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[Music] what is going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video eight months ago I put out the very first episode of the Pokemon catch them all series ever since then the amount of comments I've received of people telling me to do generation four or how hard or impossible it is to complete generation four rapidly increase in every new video I uploaded I even received them on videos that weren't even related to my catch them all videos I've said this before but this is definitely the most requested or anticipated video I've ever had and in this video we're gonna take it head-on today we're gonna find out how easily you can catch every Pokemon and diamond pearl and platinum normally at the beginning of these videos I quickly brush over the rules but this generation is very different diamond pearl and platinum are extremely difficult games and you've all made very great cases as to why that is rather than go over all of them right now I think it'd be a little more fitting to talk about them when the time comes in the video I won't be adjusting the rules from before but I like to know one thing that I'll be doing that I haven't done in any of the other cachi malls the first rule as always is that we had to play a copy of diamond pearl and platinum this is mostly for entertainment purposes but it also shows my personal opinion as to which games are the easiest to catch specific Pokemon in a scenario like this the second rule is a way to obtain each Pokemon individually and by the end we should have a living decks of every sin all Pokemon the third rule is that no glitches can be used there's been the same for every game and it won't change now the final and most important rule is that this has to be completed in 24 hours now normally I split each game into eight hour increments but that was honestly never acquired rule all I had to do was have each games time total to 24 hours or less with that being said I chose to increase the playtime of platinum by 2 hours and degrees diamond and pearls playtime by an hour each this still tolls the 24 hours and this will make a lot more sense over the course of the video as usual if you're still confused I've included playlists in the top right of the screen that has all the previous videos that I've made I suggest watching at least one of them to better understand what this whole video is about but with that either way let's just jump right into the games so starting out I'd like to say this was just as frustrating as you possibly could imagine it was there very little obvious things that made that's difficult but I also feel there are a lot of little things you don't consider until you really give this a go generation 4 was a really a time of innovation and explosion of updated mechanics and by the end you'll completely understand what I mean unlike the other videos I'm actually going to pick the top three comments rather than just the top comment for the names of our rivals arrivals for today are going to be Z X B unfixed arm and slime head who gave probably the most passive-aggressive replied me for getting that pickup existed in Gen 3 fair enough if you checked out the guys I've made in the previous videos it's fair to say that each game is usually focused around having a roll of some sort in a lot of the games this isn't exactly required but in these games I'm a strong believer that this is mandatory a lot of content is locked in the post game area which requires that you see every pokemon and the regional decks to access that content this isn't exactly an extremely difficult thing to do but it's definitely time consuming although platinum is roughly sixty more Pokemon in the regional decks it's a lot easier to get specific Sinnoh Pokemon so this game is primarily going to catch and evolve in the later half of the run diamond a pearl or a different story but I'll cover that when the time comes starting out like any other Pokemon game we begin our journey of running away from our family by going to a rivals house who then wants us to bring them to like Verity to find the red Gyarados upon entering the area we meet professor Rowan in our second rival who completely forgot to pick up they're almost human size briefcase that they brought to the lake after heading into the grass were attacked by some wild star Lee and have to choose our Pokemon that we need to carry throughout the rest of the game in diamond I chose Turtwig pearl chose Chimchar and platinum chose Piplup but this event took place right outside twin leaf town rather than at the lake they're going to be a lot of subtle differences like that as we go through the game so I'll try my best to cover them as we progress through the story after trying to return the Pokemon to professor Rowan he declines them and says that we can keep our new members even though we basically just stole them although we technically have three new Pokemon we're not going to add them to the total until they've reached their fully evolved forms well that's getting taken care of platinum receives the running shoes from our mom and heads to Lake Verity to meet a blue haired guy that definitely doesn't look like he's going to cause us problems later after all three games receive the poke attacks we're finally ready to take on this challenge right after this event each game immediately starts adding more Pokemon to the total pearl catches star Lee and Bidoof diamond catches cricketer and platinum catches shanks bringing the total to four Pokemon believe it or not this is going to be the majority of the catches for quite a while a lot of Pokemon this point are actually from different regions but we'll start filling up a lot more as we progress in the next few gems after fighting Q trainers on route 202 bringing a parcel to our rival and receiving a watch from a middle-aged man and his creepy clown friends we can finally take on arrival at this point in the game there isn't a lot of coverage that we need to worry about and considering that every game is at least two pokémon to battle it isn't that hard to win this one I forgot to mention this is the first encounter