Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke - Highlights | PART 1

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hello and welcome to the 2019 pokemon emerald randomizer nuzlocke we're dealing a bit of a rematch guys I tried this challenge back in 2013 it went terrible I tried it again in 2015 it went terrible I think the furthest we got was like gym number two so we're gonna try again here guys and we're gonna conquer pokemon emerald version once and for all randomizer nuzlocke randomize remains all of the pokemon we encounter including trainers wild pokemon including what pokemon will evolve into all the moves we'll learn all of that is totally random also we're doing a Nuzlocke challenge which means if a Pokemon faints in battle they are dead forever we have to release them if we run out of Pokemon the challenge is a loss so if we lose all over Pokemon we have to start a new file let's go ahead and get started deep breaths guys new game and of course our name is going to be y hay full caps our very own adventure is about to unfold hooray we get to ride in the back of a moving truck I hope it'll get crushed by boxes no seatbelts required aha poof here we go again hi mom why was she inside while I was inside the truck this is our new home it's awful I hate it no it's it's beautiful I love it okay so we got a Pokemon sitting way too close to the TV do you hear highs are gonna burn out gotta be careful man I heard that a lot of people have no idea how to read analog clocks these days so does anyone even know what time this is now the most important thing the best reason to play the girl in this game first off she's got the fanny pack but also she's got the orange Gamecube oh hey who are you oh hello and you are just some person barging into your house well hey I don't think we can go on any hot dates with her son considering our characters like 11 I mean I wasn't allowed to date until I was 25 so oh okay we gotta go touches balls here okay so now that we've done that I think we can go and figure out what our starter options are guys huh of nervous here we go guys 20:19 pokemon emerald randomizer nuzlocke here are the starters gosh dang it our first choice is doduo now keep in mind evolutions are randomized so if we evolve this it will evolve into something different pokemon number two not off to a good start he's got like a dumpling head and our last option gosh dang it one of these choices we have a literal baby okay I'm just gonna go with though - Oh guys I feel the safest with doduo let's see what moves we got I do have my moves randomized as well and we should always get four moves so let's check out what those duo's options are here Dream Eater that's terrible we've got spiderweb rays relief and confusion all right well off to a little bit of a bad start I guess we'll go with razor leaf I don't even know man we did less than half damage to a Zigzagoon well guys I'm not very confident about this start but it's something yeah I mean it's totally possible this guy's gonna be dead in like five minutes name um kazooie oh that's such a good name we're just gonna go good old kazooie here okay we'll grind what do you guys say hobo seven oh that's actually not bad for us to fight wait we don't have any flying attacks do we know we only have stuff that's terrible like it's lady and fantastic dude he's going for a solarbeam die just run I'm just gonna run oh gosh dang it well that's better than lady and I think no he knows rocked row okay I'm gonna run away Rock of throw oh no what the crud is that Radek eight sprite what is that that is the weirdest looking radicand I've ever seen I attack I have to run oh my gosh dude I can't kill anything well why wait he's part poison we can do confusion there we go super effective that's it yes critical hit we beat of Pokemon guys we did it level three vileplume is defeated level six kazooie there we go did we just one shot that guy oh no no no oh it did Stefan great so we basically really are you kidding me I have like a five percent chance to miss that I managed that might hurt actually yes I'm out of there ow are you serious Oh synchronized take that you get crud that's what you get man it's such a small amount of experience like is it even worth the time to fight a baby what'd I miss don't hydrophone oh jeez yeah I think if I miss I'm dead do I risk it I miss I'm dead but if I don't miss I get lots of experience let's just let's just do it no no way how do I miss twice in one battle what are the odds of that dude there goes what hey one all right so I'm gonna turbo through this intro guys just to get Oh crud I get off the train stop talkin to me Mom stop talking me I gotta go touch Brendan's ball um what time is it now guys no I set the wrong time our game is ruined forever if not talking to me that coughs let's go touch his ball real quick here we go cking that's already a bit better I mean seeking is definitely better than what we had last time option two Electrike our last option oh my gosh dude so I'm gonna go with electron guys well let's get to it guys let's try to grind to level eight I'm so nervous okay I'm gonna do it whatever so