Mind Spike Rune Location for Priests | Season of Discovery

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in phase two of season of Discovery Shadow Priests get a new Rune in M Spike this is going to be core to your new rotation becoming a very important ability that you need to blast the target three times to get stacking increases and then you're able to do a mind blast this is going to be the core of your rotation and really important to the shadow priest damage potential in season of Discovery in order to get this Rune you're going to have to do the highway robbery quest line that starts in desalis just Northeast of the Cotto graveyard you can find this abandoned Camp up on a bluff to start this Quest off you have to be level 30 or higher interacting with the campfire Begins the highway robbery quest line which is going to give you a bunch of hints at who the next person you need to interact with is first off it says we need to find somebody in desis that might know more we're going to be looking for bibl futz Buckle who is in the middlest of the map just above the ridge here at this set of Huts run your way over there you'll find him just outside the huts on the pens on the Eastern side he's going to say that Marauders were likely responsible for this and Marauders tend to hang out at pirate areas that gives us a hint that we're going to have to go to stranglethorn Bale we're heading down to booty Bay at the bottom of stranglethorn Bale here within the Inn we can see that we've got a quest Giver she can be found at the bottom level of the Inn right by the inke keeper we're looking for toal she'll ask you to bring her a cherry Grog so you have to buy her one of those from the bartender Cherry Grog in hand you can move on to the next part of the quest she's now going to tell you about arari dusk feather who hangs out near arrai Highlands guess we got to move all the way up to the top of the map hop on your flight point and fly your way up to the arrai highlands when you get to the arrai highlands you have to head south and get onto the bridge then jump your way off the bridge and into the waters below swimming to the east we have to look for a rowboat you can of course get there by going down this path but it's more fun to jump in the water right hopping in the rowboat is going to take you to the Eastern side of the arrai Highlands way over here that you normally can't get to from here there's a nice little Farmstead and we got to look for our contact on the docks of the Eastern side of this little section here you can find aari dusk feather she'll be standing at the edge of the docks waiting for you to come up and talk to her if she's not there just wait for her to respawn somebody probably just killed her you can question her if she's the one that attacked the camps in desus there's two options here if you're a nigh Health you get this I sympathize with you one calor is ours and she'll just give you the key if you're a night elf if you're not a night elf you got to fight her if you choose to fight her she is a little bit of a rough encounter she's a pretty high level mob and can be a little bit tough especially at the level 30 that you can start this whole Quest jot you might need a friend to help you take her down when she gets to low HP she'll shout out no it cannot end here and then vanish leaving behind a satchel that you can loot to get the key for the chest Wander over here and open up the cash using her key you can get the jewel encrusted box and within that is going to be your Rune I hope this guide helped you figure out how to get your Rune I'm zesty freshh saza games and I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Zesty Guides
Views: 22,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery, classic wow, world of warcraft, mind spike rune, mind spike for priests sod, priests runes sod, priest runes sod p2, phase 2 priest runes, wow classic sod
Id: PpTJ_pYzWik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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