D&D with High School Students S01E04 - THE FINALE - DnD, Dungeons & Dragons, newbies

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hello and welcome back to the final battle for the  first installment of D&D with high school students   Cooper Rory Brian and Heather recently survived an  attack at a very mysterious and arcane place were   the Dead returned Heather you were wounded Rory  you were wounded you almost died Heather what what   are you at currently hit point was for four okay  and Rory you were also down very low but Heather   used the last bit of her healing power to help you  I was dumb I lights you've had well you know what   that's it was you were you were self less instead  of being selfish you're a team player yeah I'll   protect you okay I have to go and get your hands  dirty so you guys continue proceeding through the   murky woods and as you proceed it is now well well  into the late night hours it's about 3:30 in the   morning as you continue proceeding you travel for  like another hour right trying to follow eastward   towards where Malcolm thought that maybe he had  lost the track of his son and wife but up ahead   you see kind of like a path not like a big trail  but like kind of like almost like a deer path   and you follow it through the dark the sounds  of night permeate the air and far off in the   distance illuminated only by the pale moonlight  you see a tower a stone tower very old looking   up ahead wait I have a question mmm-hmm didn't  we weren't we supposed to find out if Malcolm   was no well some of you cuz he roll it Rory Rory  is Rory feels like he doesn't there's something   suspicious about Cooper vehemently believes that  I was on Rory side it's not that's not it could   be it's too cliche the tower seems to be a couple  hundred yards away you could see it through the   clearing along the path what do you do oh yeah  last time we investigated we all know if you're   in the woods are you fine why don't they got  kidnapped if you're as you guys are standing   there you hear a cry from far off it sounds  like two different people all right for help from the direction of the tower can I roll my  can't roll anything right now you can well you get   role perception any of you can actively yeah all  right I'm doing there that's your old perception   yep cuz I have plus five okay see big the person  who commented on my dice rolling technique is now   in my head now I don't know how that was like my  natural role but now I'm trying to just feel the   dice just do your thang guys gonna watch that  he's gay , he's gonna be like I'm so sorry he's   in my head mr. Allen he's in my head the Cooper  that is the worst role of you hey I honestly   shai roll - yeah everybody roll so eight I think  God for Rory otherwise you guys all would have   been skunked pathetic rule section yeah so Rory's  like he's like hold on dude that's definitely two   voices one female one child that's them like you  are certain of what you're hearing and it's coming   from that direction of the tower alright we're  going for that you continue proceeding walking   running well how do you move you run all right  roxrite sprint you guys start you take off you're   running Malcolm's like older and he's like trying  to keep up cuz he's kind of out of shape but so   he's like a little bit behind you guys alright  you come to a clearing and you see this old stone   tower calm down there's pieces of it crumbling  there seems to be a massive old wooden oak door   a set of double doors so how you approach Cooper  move your meetings alright so there's a door right   there I think we just do a I move all now yes  as you guys get this close you definitely hear   the cries for help you also hear something that  sounds a bit like a combination of growling and   barking almost like dope almost like the wolves  that you encountered but if there was as good   because we can knock those ones down any way you  approach the double doors they are massive and   thick and also what Oh Rory let's go baby leaves  to us alright Rory you take a look at this big   lock and it looks like pretty solid metal right so  you pull out your thieves tools and you begin to   work at the lock and figure out the the different  components of the lock so what you're gonna do as   a thief you have proficiency in these tools but  do you see a number below your thieves tools okay   that's higher because as a rogue you also have  what's called expertise you get to choose two   skills where you have expertise and that doubles  your proficiency so instead of what I think would   be a +5 you have a +7 because that's also your  expertise so you're gonna roll a d20 and seven to   the result and we'll hope to roll hi buddy 19 all  right with a little bit of time in some precision   you're able to hear the the right tumblers click  into place and you slowly turn the lock and your   lock picks do not break yeah you hear the click  and now you can feel that the door can be opened   how do you proceed I'll go first cuz I have the  most hit points me and Brian do so me and Brian   should go first you just like burst in we needed  torching you're trying to be quiet yeah oh so then   let's have you make a stealth roll take a look at  your character sheets anybody who's gonna walk in   there I say make a