Cataclysm Classic - How In Demand Will Your Class Be?

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with cataclysm classic confirmed many of us wishing to go forwards will have those typical expansion time questions what class should I go with how does what I play change will my class be in demand and so on and while I do plan to cover each class in detail as I always do today I want to do something a bit more brief and look at which classes are most likely to be the ones that guilds will be after for C content also Worth to mention that Kata is a bit less figured out than the versions of w we've played thus far and I would expect more surprises performance-wise or just certain specs doing unanticipated things blizzard has also proven to be more open to making changes to under or over performers in Wrath and I can certainly see them doing this in cater as well so as always information here with a grain of salt but in short is quite a similar situation to wrath in that there's only a few specs that are unlikely to ever see play in PVE content what will be changing however will be the classes and specializations people look to stack most classes are given more well-rounded kits to accommodate 10 player heroic raiding too and speaking of 10 player you need to cover Buffs which make the most sense for your raid comp as the content will be hard enough to Merit doing so well at least it will be early into a new tier so when I say you want to bring one of them the context of what that spec brings to your 10-man comp does matter compared to 25 where you're probably just be happy to bring them of course there is a conflict of interest here with loot distribution on 10man where some classes are going to be rolling on the same item but that is just something everybody is going to have to deal with and make their own decisions on so with that said let's make a start and talk about how in demand each class and spec will be for cataclysm and of course why let's start with priest priest remains in a practically identical state to ref for the Lich King in that discipline and Shadow are great oneof conditions to pretty much any raid and holy tends to be overlooked once again Shadow notably should start climbing a little higher on DPS meters than we've seen in Wrath it does especially well on multi-target fights and of course it's a priest so the utility is good including vampiric Embrace 5% spell haste Mass dis spel him of Hope and divine hymn raids will be bringing Shadow priest for sure it's a one of but it's a one of you want discipline is probably seeing the biggest change in play style from raft to C out of the prps the biggest news is now you can finally stop wearing your power word Shield key bind into dust as there'll be far more buttons to press to do good healing atonement is the big new talent and is a speck identity that has forever stuck with the disc crease from cater onwards simply put some of the damage you deal is converted into healing for nearby allies so you'll be actively contributing both damage and healing discipline also brings excellent utility they have both the HS power and Fusion pain suppression and the new Power word barrier as a much needed raid rde cool down oh also priest have leap of faith AKA a lifegrip that's Baseline for all of them worth a mention too this PRI ability to absorb damage is also still very strong and no other healer is anywhere near as efficient from stopping damage from ever happening meaning discipline will be a Surefire way to find yourself a raid spot however similar to wrath it will be a one of Speck in your healer team the reason why is still pretty much the weaken soul debuff from Power word Shield all the same you can't go wrong with disc which leaves holy priest and unfortunately it's a similar story to wrath it's not bad by any means it's just discipline on average tends to be able to do more what holy does is Big healing through put which puts it in a space for its competing move Holy Paladin Resto Druid and even Resto shaman on some fights holy also gains chakras which enable you to empower either your single Target or AOE Focus heals as always the holy priest can do a bit of everything maybe it is good enough to compete with the throughput monsters of Kata but going into the expansion I feel as though it is correct to say that it's the Healer spec that will see the least play onto warlock next the top damage dealer throughout the whole of rafts so far however the spec you'll see the most will most certainly be changing and I believe locks are a lot less likely to be stacked than they currently are in Wrath let's start with destruction and again it's in a similar place to ra it's not bad but the class just has other options which are going to do more damage I could have pretty much copy pasted with what I said about Destro and wrath and it would have been the same here it also doesn't bring any super special utility which would justify it over another pick either as much as it's playable and will be better than a bunch of other DPS it shouldn't be a spec you see tons of in PVE Affliction overall won't be as good as it's been so far in Wrath and will go from a spot where you can quite easily stack a few Affliction locks in Wrath two you'll consider whether you're needing to bring one and all in cater on encounters with multi-target focus of course Affliction will rise in value by a good amount and can perform very well but it's just not going to be a go-to DPS spec you can use on every fight anymore demonology is the big winner for warlocks however the big news is demonic PCT has changed to be 10% flat spell power instead of scaling with your total spell power also you gain Doom guard as a viable DPS cool down when you pair this with your Mastery and metamorphosis demo locks can put out some ridiculous damage in their opener their AOE damage is also amazing during this time period this moves demo from a mandatory oneoff spec to something you can even consider stacking if you wanted to do so utility wise Soul Stone can now be used as a battle res there is health stone of course and don't forget about Dark Intent to it's not about a little haste modifier that can help a Resto drude or a shadow priest hit their haste break points saying all this a lock is a highly represented class in Wrath at the moment so there could be a fair bit of competition on getting a raid spot they will still