that platinum has with looker he's really not as important to the story as Game Freak thinks that he is but it's another difference that this game has over the others moving forward a bit each game collects the HM for rock smash reaches or burg City meets up with Rourke in the mine and proceeds to our first gym to challenge him for diamond and platinum this is pretty easy because of our type advantage but pearl is gonna have to spend a little more time leveling up Chimchar considering that it's the shortest game out of the three this really doesn't cause any problems both games head back to jubilife city because that area is currently a dead-end and meet up with our first group of Team Galactic grunts because a rival is also fighting with us this isn't a tough battle which allows us to access the next route really easily route to a4 is split into two sections north and south both of them have the exact same Pokemon just at different levels here we can catch Badou before breaking the rocks to access the upper half of the route profoundly defeats Rorick and is quickly reaching jubilife city by the time everyone else is fighting trainers before the next town diamond reaches floral Roman town which is home to the most annoying mechanic in the entire game we'll take that on a little bit later though if we had a yeast we can meet up with a little girl who said that her dad is being held hostage at the valley Gwyn works now from here you're supposed to go and have the grunt lock the door on you but instead we're going to get the work key first to save a minute of time if you go to the floor Roma meadow we can meet up with a few more grunts and defeat them to save the guy attending the flowers as thanks he'll give us a free honey and we can talk to him later to buy more which we'll definitely need to do later on before we enter the building at the wynn works we can go into the grass to catch Pachirisu bringing the total to six pokemon platinum enters the area shortly after and takes on commander mars depending on the game this can be a little bit of a tough battle but for primp up it's pretty easy to do once we clear out the area we can head north but not before we catch another pokemon now the area is safe drifloon will appear in front of the wind works every Friday this is something you can change the clock to so we can quickly grab - to add to the total diamond stops on the southern section of Route 205 to catch weasel and cellos before entering the eterna forest to meet up with Cheryl in generation forward is a feature that I like to call co-op and PCs these are events in which a character in the game essentially loses their and hopes that a ten-year-old can help them find the exit I don't think they thought this through very well like these are grown adults and you're literally at the entrance to the forest how can you just loo unfortunately there isn't a way to get around this so we have to complete this as fast as possible on the upside there are quite a few trainers that we can skip but for now let's see what the others are up to Perl is catching up relatively quickly because of how well man fur an oak encounter pretty much everything in the game and by the time we're fighting the first trainers that you turn at forest platinum reaches the end of the area and Cheryl leaves us rather than explore the area alone we're just going to head to the next location and take on some more events in the story we meet up with a rivaling to turn a city and encounter Cyrus again for a really unimportant interaction on our way back to the Pokemon Center a woman named Cynthia stops us and hands us the hmph or cut we can't use it until we defeat the city's gym leaders so let's just take that on now once diamond reaches the end of eternity can change the clock to catch some more Pokemon if we set the time tonight we can catch murkrow and to Buneary murkrow isn't a new pokemon but we can evolve it to one later on because we don't have to do the weird event with cyrus we can straight to the gym as well pearl also sets the time tonight to catch missed Revis who will also evolve later on in the story as we're heading to take on gardenia Platinum is taking Iran with Diamond closely falling behind after obtaining the badge we can head to the building with all the countries and meet up with looker dressed as a galactic run this building is quite a few stair paths you can take but you can actually get to the top without fighting anyone after reaching the top we can take on Commander Jupiter for a pretty easy fight and free the bike shop owner at the top of the building after the battle we can grab the upgrade to our right which is needed for another trade evolution when we head to the bike shop we're stopped by Cynthia again and she gives us an egg that we'll definitely need to hatch later right before we take off to the next route if we talk to the scientists at the gate he'll give us the exp share if we've seen at least 35 Pokemon it's insanely hard to not see that many pokemons so with this we can have a lot easier time leveling a Pokemon at the end of the game as we're entering the bike path Diamond is moving through the Galactic building unlike platinum there are quite a few grunts that you can't avoid so this section takes a little bit longer in the original versions of the game after completing the event we're going to take on our first big detour in the game before you leave you turn to city it's required that you pick up the explorer kit in the house next to the Pokemon Center both Diamond and Pearl are going to use these to grab a really important item for the for those who don't know the Explorer kit allows you to go underground in mine for gems items and even special Pokemon the skull and armor fossils are available in diamond and pearl respectively and we're going to need at least one of each to complete this challenge there are a bunch of other fossils that you can mine but at this point in the game these are the only ones that are available they're relatively easy to come by so after about five minutes of rummaging I was able to find one in diamond and pearl ended up finding two armored fossils really quickly so