FFXIV VERSUS - White Mage vs Astrologian vs Scholar vs Sage (Endwalker)

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[Music] hey everyone mr happy here and welcome back to final fantasy 14 verses this series is dedicated towards discussing the pros and cons of each job within each role in the game this video will be focusing on the healers now just as a reminder i'm gonna pick a winner but every job can do every content no questions asked so play whatever you enjoy now healers are actually a unique case given they are divided between pure and shield healers despite this i will be judging every healer against one another only using this division to help identify their strengths or weaknesses also role actions will seldom come up here since they're the same for all the healers unless i really need to bring them up first up let us start with the og white mage with the game since the beginning and even before that with 1.0 white mage is the epitome of the word healer when it comes to its job fantasy its focus over the years has always been on throughput able to push out high personal damage and healing while lacking a bit in the utility department this has led to some rocky roads for the job to say the least but in more recent years it still seems to land on its feet and see plenty of play that still remains to be the case in end walker especially after some quality of life changes it has received now all healers at their base share some similarities though for n walker those similarities are somewhat split thanks to the pure and barrier healer categories for white mage starting with their basic spells we have cure and cure 2 for single target heals and medica and medica 2 to cover aoe medica 2 also has a regen effect for any players hit by it which can really help for aoes to just slowly heal the group up white mage even has cure 3 an additional aoe heal that does incredibly massive throughput for big repeated attacks its range is a little smaller but trust me you'll be using it and demanding your party stack up for it between this and medi2's heal over time aspect though you rarely ever use medical one it has its uses just not very many for more direct healing you also have the job's primary mechanic lilies every 20 seconds while in combat white mages generate one lily storing up to three max these can be used on a fleece solace for a single target heal or a flatus rapture for an aoe these heels are instant cast costs no mp and are on the global cooldown so lilies help with healing movement and believe it or not damage the damage aspect comes from what happens when you use a lily every time you use one you generate a bit of the blood lily gauge after three uses the blood lily will be fully charged which grants access to one cast of a flaccess misery this attack deals massive damage to the first target hit and then splashes for reduced damage to nearby targets now thanks to recent buffs to misery's potency it is now dps neutral with glare if you include the three gcds it takes to get a finished blood lily you'll definitely want one of these available for any raid buff windows to make use of its insanely high potency their other two damaging tools dia and glare are simply a dot and a direct damage skill respectively keep up dia at all times and then spam glare in profit if you're aoeing you will be using holy instead this is an aoe that comes with the benefit of an aoe stun making it quite popular in big dungeon pulls with that the remaining tools all help assist with the team's healing as the job fantasy describes first the more direct healing abilities regen simply places a heal over time on one target simple tetragrammaton that's always a mouthful is a quick single target heal off the global cooldown which is also pretty self-explanatory asylum places down a healing field that restores health over time and increases the healing received of anyone inside amazing for repeated aoe hits or just healing up after big aoe damage a size heals all nearby allies damages all nearby enemies and even restores some mp i'd recommend using this on cooldown pretty much unless there's a really good reason to hold it for a few seconds plenary indulgence grants nearby party members the confession buff anyone with confession will receive a bonus heal whenever they are aoe healed with a global cooldown spell fantastic bonus healing for repeated use of a flatus rapture or applying medica too i'm going to jump ahead to their level 90 skill as it is really just a pure healing ability their level 90 skill is liturgy of the bell this places a lilly bell on the ground that pulses an aoe heal every time the white mage takes damage during the duration it can repeat this up to 5 times making it awesome for repeated aoe strikes if any stacks of liturgy are unused at the end of the duration or if it's activated manually earlier it will fire off a massive aoe heal that scales up with the number of unused stacks it's just meant to make sure that those stacks don't go entirely to waste this allows it to flex into being used on big aoes as well as those repeated aoes i mentioned earlier it's just really solid healing finally they have benediction once every three minutes white mages can heal one person to full health it is off the global cooldown and you will be using it a lot now you'll often see it paired with tank invulnerability skills or to save a party member who made a crucial but non-lethal mistake saving them just before it becomes lethal don't save this for that emergency moment though and never use it this isn't like an elixir in a single player rpg you want to be using it proactively not reactively they do have some other utilities and skills to help as well divine venison grants a shield to an ally to prevent some damage great for assisting tanks or allies in need of a bit more protection even gets two charges that you can save up aquavale places a damage reduction buff on an ally of choice as well again great for assisting tanks or allies in need of a bit more protection temperance is a big party-wide support skill