be wanted but in order of demonology Affliction and Destro Mage in typical Mage fashion we do the same kind of thing we've been doing for the past few expansions Arcane is a great starter once we get some gear though you roll fire Frost is a little bit more of a thing than it was in ra of the Lich King I suppose and some extra slows and Roots often don't go a miss when you're lacking gear heading into to heroic dungeons but as it has been for the longest time now it's still really your go-to PVP spec mage of course now brings an alternative version of heroism or blust called Time Warp on top of that Basel line they bring 6% spell power and increase mana and Arcane has 3% bonus damage and focus magic so for a pure DPS class it's pretty good on the buff coverage front and that 3% bonus damage effect similar to how it is in Wrath can only be done by rat Arcane or BM but arcane should see play early and then be outscaled by fire as we progress well on into raid gearing then again Arcane has typically been good for longer than expected in expansions we've experienced so far in TBC it remained very playable up to the sunwell and in Wrath it was only in trial of the grand Crusader that people really started to make the swap also during spine of Deathwing Arcane did make a brief comeback back in the day since the fight was centered around hitting several very tight DPS checks and having the legendary staff helped out with that too but should things go the way we expect it's another case of play Arcane early Play Fire later fire itself has that familiar hot Street play style from RAF of the Lich King which needs a good amount of crit for it to really come online however in other ways it has change to become a bit of a damage over time spec your Mastery increases damage from your periodic fire effects such as ignit a living bomb and even pyro Blaster leaves a decent dot now on top of this combustion has been entirely reworked now it duplicates all the active fire damage overtime effects into a brand new debuff that ticks for their combined damage this was a big skill point for the cataclysm fire Mage these days though there's going to be a weak horror that tells you when to press the button but hey it's still satisfying to use Fire's AOE is also very powerful in cat with just a few Talent points spent so they really are just a good allrounder and a solid addition to the raid drid next starting with balance and once again we're in a similar place to wrath they are a good and valued addition into the raid but they're rarely going to be finding themselves at the top of the DPS meters the big change for boomies in cata is that the eclipse mechanic has been totally reworked now it's a bar that moves towards one side depending on which spell you cast and when that bar fills up you gain a bonus to that spell type until the bar has moved far enough in the other direction for me not going to lie the eclipse mechanic in Wrath would have driven me crazy because a it was RNG based on crits and b sometimes there's a phase change or downtime and you really don't want it to proc then so this new version gives Druid a bit more control over the burst phase Druid is still good at multi-target damage with starall Moonfire and wild mushrooms and should do well on single targets overall Boomie should be a solid bring one of them to your raid if they fit oh also in case you were wondering Glyph of stars that's the one that turns your character into the kind of Astral form instead of boonin that was in Mr Pandaria not cata unless blz bringing out early that is onto feral then so cat's got a pretty big buff Midway through ra of the Lich King and ended up doing way better than expected by late ICC in Kata they're going to be moving down from that top spot for sure feral cat was actually very good at the start of Kata though owing largely to their Mastery than increased bleed effects being way too good if I remember right in fact Paragon brought 11 Druids to their world first nefarian 25 heroic kill there was also a buff during the fight that made your next attack do way more damage turned out that scal pretty well with a five combo Point rip I don't think we're supposed to be applying dots that do 840k crits till about Legion but anyway we're going to be releasing on the final patch as per usual with classic so things will have changed FAL ctin of itself will be playable but I honestly expect to see less pure DPS players a more expectation for your feral to fill bof role of DPS and an off tank because bears are back they tended to be a bit less played overall in Wrath but in C we expect them to be the go-to off tank they bring amazing single Target threat have improved AOE threat and just an overall straightforward play style and when you're not tanking you can drop back into cat and do better damage than any other tank will be capable of doing as per usual with feral tanks they're going to be all about that big Health p and passive mitigation and will be a good pick for either raid size finally restoration Droid it's in cata and Beyond where Resto really starts to grow into its role pun intended I suppose healing in cater changed as a whole Mana matters more health bars are bigger and One Singular heal isn't always going to instantly top someone off meaning on average this is great news for a spec that focuses on healing overtime effects Resto Druids are throughput machines and will heal in anticipation of large damage spikes coming their way they do suffer on fights that need real focus on spot healing and other people will just do that better but either way Resto Droid should be a viable pick in either your 10 or 25 man comps I want to say they're stackable in 25 depending on the encounter but you would be directly competing with Holy Paladin for that spot One Last Thing Worth to mention for healers here when content gets on Farm it's often the case you drop a Healer back to DPS this very well could happen for Resto Druids on certain encounters so add consider how much you like probably Boomin as well oh also in C worth a mention you only get three battle reses pring encounter now you can't just stack Druids and Brute Force mechanics next is Rogue assassination Remains the simple to play spec that's great early in the expansion and performs Super well specifically on single targ encounters however when multiple targets are present or especially two target cleave