stealth roll that's an all  yeah okay you guys stay outside no they they   should stay outside welcome you watch mountain roy  is worth stuff go ahead and roll it yourself I'm   gonna have another boy that's not bad Cooper's  16 okay 16 is good there we go Laurie +7 okay   so Cooper's like you guys stay here me and the  professor and you like you've turned to go in   and the professor's already end that's not quite  so you guys are standing outside you the moonlight   is is enough but do you continue to have a torch  or brian's light can trip or do you just go dark   no Malcolm seems very nervous he's like wife and  son they're in there I could hear them calling   for help well what please what should we do you  feel like you could you like if you don't talk him   down he's gonna like run in there and do something  you got charisma you're not there I'll get to you   guys in a second yeah Brian do you have persuasion  yeah how would you persuade talking your character   to calm him down how would you persuade make a  scene and cause the wolves to come out good roll there you go what's your bonus +4 good ok he's  he seems to be like hell hopefully EURion and the   professor will find them so he seems to calm them  you better do it alright oh wait back to you guys   you're in the professor you proceed in and the  main floor that you walk into seems to be like   an old ruined tower like there's nothing there  there's broken furniture dust covering everything   but the cry for help seems to come from below  hmm and you notice in the center is a trapdoor   that seemingly leads to the cellar can we like  use perception to see what else is around us I   can't show this to that you see that there's  a stairwell the spiral stairwell that goes up   to the upper levels of the tower but the only  thing that looks like it goes down there's no   stairs going down but there's a trapdoor that  looks like it might have like our shirts down   or can we roll perception make sure like you  I'm not gonna bother to make you roll you're   right in there and you could hear the cries  for help and and they seem more imminent and   the growling sound you also hear and it sounds  now that you're inside almost like there's some   weird chanting happening - yeah we got this we're  going down that trapdoor okay how do you open it   wrote we got it who opens it Rory cuz he's  stealth Oh Rory make an investigation roll oh my gosh let's go out to open it and then you  see a weird metal wire and you're like hold up   oh we can and you follow the wire and you notice  that this trapdoor is trapped now you can make   another role to disarm the trap yeah that's what  it go ahead and make that make a second role and   add your plus seven that's all right 15 all right  you like you gently with your tools you like lift   the wire out so you could find the point of origin  and then you put like a little tension loop around   some part of it so that it doesn't feel like it's  sprung and when you get that done you carefully   cut the other side and you lift the trap door open  and you could see now that there is a ladder going   down to a cellar with a stone floor and you  could see a crossbow aimed at the trapdoor so   if you had triggered it you would have been shot  by the Cross we will get in a minute well you've   been shot by a crossbow you the minute you would  have opened the trapdoor to a certain point the   crossbow would have shot you so you disarmed it  did you pick up that car there's well it's it's   it's like bolted into the stone so it's that  that way at aims like when when the string   would have pulled the trigger it would have aimed  there so there is the wall there is now you see   a ladder going down to the cellar oh yeah what  do you guys do done it okay I'll go down I got   more hitpoints okay so Cooper you go down first  yeah all right I'm gonna move this over here it   is scary because as you guys begin to descend  you see that this opens up into a larger room   and across from you in this larger room you see  a circle of people surrounding to other people   who are tied up and there's a fire and they're  told you there's one person who seems to be   doing chanting while the others are in a circle  and like there they seem to be in some kind of   ritual or we might need you guys by the way so  guys kind of come down here right or do we got like pencil I like planning like problem-solving  before so we're pretty good here's what you see   I feel like the dynamic duo who's got you see a  woman you see a woman and a child we're tied up   they're tied up in the middle there's a guy in a  black cloak who's like doing some kind of ritual   and he's like he like throws up a powder and then  he like lights a candle and he's chanting he's   the one that's like rock Obama game day Barack  Obama DJ Bronco Moloch and so then those are   wolf people was then you see that there's these  four creatures or kind of like they're involved   in the ritual and they're like you could see  that they're like excited about this ritual   they're like growling and one of them was like the  woman and the child seemed terrified yeah there's   also like a weird chalk circle drawn around them  some kind of magical thing do you have arcane oh   no sorry you don't know what it is wait no we can  call Brian right