reducing party damage taken so long as they're in range while also increasing the white mage's healing potency by 20 the raw values make it super effective if the party is close enough especially given that the buff is mobile thanks to being centered around the white mage at all times their final two skills help either save some mp or pump some damage presence of mind grants the white mage a massive spell speed buff for a short time this is largely used in two minute buff windows to get more glare cast so go fast finally thin air allows the next spell to cost no mp amazing when paired with rays to save a ko'd ally at no cost or along big side aoe healing sections of the fight to reduce your mp costs especially if you're going to be spamming cure 3 or using multiple medica 2s across a certain period of time now for pros white mages personal throughputs are all very high kira 3 spam is an ever present fail-safe when reacting to healing and newer encounters and this allows white mage to pump through more dangerous sections of fights when you really don't have all the kinks worked out their personal dps shares this throughput statement as their numbers are absolutely juiced for a healer their mobility is fairly strong as well thanks to instant cast lilies and dia not to mention the short spell cast on glare something all the healers do share but it helps with white mage as well it still needs to be planned out for more extended raid encounters but it's not bad at the least to top it all off the main reason it's so popular is that it's really straightforward and easy to play if you're a first time healer in final fantasy 14 this is probably gonna be your first stop and not just because it's the only healer that's actually available at level one their cons focus mainly on what they can't do though the healer they are paired with should be making up for these deficiencies in some way they are the only healer that is no form of party-wide shields across all three of the other healers even the other pure one they pretty much only have venison and that's gonna be two targets at max if you saved up two charges yeah you've got aqua veil you've got temperance you know and you're going to plan out how you're going to use these things but they're just behind in the mitigation department in general also despite its high personal dps it has no raid dps tools so the personal throughput can be better or worse depending on individual fight design but despite these cons you will see no shortage of white mages thanks to how approachable the job is and how safe it is to play our second healer shifts over to the barrier category with scholar this was added in 2.0 alongside summoner and is the progenitor of the shield healer role no matter how many ups and downs the job has had over the years and it's had them it's always been an insane powerhouse that remains to be the case even now it's just crazy to think how the job's relevancy has never struggled that much even at its absolute worst as a barrier healer its basic spells are more focused on generating shields as opposed to throughput like with white mages cure 1 and tier 2. while they do have physic for a super basic heal illoquium and sucker are their single target in aoe heals respectively that each grant a barrier equal to the amount they heal if a loquelium crits it even grants an additional bonus barrier so your crit isn't just for damage on scholar making it a super valuable stat the only other really basic spells the job has are their dps spells biolysis is a dot and broil is their standard damage spell they also have art of war for aoe dps which is kind of nice because it's instant cast and pretty good dps on multiple targets they even have a bonus dps spell in that of ruin 2 which is an instant cast ability this is something the other healers definitely wish they had in their toolkit that being said you don't strive to use this spell a lot you want to minimize using it because broil 3's potency is so much higher but if you need to dps on the move at least you have an option now everything else after this is either a utility that enhances skills protects allies or functions as a primary job identity first up is ether flow once every minute the scholar can use this skill to restore some mp and grant three stacks of the ether flow buff you can activate some of your skills by using up one charge of this so you'll need to carefully plan the use of these skills every minute they are all off the global cooldown so you can weave them between your other spell casts energy drain is the basic dps option useful in the case that you just don't need the stacks for anything else and want a tiny bit of extra damage lustrate is an instant heal on a target ally it's good for saving people after mistakes or reactive healing but the rest of your tools are the ones you'll probably be using more indomitability is an aoe heal which you'll often use a stack for in cases with lots of back to back aoe damage probably the most popular one is sacred soil this place is a field on the ground that reduces the damage taken for any allies inside of it and even restores their health over time and finally another very popular one excogitation places a buff on an ally for 45 seconds if that player falls below 50 health or the buff expires they receive a massive heal this is amazing for dungeon trash pulls or foreshadowing boss damage on a particular party member especially tanks now their second job mechanic is their fairy scholars can summon either eos or celine to help heal and protect allies these two are functionally the same but we all know selena's the better one anyway the fairies will automatically heal allies that are missing health but also have a few commands that you can issue to them whispering dawn is an aoe heal over time from the fairy's location great for passively healing up after a big hit or supporting big aoe damage phases fey illumination is an aoe buff that provides not only increased healing received for anyone who gets the buff but also reduces magic damage taken by 5 fey blessing