is the essence of the program today how to manage our stress and techniques to control our staff well stress means different things to different people but if I have to give you a definition of stress what exactly is stress stress can be defined as our mental physical emotional and behavioral reaction to any perceived demands or threats well we stress out because of two reasons firstly when we have a situation or a circumstance on us where in our body feels its threat 'fl it's also painful and difficult and Abadi doesn't have the resources to cope up with that stress that is what is stress all about let's understand certain basic facts and concepts about stress stress is defined as how the body reacts to demands stressors are the causes of stress well we need to understand what is our trigger well if we understand what is a trigger point we will be able to understand the cause of stress stress is a part of our life and we need to accept the fact that it is always going to be a part of our life it is not possible to live in a stress-free environment well what we can do is learn to manage our stress so that we are better prepared to increase our life challenges what causes stress now there are different reasons and different causes of stress same situation two people one get affected one might not get affected by stress let's understand what are these causes of stress there are two causes internal causes and external causes let's discuss both of these causes so that we know these are the root causes of our stress internal causes chronic worry now there are some people who make it a habit to worry until and unless they don't worry they feel something is really missing from their lives so that is chronic habit of stress pessimism always thinking negative any situation you are in firstly you think negative about that situation which can lead to a stress rigid thinking not being very flexible by nature always thinking yes I need to think in this particular manner and that's it that's not a good habit negative self-talk unrealistic expectation let's not expect too much out of us ultimately we are human beings we are not robots let's do as much as we can let's not have too much expectation on us and all or nothing attitude well these are the internal causes of stress let's now come to external causes some of the external causes are major life changes there might be a marriage on the card or there might be a change of City change of country or even a job change these are major life changes which can affect you in your stress work or college you might be working or you might be in college and that might be also stressful broken relationships again a big cause of stress you might be undergoing a marriage or you might be having a kind of a divorce or separation which also can be stressful financial problems a major cause of stress in today's lifestyle stress in your family any member of your family might be stressed out because of which you get affected and that's an external cause of stress busy too much of having things to do being involved in too much of things and not being able to manage your time properly might also be an external cause of stress well I hope you have understood the internal and external causes of stress let's move on there are four types of stress threat frustration pressure and conflict let's understand these a little better when you feel threatened your body feels threatened either physically or emotionally that can be a type of stress being frustrated for something which is beyond your control can also be a type of stress pressures now there are different kinds of pressures time pressure peer pressure pressure of performing well in your studies pressure of really undergoing a major surgery or operation can also be a part of stress or a type of stress conflict being involved with in a conflicting situation wherein you feel that there's something negative out of it or you mean might feel that there is a change of expression or change of thoughts and opinions with other people can also be a type of stress well do I need to really say how stress affects us the picture here on the slide says it all stress affects us physically emotionally financially in our health everywhere stress affects us let's understand what these effects of stress are right the physical effects of stress are you might have a headache there might be a sleepiness tight or sore muscles in our body shaky hands sweatiness stomach ache and also rapid breathing these show in our physical science that we are stressed out when we undergo all of these things these are not good for our health are they well if I have to tell you the emotional effects of stress again something which we face at times to time there are moodiness because of stress we might feel a lot of mood swings happening to us at some times we might be really happy sometimes we might be really sad so there are lot of extreme mood swings which happen because of stress we might feel a lack of enthusiasm we feel very motivated lack of energy lack of passion which is again an emotional effect of stress we might have forgetfulness we might suffer from short-term memory loss again an emotional side effect excessive amount of worrying short-tempered Ness we might lose our temper very quickly with some people we might really snap at people again not a good thing so emotional effect of stress feeling overwhelmed is also one of the cause or the effect of stress stress affects our health in a very major fashion and I need not say here how let's still understand what are the health issues when we are stressed out well we might suffer from depression or anxiety 80% of the population today is suffering from depression they might not say it but they are depressed and anxious that is not a good thing wage problems either we might have fluctuating weight problems we might lose a lot of weight or we might gain a lot of weight because of stress also hard diseases we are suffering from heart attacks and heart diseases and strokes so much is happening today it's time it's really not serious to understand it is affecting us in a very very major fashion digestive problems are stomach related with anything pancreas everything is related with stress cognitive and memory problems again is an effect of stress skin problems also can happen because of stress well these emotional physical and health problems for because of stress are not good signs and we need to take measures to completely eradicate stress from our life well let's understand now what is the cycle of stress now stress goes through different phases and cycles and let's understand each of these phrases now there is a stressor or there is a trigger which helps to initiate or trigger that stress which causes negative reactions in our body because of which we react to stress either in a positive fashion or in a negative fashion which will help us to understand if there is a negative we will understand wear and tear of the body so if we react to stress in a negative