SoccerCoachTV UK Tour. Newcastle England. Try this high intensity "In & Out" Rondo with your team.

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[Music] soccer coach tv where coaches live visit the world's largest coaching website [Music] here i am walls and boys club my childhood team i've just met all my former coaches and mentors and it's like going back in time it's like uh back to the future kind of but i gotta tell you i'm come back to my roots i'm on my a game today i've got an under 16 team probably one of the better teams in the country at age 16. so i'm really excited about see how they do bring them in boys let's go hey on the hop let's go straight away set it down how many we got where's the young man how many 17 great come on lois what's your name harry mark nice to meet you son yeah carl let me guess stephen okay all right all right big man come here son go in here come stand there carlton hey i'm going to make him captain mark he's brilliant he's been brilliant tonight so far you're kidding me he's going to take over your job son get out you're not the captain i'll make advice captain come here you stand here young man you stand there and where's my center forward anybody come here son go there and be a target man get rid of that tracksuit top there okay listen up gonna make it real easy to start off with but very quickly it's gonna get a lot harder okay give me everything you got until i tell you to come out soon as i see you flagging a bit you're out okay but there's no resting in here it's got to be foot to the gas foot to the metal flat out high intensity defending i'll tell when you get a little tired boom you're in you take over his job understand that so we're going to keep a high tempo but to start off with i'm going to give you a little because all i want to do is hey step up the square step out the square hey step uh where's my other man on the other side give me another play here playing between the two counts here so listen you're playing outside these two cones there's your square outside not inside outside carlton outside what's your name can you give me a ball please give me good ball you're the target man all right so show me how how should a target man look when he's looking for the ball show me your body language all right is it is this a bigger target front to see or this hey right nick big target for him so the ball is going in hey you got to try and win it i'm going to give you eight passes after eight passes we go forward with that striker all right little ball into him so when you play it after he passes carlton you quickly run on the outside here hey you quickly run the outside here let's go you turn around and we play same game here you are now the target man got that all right we'll start off from here then plenty outside much harder for him right we've got more space you know what right now we'll make a two touch okay we'll make a two touch eight passes hey after eight passes i want to see you come alive move work the lines if you have to ready here we go plate there we go there's one on the outside move your angles two come on angles three quicker move it four and again five six quickly seven yeah everyone will go forward now we're gonna go forward yeah support it go go go get a quick one one not good enough not good enough again put the ball in yes one two three play one touch if he's tight one touch do not get caught with it stop it there guys we're talking about possession for less than seven seconds what's the problem with that if you can't keep the ball longer than 20's 25 seconds guys you can't get your shape that's what man city's so great at in liverpool they can keep the ball if you can't keep the ball we can't get high we can't get wide we can't get our style of play and that's a problem with youth football all over you get the ball three or four seconds the winger's going up before he's got 20 yards he's going to run back again because you lost the ball keep it put a high priority on it because it's not good enough right it's 4v1 and i've even give you more favor by giving you more space because it's going to tighten up in a second if you can't do it on the outside guys you're going to struggle on the inside so listen hey beat the practice really show me you can play because you haven't done that yet ready play off you go back one command again come on two quiet two three keep the ball four demand it five six seven and again eight wait wait let's go quickly support nearly two three speed it up four yes well done a little bit guys five six seven and again eight play forward quickly support guys start off over there if you go quickly quicker boys quicker come on mommy knows dominos riva riva under andre let's go quicker quicker again blow it urgency down one nil and again pull up you go quickly come and support come and support one two three stop it somebody's coming in stop stop instantly hey a yard makes a massive difference right just open the angle i don't want you to stay in the center and make the angle predictable just come off a little bit okay give me just two yards it's a better angle one yard ready hey when would you have to play fast in the match obviously you're not playing fast all the time right but give you an example when you have to play fast man's tight on you yeah that may be the press in you kind of pressing you right in the game there has to be a speed of play when else when you're under pressure okay great answer what's your name cup great answer counter attack great example how about like what's that it's two minutes we're down one nil and it's a semi-final on the cup we're not just going to slowly play it around the hat you have to have a change of gear is this your top gear that you've shown me okay while you're saving it i've come a long way to watch your top gear ready play off you go one hit yes most angles angles angles keep moving keep moving constantly let's go and again five six show me [Music] [Applause] i hope you're ready for what's coming now i'm the one on the ladder [Music] i'm the one it's one touch so listen what does it take to play one touch what the passes are gonna be quality right they're to be absolute quality not too hard where he's thinking about trapping it not too soft ways you know he's got to have the ability there to just do one anything he wants with hey the best definition of a pass i've ever heard is when you play it to a player he can do anything he wants with it first time you can do any if it's a good pass you can do it you can stop it you can it can trap it he can shoot it first time he can rub drum with it but if he's got a hey be worried about getting under control the game crumbles two minutes left in the game you have to play rapid make sure it's not foreign to you okay make sure you've trained to play that way all right ready off you go play one not good enough big you let me down straight away hey you're letting me down come on work hard to prove me right come on work hard work hard to prove me right let's go two it's one touch one touch come on one that's one touch if you've got one and stop it there greens swap with the blue players yeah i can tell you've got the standard but listen what's going to happen if you do go pro and you're around good players the coach isn't going to yell at you who's going to be young at you guys all right they don't tolerate that makes them look bad so if you're thinking about being a pro you better master that down okay come inside same drill we're just making it tighter now listen this is not your neighborhood here you don't own this i want to see you all over here little angles all over don't just sit in one corner and be comfortable all right it's a worst enemy of a good player is just being comfortable all right get out of your comfort zone when you leave your comfort zone you'll make mistakes that's how you grow right get out of your comfort zone work hard it's one touch we'll play six passes and hit the striker as soon as it gets to three i wanna see you four five when you know they can play it hey be the man be the man my man are you beating the practice sometimes beat the practice all the time wasn't bad defender on come in on the first touch wait until i get a first touch play come on one touch one two three no no that's out off you go there come on support him let's go paul please one one touch one two it's not good enough not good enough stop it there practice is beating you ready play off you go prove me you can play it one two three you're lucky four five six you're good teams human united liverpool brazil argentina all your top teams who've ever been successful people talk about their skill it's not their skill it's their work rate people are blinded by the skill but you cannot keep possession without working incredibly credibly hard off the ball it's not a lizzy man's game we'll cut off the ball give yourself some angles hey deeper you go right the more time you have and the more time you have the more quality you have space equals time time equals quality understand that ready play go one two listen up if i was your coach i would be i would be nailing you until you you could play one touch of the phone booth okay if you can master this if you can play on a posted stamp you will compete with any team in the country all right because i can't keep up with you good time i appreciate it i i owe it so much to peter kirkley to to sid sharp to stan nixon to warzen boys club for inspiring me to be a coach but more importantly at being mentors and teaching me the important things in life i'll be passing a little bit on tonight bring it in come on let's bring it in as a team let's go up here bring it in let's go everybody ready ready team on three one two three two all right boys we'll see you later thanks for more great drills visit the world's largest coaching website ah [Music]
Channel: SoccerCoachTV
Views: 17,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer Drills, online soccer drills, soccer coaching
Id: 64jB5s0p-D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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