we charge up one turn and then he goes for blast burn do not critical no are you kidding me can I just kill a random wild Pokemon this is ridiculous dude I thought I was gonna have trouble with the first gym I did not expect to not even be able to get past a wild Pokemon on the first route hello and here is attempt number three but Pokemon this professor birch a vias golem okay I'm a girl apparently turbo balls help me never we're gonna get the best starter Pokemon ever starting off with a whisk a CH that is actually not bad Pokemon number two okay shelter odd geez lunatone is awesome but they're just not that strong so we're gonna go with whiscash guys haha he goes for thunder but hum part ground dude whiscash is low finger around know how the crud does this always happen it is one of the worst abilities in all of Pokemon it I'm not as slacking why can I just have something go well I should have chosen the tone no no did I forget to choose a nickname I didn't choose a nickname I'm gonna just keep going once we get to a name Raider because this file is gonna win if this file is the winner once we get to a name Raider will change the name I know exactly what I'm going to name whiscash there's this book I really like called Gardens of the Moon Gardens of the Moon has a character named whiskey Jackie so I'm probably gonna name a whiskey jack I actually bought a shirt that just has a picture of a loaf of right on it you guys the spit up on me did psycho booze might wifey for an attack ever guys the best attack is psycho boots the worst attack is psycho cutter drinking water I want that so bad guys we have to have a multiple of three so I'm gonna have it be level eight sandshrew dude Sancho is flipping me off right now what the crud guy okay guys level eight if we can beat this battle we can get pokeballs if we can get pokeballs we can start catching some stuff and we don't have to worry so much about true on let's go battle them guys here we go what is the rivals starter Pokemon cyclists Loras with venomoth I think we can deal with that guys so let's go for that icy wind look at that crud guys so free 147 experience points cyclist Lawrence is dead turbo speed hooray we got a potion there it is guys we've got our balls five balls are in hand okay whatever this is we have to catch it gosh dang it it's like the worst thing we could have found it oh he's not dead okay okay but all right guys it's for the very first time this year get those B buttons ready cuz we're gonna go catch ourselves a porygon I guess here we go hold them down B we've got that HP super low I'm pretty sure this is gonna be no problem blendin chiku three first try not a single busted ball so far this year let's see what do we name porygon no not win dots I almost goofed his name is Windows XP and just imagine guys whenever we send them out just imagine Windows XP sound effects really you give me a Nuzlocke with destiny Vonda gosh dangit games alright route 103 let's see what we can add to the team here oh my gosh that is so good oh how do we not kill it I do not want to risk killing an Espeon here we go guys come on it holding down be so hard come on no we don't get it with the premier of all the Vice crib I'm still nervous I don't want to kill it let's try one more time without hurting it not even a shake okay we got a damage it guys we've have to oh let's just do it don't kill it do not kill it please Oh oh my gosh come on holding down beam let's catch ourselves an Espeon all right guys mrs. doughnut boy I'm so happy man there it is guys we got a level six on Windows XP level six on mrs. donut boy and level nine on whiscash I think we're ready to go and tackle our first pokemon trainers we got to heal them god I can stay fresh hold on this is a route we can catch something here oh this is gonna be good I can feel it oh my gosh is it IO for real Oh brick brick might hurt though oh boy we are out of there dude let's get this para sector no not even a shake not even a wiggle oh gosh did we get it we got it that wasn't too bad or just whatever dude anime was a mistake anime ruined my life oh my gosh we got a trailer battle okay no legendaries please scribe Daniel good this is like an actual Pokemon you would find early on in gen 3 one shot like it's nothing dude Windows XP the ultimate operating system make that scribe Daniel dude dig what looks really weird in this game I'm gonna beat you up kid wait did he the same whoa you can't just say that dude this is supposed to be family friendly you keep oh my gosh whatever Oh dad is a trainer scribe kami okay Rhyhorn dude the game is being so nice to me I don't understand it Matt Matt what the cut how the cut does that work we have to go see which Pokemon Wally's gonna catch I don't want to go to the gym you caught it okay we'll go to the gym gotta go do some school odds nin no it's not time for an actual battle he's gotta go beat up our dad or talk to him whatever whatever families do I don't know here it is what does wall-e capture well that's kind of I mean it's cool I guess but it's nothing too exciting what that crud go Avril however with tackle this is ever so dead dude he's gonna