is an aoe heal that you can use to support the team whenever you just need a bit more aoe healing now their final fairy skill is fae union this causes your fairy to halt all other actions and tether to a target ally every few seconds that player will receive a pulse of healing making this great for assisting in repeated damage on a single target or healing someone up after they've taken a hit without using mp or other resources using any other fairy skill will cancel the tether and every tick of healing it provides will reduce your fairy gage by 10. now i was wondering when i should bring this up but every time you use a stack of ether flow you actually generate 10 ferry gauge that gauge is used exclusively for this skill so it's just something that will charge up over the fight and you'll need to think about when you want to channel it onto a target you can use it liberally in casual content i almost always just sit at 100 gauge and go i don't know where to use this nobody's dying just kind of sits there in easier content now there is one exception to an ether flow skill generating fairy gauge and that actually comes from your level 60 skill dissipation this skill will instantly generate 3 ether flow and give the scholar a ton of additional healing potency however it also sacrifices the fairy for 30 seconds making it unable to access its skills or do any passive healing because there's no ferry around which you need in order to generate fairy gauge these three ether flow won't really serve that much of a purpose when it comes to generating gauge unless of course you were to wait until your ferry was back at the end of the duration most of the time you don't really care about that you use dissipation to get the extra ether flow either for damage with extra energy drains or because you really really need access to the skills and healing that it provides the fairy does also have one more trick up its sleeve and that is seraph summoning serif will replace either eos or celine for a short time and grant access to a new skill consolation this is an aoe heal and shield that you can use twice per summon serif it is separate from and stacks with your adlow and sucker shields meaning you can really pump some team shields thanks to this serif's basic embrace is also replaced with seraphic veil granting a shield to anyone that it just spot heals during the summoning the names of your other fairy actions will also change during seraph as well but their effects remain completely the same now the scholar's remaining skills round out its utility and make it a mitigation monster for endgame activities emergency tactics causes your adloa and sucker to not apply shields on their next cast instead it just doubles their healing potency so it helps them in situations where raw healing is more important than another shield deployment tactics allows you to spread a galvanized effect from your elloquium to all people near the target this tool is invaluable at mitigating a slew of end game raid wides it's pretty much considered a free ignore raid damage button when used appropriately especially in conjunction with any tools that increase healing received or when paired with things like serif shield which just make it absolutely ridiculous a big tool for assisting deployment tactics is recitation this causes your next illoquium sucker indom or x cognition to automatically crit and causes the ones that cost ether flow to have that cost removed this has a number of very valuable uses the most common is definitely recitation plus the loquium before deploying to ensure a fat shield now this can also be combined with x-cog during dungeons in order to give the tank a free x-cog that is going to basically full heal them when they get under 50 the remaining options are also fairly useful and you can use that x-cog in a number of other ways but those are just a few quick uses for you and we're still not done protraction lets you increase the max health and healing received on a single target another tool for buffing those deployed ad lows in case you hadn't noticed expedience their level 90 skill reduces damage taken by 10 percent for 20 seconds however it also gives everyone a free sprint for 10 seconds making it fantastic for high movement mechanics that the entire raid needs to deal with finally they have chain stratagem this place is a debuff on a single enemy that increases the rate at which they receive critical hits by 10 basically 10 crit rate buff for everybody their only damage related utility for the raid but a very respected one so pros honestly scholar has so many i don't know how to narrow it down big shields tons of mitigation insanely high utility solid mobility and even a party damage buff with chain i mean despite being a barrier healer they even have pretty significant healing over time and direct healing when necessary thanks to things like whispering dawn thanks to just the passive healing that comes out of their pet thanks there's just everything it's just they do so many things i don't even know what you can really knock against the job i mean that being said i mean we kind of got to try because i need a con section right the job has lots of buttons that can be overwhelming for some people and it has lots of utilities and even a couple of job mechanics to deal with so yeah we'll say it might be overwhelming for new players or your fairy will take care of most the healing and you won't care one of the two things will happen they also don't need a lot of these tools and more casual content so the bars actually end up seeming more crowded than they need to be until you get into serious end game this leads to it being a bit more boring than anything short of savage content but that's kind of true for all of the healers to be honest the fairy's responsiveness used to be questionable but actually they buffed it a lot in end walker it has improved significantly honestly i just it's hard to think of cons for this job when it's just whether or not you prefer it practically because it's such a hard carry in so many difficult