combat becomes the go-to instead a big change for combat is that blade flurry is no longer a 2minute cooldown and is instead a toggled effect that reduces your energy regeneration while it's active so however often cleave comes up combat can position themselves to do very well combat was also often brought during ra the lichking for the 4% physical damage debuff but finding another spec that we be doing that is not going to be a problem anymore as we'll see in a moment the big change to this expansion with Rogue is that subtlety is actually playable in PVE for the first time ever saying that it's like feral Druid plus and it has a lot to balance between different combo Point Spenders at the same same time it's not going to be a super beginner friendly spec and better players will see better results also don't forget for Rogues by the time we're in dragon soul there are a pair of legendary daggers which kind of solve any rotational problems you may have had as sub whilst also boosting your damage by a huge amount this quest line is just something you do want to experience as a rogue though if you have the chance to do so I'm expecting a lot of Rogues to suddenly start appearing late on into Firelands and heading into dragon soul yes dragon soul may have not been the most popular raid ever but on the other hand orange weapons and doing big damage a rogue can fit well enough into any raid sizes any of their specs making this a very versatile pick for the expansion next up is Shaman so enhancement is in a spot where it's good on single Target great at sustained cleave and can bring many different valuable Buffs to your party at the same time they won't be a clash you're looking to fill the raid spot with as soon as possible perhaps the biggest bonus in ra for the Lich King aside from heroism or blood lust was the 10% attack power buff which can still be brought by a blood deking CER but now also paladins can do this with blessing of Might all the same enhancement is expected to be towards the middle of the DPS not bottom not top but at the same time there are other classes that will bring the Buffs they can bring so it's certainly playable but if you do bring one it's going to just be one elemental gets a huge shift from raap of the Lich King where it was pretty good actually in fact you know what element has done better than expected in Wrath I thought it was going to be TBC all over again where they start off pretty good at the start and then by the second raid tier they've just disappeared off your DPS meter Elemental can now glyph lightning bolt to be usable on the move can use the formation talent to spend lightning Shield charges for big burst damage and of course lava burst is just a fun button to press as per usual Elemental has good buff coverage and it should be a very solid pick for 10 or 25 maybe you could even bring more than one of them on 25 also worth a mention that earthquake that's Elementals new Capstone Talent is considered more of a utility pick in C for the knockdown more so than the damage so you don't always take it if you're an elemental enjoyer though this is probably the version of well we've seen in classic so far where they perform overall the best in PVE restoration get more tools so they can offer a lot more than just chain heel they even have a talent called taric currents that really want you to be casting lightning bolt to regain Mana Healing Rain gives Resto Shaman a persistent ground effect to pop down that will benefit your raid and it's in cata when they get Spirit link totem this cool down is super powerful uncertain fights and makes a lot of sense with the Resto Shaman's tool kit which ideally wants you to be stacked up I'd say Resto Shaman is more playable in 25 over 10 mainly because of spirit link totem and just scaling up with more players even then similar to the Restoration Druid expect to be flexible between playing Elemental here and there Hunter so Marksmanship unfortunately is the first spec where I have to say it's kind of unviable for cataclysm yeah it took until late ICC for it to start appearing on the DPS meters in Wrath and now it's gone again it doesn't offer any special utility other specs in your raid or just other Hunters can't bring and it just doesn't do damage which puts Marksmanship in a place where it's really difficult to justify bringing it along Beast Mastery however is kind of playable it is lacking on AOE the single Target is fine though what BM really does is that it's a Swiss army knife of Buffs you can go train a pets which has practically any buff in the game that the raid needs you can even get heroism from your BM Hunter if you want it however the vast majority of the time in C just like wrath when you see a hunter they're going to be survival they are really consistent damage dealers over the course of the whole expansion and have decent buff coverage as well misdirection continues to be one of the best utility spells in the in the game and having more than one of them is not any bad thing on top of that in cata hunters get trap launcher as a baseline ability which means they can fire any trap from range we've seen hunters get a change in raft where they can fire their explosive trap and it's made a complete night and day difference to how good survival is so then being able to fire all their traps is going to be amazing you can really never go wrong with adding a survival Hunter to your raid and in 25 I expect them to be stacked Paladin so protection is no longer the king of tanks that every raid will always have as their main tank and maybe even early in cater not their off tank either they do remain a pick which will work for 10 or 25 player and bring good single Target threat and of course amazing AOE threat but the other tanks have caught them up on survivability protection Paladin can string together several cooldowns and withstand a serious amount of damage but after that the passive mitigation will often lead to higher damage taken than some other choices they do scale well however and by later in the expansion will be a very competitive pick Holy Paladin keeps it spot as a fantastic healer for either raid size and should very well be stackable on 25 they have however changed quite a bit in terms of play style there is more to it now than just playing wack-o with Holy Light on your raid frames holy Radiance and light of dawn give them two good options to