we'll come back later and grab the second one for Diamond once we've completed more of the story before we leave II Turner I went east of route 211 to catch chingling bringing the total to 11 Pokemon once platinum reaches the bottom of the route we can cut this tree down and catch a glog are in the grass under the bike path we're going to have to come back here later but for now let's head towards the next gym at the entrance of Mount Cornett we can meet up with Don who tells us to pick a hand no matter which one we pick you get the versus seeker this has potential to be helpful later on but I always thought this was a really weird part of the game why did I have to pick if I got the exact same thing right after this we head into Mount coronet and meet up with Cyrus who still hasn't introduced himself despite meeting him for a third time our next step is hardhome city where we get to see our mom inside the house for the first time in ten years as well as me fan Tina who is going to be our next gym leader the layout for this gym is really simple which makes it possible to skip every trainer but the gym leader can be a bit of a pain fan Tina's miss Maji us has to move magical leaf which steals a pretty large amount of damage to print plot if you have some healing items you should be fine but if it lands to crit you probably have to reset after this gym we're going to stop and grab the gift Eevee from Beibei before heading to the next town meanwhile pearl heads to route 206 catch bronzor before making our way to the other side of Mount coronet this route is actually really important for Pearl for an event that we have to take care of if you talk to this man he'll give us the odd key stone this isn't the only place you can get one but this is by far the easiest one unlike platinum we don't get to fight fan Tina until a little bit later in the game so instead we can just head on to the next round before we can head there wait to take on a rival this is pretty easy to get through for the most part but Diamond has a little bit more trouble because grana was basically Waldheim inferno I planned ahead and had the drifloon in my party since I caught it which was just strong enough to take out the difficult members of our rivals team after defeating them we now have access to route 209 which is where being catch mime jr. bringing the total to 13 Pokemon Perle also has to catch me barrel and bonsly but we can also bring the odd Keystone to this pile of rocks and turn it into the hollow tower if you know anything about this game you know this is the only location where you can catch sphere tomb the requirement for obtaining this is to meet 32 people underground which sounds like I'm going to immediately fail this challenge but there is a pretty easy trick to bypass that if you meet up with a player leave the underground and come back down the game cancer's this is meeting a new person this obviously still takes like 20 minutes to do but this is a lot easier than playing 32 different games after that's finished if we go back to the hollow tower we can catch spirit tune it's one the very few pokemon that has a catch rate of 100 which makes it pretty easy to catch before we move on we also to grab the good rod which we'll use a little bit later during that tedious task Platinum made a lot of progress through the story our egg from Cynthia hash into a toka P right after leaving hardhome City after passing through Selassie on town we stopped on route 215 to catch like a tongue before heading to viel Stone City this location has a ton of things that we can do if we stop at this small house we can collect a gift porygon that we have to evolve later on after meeting up with Don and crash awake we can head into the viel stone gym to challenge Maylene this is a battle where you need to use X items to win meditite is pretty easy to set up on and without it Lucario would be impossible to beat at this level thankfully I didn't have to reset so with the fourth badge we can continue with the rest of the story the last thing we can do in fieldstone for now is the Galactic HQ after battling some grunts - get back Don's pokedex we have another unnecessary dialogue with looker before grabbing the HM for fly heading south of here who reached route 214 where we can click the razor Fang and the magma riser for two important evolutions at this point diamond heads to the top of the Lost tower to collect the HM for strength before making our way to viel so instead he is challenged Maylene pearl is stolen last after having to spend time catching spear tomb but we still have to stop on route 210 to catch cricket hoon moving forward a little bit we defeat Maylene which allows us to use fly before we use that we have to head to route 214 to go into this cave entrance this is the room maniacs tunnel and if you've watched my video on catching unknown do you know this cave expands the more letters have unknown that you've caught regardless of how many you have this is also the only place where you can catch hippo fatah switch is a really easy one to skip over meanwhile grotto Lee falls into Torterra and Malins gem and diamond reaches pistorius city and heads the gym take on crash awake this is probably the easiest for this game because of Tor Tara's overwhelming type advantage so this was a breeze to get through the next event takes place right outside this area but instead we're going to head into the great Marsh to catch a few more Pokemon in this area there are quite a few daily Pokemon that we have to catch this is a small selection that can have multiple Pokemon at once so it should only take a few clock changes to find the ones that you need scooby is the only one that we need for this game there are plenty more that we need to catch here but to even it out we're going to let the other games take care of that after using a couple rare candies we're able to evolve primp up to and pollie on before heading to the great March to catch yanma and Tangela these are pretty rare to encounter at 5% but thankfully they evolve really quickly after you catch them if we head east up Astoria we can now stop from route 212 to catch a male Kara as well