fights so if you have your eye on scholar give it a shot people will appreciate it alright now let's jump back to the pure healers for astrologian this job has been and still is an absolute roller coaster even if nobody can agree on how to pronounce it whether it be the devs or the players underpowered overpowered underpowered overpowered seriously when has astro ever been a stable choice usually when it's overpowered their cards get reworked identities get shifted around they get new mechanics added in oh how do we even keep up fortunately when the job is strong it is strong in a whole nother level even if it will kill your hands to play with its frequent skill uses and that is pretty much how it is as of this video the job's most major mechanic is the card system astro can draw cards and play them on allies to grant them a damage buff for a short time playing certain cards on certain roles grants even greater boosts so ensuring you get the right card played while still dpsing and healing is essential to your performance across the six cards there are also three seals which you'll want to collect for activating your level 50 astrodyne skill this skill buffs the astro gaining an additional buff for every unique seal you drew when activated the first seal will simply restore some mp over time the second seal will reduce spell cast speed and recast times and three seals increases damage and healing potency by 5 you always want to aim for three seals if you can though that can mean some rapid card slinging in already busy scenarios especially during two minute buff windows on top of their normal six cards astro can also use their minor arcana this draws one of two cards the lord or the lady of crowns the lord of crowns is an aoe damage off global while the lady of crowns is an aoe heal you'll pull these once a minute and they can really come in handy in a pinch the lord of crowns is particularly great in aoe damage scenarios as its damage is a flat 250 potency with no damage fall off in both dungeons and endgame raids this can make holding a lord and then attempting to draw another one a massive amount of damage that your raid will appreciate so that's their cards now for their actual healing kit benefic and benefit 2 are these simple single target heals and helios is their basic aoe heal now i forgot to mention this during the white mage section but the pure healers actually have a proc on their most basic heel that enhances the tier 2 version so cure 1 can buff cure 2 with the free cure proc and for benefit it can make benefit to crit the reason i didn't bring it up is because ideally you almost never use the tier 1 version of the spell as the healing mp and gcd efficiency are really low so because that's true of benefit here as well you'll most likely just use benefit 2 if you're single target healing at all with your gcd now they also have aspected heals aspected helios puts a regen on all the targets that it hits while aspected benefit heals and puts a regen on a single target aspected benefit is also instant which can be pretty handy at sometimes their basic dps spells are combust for a dot and malefic for normal damage gravity is an aoe around the target so expect to see that a lot in dungeons i know it feels like we've covered a lot already but there are so many more astro skills to cover essential dignity is a single target off global heal with two charges it also even gets stronger when your target has lower health making it a great emergency heal especially when paired with tank involved skills celestial opposition is an instant aoe heal that grants everyone a regen as well they have a couple of single target support skills as well celestial intersection heals a target and grants them a damage shield to boot and has two charges with a pretty quick charge time then they have exaltation placing the spell on an ally reduces the damage that they take by ten percent and after the effect wears off it grants them a heal reduce the damage and heal it up after then you have earthly star back to the aoe tools this places a massive constellation on the ground when you reactivate it or it expires it does big aoe heals and damage to any ally and enemies inside respectively if it's not activated within 10 seconds it actually becomes stronger so you'll want to time the star so that its damage and healing hits during the second strengthened period collective unconscious is a channeled bubble around the astro any player inside the bubble when it is channeled receives some healing over time and reduce damage taken these effects do last for around 5 seconds after applied so even just quickly activating it for the bonuses before a big aoe can be super useful instead of holding the channel non-stop horoscope places a buff on all nearby allies when reactivated it'll heal them but if you cast helios or aspected helios before detonating horoscope the heal from it will be doubled as well great for aoe situations where you plan on casting helios or aspected helios anyway then they have their nutty level 90 skill macro cosmos the initial gcd spellcast does big aoe damage and places a macro cosmos buff on all nearby allies while the buff is active it will store 50 of the damage that you take in its memory when the button is pressed again it will activate micro cosmos which consumes the macro cosmos buff and heals everyone for however much damage was stored up this can easily be a massive full party full heal if used on some mechanics trivializing entire boss mechanics at times now we've got to back it up and still go over some of the lower level spells that aren't just raw aoe healing neutral sect i saved this one for last because of how unique it is for a pure healer uniquely busted as far as i'm concerned this ability increases the astros healing for a short time and it also makes their aspected benefit and helio spells provide a shield on top of their normal effects this effectively lets them act as a barrier healer for the duration giving astros already loaded kit another huge distinct advantage now that covers all their