Unused Content: Pokemon Generation 3 (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) PART 1

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hello Internet users and welcome back to unused content the amazingly named show that it's somehow a massive following chances are if you're watching this video you probably have an interest in Pokemon or leftover content in-game or maybe you just type the word mediocrity into the search bar but either way you've come to the right place today we're going to be talking about the one subject you've all been asking me to cover for months now the third generation of Pokemon specifically for this episode I'm going to be focusing on the original Hoenn game ruby sapphire and emerald and just like the previous two generations there's a lot of interesting stuff to cover in general pokemon as a series has a lot packed into a tureen development which can result in many features or ideas getting thrown out in the process however instead of being completely deleted there are still some relics of such things that get left over on the data of the final product the first of which I'll mention involve Pokemon ability known for being somewhat of a reboot of the franchise one of the biggest game changers that we saw in generation 3 was the addition of abilities anyone who's played a Pokemon game in the past decade should be well aware that every Pokemon whether they be caught in a wild or hatched from an egg comes with an ability but based on something found within our SES data it seems that that was not always planned to be the case there is unused data that refers to something that is titled no special ability the game uses number identifiers to handle which Pokemon has which ability this text shows up when said identifier number is set to 0-0 this unused function seems to imply that the developers didn't always plan to have every Pokemon come with an ability however it's also just as likely that this was simply a placeholder while all of the game's abilities were in the process of being programmed and while we're on the subject of abilities there is one other thing I'd like to bring up out of all the abilities there exists a single one that is never used anywhere in the game this ability is known as cacophony outside of the name this ability is exactly the same as another one called sound 3 which as the name implies nullifies sound based attacks you might immediately guess that the reason it goes unused is due to it being a clone of an already existing one however the final release of the game contained multiple abilities that did exactly this making it strange for cacophony to be the only one that was scratched the word cacophony refers to an aggressive noisy mix of sound this has led many to theorize that this unused ability was originally intended for the whismur family all of which possess the sound croup ability in the final game the reason for this ability to be the only one that didn't make the cut is not known but in every generation after three cacophony is nowhere to be found on the data of any Pokemon game moving on to the next bit of info we have something that is a little more well known by this point but still worth talking about there exists unused music tracks within the game a good chunk of them are slight variations or obvious test tracks of music that you'll normally hear in the game but the real attention grabber is a few tracks that come from the previous games in the series gold silver and crystals appearing with the Hoenn game style of music the following music tracks from generation 2 can be found in our sve data the encounter music for sweeten and pay an regu the music for Team Rocket's invasion of the radio tower saffron city the themes used for route 38 and 39 and finally the theme for the Pokemon communication center which was an area exclusive to the Japanese version of Pokemon crystal the majority of the unused generation 2 tracks are listed in the data before any of the used generation 3 tracks one interesting exception is the team rocket track which is listed in the very last place instead although I'd really like to believe there were originally plans to have 2 player visit Johto in a similar manner to how you could visit cancel in the generation 2 game it's pretty obvious that these were only used the test track perhaps this was to test the gameboy advance it sound capabilities which was new hardware when development on the games have started and speaking of the early stages of development we've got some unused text that reveals a few interesting things about what was on the minds of Game Freak of course there are some left overs that clearly were just for testing out certain features some of which actually even state that they are testing one of these deserves another look though as within it you can see that in reference to what is supposed to be the games title you can see that it says welcome to the world of Pokemon a GB a GB stands for advanced Gameboy at the time that this text was included the Game Boy Advance had yet to be officially revealed to the public it seems that Pokemon a GB was a placeholder name for the project until the names of Ruby and Sapphire versions were decided upon another neat bit of unused text makes reference to the multiplayer communication area found within Pokemon centers likely these were just more early placeholders but the welcome messages for the multiplayer areas in generation 2 can be found in our SD the most noteworthy thing here is the inclusion of the time capsule any veteran player can tell you that generation 3 games lacked any means to communicate with generation 1 and 2 games a fact that said in many a gamer when they were young although I strongly doubt it myself it may be possible that at one point Game Freak had attempted to create some way to transfer toe c'mon from the older games onto the new ones they were developing one thing that the third generation introduced to the series was double battles however it was not until the 4th generation on the DS of the feature to encounter double battles in the wild was added or gen RSA's data though we can find a string of text that seems to have been meant for displaying when encountering two Pokemon at once although that bit of text seems to be as far as they got with it this proves that wild double battle encounters were on the minds of the developers at some point and to end off this discussion about text I just want to mention this one right here what should I do for fun today I have no idea what the context it was originally supposed to be viewed in but I just love how mixed in with all these dummy messages it's just some random NPC asking you what they should do for fun today next let's talk about everyone's favorite Pokemon feature ever Pokemon content just kidding these were stupid nobody wanted to do them in-game Frank knew it why else do you think that an emerald version all but one of the contest halls were replaced with the battle tents because they clearly realize it's more fun to have your pets fight