as a Don stone which we'll use to be fall back early and accolade this is the last Pokemon that we're going to collect for quite a while so let's focus on the other games for a bit after taking on crasher wake with our new Infernape we head to great Marsh to catch Croagunk and karna vine after chasing down the grunt East of Astoria we meet up again with Cynthia she gives us the secret potion that we can use to clear the Psyduck that are blocking the northern section of route 210 after skipping most of this area we reach silastic town and meet up with Cynthia's grandmother and finally Cyrus introduces himself to us this feels super unnecessary consuming that in every dialogue before this it literally says his name when he's talking because diamond is still a bit ahead we can finally take on fan Tina because Torterra has access to bite with one X attack we can pretty much sweeper whole team after we defeat her we can immediately work our way to the next gym and can't leave city while peril is finishing up we went back to orberg city to revive our skull fossil to get cranny dose says we only have one right now we can count this one when it evolves because we now have access to surf we're gonna fly back to floor oh mah town and surf up to the Fuego ironworks the main attraction here is the building but we're actually only here because this is the best place to catch two Luxio as we can find them one level before they evolve while we're here we can also use the good rod to fish for Finny on after this I went back to orberg city to revive the two armored fossils to get shield on our next stop is gonna be West of jubilife city which is the path to the next gym but also the route for a few more Pokemon here we can catch glammy ow but Diamond can also catch floatzel and gastro Don upon reaching Kanna leaves city we have to fight a rival which if you're prepared with X items it's pretty straightforward there are two more events to take place here but first we're going to take the boat to iron island to take care of another NPC event here we can meet up with Riley who we have to help in the same way that we helped Cheryl early in the game this is a launch order to get through and at the end Riley gives us an egg that we need to hatch later as we're exiting we can also grab a shiny stone just so we didn't forget a second time I went back to route 212 to kitchen Roselia which then I evolved into Rosa raid well this was all going on pro caught up and took on Byron to receive our six badge which immediately begins to build up to the climax of the story arrival brings us to the candle life library to watch professor Rowan talk to a wall rather than acknowledge that were there we're told to investigate the three lakes when conveniently an explosion goes off the exact moment after when we head to Lake valor we find out the Team Galactic drank literally all the water in the lake so I went to the cave to find out why they were so thirsty inside we meet commander Saturn and discovered their plans to capture the spirit that resides at each lake because we're smart enough to know that we have to take care of everything ourselves we head back to Lake Verity at the beginning of the game to protect Lucas from Mars again professor Owen then meets up with us after the battle it mentions that we need to stop Team Galactic from capturing the third spirit at Lake acuity we haven't been there yet so now is the time to do so wait second where's platinum well because I planned out most of Platinum's Pokemon for the postgame we've only been focusing on the story during this time yanma evolved into yanmega and Tangela evolved into tangrowth after exiting mount coronet we reached route to 16 and to 17 which is the path before the seventh gym on the way there we can pick up a rare candy as well as a gem for rock climb which takes the first place metal for the most random location for a very important item in any of the games the last thing that we have to do here is catch a female snow run on route 217 and swine up at the acuity lake front which will both evolve later after that we made our way into snow point City to take on Candace which allows us to use rock climb to check on arrival we find out that he was somehow beat even worse than the last three times that we fought him so he runs away for us to clean up his mess Jupiter mentions that she is heading back to the Galactic HQ so we followed a viel Stone City to take care of them again as we're making our way through the building we can grab a doobie assist for an evolution later we then meet up with looker who opens the doors to get inside and after fighting a few grunts we watch Syrus speak to Team Galactic and over here that he's heading to Mount coronet for his final plan you know there's enough you guys to like stop us right it's not like we're hiding or anything we're right next to an entire army of grunts did they even think this plot through or do they just after finding salaries in the building we defeat him and he gives us a master ball as well as allows us to free the spirits of the lake the next stop is the top of mount coronet this is probably the time where you should grab more pokeballs if you don't have them already as we're going to be holding on to our master ball for a little bit longer on our way up the mountain we can catch nosepass and grab a dawn stone for later because nosepass can evolve in the mountain after a couple battles nosepass evolved into probe Oh pass at the top of the mountain is spear pillar where we watch Cyrus summon Palkia and Dialga only for Giratina to come in and suck him into his dimension at this point we can hop in with Cynthia and go to arguably the coolest looking area in any of the games the distortion world unfortunately there isn't a lot to do here other than hunt down Cyrus and Giratina so let's catch up with the other games for now as diamond was heading the snow point city drifloon evolved into drifblim and we caught Snover and Sneasel to evolve later in the Galactic HQ I made sure to grab a dust stone which made it possible to evolve murkrow to haunch crow pearl did the same thing to evolve misdreavus to miss Magus just like