well you could you want to sneak   back up and go get them yeah I think we should  do that yeah well can you go back yet you guys   do you guys both go up yeah we do because we  have to come here you guys you guys are like   look the lander comes down here you're like in  the shadows but across this room you see this   you guys both of you can we go up the weak the  trap doesn't activate again no the trap doesn't   activate but if you want to go back up the ladder  without them seeing you each one of you needs to   make a stealth roll we could get slaughtered  right yeah okay I say I say you need to sit   down because what if they start at a loser no  no they won't they won't they won't yelling okay then make Cooper die you guys want one  of you or both of you to solve this group then   we're all we're both going up we're both make  yourself bowls oh my - three 23:10 3 3 + leau77   no but Cooper so here's what happens you're  like so you you go up the ladder and you're   fine you get up there no or better climbed up  the ladder as you're climbing up the ladder the   ladder squeaks okay now I have to make a roll  because it's just because you failed doesn't   mean they automatically I just got the canine  creatures turns and starts running towards you   on the ladder now you make an initiative  if you beat him on initiative make a d20   initiative roll up the last one just know this  you have one round after Cooper's first round   and then that dog guy is up there with you okay  so qu you get up the ladder you run to the door   Cooper comes out the door what do you say hey get  in here everyone there's some wolf people we need   to kill these guys all right that's your round  you guys are gonna go yeah okay Rory you get up   the ladder you run to Cooper you see Cooper  just explaining to them what's going on and   they start grabbing all their stuff ready to go  in what do you say I say one of the Wolves saw   me come up the ladder they know we're here we  can't sneak down there okay just as you finish   saying that you guys see this wolf thing running  up towards you guys everybody roll initiative why is it always this way all right so Cooper  you go first see the Wolfman coming in it   actually worked out well so I'm gonna show  you guys regrets you're right outside the   tower headshot on the right now where  I met you put because he's not right   at you yet it's your call but I worry  thinking oh okay roll your damage d8d 8 1 plus much more okay fine so you run up and  you stab them from one side worry you're up   next flank ok move up now you get to roll  both D 20s is you have the damage so roll   two of them take the higher of the two oh  my god well the five is clearly the option   what's your bonus for him for five plus five  not quite enough oh my god so you go you swoop   in but he's he's like busy dodging but he  dodges you all right Rio Heather what are   you doing wait it's up to you do you shall  alien you run in and shillelagh okay well   that's true it brings it it can bring it on  we're gonna be next Drummond either way cuz wait no wait wait but Branca Bryan you can't use   your fireball from that close if  you should write hood right okay third natural 20 in this adventure all right roll  your now you remember the billion downloads oh   yeah so you automatically get the d8 so that's  eight plus this roll so that's 8 plus 5 is 13   plus your damages plus 316 you just run up and  crunch his skull like he was about to turn and   attack Rory and Cooper and you just run up  and do it splits like a watermelon there's   just blood all over your club all right things  aren't that hard to kill okay now you guys are   standing just inside and you see this trapdoor  with the ladder going down proceed do they know   that we're down there is it the only one that  heard you don't know Kimi's are you wanna you   wanna well it's perception you you can like go  up to the trapdoor and peek in I do that hey we   just lose a light yeah all right there  we go Cooper you're like I don't think nope you hear the chanting 12 yeah you guys you  you hear it sounds like they're just doing what   they're doing like they're just chanting but yeah  12 you hear the growls you can kind of see like   a flickering from the torches down there but it  sounds like they're still doing what they're doing you got the arcane 2 right good we're gonna  need you as you're deciding this you notice   that the thing that you just destroyed oh my  god if it comes that is just bleeding out all   over the floor okay uh-huh or is it will it stay  dead Malcolm's freaking out he's like that's my   Kenney like Bernal to Malcolm goes towards  the ladder I must save that home I guess shoot me now do you really shoot everybody rolling  it oh my god this can happen 17 we're not shooting   them 20 Rory you can stop Cooper Heather you could  stop Cooper any of them anybody who rolled higher   than Cooper could stop injured like he's gonna be  freaking out like crying and like me King what are   we gonna do what have we got to carry that's  enough what's another way to talk that much in   six seconds all right well worried what are you  gonna do it's either you're stopping Cooper like   do you bump his bow what do you do or do you let  him shoot Malcolm you see him going like this I   never said I was