SoD Phase 2 Enhancement Shaman Complete DPS Guide | Season of Discovery

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this is the ultimate and only guide you're going to need in phase two of sod for Enhancement Shaman hello my name is Javier and my goal is to make World of Warcraft as easy and as accessible as possible for you and take all that stress out of it the first thing we're going to look at is the stat priority hit Chance is going to be the biggest thing we want but you're not going to need much of it from gear really if any because we are going to get most of it from our talents crit Chance is going to be really really important and is there for our second or sort of top priority if it ining hit chance then it's going to be strength at number three agility at number four and attack power at number five moving swiftly onto the talents of course we're going to mainly be in the enhancement tree starting off with five points in ancestral knowledge Mana isn't really a huge issue for us in phase two however the only other option is a shield specialization and we're not going to be using one on the next row improved go wolf ghost wolf even we're definitely definitely going to want two points in here because without saying you know it just speaks for itself ghostwolf is amazing and we can use it whenever we need to to get around faster this is going to reduce the cast time of it by 2 seconds we're going to put five out of five into thundering strikes massively increasing our Critical Strike chance and then going on to the next row we're going to put two points into enhancing our totems massively increasing the strength of Earth and Grace of air totems by 15% now you can either go down a two-handed route or a dual wield route I'm going to mainly be showing you the dual wield route if you would like to go two hander put your next Point into two-handed axes and maces that you can use those otherwise take that point out and put one point into improved lightning Shield something that we're not going to make much use of but we need it to get further down into the talentry we're then going to put five points into flurry increasing our attack speed by a massive 30% after we do those big jumbo critical strikes we're going to put two points into improved weapon totems increasing the power of our wind Fury totem and also the damage caused by our flame tongue as well by 12% then we're going to put free out free into Elemental Weapons improving tons of stuff as you can see on the tool tip increasing the melee attack power bonus of your rock biter Weapon by 20% wind Fury by 40% and then increasing the damage again of flame tongue as well we can then go on to weapon Mastery lit just increasing our damage by 10% and the last one is going into storm strike you can see down here giving you an extra attack in addition the next two sources of nature damage dealt to Target are increased by 20% and this is massive going on to the runes then this again is going to depend on Jewel jeel wielding or two-handed and if you are duwal wielding then you're going to go for the dual wield specialization increasing your chance to hit with both spells and melee attacks by 10% which is huge hence why you don't really need any hit chance off the gear like I said and while dual wielding your storm strike ability now hits with both weapons while dual wielding and that is that one at the bottom of the talent Tre here so if you want to go for two-handed each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon you gain 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons so we're going to go for dual wield at the moment on the leg shot it's going to be shamanistic rage reducing all damage You Take by 20% and regenerating mana mana regenerated is equal to 15% of your attack power spell power or he heing power which ever is greatest for us it's generally going to be our attack power and also your raid um members are going to receive some of this bonus as well on the hand Rune we're going to go for lava lash you you charge your offhand weapon with lava instantly dealing damage um offhand weapon damage and damage is increased by 20% if your offhand weapon is Enchanted with flame tongue do keep flame tongue up on your offhand weapon of course for the waste then it's going to depend if we're doing single Target or AOE for single Target I would go with melstrom weapon when you deal damage with a melee attack you have a chance to reduce the cast time on your next spell mainly lightning bolt and chain lightning for us now it does stack up to five times and each stack is 20% meaning you can stack this up to five and get an instant one at five Stacks if you're going AOE I would go with the fire NOA Rune fire NOA totem is replaced with fire NOA yeah fire NOA totem is replaced with fire NOA which causes your current fire totem to emit damage at its location and you can place that tote at the location where you want to do the AOE damage so we're going to just stick with um single Target for now and go with male strong weapon and then we're going to go with Spirit of the alpha infusing the target of spirit of the alpha increasing all fret generated so we're just going to put that on our tank I wish they had have given us something a bit more exciting and dpsy but we didn't get it so that's that I guess now moving on to gear before we look at the biz list let's look at the pre Biz list there quite a lot to go through here so I'm not going to go into the fine detail more just kind of show you what you can get and how you can get it so you're going to see then a lot of items of the tiger of strength or of power if you get any of these green items which are generally going to be cheaper and they are going to be bind on equip Boe you can get these on the auction house hopefully not too expensive whereas some of the other ones will be for enhancement shamans there's really a big bre of different ways we can get our gear you can see up here on the head Scarlet Monastery on the neck High Tai choker from BFD which you should still do for the XP while you're leveling by the way I done it last night which was like day two I think I got an entire level just from doing BFD like it's Inc it's crazy that was on a different alt that was at like level 27 already but still Madness getting exalted with the warong out Riders is really important here with these braces um and a rafy basin honored if we go down you can see as well on the waist is really really good to get and also on the Rings behind my head here there's a lot of um PVP items that are really good things on the weapons then there's a ton of different ones you can mainly get from dungeons you can see Scarlet Monastery uh Alderman Etc and there's a few quests that you can get some are a bit High um so you may need some help Etc but generally you can just go to the auction house and get a load of gear do some PVP or just do the raid and you're going to be absolutely fine let's have a look at the biz then if you guys would prefer that on the pre- biz that I go into like the absolute minute detail please do let me know I'm just purely assuming that you don't want