platinum the next stop is the spear pillar on our way up we can catch bronze on and in diamond we can catch a bomb of snow just like platinum we're also able to sneak in some more evolutions by evolving Luxio to luxray after meeting up with cyrus we find out these changes mind on drinking all the water in the world and would rather turn the whole world into a nightclub ready to party Palkia emerges from another dimension the lake spirits arrive and destroy the red chain only for Cyrus to get mad at us for giving us the option to let them go in the first place after pummeling him to the ground now is our time to catch Palkia although our master ball we're going to hold off on using it just like the other games the Box legendaries in these games are really easy to catch so it's best to hold off until we have to catch something much harder in the red pokeballs have a 10% chance which is good but Palkia is a water-type so net balls have over a 33% chance so after only one throw we can add it to the total now this is over we're completely done with the main story for this game because platinum is taking care of the postgame there's no reason to even bother fighting the 8th gym leader it might seem stupid to load all the postgame Pokemon onto one game but almost all the Pokemon I pick for platinum are infinitely easier to catch and considering that at least one game had to beat the story I might as well have the most convenient game do it in addition the egg that we received in hardhome City finally hatched into a hoppy knee like I said earlier Dialga doesn't gain the same bonuses that Palkia had when it comes to catching but if you want the best odds the Ultra Ball gives you about a 23% chance which is still an insanely high number for a legendary Pokemon after about 5 minutes we've got ourselves a Dialga because in a weird way we're technically in the postgame let's focus on the rest of the story for platinum before we come back to these games after fighting Cyrus at the end of the distortion world we can take on Giratina although it's a box legendary in this game it's catch wheat wasn't boosted from what I searched online so we're looking for a pretty long fight I know some people might mention that I should be using a dusk ball but there isn't confirmation of that increasing your chances although it seems like it would make a lot of sense even if it did it would only bring the catch rate to 4% which is 2% better than using an Ultra Ball I had to reset it quite a few times to make this happen but after about 15 minutes we can add Giratina to the total after returning back to our dimension with cynthia we meet up with Professor Rowan who tells us the spirits have gone back to the lake and that we should take on the 8th gym leader to enter the Pokemon League because we can finally access the section of the map we can also obtain some more Pokemon along the way route 222 is the gateway to sunny shore city but it also contains Magneton and electabuzz two Pokemon that we once again have to evolve later as we're reaching the Gateway likho tongue evolved into licky licky moving forward a bit we convinced Vulcan er to do his job and let us beat him to get the final batch receive the HM for waterfall from the johto gym leader jasmine for some reason and make our way to victory Road in this area we can catch right on for later but I also realized a diamond needs a razor claw which is available at the earliest in victory Road I grabbed one in this game instead because we're going to be trading a bunch of Pokemon anyways because there are quite a few battles here so why now evolved into piloswine and we're going to head out of here to get its final evolution since we've reached the end of this area I flew back to Pastorius City and went to the movie Lerner if we trade in my heart scale we can teach pilots flying hm power after your leveling it up in battle it evolved into Mamoswine upon reaching the pokemon league we fight a rival for the last time as I've done with every other hard battle X items are the best option for successfully beating him and this applies to the Elite Four as well for the most part this also wasn't too tough to deal with but I think that's mostly because this is my fifth attempt in the game so I learned this from my previous runs pretty well after defeating Cynthia we've completed the story but we're definitely not done with the game I'm sure by now you have a bunch of questions mostly because we only have 49 Pokemon the DAX but you have to consider that a large chunk of the pokemon from this generation are either really niche evolution methods or evolve from a previous generation Pokemon but now that we're done with the game's required stuff let's go over each game and pick up the rest of the decks the first game they were gonna start with is pearl because it's by far the easiest game although we're not gonna fight the 8th gym leader we still have to go in that direction to catch more Pokemon that you can't get anywhere else on route 222 we can catch a dot and / ugly and if we pass by jasmine we can go to route 223 and catch man tyke bring the total of the 52 Pokemon our next stop is gonna be lake valor if we surf into the cave in the middle of the lake we can encounter a self because the catch rate for this Pokemon is actually lower than PAL Kia's I saved the master ball for this one instead and now we can take on the one thing that you've been dying to see the honey trees nope I didn't forget about him as many of you know this is without a doubt the most luck related aspect of the game honey trees are yellow trees that are scattered all around the sinnoh region and they contain quite a lot of special Pokemon that we need for the decks in order to find a Pokemon you need a sloth or a tree with honey and then wait six hours for the Pokemon to appear this is real time which is the first issue for this challenge ever since the first video I did for this challenge I've counted the 24 hour time frame for in-game time only I always try to finish the games in 24 hours real time but in almost every single game I'd haven't managed to do it I know there's a small selection of people that are going to