gonna do it I just say that was  a possibility I committed to it then you just you   just tell him like wait wait yeah tell me yeah  all right I'm cool yeah you guys are like cars   no stop URI you're yours like fine so Malcolm  goes down he's dead no Malcolm you here Malcolm   going down what do you guys do okay he's gone is  he dead he's over here you guys no I'm sorry is   he dead is that yes forever maybe he just split  us filling in half way do we have something that   we can like eat dragon we shut the door as we  go down sure and then come back yeah by the way   I'm gonna give you five more seconds to decide  and then we're going into real time you don't   get to just like meta figure out your strategy  my gosh it's happening for real let's go we can   that guy does come to life then we can he goes  down the ladder me and Cooper you go down yeah   do you want to climb down or do you want to  make an acrobatics Rowland just jump down that   scope do I break my leg there don't what's  your acrobatics bonus acrobatic spraying 417   you're fighting cause everybody else climbing  or jumping I'm like what am i do you can't risk   it you can't resume I've got five acrobatic  yeah roll roll I mean yeah climbing climbing   okay you guys jump down first you see Malcolm  he's halfway there running west nagging him   to bring him back and cover his mouth too late  he's like no like you will not kill my family it's like they know he's there I want this  guy I want this guy so what we're gonna do is   roll initial what if we kill this guy and then  everyone else just like drops well then what's   our gain thing you gotta find out what this  disease so here's here's what I'm gonna do I'm   gonna have you guys roll initiative time a roll  initiative also for Malcolm and for the bad guys   so Rory test me right right dice back all right  so red dices Malcolm bad guys okay everybody roll   initiative thank you okay Cooper yeah you see  this unfolding it's almost like in slow motion   Malcolm's running up to save his family desperate  to save his family you with your bow could shoot   anybody there they're easily in your range no I  feel like this guy well what's the circle thing   what star can Circle fit that's protecting in that  staffing he's not in the circle the wife and kid   are in the circle oh oh he's dead alright shoot  him I'm about to pass and I hate the child that's   a ten plus six five five plus four that's nine  he stops chanting and like grabs onto the arrow   but he's still right at five right there Ryan and  now they're sold one more round before they can   get in because they're climbing down the ladder  you are Rory an act but Malcolm's initiative is   higher the Royal so Malcolm runs up and tries  to swing it man sorry now the dog men go dog man   attacks Malcolm definitely a painful suffering  I should've shot him in the leg you guys stop   keep rolling we're playing six Malcolm suffers  a massive stab in the gun what an idiot but he's   just an idiot yeah this guy runs towards you guys  this guy is gonna run towards you guys this guy is   holding the arrow that he got shot I want to  finish this guy up first okay Rory it's your   turn finish it's heather and Bryan's so I only  have a sword so I'm just gonna so you can run up   and attack one of those guys move your money and  roll roll damage to two battery you heard it but   you don't kill them Bryan you're down first you  see enemies coming towards you you see enemies   all over the place fire ball roll with this guy  okay it will damage you hit the guy that Rory was   six good you hit him he looks very damaged lay  long you run up to shillelagh and you miss oh   yeah oh you guys top of the order Cooper there's  there's combat in front of you there's there's   this guy far away what do you do fire another  arrow what's it gonna be I'm thinking this guy   guys say another sling your bow and run over to  flank roll to D 20s 3 & 6 so 6 plus 6 is 12 not   enough worry go on Rory get your flanking bonus  now 7 plus actually no you don't you're attacking   a different guy 7 plus 1 plus attack bonus plus 5  miss lead bad guy yeah this is he shoots something   out it's kinda like the fire bolt but it's like  a blue weird kind of color yeah but it misses he   shouted at you but he missed Malcolm it's 5 Wow  look at Malcolm Malcolm swings his big tree limb   and hits the dog man in front of him but the dog  managed to attack back rail dog man against furry   Jesus Christ I pulled for Rory Rory using the bill  and damage alternative system you take 10 points   of damage where are you at 10 you're right exactly  ton yeah all right you're not dead but he hits you   so hard that you hit the ground and falling I  have to I have to say it I have to say brewery   yeah Heather hahaha what are the odds that I roll  two 20s in a row Heather using the Billie Island   damage alternative scoring system you take eight  damage more you are unconscious and on the ground   next round you'll have to make what's called a  death safe you live or die all right Heather it   is your round you have to make a deaf save for 12  so I need one seat yeah success there your water   bottle of milk is not here right roll fireballs  this top of the order I'm magic over now you have   advantage so roll again is your flanking with  Heather