SoD Hunter - Beast Mastery Runes, Talents, Rotation Guide | WoW Classic Season of Discovery

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[Music] how are you all doing tonight my name is Big bombed boy and welcome to a hunter's essential guide Beast Mastery Edition Beast Mastery is in a phenomenal place right now it's time to really really dive in we're going to cover talents Rune choices and the rotation then we'll cover how to unlock the true power of sod BM Hunter we'll talk about it a little bit first because some people will be immediately turned off but you shouldn't be and I'll explain why then I'll explain how to do it and put it into practice then we'll cover pets and finally we'll cover consumes because they are a bit different for BM and I do want to talk about the future of BM so the talents all right this is actually very easy at level 25 the talents for BM are pretty set in stone and it's this 160 we want five and M Hawk we will actually be using Hulk pretty regularly with the changes to line and revive pet is not necessary but it is nice in case our pet dies and Pet Armor three out of three in the armor I get asked a lot why Pet Armor versus Health truth is it doesn't matter much for raids only health is probably slightly better for soloing and leveling armor is better because your pet is going to take a lot more physical attacks and it's better to prevent the damage than have a bigger Health pool that you just have to heal have you tried using men to pet on a BM Rune pet it takes like 10 to fully heal it's ridiculous although you could take imp eyes of the Beast yeah for real if you want to instead of armor you can take imp eyes of the Beast there's a lot of hilarious stuff you can do with this in PvP now that scorpion is nerfed it's less useful but you can still do it especially with a wind seron it might also be useful in the future depending on if there's any particular solo farms that Hunters can do in raids or dungeons then we want five and Unleashed Fury PL 20 % damage is just necessary and one in ferocity for the 3% crit pretty simple stuff the runes all right these are also pretty simple so I'll just go over them very quickly chest is heart of the lion if you're the only Hunter it's actually a good self buff now so it doesn't suck to take it but if another Hunter is there you can use Master Marksman or if the fight is extremely short and you have some gear you can actually run Cobra strikes gloves this never changes it's the BM Rune legs are where things just get get sniper training I'm convinced this is broken yeah seriously I had heard Rumblings of this being broken but I didn't want to believe it after reviewing the logs and comparing times I was using this versus not I think it might be true I can't prove it there are no target dummies and there's no dire mul so I can't specifically go out and test this easily but it does seem like it's broken it does not affect Auto shot but it does affect your other shots like multi for BM I would not run this at all for Marksman it should could still affect Chimera and aimed I don't have any logs where I wasn't running sniper when I was marksman to check but it should work for those so what would I run first we'll say kill command and talk about that play style next actually rotation so when we have the proper BM talents and for leg runes we're running kill command this is what our rotation looks like it's pretty simple get the pet in and Mark auto start then multi and H yeah that's that's about it you just repeat from there and remember not to clip your auto shots what about Serpent and Arcane both do absolute dick for damage it's bad but they don't interrupt your rotation since you have plenty of space in there so if you were not going to have Mana problems it's fine to also Serpent and Arcane serpent is generally more Mana efficient than Arcane so Arcane is always the first one we skip if Mana is an issue you can also multi- dot with serpent if there's multiple targets that's definitely better than clicking Arcane so if we're using those the rotation is get the p in and Mark Auto to start then multi Serpent and Arcane if you have to move in to start the fight you can serpent then but that isn't normally the case and remember that Serpent and Arcane will not disrupt your auto shots so you can cast those whenever you feel like it honestly I find this to be pretty fun it's basically the same as before except now our pet is a Demming God it's still fun and I do it pretty regularly you can do this rotation and pull incredibly High numbers while having a nice relaxing time what if you want even even more power unlocking the true power of Beast Mastery okay don't leave I know some of you are not going to like what I'm about to say we're going to do some melee weaving with flanking strike don't leave it's different now but seriously I know a lot of people really enjoy melee weaving and I know a lot of people that absolutely despise it I am somewhere in the metal but I have to say melee weaving right now is awesome it's so much better than any other time in the past past I made a video about melee weaving back in classic and pretty much everything in that video is still relevant I do recommend watching it I was super pumped for melee weaving at that time having tons of fun doing it but I would say I don't know maybe a month after that video I was over it I had just completely stopped melee waving I didn't enjoy it anymore and I have barely done it since but it is so fun right now let me explain what's changed and why that is I'm not going to hide it the best thing first and that is a boon of black fathom wait what why it's the movement speed having a 20% movement speed increase at all times makes melee weaving feel so much better this alone makes melee weaving for me the timings for melee weaving can be pretty tight moving 20% faster has so much more space and you don't have to be as precise before if you weren't on the ball you could start to see huge DPS drops if you were delaying your shots to the point it wasn't even worth than to weave but also hit boxes in this game aren't great sometimes I of to get way closer than I should for my Raptor to actually go off