complain that I technically didn't do this in 24 hours because I turned the game off and then came back six hours later but doing this in one sitting is basically impossible if each game had an eight hour time frame we would only be able to cover like six trees which wouldn't even account for all the Pokemon and plus we wouldn't have any time to level up the Pokemon that we find as well and unfortunately can't just change a DSS clock because the game will recognize that the time didn't actually go by so that's also not an option in total there are 21 honey trees which is pretty good odds to find just about all the Pokemon but there's one Pokemon that ruins everything much lakhs out of all the trees munchlax only appears in four that's right four of them and while you can use a calculator to find two you're munchlax trees without cheating that doesn't account for the fact that it only has a 1% encounter rate in addition for every tree you slather there's a 10% chance that nothing will appear as you can guess this makes or breaks the entire run you can do amazing have a world record pace but if you don't find a munchlax you have to start all over I know that technically I could just Reese lather the tree and wait another six hours but I'm sure a majority of you would have not approved of that so I chose to only wait one time per run I attended to catch munchlax on this game because it was the easiest to run through but on my fifth try ended up catching a ton of the other pokemon so I just let diamond try and find it instead the last knowing thing about the honey trees is Combee in order to finish the decks at least one of them has to be a female for its evolution considering that's a 50/50 chance of getting one it's not the worst but it is something to watch out for in this game I managed to encounter a male and female Combee to cherubi and a pom which was so good that I felt that I needed to keep the same file this leaves only two Pokemon the diamond has to grab worst case scenario if you only find one of each you can just breed to get the others the only things left for this game are the evolutions so let's just check on Diamond heading south of san gem town we can go to route 221 to catch stung key and Scud tank and then go to lake valor to catch to star a via around this time the egg reilly gave us hatched into riolu but we need another one so I'll count it when we finished all the breeding in this game we have to catch oopsey which once again has a low catch rate but we still get a bonus from using dusk balls because we're in a cave after about 10 minutes we can add it to the total this isn't the only lake spirit that we have to catch though if we go to lake Verity we can encounter a mess sprit but we don't get to catch it here though this one the two roaming Pokemon that we have to worry about but generation 4 is by far the easiest gen to catch roamers if you go to this man in jubilife city he'll give us an app for a poke edge that shows the sinner region but it also shows which route mess 4 it is on if you keep going in between routes it will eventually end up on yours this is obviously based on luck but it shouldn't take you very long for it to appear because we saved the master ball for this part we can immediately add mess for it to the total I tested my Lankan went underground again and was able to quickly get another skull fossil so after reviving it we can finally add cranny dose as well the fast step for this game is to do the honey trees there isn't much to say other than it took me 8 playthroughs of this game to make it happen so if you're wondering why it took like 3 months for this video to come out I hope it makes a lot more sense now when you slather every single tree you technically don't have a better chance because the percentage doesn't change for encounter before opportunities / reset is definitely better than only one chance while I was able to encounter Munchlax I also found tuber me which saves an insane amount of time breeding as well while we're taking the time to level up let's finish platinum as I mentioned in the beginning of the video Platinum's playthrough is pretty much entirely post game tasks and that's the main reason why I borrowed time from other games if we head back to route 206 we can go directly under the bike path and we can access a secret area of the way bird cave if we head downstairs we can catch gibble for one of the last main area caches in this game the remaining Pokemon requires to have the national dex which means that we have to see every single Pokemon available in the regional dax when you're rushing through the game it's almost impossible to see every single one but I noted all the trainers that have Pokemon that are easy to miss or only owned by one trainer there's some Pokemon like unknown the third starter trio and manaphy then you have to go out of your way to find but there is one special Pokemon that we have to encounter before we can move on if you go into the eternal forest we can go into the old chateau if it's nighttime the TV in the middle room will be flashing if you thump the TV will encounter a wild Rotom I also haven't encountered one of these in a really long time so I don't know the best way to catch one but I think I know someone who might be able to help me out [Music] John what do you want oh hey Luke so I'm trying to catch bro demand Platinum right now and considering he's your mascot and everything I figured maybe you could help me out with that maybe I don't know you could give me some puck or something John I don't know how many times I like to say this you may please stop calling me I've already filed a restraining order on you and we don't even live in the same continent you've caught me bought by 46 times in the past three days you need help and a lot of it know without a doubt the most annoying so fortunately he didn't end up answering his phone because he was probably busy so I just used a couple ultra balls and that did the trick after that it took about 20 minutes to find every missing dex entry that I needed before going to Professor Rowan to get my pokedex upgraded by Professor Oak every flight is no point