die what's gonna happen is the game in a crash he's so dead use next Pokemon wait what I get to choose yeah do it blink use next pokemon do it bad egg what bad egg what the crud is happening I'm so confused um I really hope I didn't just break the game oh please don't break my entire run okay he got the growlithe he goes back to the gym it's just like a giant blob you're kind of missing No route 104 we can catch something really do I even want to waste my time go ahead and get your B buttons ready go ahead and press them but don't press them too are just a gentle B press because we don't really want the Castform that bad so we don't want to wear the B buttons out or anything like that so very gentle okay maybe a little bit tougher guys not that gentle not too gentle but not too hard like the sweet spot right in the middle the sweet B press and perfect thank you guys we got it there we go we're gonna go fight this guy good stop running away from me just accept my love these guys doing dude you're not a Fisher you're a bug catcher dude I want to try making cheese in real life like why does no one do that you can just you can just like buy a cow and make cheese right like I want to make cheese in real life Elite Four mark oh my gosh delete four it's already here oh my gosh egg balls relax bro get off my hiney just because I have a nice fanny pack doesn't mean you can check out my hiney dude petalburg woods and we get to catch into the Pokemon this is the sixth member of our team oh my gosh that makes me so happy I don't think head what's gonna kill this guy come on mrs. donut boy oh dang it it is just enough damage that I can't do another one we'll bill those bees nice and hard a firm hold because we're going to go and catch ourselves a blue boar let's get them the one did isn't that easy no it's never that easy one two second try do we've had a ridiculously good luck with our caches so far there it is guys Venus toys oh oh wait is this where we fight team crud our team uh I forget it okay Team Aqua I'm like who is it an emerald it's Team Aqua apparently artist Christine was one Pokemon dude it's me dude meteor mash is such a cool animation that didn't do very much at all I'm gonna go over to ia yeah because they do have a fighting attack here no no no no no way no no why do they have heat wave well that didn't take long great they were so good to they had some pretty great moves actually why did I spoke to this guy now I'm just sad okay we got the flinch though it's okay we get to we get to defeat him here level 9 watch his egg balls just becomes our strongest Pokemon somehow you're kidding me you're tough and I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for this meddling kid oh it is great ball yo guys this dude said yo I don't know I'm so excited over two letters but alright do we who ought to learn a hydro pump I mean it's probably pretty good to have something that's not just normal don't kill me do not oh I'm gonna swap I'm gonna get out of here right away get him out of here be honest does anyone care fake balls dies here we got okay a premier ball I'll take it excuse me cross chop hello can any of my Pokemon learn crosstalk oh my gosh four of them okay three of them can learn it hello do you guys have any final words for Aiea they were in anime the power level was over 15 goodbye oh yeah [Music] hooray happy music what even is nasal are they supposed to be like a ballerina I would love to get hit in items but sometimes they're really hidden what what okay okay I'll take it thanks game yeah can I get another one of those please oh okay Wow a couple of trash items but we got the master ball and we're gonna go beat this guy up I have a lot of money he's like Seto Kaiba Wow looks like your money got you a great Pokemon there buddy I've seen a lot of Pokemon have tritek gosh doing it but why why does it have to be burn the Giga Drain is so bad sixty power and only five PP wow wow that was some Farsight dude she's got 20/20 vision okay we've got ourselves our first legendary opponent but guys we have hydro pump come on we're gonna be fine we can one shuttle Moltres right oh my gosh why is it so intimidating okay bubble six if we can just hit it we could probably one-shot this guy mrs. Donnelly is a great attacker special attacker yeah look at that crud did watch this experience oh my gosh almost 300 all level ten we are twins cool yeah cool couple Bob and Han what that crud Veyron and cloister Wow yeah let's just both focus on okay never mind that was extremely powerful bubblebeam come on man you think I'm afraid of bubbles you know what we don't even have to fight this guy but we can go grab some items I'll do we can beat up this old lady yes got some cherry berries you okay I don't want her chest berry but I guess we can't beat up the old ladies we're gonna have to move on guys I'm the water pokemon expert guys will they have any water pokemon oh oh school boy Jonathan which three Pokemon okay it's like frozen water down this piloswine just to rub it in my face Gabe you gotta have for Egon - whatever game my porygon won my windows XP can beat up you Windows Vista did here we go okay