healing utilities but they still have a couple of other things on top of these sinistry allows you to place a beacon on an ally causing them to receive forty percent of the single target gcd healing you do to other targets the reason i left this out of the healing section is because it's not a very good skill you very infrequently use it and you even less infrequently use single target gcd heals like benefit 2 too it has some niche uses but less and less so these days lightspeed on the other hand is amazing this reduces your cast time by 2.5 seconds making everything but your combat rays instant spam heals or damage on the move for 15 seconds without worry at all and finally they have divination a six percent damage buff to the whole party useful during two minute buff windows especially when paired with your cards alright we're finally through the skills this is going to be a long video with all of those i think you can figure out a lot of its pros huge direct healing reactive healing single target shields party shields damage reduction damage boosting there's literally nothing the job can't do not to mention that between the lord of crowns macro cosmos earthly star gravity they actually have a crazy high amount of aoe damage that's tied to some of some of their potential healing buttons it's kind of painful seeing what this job is capable of after looking back at white mage's kit the disparity is enormous even if white mage is already a more than capable job on its own the cons list is still there though it's not as cut and dry as maybe scholar felt the job's single target damage is super low so you really need to be on top of cards and well-timed divinations to make up for your contribution this leads to con number two in case you hadn't figured out the job is pretty busy seriously the opener is for people who played professional brood wars and that's a lot to ask of a player even seasoned vets draw cards identify who they belong to get as many seals as possible while still maintaining dps gcds that you don't clip or miss if you don't mind the high apm loaded kit and low personal damage though astro is quite frankly one of the strongest healers in the game it is being reworked in patch 7.0 though so expect the next expansion versus series to sound a good bit different finally we bounce back to the barrier heels to talk about the new kid on the block sage this job caught everyone by surprise with its aesthetic and theme becoming an instant hit since the new job hype has died down a bit we've seen a decent spread of all the healers but sage is still plentiful amongst the end game choices even with scholar being as nutty as it is must be a good reason right well first off the job has quite a few gauge related gimmicks first up is adder sting you start with three of these and can generate them by having a eucrazia diagnosis shield broken which we'll talk about later these are used to access toxicon an aoe damaging gcd spell given the spell is instant cast and costs no mp adder stings are great for mobility mp management and aoeing the only problem is getting more of them they're not really great for saving mp when you have to use a ukration diagnosis to get one but you can make that investment during downtime and then use the toxicons for movement later on the rest of their gauge is used for adder's gall every 20 seconds the gauge fills and grants one's adder's gall which can then be used on a number of off-global skills dracolae is a single target heal ixacola is an aoe heal tara cole restores some hp and reduces targets damage taken and cater cole is an aoe regen plus damage reduction for anyone hit by it of all of these caracole is by far the most popular given that it's a sacred soil that doesn't require people to stand in a bubble just apply to forehead and profit you'll likely use kerakole on cooldown you also get rizamata which grants one adder skull instantly oh and i almost forgot to mention that every time you use adder's call you get mp back so frequent use helps keep your mp healthy their next job mechanic is called cardia this is a buff a sage can place on themselves or a party member every time the sage uses an offensive gcd spell the cardian's target will be healed yep you heal when doing damage this is effectively meant to match the counterpart scholars fairy so the heal isn't massive but it is something to remember to put on your tank and swap it around accordingly throughout a fight this effect can also be buffed with zoteria which increases the potency of the next four cardian heals by 70 now on to their basic heals and damaging spells which actually all have somewhat of their own gimmick diagnosis is their single target heal prognosis their aoe heal and doses is their basic damaging spell but all of these spells can actually be altered with the eucrazia skill this ability has its own one second cooldown but reduces the recast time of the skill you altered to 1.5 seconds and makes it instant cast helping with mobility eucrazian diagnosis reduces the healing potency but the spell now places a shield on that target ally the shield being broken is what generates adder sting remember so doing it during dungeon pulls or when there's nothing else to do can be a way of getting extra toxicons eucrazian prognosis is the same reduces potency while causing it to grant some shields finally eucrazen doses applies a 30 second dot instead so you'll maintain eucrazian doses on a target while then spamming regular doses while you wait to reapply it you can also use the eucrazian shields to activate another skill pepsis this ability will consume any eucrazian shields and instantly heal those party members this makes the potency higher than just the base diagnosis and prognosis skills at the cost of the extra action used so it is great for doing some aoe healing when you really need a burst of it they do also have more dps skills on top of dosis and toxicon dyskratia is their basic point-blank aoe and phlegma is a targeted aoe phlegma actually does big single target damage as well so hitting these during