to the deaths and to make them do whatever this is supposed to be but anyway if you've ever played any of the Hoenn games you'll know that every move in the game has its own secondary type that is only applicable to Pokemon contest strangely enough this includes the move struggle because struggle can only be used when a Pokemon runs out of pee-pee for all of its moves it cannot occupy a move slot and in turn cannot be used in the Pokemon contest so naturally it makes very little sense for it to possess any properties that would relate it to this mode on a previous episode where I discussed the unused content of the generation 2 games I brought up how the shiny version of the Pokemon new it's technically impossible to get the reason for this was because the only way to legitimately obtain one was through live distribution events where each one had predetermined values that always resulted in a normal colored mu well while it sort of did become possible to encounter a legitimate shiny mu and emerald version in the case of all five of the generation three games there was a single Pokemon that it's 100% impossible to get as a shiny due to the same reasons as mu was in the previous generation what I'm referring to is the mythical Pokemon Celebi all other mythical Pokemon even the ones that required attending live events in order to gain access to where they reside still had the chance to be shiny as the game randomly generates values upon starting an encounter with them this even includes the Pokemon Jirachi who at the time was only obtainable and Ruby and Sapphire by transferring from a special GameCube disc that was only available to those that pre-ordered Pokemon Colosseum sadly based on all the information I could find it appears that to this day there is still no way to obtain a legitimate shiny Celebi in like was new in generation 2 the only reason it even has a shiny color off was to maintain consistency with the rest of the Pokemon in the game well at least there was that one that appeared in the story of mystery dungeon 2 aside from this one shiny pokemon though the Hoenn games still have a few other unused price buried within them for instance on the acro pike the one thing the player is able to do is perform a bunny hop on the back wheel but for some reason there exist sprites for both the male and female characters doing a bunny hop on the front wheel there's no possible way to perform this in game and the reason for its inclusion on the cartridge is unknown and to add to the mystery a few years later with the release of emerald version this price set was altered to match the new design of the player characters even though it still remained completely unused at the start of the game the player is prevented from leaving littleroot town until they have a pokemon of their own however if we hack our way past the event triggers we can go out and explore how in any way the first thing that you might notice is that Professor birch here is stuck in a ledge it seems that it's bright and the Poochyena czar in this set position in this area until the cutscene professor being chased is loaded but forget that the real fun lives just ahead since we're never supposed to be beyond this point without a Pokemon some interesting things can occur in this game when we attempt to do things that would require you to have one for example when you run into a wild battle the game will force you to toss something out even though you actually don't have anything to put out what shows up is this weird question mark thing it's at level zero and doesn't have any hit points attempting to use a fight or run options in battle will lead to the game displaying a message that the player is out of usable Pokemon making you instantly lose from this point on I'll be referring to this question mark as blank as the game displays its name it's just a blank space I know I'm a genius right because we have not properly received a Pokemon yet we are unable to check the stats of blank like we would with any other Pokemon however while we are in battle with it we can check the Pokemon menu to do it instead what stands up right away to me is that blank as the no special ability message that I mentioned earlier and strangely for some reason it is listed as being obtained in a trade aside from that though there isn't much else to see true to its name everything else on blank summary screen is low blank attempting to check any of its moves will freeze the game out and force a reset though as well moving around too much on the empty party screen can result in some glitchy effects I got a little curious about what else I could do with this thing so I decided to mess around with some more things in the game progressing far enough to obtain a TM if you attempt to use it with blank being the only thing in your party the game will simply state there is no Pokemon hey game there are kids watching don't ruin the magic for them if you're trying to use the PC to store blank you'll see that here the game displays blank with an oddly colored Bulbasaur right it's likely that the game took the first sprite available to it in order to have something to represent blank the fact that it used Bulbasaur probably has something to do with the fact that Bulbasaur is listed as the first Pokemon as for color that could potentially just be some glitches shenanigans that's all for today but there's still a whole lot more to cover for the generation 3 game so make sure you come back to check out the next part once it's out hey everyone thanks for watching the video if you want to see the next one you know you can like and subscribe if you want or you know you can just come back when I put the next one up you know your decision your decision so anyway originally this was going to be a two-parter series with the first part being ruby sapphire and emerald and the second part being firered and leafgreen but as it turned out the ruby sapphire emerald video was getting way too long so I just decided to say screw it let's just break it up in that in the two parts so this this whole the whole unused content gen 3 series is going to be three videos long at least now in the meantime while you wait for the next part you can check out my other some my other videos on both this channel and my gameplay channel you can check out my brother and I are playing a Nuzlocke on fire red using the moai mod mod and as well you can also check out pokemon mystery dungeon we're having some fun doing that but you know only if you want to and all that but anyways thanks again for watching and have a good night afternoon morning wherever it is where you are and have yourself a nice day or night one morning whatever I just said that [Music]
Channel: Pikasprey Yellow
Views: 1,200,846
Rating: 4.9013042 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Unused Content, Pokemon Glitch, Gaming, Pokemon gen 3, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Video Game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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