3 simple FIRST TOUCH drills that will help you TURN with the ball

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have you struggled with receiving the ball while facing your own goal and trying to turn so that you can dribble pass or shoot well this is the video for you being able to turn with the ball is an essential skill for every player but especially for midfielders Wingers and Strikers if you are unable to receive the ball and turn away from a Defender then it will be very hard to keep possession of the ball which could lead to giving up goals for your team and potentially losing games so we're going to go over why being able to consistently turn with the ball is so important and then we're going to give you three simple drills you can do by yourself to practice this skill let's get into it being able to turn with the ball is an incredibly important skill for those that don't know turning with the ball is the act of receiving the ball and then using one touch or multiple touches to turn into space but regardless of how many touches it takes you to turn the most important thing you need is a good first touch if your first touch is not good then it will be very very difficult to turn with the ball when Defenders are pressuring you the very best players have such a good first touch that they are able to turn with the ball no matter how tight a Defender is to them here are some reasons why turning with the ball is a skill you need to master one being able to turn with the ball allows you to quickly transition from defense to offense during a game you will not always receive the ball in a way that allows you to quickly attack the opposition you will sometimes receive the ball facing your own goal with a defender on your back even though you will want to face forward as quickly as possible to take advantage of an opportunity such as making a forward pass to advance your team dribbling into space that just opened up or to take a shot on goal by being able to turn with the ball you will be able to advance into a better position that will allow you to help your team two changing direction effective turning with the ball enables players to change direction which can catch Defenders off guard and create mismatches this can lead to openings in the defense that the player can exploit being able to turn quickly and sharply with the ball can help a player evade tackles and challenges from opponents this agility is essential especially in crowded areas of the pitch and three confusing Defenders skilled players can turn with the ball to confuse Defenders making it difficult for them to anticipate the player's next move this uncertainty can lead to defensive errors and open up space for the attacking team proper turning technique also allows players to maintain balance and control over the ball even when they are under pressure this ensures that they can make accurate passes dribble successfully or take shots on goal after turning away from Defenders mastering this skill is essential for footballers at all levels of the game now let's go over some drills that will help you develop your ability to turn with the [Music] ball now for all of these drills we are working on turns that require at least two touches in a future video we will go over turns that you can do in one touch what you need for these drills is two cones or anything you can use in place of cones such as shoes shirts or water bottles you are going to place the cones about 10 to 12 steps apart start with the ball in the middle of the cones and pass it against the wall as it comes back to you you will use the inside of your foot to stop the ball at your feet and then use the inside of the same foot to push the ball across your body you will then Dribble To The Cone you are facing go around it and come back to the middle of the cones then the same thing but using your other foot to control and dribble the ball towards and around the opposite cone really focus on those first two touches as I said earlier in the video your first touch is extremely important if you are unable to stop the ball at your feet then you will have no chance at using your second touch to turn and dribble towards the cone now for this second drill you're going to use the same setup as the first drill again you are starting with the ball in the middle of the cones and you're going to pass it against the wall as it comes back to you you will use the inside of one foot to stop the ball at your feet but this time you're going to use the outside of the same foot to push the ball towards the nearest cone dribble around the cone you are facing and back to the middle of the cones then do the same thing but with your other foot and towards the opposite cone same as the first drill focus on those first two touches take your time to get used to going from the inside of the foot control to the outside of the foot dribbling go as slowly as you need to make sure that your touches are clean as you get more comfortable you can try to pick up the pace try to do the same number of reps as you would do for the first drill start off trying to do 10 reps five on each foot as you get more comfortable aim for 20 reps 10 on each foot [Music] now this last drill has the exact same setup as the first two but the turn we're going to be doing is going to be a little bit more difficult start with the ball in the middle of the cones and pass it against the wall as it comes back to you use the inside of one foot to stop the ball and then with that same foot you're going to do what's called an L turn to do an L turn you drag the ball back with the sole of your foot and then before you take your foot off the ball drag it behind your standing leg at a 90° angle and back in front of you you should be facing the cone you will be dribbling towards and then just like the other drills dribble around the cone and back to the middle of the cones to do the same thing with your other foot I realized this turn is a little more difficult than the other two so make sure you are really taking your time with this and getting comfortable with the movements necessary if you have not dribble with the soles of your feet before check out my video where I go over why developing this skill is so important and I also give you three drills you can do to practice this skill I'll put the link to that video in the description and there you have it those are the benefits of turning with the ball and those are three simple drills you can do by yourself to develop that skill if you like this or any of our other videos please make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any other skills tutorials thank you so much for watching this is footy Made Easy and we'll see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Footy Made Easy
Views: 376,555
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Keywords: first touch drills, first touch soccer drills, first touch football drills, first touch soccer, first touch football, soccer first touch, football first touch, soccer drills to improve first touch, football drills to improve first touch, how to improve first touch in soccer, how to improve first touch in football, first touch drills soccer, first touch drills football, how to get a better first touch in soccer, how to get better first touch in football, soccer first touch drills
Id: PGKwuV80muI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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