now that I can move a lot faster that's not nearly as big of an issue because I have the time to move now flanking strike the damage for flanking strike on launch was garbage it's been fixed finally okay not totally fixed but it at least does do 100% weapon damage now here you can see my flanking did 112 and carve did 56 wow what do you know 56 * 2 is 112 so it is finally doing 100% weapon damage and that's not bad it's a decent amount of damage but what about it starting your auto attack and making you wait to do that Raptor strike well we got macros for that I'll put these in the description so you can try them out for me this one works best I have almost no issues with this one you just Spam it and it should work this is another common one I've seen people use and I only briefly tested it but it worked fine when I did There's also this one it's pretty simple but it will turn your auto attack off if Raptor strike is on cool down so be careful of that for this one you want to spam it for a second when it's time to flank it should flanking turn off auto before it would go off and turn on Raptor so like this except yeah it doesn't always work I don't really understand why but when I'm in BFD it works like 99% of the time when I'm in dungeons or just out soling it's like 1% of the time I don't get it so I've just been using the first one all the time now and it hasn't been giving me too many issues I just wanted to mention this one because I know a lot of people have used it and may have run into problems and given up on weaving I recommend trying the others I don't like to macro anything else into a weaving macro some people put targeting in there I hate that I'm already going to be targeting what I want to melee when I go in to do it I did tried to macro pet attack in to always Force the Pet's flanking strike to go off but I did not have any success with that another big thing wind Fury having no wind fury on Alliance made weaving feel like it's seriously so much more enjoyable when you get a big wind Fury Alpha Raptor strike now everybody can do that and at level 25 in pretty much every BFD group you should have no problem being in the group with the feral it's usually two melee DPS one tank one feral and myself or two melee One Flex one feral and myself if you have three melee DPS and they want to put you in the castle group tell them to take the tank out single Target threat is not an issue right now and the third thing that I think makes weaving feel really good at this level is no aim to shot yeah you have the extremely short cast time on multishot and you have your auto shots but other than that you are super mobile aim shot is a 3se second cast and it's also another shot in your rotation so you have to stand still a lot longer and have less space in your rotation not having to deal with that just makes weaving feel better should you still weave even if you don't have a phoh in your group so unless your group is like super tight you know you guys played tummy sticks together in the 80s Super Street Fighter 2 turbo together in the '90s Everquest together in the 2000s and went of glory holes together in the 20010s like super tight you know your roster isn't going to change you're never going to have a feral then sure don't weave but if you are pugging or aren't sure what your roster is definitely weave it should still be a DPS increase even without wind fury like I mentioned I hadn't done this in years and to be honest I'm not even that good at weaving but I still found myself having a ton of fun doing a lot more damage and not even messing up that bad when I have the Run speed from Boon my first raid playing this I had three 99 ey level parses and personal bested almost every fight basically any fight that wasn't a scuffed pool I was very happy with my damage I cannot recommend trying this out enough even if you didn't like it in the past the weave rotation before we dive into the deep wet place that is the BM melee weaving rotation we got to clear up a few more small points one you will clip some and that is fine don't worry about it my range attack speed is only 2.55 that's not that slow our best weapon at this level is just kind of fast look at this I up bad on a couple of these weaves this still ended up being like a 98 or 99 high level parse don't stress about it too much if you clip some second I'm not going to Max weave here if you want to Max weave that's fine and I talked about it in my original weaving video but at that point we're almost talking about melee Hunter so I'll just talk about that in the melee Hunter video also someone asked about some kind of Max weave with Chimera shot uh like no dude that's not what Max weave is Max weave is including non-raptor Auto attacks has nothing to do with Chimera shot I had briefly talked about weaving with Marksman you can do it it's fine but it's not as important as it is with BM and I have not seen any impressive numbers from weaving with Chimera as any spec and most of you will already know this by now but make sure you have a shot timer and a swing timer either add-on or weak Ora I always use weapon swing timer and it works fine you can also use a mod or we or to check your range but personally I have never once found that to be helpful and everyone I've ever tried did not work very good so let's lay out the rotation and put it into practice we are only Raptor striking for our melee no white hits so we pet in and Mark Auto into Multi Auto then we go in for our Raptor and flanking this is where we want to spam the macro and hope that it works and we want to spam it in case we reset flanking you want to get that off on your way out so after that then we go back out to Auto shot this is where you can do your Serpent and Arcane if you have the Mana this point you're just Auto shotting and waiting for things to come back and now you're just Auto shotting at this point waiting for things to come back up to repeat the process this is the general one Raptor per cycle rotation and it's great you can always go in for that Raptor after the auto that follows multi-shot it is a noticeable DPS increase over normal all range rotation and it is easy to do if you struggled with weaving in