not even half what yeah rolling kick oh boy we're gonna get out of here Windows Vista it's too strong it's like I got Windows XP and rolling kick was Microsoft trying to force a system update on me I guess I should have gone for hydro pump oh geez that's not gonna do much to mr. mrs. doughnut boy though they also he does have a water pokemon Wow I don't even know if an explosion would kill me like that's how weak Magikarp is or we'll just defeat him okay and the very first crud art for 2019 it's a beautiful mrs. donut boy look at them dude this is too sad for crowd art it's a beautiful song yeah guys watch this watch look how sad here's the story here's episode one here's episode two no oh my gosh my leg is falling asleep oh my gosh he's so great just pretend this is whiscash guys this is this is what our WA sketch looks like oh my gosh hey hey this particular patch of grass and it needs to be this one here it is guys our new team member okay and let's hold down that B guys let's catch yourself a little baby come on let me get him dude first try my catch look who's been so good this playthrough so we're gonna have P chalupa hey ha ha funny P it's funny cuz it's a potty word and now the grind begins we're gonna get everyone in our team what do you guys say hopeful 12 I think we're gonna 1200 boy why don't they say that so cheesy oh boy we got ourselves flame thrower ah darn it lamp I'm not a moth we are level 12 or higher on every single Pokemon now it's time for the gym enough doodling around man we gotta go do some squats and hopefully get a gym badge potion Sena I'm going into battle I need only your strongest potions oh wow he's got super potions holy crud I'll take some of those thanks guy don't take his gym trainer is lightly oh my gosh you're too heavy here we go guys our first gym trainer battle we've got scribe one Pokemon okay be drill that should not be too bad considering we have arrow blast this guy's a little 10 real the trainers themselves not a big deal it's mostly Roxanne I'm worried about I did i couldnt use flamethrower as well you were too good for me okay so we have a trainer there and there I think I'm gonna go for a single battle the sisters are going to have though come on it's just scribed Joe to Pokemon oh geez it's kazooie roast him and toast of dude this guy's available eight one shot dude Windows XP is the best hey dad scribed geo this gym leader has ended so many of my Pokemon emerald Nuzlocke challenges in the past let's see how we do this time it's time for some squats with Roxanne entreprenuer Robin with three Pokemon starting off with the crawdaunt that is not too bad I mean it's a little bit tough but we do have chronic although we could also go whiscash new frenzy plant let's do that let's do that get them dude oh that's one shot dude frenzy plant is so strong Charmeleon dude mrs. donut boy has hydro pump Charmeleon is no problem okay a charm really no problem dude is this gonna be a randomly super easy Jim did we over train like crazy za2 i could deal with that okay let's go to egg balls dude they have they have shockwave this is so free I was training as if they were gonna have a level 14 legendary but they don't oh my gosh it is little 15 all this time I thought it was 40 no it's 15 oh no he has brick Frankie no no okay okay it's a shockwave please do a good chunk brick break okay yeah not gonna do karate right seven damage nothing let's go for I want to see if I'm faster if I'm faster the chance to flinch is gonna be huge gasps were faster come on get that flinch critical that was a critical Det all he has rough skin oh he missed oh my gosh oh my gosh he has to die I mean mrs. Donna boys a special attacker we gotta go hydro pump if we miss we could die right here okay we're going for a guys hydro pump they're healing it's just a regular potion they're not full healed don't miss don't miss okay come on we needed that we need a critical that was good dude that was big damage if we hit him they're gonna die okay don't miss their healing the cannon don't miss don't miss yes okay we just need one more or a critical I have to hit them again and no misses come on hydro pump no he's faster he missed he missed oh we got him we got him yes then we dodged - horn drills I can't believe it we actually beat the first gym in Pokemon emerald with no deaths I mean we had a death before hand but none in the gym that was insane holy crud we got a stone badge okay guys we did it and I guess the first episode of this year's Nuzlocke is coming to a close I guess that's it guys I will see you next time take care
Channel: ScykohPlays
Views: 398,843
Rating: 4.8926725 out of 5
Keywords: ScykohCrud, Narration, Pearl, edited, Scicoh, highlights, Guide, randomized, Walk, Let's, Lets, randomizer, ScykohPlays, Pokemon, permadeath, Narrated, Challenge, Emerald, Scykoh, Psycho, highlight, Voice, LP, DS, Plays, GBA, Walkthrough, Nuzlocke, Lets Play, Skyko, Commentated, Through, random, Game Boy Advance, Skykoh, Let's Play, Play, nintendo, Commentary, Tutorial, Voiced
Id: mw1hwHgT_38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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