City we can take the boat to the survival area where we can meet a rival buck and have a quick double battle to prove our strength after that we're pretty much free to roam the entire map as we like the first up they're going to make is at the great Marsh drapion and Toxicroak are available now which saves a lot of time grinding them out if we head north of the survival area we can clock the super rod which we're going to use right now if we go to round 205 we can fish or loom in Eon which is the only super rod encounter that we have to do in the entire game heading east of here we can grab the Elector Iser at the valley wind works as well as catch magma or the fuego ironworks because we have the national dex new areas on the mainland I've expanded to get more Pokemon if we enter through the end of Victory Road we can go into this new area and catch two gabite which is really nice because they're only one level away from evolving after that I went back to the survival area and surfed East to get a faster path to route 229 in this area we can pick up a Reaper cloth on the route above we can catch a pout on and click the protector and a shiny stone for two more evolutions the last major event that we have to deal with is at Stark Mountain after a couple events with crash awake our rival and Buck we have to do another co-op NPC area once we get to the deepest section in the mountain we face Team Galactic only for looker to reveal himself as a rock and arrest them they made this game after the event if we talk to buck in the survival area we can head back to the same area and take on Tran Empoleon does a great job of walling most of its moves but that doesn't change the fact that it has a 4% catch rate this took a couple resets but with that low of a chance it's expected to take a bit heading back to Canada leaf City we can meet up with a family whose child is trapped in a nightmare if you take the bolt to full moon island we can counter Cresselia who is the last roaming Pokemon that we have to deal with after dashing through routes for a bit we encounter it and use your last master ball to finish off this event our next stop is send-off spring where we can catch dusclops to help with the very few pokemon that we need to breed I caught a Ditto in the trophy garden which will help get all the starters and some other special Pokemon ditto is only available through the poky radar and diamond and pearl so I'm just going to trade this one around to take care of all the breeding the last Pokemon that we have to catch is probably the most interesting one out of the whole decks regigigas catchable in the snow point temple but in order to get one you need to have Red Rock regice and registeel on your party although you can catch them in these games you do need to have the special event regigigas in your party to activate them which would totally defeat the purpose of getting them in the first place so the only way to get them is to bring the ones I caught in the last video through pal Park I never technically said this was against the rules but I felt that everyone just considered it to be an unspoken rule that you can't use Pokemon from other games but since this is our only option we don't really have a choice after attaining all of them we can head to the temple and take on regigigas although in platinum it's level 1 it still has a really low catch rate unlike Heatran I had a much easier time but that was mostly because he couldn't deal any damage to our team to finish off this game I bred my Empoleon to get to Piplup and another Eevee bring the total to 74 pokemon after trading ditto from platinum to pearl I also trade the to Eevee to this game because I forgot that Eevee was only available in the post game 4 diamond and pearl it took a ton of time to organize this all so I just sent them over to even out the totals after this I took them and leveled up one in the aterna forest and one on route 217 there rocks on each one of these routes and if you level up an Eevee near them it will evolve into a special Pokemon with this we can add Leafeon and Glaceon to the total I bred Infernape to get to Chimchar which is the last Pokemon that I needed before I start evolving so when it came to leveling up my Pokemon it was really easy because of how many high-level trainers I had laughs because I didn't finish the story a majority of these Pokemon were already really close to evolving but after a hefty amount of grinding Chimchar evolved into Montfort Oh shieldon evolved into Basti Oh Don Combee evolved into vespiquen cherubi Eve Alden cherrim and Aipom evolved into amber pom bring this whole 282 Pokemon passing down the community ditto with a razor claw made it possible to get two more Turtwig bur me and riolu which are the final pokemon that we need to hatch after grinding Turtwig evolved into grotto Staravia evolved in the star raptor kratos evolved into rampardos Fermi evolved in a moth 'm ii Burnie evolved into worm a damn and seasonably evolved into Weavile with the razor claw the last two Pokemon were friendship evolutions because I forgot to carry Buneary through the entire game it took a decent amount of time to evolve into lopunny but really took a little less training to evolve into Lucario bringing the total to 91 Pokemon as for platinum surprisingly there were only 4 Pokemon that need to evolve through level up because there's still a ton of trainers available in the postgame this was actually easier than the other games with this Piplup evolving to primp clop gabite evolved into Garchomp gligar evolved into Gliscor with the razor fang Magneton evolved into magaz own in mount coronet and toca be evolved into togetic through friendship with her stone evolutions we evolved togetic to toe kiss with the shiny stone and snow red to frost last with the dawn stone as for trade pokémon we evolved electabuzz to electivire with the Elector Iser magma ardour mag mortar with the magma riser ride on to rhyperior with the protector porygon to porygon - with the upgrade porygon - to porygon Z with the dubious desk and dusclops into dust noir with the Reaper cloth bring the toll to 102 Pokemon this is technically the most