Oh actually no Heather is dead you don't   have advantage you missed Rory you are unconscious  Brian nope not your turn oh yes yes go go bellies fine mean bad guy yes doesn't shoots  another thing out but Malcolm dachshunds smoke   Oh Malcolm is like military trainers all right  he's the Ryan I'm telling you guys hated heather   is down and warrior down you don't know if they're  dead or not but they're both down and there's two   dog men going to kill Brian you need to come in  on rush right now you got to come in the clutch   come on Brian save me fourteen fire damage he's  dead Cooper as the to run up to you one of them   just erupts in flames Oh burning hot blood like  a sentence hair and flesh just like explodes all   over you we only have one more and that guy but  I did a lot of damage on okay the one that gets   to you my armor innings no not even close Cooper  its back up to you you have to use your rapier   because he's right up in your grill you look  cool this now a fun velcome attacks the loot   the guy that Cooper shot and Miss no welcome  leave bad guy extends his hand and shoots an   energy at the head Melton yes and misses yes  well don't kill me right okay fire bolt or one   of your other spells up you buy a boat remember  you do have the spell sleep are they dead by the   way what's the extra sleep 5 b8 okay Ryan you  realize that this is your only opportunity to   maybe stop all the bad guys so you're gonna  roll five eight sided dice and you're gonna   add up the numbers oh my god Brian come on Carl  relative of those add up the numbers and tell   me the total that's the total number of hit  points of bad guys length of put to sleep Ryan doesn't honors this powerful series of words  and moves his fingers around and suddenly this guy   you see his eyes roll back in his head and he  just drops to the ground so does the mean yes   they seem to be oh I would kill him if we fish  him off well let me explain what happens first   Heather has to make another death Sam pony I  was gonna well Rory is he just dead no he's   unconscious he's perfectly if you were conscious  yes now what oh now I'm gonna explain what I think   you definitely do that I die no what no you're  you're just unconscious all right do anybody   have any other healing spells you definitely  do um Brian come on your warlock no where do I   check my I want you to look at this set up the  terrain yeah so Malcolm runs over and starts   untying his wife and child what are the circle  he just runs right into the circle and starts   doing it well circle though Brian Deese Arcada  Brian roll RK no 18 there we go you're like oh   that's a summoning circle they were probably  trying to sacrifice the the wife and the kid   to summon some horrible thing like a demon oh  good thing we stopped that what else do you see   in the room these chess that's right Cooper you  see a chest you also see your buddy the professor   laying unconscious so I want to check that chest  see if he's got anything in there feeling potions   okay you go over to the chest yeah there's a lock  yep nope no we need a hurry what smile what can I   use for that I can't use that thieves tools he's  just took any is that guy take him for it sure   he's not the weak what's he gonna yeah I'll take  him from Rory then go okay you're like these are   awesome you have no idea what to do it's like  a toolkit you're like actually I try you like   stick it in there and you're like I wonder you  it does occur to you that you're pretty strong   right I can break it open and that if if you  used physical force you might be able to break   yeah okay so where you can strength attack role  where strength 16 so you know plus three role go   20 yep 15 over that's magnificent so 15 plus 3  is 18 you just smash the [ __ ] out of the lock   and finally it breaks off and the chest is able  to be open all right I'll look in it okay in the   chest is a whole bunch of different coins copper  silver gold there are some necklaces there are   some rings it looks like stuff that maybe these  people have like hoarded and stolen from other   people over time there's some like cups some some  like silverware yeah and you notice that there's a   couple leather pouches in there all right check  those other pouches and one of the pouches you   find a small green vial is this like do I have  to choose who I save by the way there's liquid   in it it's green maybe I got to choose my partner  yeah I understand how to make another DEATH save   17 there's one more success all right so I take  that green violet uh-huh and can I give it to her   you could I mean what if it's poison yeah how  do I know if it's poison I don't know I use my   kunai as Brian you could roll medicine okay fine  if Bryan has medicine I have three minutes or if   brian has arcane oh yeah I can yeah dude okay  you bring it over to Brian yep right behind you   Brian please this is why presentable yeah Brian  you have to come a coach once again hang it all   right guys Brian you're like this is definitely  poison you know that he's like it just sounds like   poison okay I cannot I've three medicine where  light roll it's a 15 it's a nice let roll yeah   your medicine tells you that Heather is closer  to death than the professor yep but what about   the potion your it doesn't tell you [ __ ] about  the potion sorry all right well I already kind   of know how they're supposed to definitely do I  feed it to her do you save me okay give a we do   remember that that Karl the druid did in fact save  the professor no obvious I'm gonna give to you   moral quandary Cooper but what if it's poisoned  he's my newest health I definitely give to Rory thirteen okay so you go over to to Karl to  druids body and the port in you like wake   up and you're he's like holding your jaw up and  then has like a fire you're like well and and you   pour a little bit in oh why I saw that she was a  little worried will he see she's awake she's like   what is it wait so I don't you have stabilized  you haven't healed anything yeah that was your   session Tanis but can she get up she can't really  get up she okay can she get up in a little bit or   she do I have to give her this to get up Heather  you gain all right now you guys save Rory saver or   I roll the favor oh you have blood smell healing  word did you use healing word already yeah I did   not use cure wounds yes you did I did she used  one of them the other name I only used one and   it was on Rory yeah yeah and you used it on him  and I Eve so now I have healing word no you use   both of them I get that now you have to have  a long rest to get your spells back when did   I use healing word I thought you used healing  word on I so you yeah she did she did wait and   then you used pure light wounds on him I think so  wait maybe yep all right I probably did I don't   remember so Heather you are you are more than  stabilized you're in great shape you're feeling   good yes a Rory though you she does have because  of herbalism and yeah you could revive him so   you start mashing together a bunch of herbs and  you know work and save meanwhile Malcolm and his   wife and child are now safe they come up to you  they're like he's like my friends I do not know   how to thank you you you literally have saved my  family from certain doom bill absolutely ghost I   I am NOT a wealthy man I cannot repay you for very  much but I will tell you this long ago there was   a legend near my village that long ago a wealthy  Lord buried some treasure because he didn't want   invaders to get to it he's like this is a map  to to my home village just to the south of it   you'll find the farm fields where the treasure  is supposedly buried it's the best I could give   you for I am NOT a wealthy man he gives you the  map you have my eternal thanks and they he like   nods and his wife and child like thank you and  they bow and them they they leave well we got   that whole chatter - so true they do absolutely  gotta focus on saving or any other thing you say   bro okay you mash together somewhere you're not  totally healed but you're up to like one hit point   you're stabilized you know you're bad off you guys  took a beating but you do have a chest full of   treasure and a bunch of dead dog man and obviously  some kind of cult leader and a tower but we know   these guys are sleeping I kinda wanna kill him  that's true Thank You Ellen it's up to you okay oh you're not really sure how long Brian spell  takes so you kill him right at this point you   could either leave the tower sleep there go  back to town it doesn't really matter what   order you do it in but basically you guys get  your crap together you get all the treasure you   go back to town the adventure is finished well  done you've succeeded you've survived you gain   experience points and you fight you live to  fight another day so we hope that you've all   enjoyed this magnificent miniseries of D&D with  high school students featuring our cast Cooper   Rory Brian and Heather and special guest on live  musical accompaniment today Tony K so that's it   we do have some some questions from the audience  so we're gonna really quickly go through this if   anybody's still in there directing does anybody  still there Tim sands laying it down all right   quick questions we'll start off with Coover and  Rory yep D&D was completely new what was the best   part of this experience for you Cooper I just  really liked that you could do like anything you   wanted I thought that was so cool like I've never  had that option like in in games where it's like   like video games you know like you you can suppose  what we do whatever you want but you really can't   but it's like you could do whatever you wanted  I thought that the choice to do what everyone   was very cool all right part excellent Rory I  like how like you can choose whether you want   to go like into battle or not because sometimes  like in other games like who percent you're like   forced to go into battles so like I like how you  can choose whether like what's the best decision   okay Cooper what did you and most about your  character like being the Ranger being having   that character specifically yeah and would you  like to try another class or another race I want   to try that well I did like first of all I liked  Ranger I liked using the bow I thought the bow   would have been cool if it had like more of an  attack bonus than the rapier but still it was   it was pretty cool but I would like to do the one  we were looking at the first Dragonborn yeah yeah   Rory how about you you played it rogue what were  your thoughts on that role