manner we are having wear and tear of the body because of which there is reduced optimum health and that affects our health if we are reacting negatively to stress because of which there is increased sensitivity to test and which helps us evaluate whether we want to fight the stress or we want to fly to the stress now what we are really trying to understand is do you want to fight the stress remove the stress the causes of stress from your life or you want to slight meaning you want to take meaning you want to let go and remove the stress from your life completely this is an individual decision whether you want to fight it or you want to run away of light from the situation there is no right or wrong answer in this it depends upon individual to individual what you would want to do with that stress moving on here is some research some data are some statistics and some figures which have come in terms of stress now research says that four percent of people are stress producers 16 percent of people are actually semi stress producers so if you are falling under the 4 percent or the 16 percent it basically says you'll love to produce stress wherever you are whichever situation and with whomever you are well 36 percent of the people are natural so they are not really stress producers or non stress producers they're just neutral 31 percent of people are happiness producers so wherever they are in whichever situation they are they love to produce happiness and love and care then there are 13 percent of people who are permanently stress-free and I'm sure looking at the statistics and data you would love to be in 31 percent or amongst the 13 percent of people who are actually stress free which part you are in is which you have to decide yourself this is or again and research saying that individual stress out for different reasons now on this slide you will see there are different words and terminologies written what I'm trying to really make you understand is that different people stress out because of different reasons you might stress out because of physical health or finances or studying classes even getting married for some people can be a really stressful situation buying a house which is actually a very very nice feeling ultimately also leads to stress in to some people what I would really want you to do now is remove a pen and a paper and write down these questions what are your individual stressors identify what really worries you or tenshun to you after that write down whether you are able to control any aspect of the stress or any aspects of the stress which are beyond your control the next thing which I would want you to write down is if this stress caused by your own thoughts your own decisions your own body or something from the environment has caused the stress to you when you are able to write down this in a very categoric manner you are able to identify your stress and remove stress from your life we are next going to test a one-er ability to stress meaning we will determine whether we are really affected by stress are not affected by stress this you will do with the help of a questionnaire which I'm going to share with you right now this is a question and answer it's a test wherein you have to read all these questions on your left hand side and you have to tick whether you are which condition you fall into almost always usually sometimes almost never or never you have to read up the questions and pick mark in the correct box whichever you feel like well there are 10 questions over here and the next ten in this particular slide so read up all these questions very very carefully it's your own self-assessment and I would really want you to be honest about it after you finish all these 20 questions you need to do your individual scoring and you're scoring should look something like this if you have got scores between zero to ten means you have an excellent resistance to the one durability of stress if you have scored between eleven to twenty nine you have little one ability to stress if you have scored between thirty to forty nine you are somewhere one durable to stress sometimes 50 to 74 you have serious vulnerability to stress and that's a zone where and you wouldn't want to be in 75 to 80 is again a condition wherein you're extremely vulnerable to stress well out of all these scoring's i would ideally want you to be in the first two which is good if you are amongst the last three not a good sign is something that you need to start working on your tolerance level to decrease your vulnerability to stress coming to the most important part of this module techniques to handle stress well we have understood a lot of things in our module today on stress but what ultimately will help you is how to understand how to control the stress or learn how to manage stress because we have understood stress is a part of our life so we need to accept it and learn to live with it techniques to manage stress get moving get your shoes on go for a jog go for a walk hit the gym go for swimming play any kind of sport whatever will keep you physically active will help you to reduce stress when you are physically active there are lot of hormones which are positive hormones in your body which helps you to decrease your level of stress secondly try to connect with others as much as you can try and form a group of people or your best friend your closest friend your family members your sister brother anybody whom you can share your day-to-day activities with that helps you to reduce stress thirdly relax your self as much as you can find at least 30 minutes of the day which helps you to relax now relaxation can be anything you can really do meditation try and do some yoga or you can also just listen to music and stress yourself less eating a healthy diet I know we are living in a very environment which is lots of junk food everywhere and we get tempted and attracted by junk food but I would really say try and avoid junk food as much as you can restrict it only to weekend's try and eat healthy fruits and vegetables as much as you can lastly it is very important to get your eight hours of sleep in today's time I know it's difficult to do that try and at least hit the bed for seven hours a day well lastly to conclude I would love to leave you with a quotation let's hear this out problems will always be there the greatest ability to fight against stress is choosing one thought over the other don't let your mind bully your body into believing that it has to carry all the burden of a worry worrying will lead to stress happiness is a choice so learn how to be happy today and be stress-free thank you for listening to us enjoying watching this video we would love to connect with you and have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Tutorials Point (India) Ltd.
Views: 50,892
Rating: 4.8707294 out of 5
Keywords: Soft Skills - Stress Management
Id: Pb8OyOLpyFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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