me to waste your time going through all of them but maybe I'm wrong let me know in the comments below you know I'm making these videos for you guys after all and if you guys do need any help at all on that note please do consider joining my Discord where we are now actually setting up a guild for raiding in sod it is on EU so you're going have to be on a certain server but if not then we do have people who are really knowledgeable always willing to help out and answer any questions regarding UI add-ons the class anything at all we're a really really friendly community and we're quite a big Community now too if you even need one step further or you just want to support me and help me get get out more videos you can also click the join button below or join my patreon where you can then get access to a special channel in Discord and then you can actually open a private ticket where I can help you one-on-one with logging simming setting up your UI and any of that you know super fun stuff or maybe it's boring and that's why I need help with it so I am going to assume that you're taking lever working if you're not please take Lev working if you want to get the biz that is because of the glowing neurolink cowl you can see here it is going to further improve your hit chance 1% which we don't really need anyway and on a 10-minute cool down we can use it which is going to electrocute us a bit and do a bit of damage but also massively improve our attack speed for 10 seconds and add some weapon damage which is really good for us enhancement shamans most of these items are going to be from nomun uh nomigan peace officers talk here increasing attack power and crit chance that's from Noman same with the trog Slayer pauldrons with a massive 22 attack power on there the blood wrench cape then on the back is actually from the PVP event in strangle for Vil if you if you don't know how that works every 3 hours at 12 3 6 9 and 12 for half an hour it's a free for- all and you can actually kill Alliance and horde players alike and you when you do you get this um buff and then you basically go to these Alters that are dotted around the map little red flags um go to those alters and you then get coins go to gurubashi Arena hand in those coins and that's how you get these kind of rewards on the chest then from Noman we've got the electrom Mantic set this is the chest legs and boots it's adding a ton of attack power it's increasing your crit chance which obviously is really good for us enhancement shamans and your attacks have a chance of restoring some Mana as well on the braces then it's those dastardly ones I said from PvP you need exalted with your all allong out Riders um I don't know what my a is doing the war song out Riders um so it's a bit tedious but you know that's what the biz is so get over it I guess and then if we are dual wielding we I would go we oh my God okay we would suggest that you get metat Torx arcano Shredder here which you can have a chance on here to discharge a blast of Arcane damage increasing your spell damage um reducing all resistances and increasing all spell damage taken this is really good and the Cog Master's Claw on the off hand if you are going down the two-handed route then I would go for either ferma plugs rocket Cleaver which is from nomigan or again from the PBP event the blood storm War totem on the hands we're going to go for the machinist's glove as you can see on the tool tip here it adds 30 attack power in finding mechanical units which is fantastic for pretty much everyone because obviously Nan there is a lot of mechanical units dark vision girdle on the waist adding some attack power the legs and Boots as I said are the set piece again legionaire band from phase one is still fantastic and Biz this season then you've got these unique equipped Rings called the hypercharge gears for inhance we want the devastation one it adds strength agility stamina nature and Arcane resistance again it's from Noman keep your Avengers void Pole from phase one if you don't know how to get this and you're new to sod this is actually from akum in the BFD raid last boss it drops and it opens a quest which you take to fund a bluff hand it in you can get whichever one you want there's one for healing tanking well one for healing and like dpsing really and one for a bit of healing and dpsing if you were playing a different spec last season you can trade this in for the other ones in booty Bay for 75 gold go romantic experiment 420b um which you can use to increase your attack speed and it gives some attack power and then the carve Driftwood I con uh is going to go in the ranged totem slot and that is pretty much it for the gear looking a bit further into professions then these are some really easy to come by consumables that are going to be useful to you the elixir of agility increasing your agility elixir of ogre strength there's also some Scrolls of the same you can get you can get all of this on the auction house if you're not um like an alchemist Etc and the dragon breath chili is quite good because you occasionally belch a bit of flame out of your enemies um in melee for the next 10 mins and this does also stack with your normal food buff what do you want for your normal food buff I hear you asking well I recommend the spider sausage as my favorite delicacy you can Farm the spiders in the northwest region of dustwallow marsh they drop on about a 30 to 40% drop rate white spider meat the recipe can also be learned in orar or Stormwind at just the normal cooking trainer and um this is going to give you 12 stamina and spirit lastly how are we going to put it together and use it in a rotation well a few of you did ask me that you'd like to visualize it so I thought i' just show it to you like this in something I wrote up so lightning bolt is going to be our main filler and this is the sort of thing we're going to use as well when we get the reduced cast time from the mom mom weapon Rune don't forget to keep up your Buffs on your weapons as well use your shamanistic rage when you're going to make the most out of it for that Mana regen use your lava lash on coold down and and your storm strike as well make sure using that on coold down I forgot to put this one on here you can REM remove any of those nasty effects with your trema totem keep your searing totem TOS up Etc and your um strength of Earth and Grace of air totems things like that up if you're using them and then use your Earth shock on cool down as well as your um flame shock to make sure you're keeping that up on your target at all times I hope you guys enjoyed this guide I did try and cover absolutely everything that I possibly could and I have done nearly all of the different specializations that there are to do so do check out my channel I've also got some other leveling guides Etc coming soon once I make sure I've worked out the perfected way of leveling as quickly as possible for you all
Channel: Javier
Views: 27,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow, sod, phase 2
Id: pvuD4wNwF_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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