So You're New To Tanking in FFXIV...

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I had no idea people didn't like him.. is he wrong usually or something??

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Thornebow 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mr happy is the last guy that should teach tanking

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/something_unplanned 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mr "let's rush out videos no matter how inaccurate they are" should not be making these types of guides.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/spacetrashs 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you're trying out tanking for the first time in final fantasy 14. before you even get started relax i often see a lot of people that come around worried that they're going to make a mistake they're going to get the whole party killed and that all the pressure is on them honestly you're gonna find by the end of this video and honestly after your first few dungeons that tanking really isn't as intimidating as you might think i'll give you some easy pointers to get your foot in the door and keep it there and then some advanced tips for the extra curious so let's start with some beginner tips first off an easy one remember to turn your tank stance on at the start of dungeons when sinking down this buff gets turned off every time even veterans forget to do this so it's definitely worth being my first reminder here also try to keep your armor up to date check quest rewards dungeons and ask around for gear advice as the one taking most of the hits you want to be sturdy next aggro the terms aggro and enmity are used to refer to whether or not the boss is hitting you so as a tank you want to quote have aggro on enemies in final fantasy 14 this is an absolute breeze once your tank stance is on on groups of enemies just try to hit them all a few times with area of effect skills and you'll secure aggro on everything pretty quick on bosses just do your normal single target rotations we'll get a little bit more in depth with this later on once you have aggro face the enemies away from your team a lot of enemies have attacks that only hit in front of them so facing them away from your team is the expectation they also have target rings if you actually look at one and melee dps will want to be attacking around the rear and sides of these enemies turning them around when you pull just saves everyone from having to run around to get safe or to hit enemies from the correct sides more quickly now while these monsters are hitting you you may see attacks that you can avoid it might seem a bit hectic on some enemies but you'll want to avoid these attacks to prevent unnecessary damage then try to move back to where you were standing before as soon as an aoe indicator disappears you're usually safe to run back where it was while the enemy is actually doing the attack animation this can minimize turning but on dungeon monsters it's not uncommon for them to turn around frequently and get moved around a bunch especially when you start doing bigger pulls just do your best in this case it's kind of the expected finally my last beginner tip defensive cooldowns these are actions you have that reduce the damage that you take at first try to rotate through these as you're getting the hang of dungeons you'll always want to be reducing damage as much as possible so even on smaller poles get in the habit of using these skills also early on try not to stack these too much on more advanced content you might need to stack defensive cooldowns but for just getting started rotating through them should do just fine alright that's it for beginner tips and honestly those alone are going to get you through a lot of story content in final fantasy 14 but we're going to get into some stuff that might help you take your tanking game to the next level now so first going back to aggro on your screen you'll notice there is a list of enemies that comes up when you're in combat the symbol on the left determines whether you have aggro or close to getting aggro or are completely safe unless a monster has some sort of unique method for choosing a target and thus will ignore the tank you'll want your aggro list to look something like this as a tank if any of the symbols don't look like this that means they're attacking somebody else so you'll want to pick them up off your team you can even click on enemies on the aggro list to target them if you're playing with a mouse and keyboard now for getting aggro on a pack of monsters it's pretty standard to use your ranged attacks such as shield lob or tomahawk to hit a target in the pack then once they're all grouped up in front of you you start aoeing them to get aggro on everything you can also run directly into a group of enemies and just begin using aoe skills but this depends on the enemy pack's layout and makeup this can actually help prevent maybe a monster going wide because somebody attacked it too early or maybe it's just easier for you because you're trying to pull lots of monsters instead of trying to group them all up to aoe them afterwards on bosses on the other hand it's pretty standard to start with the ranged attack before beginning your single target rotation but again there's more advanced ways to go about this now you might also be wondering about the provoked skill for pulling or for using in general this skill is used for quickly grabbing aggro off of another target but on targets that aren't yet pulled or are already hitting you it can be pretty weak it does have its uses though one we're going to talk about a little bit more later on but you can also use it on enemies that shake loose from a pack in case they're attacking somebody else or if you just want to be able to pull monsters from further away but just don't spam it on cooldown now let's cover some more tips on defensive cooldowns first off don't forget about your roll action some of these are amazing tools for mitigating damage on big pulse or even helping out teammates reprisal is an aoe damage debuff on enemies this makes it great for dungeon pulls if a lot of enemies are hitting you but you can also use it on attacks that will hit the whole party to reduce the damage your teammates take as well arm's length is one a lot of tanks forget about even veteran ones its standard use is knockback prevention it stops you from being displaced by most attacks that would otherwise move you around the arena however it has another effect any enemies that hit you while it's active have their attack speed slowed while this doesn't work on end game bosses it does work on almost all dungeon trash and even early game dungeon bosses and slowing their attack speed means they're hitting you less means you're taking less damage use it and use it often low blows stuns opponents for a short time this is great at stopping attacks from enemies in dungeon poles and even on some early game bosses always be looking for attacks that can be stunned on that same note interjection is a tank interrupt skill if you see an enemy action blinking while it's casting that means that you can interrupt it this is a vital skill to use in many fights and can also help immensely in dungeons on certain attacks learn what attacks can be interrupted and always be on the lookout for new ones so you can stop them and one last one for defensive cooldowns while big dungeon pulls and rotating cooldowns there are important bosses instead have attacks that are designed to even kill tanks this takes a bit of learning on a per boss basis some have instant attacks that deal more damage some have attacks with cast bars and some just wind up big punching animations that don't really tell you a whole lot until you're getting knocked in the face i won't get too into this because it is very specific on a boss to boss basis but on bosses use defensive cooldowns to try and reduce the damage from their attacks as well