the past give this one a try now it's totally different however if you have a good melee weapon and very importantly if you have Boon I might go for more Raptors with Boon you can get in and out of there without pushing multi back too much but this can also depend on your range weapon speed whether you'd be pushing back those shots significantly if you will be pushing back significantly just wait and do the one Raptor per cycle that is still a noticeable DPS increase if you're not doing the one per cycle things are a lot more complicated and you have to make some decisions based on how much you'd be clipping ideally we are not delaying multi-shot or Auto shots much it's okay to slightly delay them if you're getting in another Raptor and possibly flanking if you're doing the multi Raptors it's basically like Auto multi Auto then you're flanking in Raptor Auto auto Raptor Auto multi however if you get really lucky and stack three flanking at that point I would start to accept some more delay on your shots if it means getting off a raptor that's only happened for me once but it has happened I mean Jesus Christ looking back at this footage that was really lucky when you do these Raptor strikes where flanking is not up spam the button because if flanking is reset you want to get that off Raptor strike is off the global cooldown so spamming it is fine I've been using it on Mouse wheel down and that works good for me if you have a bit faster of a ranged weapon like the BFD gun this is going to be tough to pull off if you've got a lot of attack speed Buffs then this is also tough to pull off to the point that you might want to stop weaving just the improved Hulk buff up and I usually keep weaving but if you're not confident that you can get in and out without clipping hard then don't it's fine it's very easy to get into this mindset where you must Raptor once it comes back up you just got to get in there but it's okay to miss one because of your attack speed going up or fight mechanics don't worry about it doing the one Raptor per cycle rotation is super easy and even if you didn't like weaving in the past just try dude at least once do it for Hunter Jesus pets all right I might piss some people off here but uh I think it's time for wind serpent to go yeah so if you're using wind serpent having good results with it fine it's not a bad pet by any means but I do think it's time to go cat or Raptor for a few reasons if you're using kill command on a wind serpent it is super super annoying it doesn't work on Lightning breath now so you have to manually cast bite that is just annoying to do and if you're using flanking strike cat is just a better attacker cat will do more melee damage than wind serpent the main thing for me is what happens when you send your wind serpent into attack yeah he just blasts them from range and kind of stands there stroking it for a second I'm not saying it happens a lot but if you have to move your pet or the boss moves I've had times where I have gone into flanking strike and my pet is not on the boss yet he's back there blasting lightning and stroking sausage so he doesn't use flanking strike two of the big gain for a wind serpent is against High armor targets and targets you can't get into melee with BFD doesn't really have any of those gumur ra is kind of a high armor Target and yeah wind serpent will do more damage on that uh every time but it's a gimmick fight and I kind of hate it plus if you want to actually be a team player cat will break his armor faster anyway so your raid will end up doing higher DPS on that fight and what am I if not a team player also why are there so many gam references in WoW can blizzard not think of any other famous Turtles how about Squirtle Franklin or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle come on blizz if you've already got a wind servant trained up I'm not going to tell you to stop using it but I wouldn't bother with one now it's not the best and it's not likely to have as big of a place in the next bracket at least for PVE it's still totally valid for PVP and I use one there regularly so for PVE I would recommend a cat 2.0 speed is best if you're flanking if you're not flanking it doesn't matter much however in later phases faster will be better so something like the rake is not a bad investment I'm using the ghost cat I would also recommend aake he's 2.0 speed flat land cougar and Prowlers and Moore are 2.0 speed snow leopards and dunmor are also 2.0 speed are there any other pets worth considering not really as I mentioned in the Marksman video we will probably want a wolf in the future for things but it's not something to mess with right now Raptors are basically as good as cats for this bracket but will be dumping them in the next bracket unless they change them and you can run a bat if you really wanted to they are a small DPS loss and come with a nice debuff but nothing hits really hard right now so it's not particularly valuable at the moment I would not go for one of these slow attack speed Bears there's some potential there if melee Hunter sees further changes but right now it's not worth it consumes so we went over consumables in the Marksman guide but they are a little bit different here for one they made a very small mistake and I need to correct it smoked Sage fish we do have a decent food buff that we want to use for some reason I misr this as being one in5 yeah it's only three MP5 but it's worth using on all but the shortest of fights take this over Stam Spirit if you are not weaving you want the two stones with dual wielding Agy daggers so if you are horde you might want one stone and one oil or everyone might want one stone and one oil this is another thing that's a little bit hard to test when I look over my logs I was never missing when I had two stones on some people are reporting they were still getting misses with a second Stone when they shouldn't be if they were stacking at this point when I roll Marksman I'd probably go one zone one oil anyway since Mana is so rough and at this point we should have some hit gear so it shouldn't really be a big issue either way I just wanted to let people know they might not be stacking if you are weaving