Hunter Pet Guide For World Of Warcraft Classic | Season Of Discovery

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hello everybody reptilio here and today we play World of Warcraft season of Discovery this video we're going to be going over hun taming and everything you need to know so that your animal doesn't freaking leave you in the middle of a raid like that one piece of SH now for your benefit I will leave these two absolutely incredible resources in the description below we have Wowhead which can be used for quite literally anything World of Warcraft related and Petopia which has been a resource for me as a hunter since the vanilla days it is absolutely incredible and the stills from this video will come from both wowe head and Petopia I highly recommend you check them out if you are a wow player in general now straight off the bat you can't tame anything to level 10 so don't even watch this video till you have a level 10 Hunter unless you're bored or pooping now I'm going to give you the starting guides for each of the races here but I'm not going to go into the nitty-gritty we have orc control TR Toren night elf and dwarf you can pause the screen and see what you need to do to fully learn all the Spells don't be like me where you just learn tame beast and run off do the quest cuz if you don't then you don't get all the hunter abilities like feeding them and healing them and Beast training all right we're level 10 we've taken our morning poop you've done your tutorial Quest and you have all the abilities you will need for taming beasts now is the fun part go out and tame whatever the hell you want there are p with high Health low damage there are pets with low Health high damage there are pets in the middle each different pet has their own abilities and it's a lot of fun and that's where Petopia comes in to do your research look for different looking pets rare pets Etc what you're going to want to do is find that pet that you just absolutely want and tame it just like this now things get complicated so you've tamed your pet you're very excited oh my God I have it but guess what it's unhappy as hell hell so you get a new tab with a pet experience bar it's diet it's loyalty and its level as training points now if you look at your pet it shows unhappy which sucks it's doing less damage it's losing loyalty you got to feed it so where I had that diet you're going to go ahead to your ability that says feed pet you're going to go into your bags and you're going to feed it based on what its diet is in this case it eats meat and fish so I'm going to feed it meat and you're going to see a buff on the pet once you do that and you can see that in the corner I'm going to hover over it for 20 seconds it is increasing its happiness now an important thing to note with that is the Loyalty will go down faster at lower loyalty levels and that will happen on any new tame where you can see right now this is a loyalty level one in its rebellious stage okay as you play and as you feed it and as it levels that will increase reducing the amount of of food you need to feed your pet but it will be a lot in the beginning I always recommend having a stack or two on your Hunter at all times to increase the feed or the happiness on it while feeding it now that buff and increase will go away if you go into combat so if there's still 12 seconds left on your feed and you send them into combat you're going to lose that buff and you'll have wasted that food item okay so that's the big thing and if you leave it unhappy for too long the pet will run away permanently you will lose your rare pet if you do not feed it that is an absolute fact just like real life hey I'm just going to interrupt really quick I'm really mad because while I was editing this video and talking about loyalty I was AFK and in 10 minutes my ghosts saber went to unhappy from happy to unhappy and disappeared so yeah don't AFK don't uh don't just simply AFK now outside of leveling how do you make your pet stronger well here are the pet abilities learned from wild creatures and the pet abilities you learn from a trainer you're going to want to go to a pet trainer which is usually almost always right next to your class trainer in every major city that is the first step and the most basic of learning pet abilities that all pets can pretty much learn now we're going to look at the left side of this these are the abilities available to add to your Beast training Spellbook and that's what we're going to call it because it makes it so much easier to separate what the heck we're looking at basically pets get their own spell training book and earn training points based on loyalty and level you will be able to learn everything that is available to the type of pet for example a cat cannot learn scorpid poison but it can learn prowl claw and bite it cannot learn charge though so every pet has different abilities different benefits different damage different Health Etc all of these abilities also have different ranks it is pretty much impossible to give out what is available and where in this video so again I mentioned Petopia and what I will do for the rest of this video is show examples of a pet I want and how I'm going to get it to rank up with its abilities as well as how to get the pet for those that don't really want to watch the whole video here is an incredibly quick summary here is a cat that I have I've already tamed him I'm really happy that I have him but he doesn't have all the abilities he's supposed to have he only has claw rank three he only came with it but he can still learn bite growl cower Etc so how the hell is he going to do that you're going to click your Beast training Spellbook and you're going to have all these ranks where as he trains up and loyalty points increase he will have more availability and be able to get these abilities simple as that really easy now if your abilities aren't being shown in the spell book now I'm going to show you how to get everything for this example we're going to go after bite now as you can see bite rank one rank two rank three you can see the lowest level creature out there that can learn it meaning you can get bite rank three at 16 but maybe you're not nearby Silver Pine Forest to tame a blood snout Warg so maybe you'll have to level up to 20 to get a greater tarantula in red Ridge Mountain stuff like that you have options but in this case I wanted to go to Ashen Vil and tame a ghostpaw run because it was within range it was within the vicinity and it was it's just right there you don't have to go across the entire map you just go for whatever's closest it's not going to make or break your leveling experience tame whatever's around you when you're around the right level so here's a ghostpaw runner I'm going to tame it you're going to see that it has bite rank three and then I'm going to show you how to permanently add it to your Beast training book now that he is tamed you can see I have not learned bite rank three in this training book anywhere but he does have the actual pet ability on the pet bar so you feed him you get his loyalty up you have to do that you can't I don't believe you can learn these spells with an unhappy loyalty but you put them in combat you make him use the Ability over and over and you'll see in my text box here on the next use he learns bite rank three you see that you have learned a new spell bite rank three because that pet used the ability enough to add it to your training book now I want to learn claw rank three so how am I going to do that I'm going to go to Ashen Vil and I'm going to go find a clattering crawler and I'm going to tame it once you learn an ability but you don't want that specific pet you can just abandon it so go tame the pet go use it in combat and then once you've learned the ability you can see it in the text box if you no longer want the pet you just tamed get rid of it but you have the abilities permanently in your spell book to teach any pet you want that can learn it so here we are we have a cat that does not know bite or claw rank three and it has enough training points so we're just going to learn them so I've added claw rank three to a cat that couldn't normally learn them and I'm adding bite and that's it that's pretty much the guide to this the only other thing I would mention is you know pets have their own experience bar they have their own loyalty Point bars um and they have their own attack speeds which I did want to mention briefly it used to be that the fastest attack speed pet was the highest DPS that was true to vanilla for the most part now it's it's kind of negligible because it depends on what runes you're running in season of Discovery for example flaking strike is going to hit harder on a cat with a 2.0 attack speed versus a cat with a 1.2 attack speed but it has the same DPS because that 2.0 attack speed technically hits harder and that's what it goes off of so in my opinion go tame what you think is cool go have fun and enjoy your time as a hunter I got to say guys the response has been insane to me on these videos thank you so much for saying kind things about these guides I didn't expect them to blow up as they did but I'm going to keep making them as I can um again thank you so much to the wow Community the hunter Community especially I hope you really enjoy these videos thank you to Wad and Petopia you guys are just incredible these people literally put in so much effort to the game again again thank you so much guys for watching the channel go ahead like subscribe check out reptilio plays you can watch these guides made live or just watch me do some random Antics and I will see you in the next video take care love you all
Channel: Reptilio
Views: 20,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SoD, WoW, World Of Warcraft, Rune, Season Of Discovery, guide, how to, easy, Stream, Blizzard, classic, get, flanking, tame, beast, pet, Hunter, PvP, PvE, detailed, cat, wind serpent, windserpent, abilities, creature, wolf, dog, crocolisk, scorpid, scorpion, spider, tallstrider, tailstrider, raptor, turtle, owl, carrion bird, bats, crabs
Id: e9G_CrEPlvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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