did you like it would   you like to try something different I like the  rogue but I feel like if like when you because   I was kind of close combat person with the short  sword so I feel like if I had a higher armor class   kind of like Cooper's and I would have been better  better excellent all right we're gonna shift this   side of the table so Brian what did you enjoy  most about the game experience um kind of like   what Cooper and Rory said like I liked that they  gave you a lot of freedom to like choose whether   you either fight or not or if you just take the  adventure at all okay Heather yeah I thought that   was cool too like they're seeing like you're you  can just do whatever you want and like I've wanted   to play for a really long time it's my uncles  I'd obsessed and so I've always known like what   it was and like how to play but I never played  it sounds cool all right good what about your   your choice so your character was a druid what  was it like what did you like about it what did   you not like what would you try differently  I liked that I had like the healing stuff I   was cool yeah yeah cuz that hell it was like we  all would have died um but I don't know I don't   know what I would change what would you like  to try differently are there any other foreign   character probably I don't know which one but I'd  try a different one okay Brian um would you like   about being a sorcerer what did you not like  what would you try differently um I feel like   being a sorcerer you have like a lot of canned  tripping spells which is usually really hell   if they hit and stuff but no I like I like the  addition of if they have the game they did hit   though you came up a coach Brian but I probably  would try and switch because like even though I   had a dagger it was kind of weak so there was  really no point in using it mm-hmm okay good   after playing this game now and seen a little bit  more about how it works would you want to play it   again and would you like would you play it with  other people yeah yeah I would I would start off   on this I'd go yeah for sure play again I don't  know if I would like it as much if you weren't   the Dungeon Master's that was well yeah yeah I  think you need to be my dungeon master for you   you are rather fortunate that you got to play  with the greatest under master now like Gary   Gygax the inventor of the game is dead I am the  greatest how about you Roy yeah I think the dozen   master is like a really big part of like the game  because it creates like the adventure and I would   definitely like to play it again if I have like  a good Dungeon Master okay PostScript would you   ever want to learn the game enough and make your  own world and be a dungeon master yeah consider   that yeah Brian and Heather same same question now  that you played the game would you play it again   would you play with other people and you know  would you maybe want to try your attempt at being   at under master I would want to play with like  experience he looks like we're all newbies but   like the people that come in and play okay that  you film on the weekends like they're into it you   don't know what we're doing yeah like I mean like  costume like they're you know I want to do this in   and I feel like that'd be that'd be cool to like  play with people that are experienced you should   have like when you feel knows you shout like a  guest like high school student every time you   just come in and play for one adventure than you  you always die at the end they like push you off just a band of bars they don't get like a fight  when they're about to fight they just have like   a Brian what's your what's your thought do you  did you was the experience what you thought it   would be would you play it again would you  ever try your own attempt at do you mean or   creating a world I feel like the experience  would be really low because it seems really   fun and I definitely would play it again  but like by myself at first way I could   feel of it and then I'll slowly move up to  play with other people cool cool cool all   right well it's been fantastic thank you for  participating in this experiment I think it's   been very easy that's cool valuable hopefully  learn something about whether it's the game or   other broader concepts like teamwork communicating  strategy whatever there's there's a lot that you   can get out of the experience of using your  mind creatively in that kind of environment   so good job guys we'll see you on the flip  and for everybody watching thanks for tuning   in we'll have more D&D with high school  students next semester and 2018 peace out you
Channel: Bill Allan
Views: 185,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons, and, Dragons, D&D, craft, DM, Dungeonmaster, RPG, terrain, DnD, d&d with high school students, actual play, bill allan, dnd5e, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons gameplay, dnd gameplay, d&d gameplay, dndwithhighschoolstudents, dungeons \\\\& dragons, dungeons \\& dragons, role playing game, dnd 5e, dnd 5e actual play, high schoolers play d&d, d&d high school, bard 5e, druid 5e, circle of the moon druid, circle of the moon druid 5e
Id: ANRIdg3Dc5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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