don't just use it on the dungeon trash feel free to rotate through a few things on normal trials or dungeon bosses until you can recognize what attacks that you need to watch out for attacks that we specifically call tank busters and finally for intermediate tips big dungeon pulls in final fantasy 14 it's pretty standard to pull a lot of monsters at a single time sometimes pulling entire thirds of dungeons between bosses in one fell swoop when you're new tell your party if you're not comfortable doing this or want to try learning doing it it always helps the rest of the party to get on the same page especially the healer who may or may not be comfortable with it themselves now to ease into this start by just pulling two packs of enemies at a time maybe this is like five or six enemies then try three then try as many as possible also bear in mind low level dungeons it's usually not too great of an idea the really low level ones not a lot of jobs have aoes so you might want to consider maybe at most doing two packs at once if you want to do that other than that you're just going to incorporate all of the advice i've given you up to this point look for enemies that you can stun or interrupt remember to rotate your cooldown so that you don't take as much damage and dodge aoes that are aimed at you it's just everything you've been practicing amplified by the sheer number of monsters oh and if your gear is out of date when leveling definitely don't try this all willy nilly it will definitely get a lot more noticeable if your gear is out of date doing this oh and actually to help with rounding up monsters here's another cool tip some monsters cast spells from a distance which can make grouping them up a pain when this happens look for nearby walls or crevices that you can use to get out of their line of sight this can force them to run up to you to attack you at melee range and let you just group everything up neatly just be careful you don't want to do this when your healer is trying to save your life you might just line of sight that benediction that was coming your way now for advanced tips this section will seem standard to endgame tanks and contain some crucial advice if you plan on taking tanks into more serious content unfortunately most advanced tips really are on a per boss basis there's so many little things you can learn about the tanking role that comes from experience or watching endgame tanks play certain fights so take what you've learned so far and come into this section expecting to really just be a little more curious coming out i'm sure there's plenty of tanks in the comments section who may want to bring up specific fights or specific scenarios that are a little more common for you okay aggro again in lots of end game fights in almost all of them you'll be sporting two or more tanks to deal with the boss sometimes there are additional monsters that one of the tank needs to pick up and then it makes sense to have two tanks but sometimes instead the boss just debuffs tanks with deadly attacks this forces the tanks to swap who is actually being attacked at the time aptly named a tank swap to perform one of these the tank who is currently not being hit also known as the off tank should provoke like we said earlier provoke is mostly used to pull aggro from other targets so for this it's perfect and it is its intended use on top of that the roll action shirk allows a tank to give a portion of their aggro to another player it's standard for the tank who was just tanking moments ago before the other tank provoked to use shirk on that other tank to ensure the swap goes smoothly i even use a shirk macro and then reorder my party list to always shirk the other tank instead of trying to target them manually with the ability which can be awkward in the middle of an intense fight there are also encounters with large monsters that tether together when they get close buffing them in most 24 man raids and eight man encounters if there's a phase where the boss spawns two or three really big enemies just assume that these enemies need to be separated until you know otherwise it's not always the case but it is so common that it's worth assuming until you actually know the fight always beware of enemies that tether together and in raids don't forget about your utility most tanks sport some form of shield or raid wide damage mitigation whether that be the reprisals we mentioned earlier or using party-wide mitigation tools such as dark missionary or shake it off these are essential to end game content so using them when you see bosses doing damage to the party even in easier content is a good habit to be in now for defensive cooldowns on more deadly bosses you likely won't just be rotating through them one by one or you're probably going to be killed by some of those tank busters you'll want to work out whether or not you need multiple cooldowns for certain parts or if the other tank will have aggro when you don't have any cooldowns at all you should also consider using your super tank cooldown on really dangerous attacks these are cooldowns that prevent you from dying for the duration and can be used on anything from bosses with back to back tank busters or even dungeon bosses to buy the party a bit of time or big dungeon pulls in actuality in raids it's a lot more structured so as you gain fight knowledge you'll also be far more considerate about using these in fact you'll plan to use them they're not going to be panic buttons they're going to be planned cooldowns like most of your other buttons my last one to consider is how you're moving enemies and bosses when you actually do move them sometimes you can learn to move bosses in ways that help position their attacks in beneficial ways or to ensure your team can continue to hit them and actually defeat them faster sometimes it's mandatory to have a boss in a particular location to avoid certain attacks and sometimes the boss just can't be moved and you'll just have to consider how you can stay in range of the boss to keep hitting it again this kind of stuff really requires specific fight to fight knowledge and will be something you pick up as you learn more and more really the most important thing in this advanced section is being willing to learn you're not going to get very far into really high end content if you aren't willing to pick up as many of the little minute details as you can and quite frankly some of the more experienced tanks i speak to only find satisfaction in doing this otherwise they say they feel like a melee who just happens to get hit instead of the other players and hopefully once you're comfortable enough that's how it'll feel to you and you'll be able to do it whenever you need to whether it's to tank an expert roulette with your friends or just to try and get an achievement or something like that and with that that's going to be a wrap for my advice there are so many more things i could tell you about tanking and little bits of advice that again are just so specific to certain situations so i'm going to try to keep the video from going too much longer and just say ask some questions in the comment section of the video below or if you're an experienced tank go down there and offer even more advice or answer some of the questions down there because again i'm sure there's just going to be a lot but ultimately don't be nervous it's not as tough as you might think it is but anyway thanks for watching be sure to like favorite subscribe and share and stay tuned we'll have plenty of videos leading up to end walker anyway thanks for watching and until then take care
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 122,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play, Tank, Paladin, Warrior, Gunbreaker, Dark Knight, DRK, PLD, WAR, GNB, Help, Tutorial, Dungeon, Raid, Trial, Boss, Cooldowns, Defensive
Id: n5d_bowU7PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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