you can get between all three games but there are actually a few more that we can obtain generation 4 is mythical city as there are five mythical Pokemon available in the game three of them have in-game events but only two of them actually work I know you can use tweaking glitch to get some of them but I said that it will be using any glitches regardless of how helpful they are instead there are two different options that we can do the first is that we can buy event cartridges if you go on websites like eBay you can buy the original carts that retailers used to get that distributed all the old event Pokemon but the main issues that these are sought-after by collectors so they're very very expensive the good events can go for as low as $90 to as high as 500 and unfortunately most the ones we need are on the higher end the other option we can use is the dns exploit if you mess around your des Wi-Fi settings so you can connect to a server that would distribute old events for you this is kind of on the border of glitching and NOC latching because I'm not glitching the game but I'm getting events that no longer exist but aside from the Ranger manaphy egg there is literally no way to legitimately get these Pokemon anymore this gives us manaphy Shaymin and Arceus but to make it a little more fun I ended up receiving the members card which allows us to enter the locked hotel in Cannell llave City after being convinced to sleep in this bad next to a creepy old man we wake up on an island similar to full moon island if you go into the woods we encountered our cry out of all the Pokemon it's obvious that the last one is going to give me the most trouble this is mostly because his moveset is really annoying but it took about three resets for me to finally catch it the last thing that we can do is bring mana feed to Selassie on town and breed it with ditto after running around for a bit the egg hatched into a phione and with that we've caught every Pokemon and diamond pearl and platinum but how did I do so let's review if you couldn't tell this was a nightmare to put together a majority of the people that commented about making this video said that doing stuff like munchlax and all the trade evolutions were going to be the hardest but in all honesty the most difficult thing was just piecing together which games caught what pokemon platinum was and is overwhelmingly better for almost every encounter in the game so I had to find a balance between finding the easiest locations for all the pokemon all while keeping the games even in terms of Pokemon Khan obviously the honey's trees were a make or break in terms of playing these games but it took me like three days just to make a guy that was one possible and to made sense starting with Pokemon diamond I finished with the time of 6 hours and 49 minutes considering how many times I had to reset for munchlax I progressively got better every reset so I think this is just about the best I can do although Torterra is the worst out of the three to run through these games I think that a lot of lucky moments even though I use X items for almost all the big battles for pokemon pearl we finished with a time of 6 hours and 23 minutes this is by far the easiest game and looking back I probably should have swapped some Pokemon with diamond to even them out better but overall I'm fine with this time I will say at the time for this one can be greatly improved I made quite a few mistakes and battles so let's say that you could easily get sub 6 hours on this if you really optimize a path and late-game evolutions finally in pokemon platinum we finished with a time of 9 hours and 52 minutes with all the events endgame postgame in all the catching I'm really satisfied with this mostly because in all honesty after the first few attempts I thought that this really wasn't possible for being the game I've replayed the least I'm pretty proud of how well I planned it out there were so many little tasks and decks and counters I had to make a list for and after some trial and error I think I made a pretty solid path in total we finished with the time of 23 hours and 4 minutes which in my opinion is pretty great but if we consider all the honey trees and for resetting for battles and Legendary's we're looking at a total real time of over like 35 hours easily like I said earlier in the video the odds of you getting a munchlax and all the other honey Pokemon after slathering only the first few trees is pretty much impossible so one all honesty this is the only method to making this work maybe some non game breaking X boys found in the future I'll come back and give it another go but for now I'm all done with these games but aside from that that's all there is to say about catching every Pokemon and diamond I'm platinum and that's gonna do for today's video if you liked the video leave a like so I know you want me to continue the series and consider subscribing as we'll be making more videos like these very soon I put a lot of effort into this video so I'd really appreciate it if you shared this video with a friend I want to thank Game Boy Luke for taking the time to make a quick cameo in my video and I'll have a socials linked in the description I just want to mention I'm going to start streaming on Twitch and I'm planning on doing a 100k countdown livestream when the time comes if you're interested in any of that follow me on Twitter to keep updated as to when that's coming out I also used to keep you all updated with my videos as they come out so I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out if you have any other suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below other than that like to thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,559,167
Rating: 4.9284382 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, catch every pokemon in diamond pearl and platinum, johnstone, johnstone pokemon, how to catch every pokemon in platinum, how to catch every pokemon in diamond pearl and platinum, catch em all pokemon, catch em all gen 4, detective pikachu
Id: 2_gMfvWSfU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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