The Ultimate SoD Hunter Melee Weaving Guide

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hello everyone and welcome back to another season of Discovery Hunter video today we will be covering melee weaving and everything you need to know about it we will be covering why you should learn how to melee weave the weak ores and macros you should be using to Aid a melee weaving the talent builds and runes you should be using which consumables and weapon enhancements to use as well as Buffs and finally we'll look at how to correctly melee weave and the rotations associated with both Beast Mastery and Marksmanship starting off with the why you shele weave is pretty straightforward when done correctly it will always result in a net gain for your DPS it may take you some time to get comfortable and good at melee weaving so my biggest advice is to always be practicing whether you're still leveling up questing and killing mobs for gold or even open world pvping the more you do it the faster you will build that muscle memory and it will become second nature to just always be melee weaving also right now the rotation is quite boring for hunters especially as Beast Mastery so why not challenge yourself a little bit and make the rotation a little bit more engaging now before before we jump right into melee weaving we need to cover a few Basics first let's look at the bare minimum required weor and macros you will need to have to properly melee weave and make sure you do it effectively all of the weor and macros discussed and shown in this video will be linked in the video description below and you can also find them in my Discord the first we or is a swing timer I personally use book's Hunter swing timer week or as a simplistic and easy to use while watching Auto shot timings the second required weor is a rangefinder for this I use rubot Hunter range check classic as you will see throughout the video playing in the background above my name plate there will be a bar that displays either long range in range dead zone or melee each with its own color for macros the best option which I personally use is this macro which is shown on the screen now and this macro will be posted in the video description as well and in my Discord so you can quickly copy and paste it for yourself this macro will allow you to spam the key bind while you run into mely range and cast both flanking strike and Raptor strike it is important to note though that if flanking strike is available it will not be cast first so the more min max option is to keep flanking strike and Raptor strike on two separate keybinds and always use flanking strike first if it's available the second macro you will see now is to resume Auto shots once you've completed your melee weave and your back go to a ranged position in classic there is unfortunately no toggle to turn on auto swapping between melee and range attacks depending on how far you are from your target so you will need to manually start your auto attacks each time another quick change to melee weaving relevant for season of Discovery is the interaction between your pet's attack speed and flanking strike as I covered in my previous video you will want to use a 2.0 speed cat such as ghost saer as the slower attacking pet will result in higher flanking strike damage and since pet speed provides no other DPS differences from a PVP perspective there's no reason not to use a 2.0 speed pet if you're melee weaving full time looking now at the talent builds you have two choices in this black fathom deeps run I will be running as Beast Mastery as the spec is still ever so slightly better than Marksmanship and I personally don't have the gear to even consider playing Marksmanship at this point starting with the Beast Mastery talent build we have the 1600 build for your runes you'll want aspect of the line Beast Mastery and flanking strike now if you play Marksmanship you'll want to run the 5110 build and if you're the soul Hunter in your raid team you'll be using aspect of the line in your chest slot Rune however if there's a second hunter in your raid team you can choose to use master Workman which I would personally use for the glove Rune you'll use cimara shot and for the leg slot you will of course use flanking strike the last thing to look at before we get into the Mele waving itself is the consumables weapon enhancement choices and World Buffs as these will all impact the effectiveness of your melee waving for consumables you have a few options if you're an absolute Min maxer you will want to use Scroll of agility to scroll of strength too on both yourself and your pet a healthy stockpile of Mana potions and minor kobul as you're going to be burning through Mana relatively quickly and since scrolls are typically expensive due to being slightly better you can opt for elixir of lesser agility and scroll of strength one if gold is a concern to you next we need to look at your weapon enhancement ideally you will always want to have a feral Droid with wild strikes for the windfree buff which will greatly increase your melee weaving DPS output however not every ra is going to have a feral so if you're unlucky with your rate composition you want to use the black fathom sharpening Stones as the 2% hit chance will apply to both your melee and your range attacks for the world Buffs we have three available to use in Phase One the first being the Dark Moon Fair buff which is a 10% damage increase it's pretty straightforward you're not going to have access to this buff every single week but when it is available you absolutely want to get this the second world buff is the Ashen Veil rallying cry buff which increases all damage by 5% you can Acquire a Silver Wing battle him if you're Alliance or a warung battle drum if you're hoard once a week and save it until you're inside the raid instance is you cannot Crono Boon this buff finally we have Boon of the black fathom this is an