um nothing yeah this sucks really badly but I double checked it personally wind Fury does not stack with stones so if you have wind Fury don't use use a weapon buff if you don't have wind Fury and our weaving then you can use a stone we want our agility Elixir or agility scroll scroll is slightly better but remember they don't stack so only one but if we're weaving we also want a strength one so either strength scroll or elixir of ogre's strength and while I don't really bother with it when I'm playing Marksman as BM it's kind of required we got above our pet so that's a string scroll for our pet and if you can afford it you can also throw on an agility scroll is getting a little expensive here isn't it also make sure you're group is buffing and healing your pet some people won't do that and we call those bad people animal abuse is against the law and if not giving my pet blessing of Might is not animal abuse then I don't know what is other Buffs are unchanged like your Mana Poots faps and PVP buff now for the sweatier Buffs horde can get the blood Shard Buffs and they are really really good but they only last 30 minutes it's totally possible to get them get the BFD and clear it without them running out but it's a bit tight on the timing unfortunately you can't get get those Buffs as Ally you can't attack him as Ally but he is still hostile I went and checked you can also go outrageous tryhard mode and get either spiked collar or dog whistle I actually have seen people use these but the damage they do is usually low for the amount of work it is to get them I wouldn't really go far out in my way it's usually 1 or 2% damage occasionally I have seen four or more if it was doing four or more regularly I might actually Farm one of these dog whistle is the one from the houndmaster and SM and spiked color is from Lord malr he's a rare spawn in the duskwood Crips so Ally might find him out there doing quests or one of the runes like the Mage Mass region Rune also hilariously if you look at the top Hunter log and all of sod the guy had mechanical grin out which did 11% of his damage and is hilarious spiked Coler was doing between 1 and 2% but that's kind of a pervasive thing now if you look at any High logs they've probably used mechanical greench and that has totally skewed all logs while log should really filter that out they probably will in the coming days the future of Beast Mastery Hunter some good news some bad news I probably won't need to redo this video for the level 40 bracket basically all of this info should be relevant other than the consumes and possibly runes BM Hunter doesn't see any sweeping changes to their abilities or rotation at level 40 what does happen is our pet literally becomes the Avatar of Hunter Jesus it's already doing insane damage by level 40 we will gain all five points in ferocity intimidation frenzy which will be up basically permanently and beastial wrath possibly bestial discipline I know someone will come in and say oh it's multiplicative it will be amazing someone else will then say it's additive and be terrible I'm just going to have to test it and see how it works with our BM room but we'll probably want it you add all this to what we've already got BM will be overpowered as pets already are doing insane damage a pet beastial wrath with Dash and intimidate literally no one can survive that in PvP in PVE it's already common for a pet to be doing between 40 and 70% of our damage depending on the situation 12% more crit 30% more attack speed 20% more Focus regen and bestial wrath yeah I fully expect them to Nerf BM at level 40 I know other classes are also going to get some very important things but this is looking kind of wild and the final point I know some people were disappointed that bm's rotation is basically unchange and the baffling Nerfs like seriously why did they Nerf chimer shot even with the old version it wouldn't be out dpsing BM kill command making no sense there's there's a lot of things so some of the sod devs did a bunch of interviews well you know what I tried to get an interview with one of them specifically to talk about some of these Hunter issues and they never responded I'm not sure why but us blizz really really doesn't seem to like me the CMS have not once responded to me or contacted me back in TBC days I actually was in contact with one of the EU CMS and she was great super responsive and helped me with with a lot of stuff but she quit a while ago and I have no contacts no communication at blizz at all now so I did try I really wanted to get some clarity on that but I don't know maybe another Creator can talk to them damn that video was dope this took an insane amount of work around five times as much as the Marksman video I hope you liked it because I am going hard over here we are close to 20K Subs so if you enjoyed it hit that like button subscribe button don't Nerf BM at level 40 button all that other I appreciate each and every one I get things were a little slow because of the holidays but I'm going super hard on the channel I'm trying for two videos and one stream a week for all of January so let's get to 20K and we even have a membership option click that join button and check it out if you want to support the channel YouTube has recently changed the way memberships work and now all my members get to watch all my videos early yeah every single video but that is going to be all for this one I really appreciate you all watching and I will see you all for the next one
Channel: Bigbobbedboi
Views: 54,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #warcraft, #classicwow, #worldofwarcraftclassic, #vanillawow, #bigbobbedboi, #gaming, #horde, world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, bis, mm, burning crusade, tbc classic, class choosing guide, preraid best in slot, tbc beta, meta guide, hunter bis, best in slot, prepatch, pre-patch, prebis, heroics, p1 bis, sod, bfd, season of discovery, blackfathom deeps, classic+, classic plus, pvp, hunter, priest, druid, talents, runes, builds, marksman, marksmanship, lone wolf, chimera shot
Id: qjUVkiHCO10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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