fulfill a raid healer now and while they don't have that Mastery that increases healing the closer they are to the Target they will often want to be in melee range both for Mana regen from judgments as well as building holy power with Crusader strike this new resource is built up through certain abilities and spent on some of your most powerful ones Holly has certainly undergone a bunch of changes since rap that won't be for everyone but the one thing that hasn't changed about holy is that it's going to do really well the whole expansion and you'll love to see one in your raid retribution also changes a ton with holy power coming into the game they also have a maintenance buff too called Inquisition which is kind of like a holy combo Point spender it's a big change from your priority based rotation that you have in Wrath and I find that people either love it or hate it what you can't deny though is R is well worth bringing to raids in either 10 or 25 as per usual their utility and buff coverage is excellent and they will also bring that 3% damage buff your Mages will be dropping once they start to go fire rat's damage should remain consistent and good over the whole expansion all of this being said though they're still going to remain a one of pick in most raids on to the death knight holy surprised Us in ref of the Lich King it turned out through snapshotting it became the best DPS in the game on the re-release of Max Ramis it even ended up getting nerfed before Alois despite this it's come back to be in a great spot in ic once again and hly still has the best way to spread the magic damage taken debuff across multiple targets thanks to the talent EB and plaguebringer and pestilence and they also provide a booster diseases which Your Shadow priests will appreciate anti-magic zone is a good cool down to block some damage on your raid and they have that great burst heavy opener with the gargoyle Frost DK should also see play as well interestingly in C they have talents to both support dual wield as well as the two-handed play style and I'm just saying throughout raft and holy DK which was supposed to be a two-handed spec has been dual wielding basically the entire expansion so maybe don't write off two-handed Frost just yet we'll see what people can make with it frost dks deal consistent single Target damage as well as providing good AOE burst with howling blast and various procs Frost also brings some good utility as well which is absolutely a value on certain encounters with ads that need to be controlled chill blanes adds a slow to frost fever and a roote to chains of ice and of course they have hungering cold which is a 10sec hard CC with only a one minute cooldown on it blood DEC somehow gets even better than it already is in Wrath throughout wrath you've probably been running a blood DK as your off tank well in cata they get a promotion to the main tank spot Death Strike changes so it heals more when used after damage has been taken and their Mastery scales with this to allow them to create some big absorb Shields Blood dks also have so many cooldowns to go through it feels like they always have something available dks can very much take care of themselves and actively mitigate to a greater degree than any other tank they also do great versus magical or physical damage and their single Target threat is amazing and their AOE threat has been improved if you play prop P for how good it was in Wrath you want to be taking a serious look at blood decaying C finally Warrior so Warrior has always been that class that scales super hard typically though they starts his arms and end up playing Fury towards the later part of expansions that however is not going to be the case in Kata despite single-minded Fury existing giving more options for dual wielding Warriors this spec just doesn't put up the numbers that arms does during this expansion and it also doesn't provide any unique buff which guarantees it a raid spot whilst I wouldn't go as far to say furri is and viable it's kind of hard to justify playing it when arms exists arms however this one is it the big melee carry of cataclysm from the start of the expansion to the very end you'll be happy to see an arms warrior in your raid there is also quite a change in play style as well when now you have this first DPS window with Colossus smash as well as St dancing being relevant again as per usual when Warrior DPS is even slightly viable they're incredibly overplayed but with an arms Warrior you can lock in your raid spot for the entire expansion great in 10 man less stackable in 25 purely because it's a melee class but a solid arms Warrior will be something you'll see in every raid which leaves us with protection and kind of a similar story to wrath here it falls short when compared with other options whilst they still maintain a good set of cooldowns and great utility they're just going to be taking more damage than other tanks until stat scaling kicks in later on they can be considered as an off tank and they're most playable in that role since they can be rotated in when they have cooldowns up but they are competing with barrels here and there we have it plenty of spec diversity it's just the stackable specs and the ones expected to do the best have shuffled around a little bit in this regard DPS looks quite different as do tanks I'd say if anything that the healing mattera stays in the most similar state or bit you do have more reasons to bring a diverse healer count now but those are my current impressions of the mattera and what will be the most popular in raids is there anything I've gone over here that you would change in a big way are there classes or specs that will do way better or maybe even worse than what I said drop it down below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you on the next one very [Music] soon [Music] see
Channel: WillE
Views: 250,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cataclysm classic, cataclysm, cata classic, wille, tier 11, tier 11 guide, tier 11 heroic, cata dps, cata heal, wotlk best dps, cata pve, cata leveling guide, cata leveling, cata pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2024, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2024, mmo 2024, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc
Id: eQgy2jr1PLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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