raid wide buffs is ideal of course they also sport some sort of healing buffs and utilities as expected fisus is an ogcd that places a regen on all nearby party members and grants bonus healing to anyone affected hollows instead restores some health instantly and reduces damage taken for a short time having both hollows and caracoli in your kit helps a lot with mitigation as you can stagger the two constantly to cover almost every room-wide aoe then they have a couple of direct healing buffs zoe increases the heal provided by your next spell by 30 great for enhancing eucrazian shields or increasing basic heal potencies just to catch up crassus on the other hand is applied to an ally and increases their healing received by 20 useful for assisting with lots of damage on a single target especially tanks not to mention that if you were to pair say sage and scholar together which was popular for a bit that's another healing buffer deployed adlow next up is more of their shields hyma and panheima are single target and aoe skills with nearly the same effect they each place a barrier on affected allies in addition to a buff with five stacks when the first barrier is absorbed the stack will reduce by one and apply another shield until all the stacks and shields are absorbed if any remaining stacks are present at the end of the duration they instead do a direct heal scaling with the number of remaining stacks these are both incredible for a number of mechanics hyma helps mitigate a combination of tank busters and autos or multi-hit attacks of any kind panheima is the same but for the whole party so repeated aoes on the group are ideal for this skill especially when combined with your normal shields and mitigation as panheima and jaima they can't interact with each other but they do stack with these other tools so they are fantastic their final utility is pneuma this skill is actually on the global cooldown with the sage firing a laser in a line this deals damage to any target's hit making it great for aoe but it also heals any nearby players for a sizeable amount making it something you'll want to use for big aoe scenarios to heal up their only remaining tool is icarus the only mobility tool across all four healers using this sages can dash towards an ally or an enemy a short distance it has a lengthy cooldown of 45 seconds but having the extra mobility to get around or correct mistakes is always awesome so for the pros the job has a ton of mitigation and shielding tools so it's pretty easy to have some sort of coverage for most aoes it has lots of damage tools and does really solid personal dps numbers its direct healing is also pretty well spread out between adderskal pneuma prognosis pepsis plus all of their regens they are surprisingly well off and just healing for cons the job does have a few shortcomings its shields aren't nearly as strong as scholars so much so that as i hinted earlier scholar sage was a pretty popular healing combo for a bit with scholar doing all of the shielding and sage just not using their eucraziad shields it also has no party-wide damage buffs or even personal damage buffs putting it in a similar vein to white mage on its selfishness it can also take a while to get used to the healing tools and cooldowns as they are a bit more unconventional but this comfort comes with time if you enjoy the aesthetic trust me you won't be left wanting with sage it does awesome that being said i have to pick a winner i don't think it should surprise anyone that this is between astro and scholar it's just really hard to pick one or the other astro ceiling feels like it's way higher when we hear about solo healing ultimates and savages for the first time the range of tools that astro brings usually leads to being the healer of choice that being said scholar is routinely praised for minimizing dangerous raid wide mechanics so much so that it's almost comical at times i think for me then it kinda has to come down to feeling astro is super busy and hectic so much so that most players are shocked they're waiting till 7.0 to do the rework scholar on the other hand had most of its clunkiness toned down or even removed and its tools are super powerful for that reason i think i have to give the win to scholar it's the more approachable job it's the easier job to play it just doesn't have as high of a skill ceiling like astro does that job design with the cards though with the apm that's really the thing that dams it from winning this even though i think it probably should win as for sage and white mage i'm gonna put sage above white mage it just feels like no matter how well white mage does in content or how okay it is its ceiling is so low since it lacks a lot of critical tools that other healers have i mean astro has an entire cooldown to make it a barrier healer that is insane considering the other things that it has well yes white mage is the most approachable and i did say a lot of this would come down to feel it just never feels great to feel like something is missing especially when put next to asher's overloaded kit seriously neutral sex seriously and that's going to be a wrap for this episode of final fantasy 14 vs thank you for the patience my schedule has been so super busy that i haven't been able to work on this very much so much so that the editing will probably be a little bit on the lazier side when i finish that being said it's the information that matters so please stay tuned for the melee job versus which i would like to have out before patch 6.2 and then if we need to reissue it after any job changes come out well then so be it anyway be sure to like favorite subscribe and share of course and i'll see you all in the next video until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 149,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play, White Mage, White, Mage, WHM, Healer, Versus, VS, Job, Class, Scholar, Astrologian, AST, SCH, Pure, Barrier, Shield, Sage, SGE
Id: iZUyFYd9Jt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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