important one specific to melee weaving CU not only does it increase your crit chance for both Mele and range by 2% and increase your attack power slightly but it increases your movement speed by 20% this is a huge boost melee weaving as it would allow you to move back and forth between ranged and melee zones faster than ever before in classic wow okay we've covered all the prep work necessary for Mele weaving let's get into the rotations and how to correct Mele weave now starting off during an encounter you will want to position yourself right on the edge between being in ranged and the dead zone this will reduce the amount of time you need to spend running to the Target this may take a bit of time to learn hit boxes but that's fine as you will quickly see yourself make improvements with it as long as you stick to it the colorcoded rangefinder makes this super simple and easy to see when you reach melee range and when you're back out to the rang so position this we cor where you can easily see it without having to look too far away on your screen starting with the Beast Mastery spec your rotation is very straightforward and simple you will start the encounter with serpent sting on the pole when you're running in Auto shot followed by multi-shot immediately wait for your next Auto shot cast to go off and then as soon as your auto shot goes off start running to the Target use flanking strike and then Raptor strike in that order and then run back out to ranged afterwards you will continue with auto shot multi-shot Auto shot into Raptor strike on cool down and repeat it's simple as that I personally don't recommend using Arcane shot in the rotation as the Mana required compared to how little damage it puts out is not worth the trade-off especially if it's going to cause you to go oom during the encounter if your kill times are short and you are 100% sure that you know you won't run out of Mana then you can add Arcane shots right as your auto shot goes out whenever it's on cool down now if you choose to play Marksmanship your rotation will be ever so slightly more complex but still not bad starting off again you will use serpent sting on the pole followed by Auto shot and then immediately start running into Mele range while casting Camara shot on the move and flanking strike plus Raptor strike in that order once you reach melee range then back out for your next Auto shot afterwards you will cast aim shot followed by your next Auto shot and then you will repeat the process again of using Camara shot on the move as you start to run into Raptor strike after that second Raptor strike you will finish off with an auto shot into multi-shot and then your rotation just repeats one last Quick rotation note for both Beast Mastery and Marksmanship is that if you do have wind Fury available to you then you can use wind clip to fish for additional wind for your procs for even more DPS typically you would run in between each Auto shot to use wind clip while Raptor strike is on cool down and you can also use it following Raptor strike if both are off coold down during your next melee weave this is by no means necessary to do but it can pay off if you get extremely lucky with wind Fury procs now we need to consider abilities and proc chances that will increase your attack speed such as improved aspect of the Haw procs the berserking controll ratio if you're playing Troll and the 10% attacks speed bonus from your Void touch leather gloves in phase one we currently don't have access to Rapid Fire so you don't need to worry about that yet but whenever your aspect of the Haw procs by itself there's no need to change your rotation at all now typically you're going to want to try and stack all of your attack speed bonuses together such as your aspect of the hawk and your Void touch leather gloves and also troll racial if applicable assuming you have both aspect of the hog proc and you use your gloves together you should only be going in for Raptor strike and no longer try to fish windfury procs with wi clip if you've been doing so otherwise your rotation Remains the Same on the other hand if you're a troll and you manage to stack all three attack speed bonuses together then you should stop weaving entirely as you're going to miss out on way too many Auto shot casts or a single melee we which will result in a DPS loss even if done correctly your weapon speeds will also make a big difference in whether or not you should be using the max weave rotation or simply sticking to a raptor strike on cool down rotation let's say you have guardian's Trident with a 3.0 speed you will definitely have time to weave in regular Auto attacks between each Auto shot on the other hand if you're using a very slow weapon such as brutal warax of agility with a 3.6 speed or deadly strike of the Hydra with a 3.5 speed then your auto attack time would be too slow to properly Max weave and you'd end up sitting in melee range for too long which is not worth it at all we've now covered everything you need to know to get into melee weaving as a hunter in season of Discovery if you found this video helpful then please like And subscribe also let me know down in the comment section what you'd like to see next regarding hunters in season of Discovery it's been a few days now without any hunter changes surprisingly but blizzard has mentioned there will be class changes and tuning done on a weekly basis so if you don't want to miss anything stay tuned for future videos as I will be releasing updated videos highlighting all the changes to Hunters as quick as possible as always thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Veramos Gaming
Views: 78,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SoD Hunter, Classic SoD Hunter, Melee Weave, Melee Weaving, Hunter Melee Weaving, SoD Hunter Melee Weaving
Id: nbMh1rVMaxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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