FFXIV Role Guide - Learn to Tank in 6 easy steps!

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hey welcome to the video I'm dying Legacy and you're a tank wondering how not to die or how to satisfy your healer's need for touching you at healing juices welcome to a quick guide to Final Fantasy 14 tanking or in your case masochism before we begin let's pick a tank we currently have a choice of four tanks we have the warrior who comes with a big ax good cleave damage and healing the Paladin comes with a shield and sword enjoys blocking and healing and fierce Sinners but Dark Knight is for people who like big swords black energy Aesthetics and giving the Healer a heart attack with the Living Dead skill that basically kills you not to die and then there's the gun breaker whose sword explodes because we all know the best defense is a good offense step one to start out turn on your tank stands this is usually turned off at the beginning of a Duty regardless if you turn it on before entering this generates enmity when you're attacking targets which makes enemies hate you more than the rest of the parody so make sure you're always hitting things if in a group with two tanks and you don't plan on being the most hated keep this turned off so you don't play tennis with the target's attention and your DPS don't have to pretend to be a tennis ball following the target from one tank to the other Step 2 Face the target away from the group so party members don't get hit in the face along with you because you want to be selfish and take all the juicy pain for yourself as most enemies tend to only attack what's in front of them because they suffer from tunnel vision as well as giving players with positional base attacks room to actually use them it might help to take notice of the target ring under an enemy it'll tell you which way it's facing the front is an arrow aiming for your heart while the rear of the ring is broken which is where your DPS should be and doing step 3 use your mitigation skills now bear in mind as much as you want to spam all of your damage reductions skills in a boss don't most dungeon bosses hit like a paper bag floating in a puddle so instead space these skills out evenly through an encounter because you do want to ward off tank Busters which are usually red spirals around you and you don't want to blow your load too early only to be caught off guard with all your damage reduction skills on cooldown always have protection on hand good rule for anyone really you know when you want to spam all your damage reduction skills though that's right when you've gathered all the ads on your way to the boss a boss can only hit so hard but 20 ads chasing you through an Alleyway will hit you with a Vengeance only someone screaming for a manager can comprehend step 4 don't spend the entire fight running around the boss room because weirdly enough it means the target won't be standing in your parody's aoes and in most instances you're supposed to be a Fortress of Solitude and not Shaggy and Scooby trying to reach the end of an episode without confrontation and in a weird coincidence while you try to complete your Marathon the DPS have to complete that marathon with you just to try and touch the target so sit still and stare romantically into the eyes of your soon to be dead love interest step 5 if the Healer says they can take more go for it you'll either complete your duty in a relatively good time helping the rest of the parity to get on with their lives or you can smugly enjoy the fact that the Healer just doesn't have the stamina to keep up with your raw passion and on the other side of the coin if the Healer asks you to soak down a bit do it's a common courtesy to finish together step 6 limit breaks let's be honest 99 of you will probably never need to use this as a tank unless the fan is covered in the hopes and dreams of your party and in a last-ditch effort to save the run the tank slim a break at level 3 can reduce damage up to 80 for the whole party handy for when a boss tells your group that you're its first and you know it's going to end the new screaming the boss's name when you take a toilet break to Lament The Time wasted there I hope I somewhat lessen the anxiety you feel about trying out the tanking roll as long as you remember that you are basically a DPS intended to take a beating instead of your group members with the intention of not dying you'll do really well Josh yourself listen to your parity and have a magnificently good night if you have any questions or are still a little confused on anything comment below let me know and I'll help you out and why not let me know in the comments if I did in fact help you out in some way or another and also if you'd like another roll guide and while you're down there why not like And subscribe just so you get a heads up on any of my next videos If you prefer your questions or trolling to be answered in real time why not follow me on Twitch over at twitch.tv Legacy you will be in a position to be subjected to seeing me in a French made outfit or whatever the community suddenly decides their fantasy of the day might be but when not being submissive to the whims of the people on the internet I play MMOs final fantasies and MMO you'll see that there plus cats you'll see Cats thanks for watching guys as always I'm dying Legacy you take care of yourselves and keep being awesome
Channel: Dying Legacy
Views: 5,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Online, Final Fantasy 14 Online, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy Guide, Final Fantasy Hud, Final Fantasy UI, UI, Setup, Layout, User Interface, Collapsing, Hotbar, Final Fantasy, FinalFantasy, XVI, Tanking, Tank, FFXIV Tanking, Final Fantasy Tanking, Tank Role, Learn to Tank, Tanking Guide, FFXIV Roles, Roles Guide, How to, Gunbreaker, Dark Knight, Darkknight, Paladin, Warrior, Gunbreaker tank, Warrior tank, Dark knight tank, Paladin tank
Id: TdxcShO8brg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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