Practical FFXIV Tank Guide, Conquering Your Tankxiety! (Complete Breakdown)

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it's finally time to tackle that anxiety that you've been having since end walkers is coming out we want to start getting you ready to do some tanking for the new expansion hey guys my name is stephan ashton i have another final fantasy practical guide for you in this video we're going to be going over all things tanking in final fantasy this guide's purpose is to give you a beginner's understanding of tanking in order to build confidence and squash that anxiety these are just my personal opinions and if yours differs that's great this is not a perfect tanking guide for advanced players this is a practical breakdown of how to tank in order to allow new players to even attempt it as it can be really overwhelming this is going to be a similar setup to my practical healing guides on my channel so if you want to learn how to get over your heel anxiety these videos are for you this video is going to have a ton of knowledge bombs in here so don't feel overwhelmed if you don't get it right away practice makes perfect and re-running dungeons you already know always helps build a lot of confidence at the end of this video i'll show you a dungeon run applying all these methods that we're about to go over so you can see firsthand how these can be effective in your tanking journey remember if you get any value out of this video then limit break breakthrough that subscribe button down below let's jump into the video let's first go over general basics of tanking that is true for all tanks enmity i can never say that word right this is your aggro stance all tanks have a skill that will trigger their tank stance in 4-man content you should always have this turned on never turn it off in a dungeon eight man content which you have two tanks you can simply just ask who wants to be main tank or off-tank this means one tank will take charge or who will pull aggro and the off tank will grab ad spawns and just dps as long as you're the only tank keep it on at all times tanks have rotations unlike their healer counterparts tanks do have dps rotations with multiple abilities albeit not very complicated but there is a process to follow because of this you'll have to take the time to understand their damage rotation that being said it won't take very long and just by looking it up and applying it at the practice dummies you'll get it in no time there are many resources out there or where to learn rotations again tanking rotations are simpler in my opinion than dps ones all tanks have defensive cooldowns under roll actions tanks share these cooldowns this is great as you only need to understand these specific skills once as they are the same for every tank each tank job also has their own specific defensive cooldowns that are related to the job these are not a part of your rotations as they are situational when you're taking damage goals your number one goal as a tank is to hold aggro for enemies this means that all the enemies should be attacking you at all times if you're an 8-man content or 24-man content then of course you have two or three other tanks so this doesn't necessarily apply but what still applies is that if any of your dps or healers are taking damage from adds attacking them you should be grabbing those it is your job as the tank and i just really wanted to emphasize that this is not including of course specialized dungeons or trial mechanics but those are very few far between and someone will usually explain those to you the last important tip that changed the tanking game for me is adjusting your ui screen without doing this i don't find tanking to be as successful and a little more improbable in settings under hud layout under current ui element click on here and search for target info and then click the cog settings next to it this will take you to the ui element settings here is where the huge adjustment comes and helps makes tanking make sense you'll want to display target info independently this will separate hp progress and status bar hp is the health of the target progress bar is the action or abilities being casted by the target and status is the status effects applied such as dots debuffs etc you can lay these out that makes sense for you but just to give you a reference i place target hp to the middle right corner of the screen as i like to see the hp as often as possible the progress bar is the number one ui element you want to start recognizing as that's the one that will let you know when a tankbuster is coming aoe etc as you start learning the abilities of the bosses this is why i place it to the right of my character and the left of the hp bar and increase the size to something that makes sense for my screen status i just placed underneath hp this is the adjustment here which is just going to allow you to learn the tanking powders move names and reused moves from boss to boss as that happens pretty often in final fantasy now that we've covered the important part let's jump into the leveling content with the tank i will cover specific tank abilities later on in this video but for the most part the core of each tank is exactly the same let's jump into your first dungeon we're gonna break down your first dungeon as the tank as this really is the meat and potatoes of tanking this is going to set you up to expand upon your foundation for tanking by adding in more abilities as you level up but the goal does not change when tanking in dungeons you have your regular gcd combo your aoe abilities defensive cooldowns and keeping aggros these are my four main categories of tanking you will want to begin each dungeon by turning on your tank stance this is crucial that it never gets turned off while you're maining the tank in four man content as you run forward and pull your first mob you'll begin with your aoe ability well why not your range ability don't worry we'll go over that soon once you have all your enemies aggroed you'll want to pop one of your defensive cooldowns continue aoe abilities until two or less enemies twitch sprouts can still use aoe to make sure to keep aggro or work towards single target gcd combo on each enemy once the trash mob is slain you will continue on to the next trash mob a really big tip here that i feel bad for sharing but is super important and needs to be said don't run around while you're tanking as a tank you have super high defense and defensive cooldowns you want to avoid the orange telegraphs but one of the things you want to work on is moving as little as possible after you've pulled the reasons being as many of the melee dps have positionals ninja can drop stationary aoes healers can drop their healing bubble and the list really does go on if you obsessively move then you're not allowing the maximization of your teammates abilities which is the whole point of you tanking to allow your teammates abilities to hit the enemy i only bring this up because i've had a few players i played with who thought they were kiting which means to attack and move away as you're attacking to avoid damage in many mmos this is a thing but not in this one and you have a group of four and a dps are having to chase enemies around and can't land their attacks then it's not really effective yes i have seen this happen in dungeons at lower levels you'll want to use one to two defensive cooldowns at all times during combat unless on cooldown at minimum one you will never really want to pop all of them at once as many trash mobs and bosses go longer than the durations of the cooldown so even spreading will allow for more damage mitigation consistently throughout the fight already we're gonna jump into personal pro tip number one and that's that i personally don't use my range enmity ability or aggro ability as the initial pool many new players end up doing this but it's actually easier to just run up and use your aoe ability the reason being is that when you're running forward and you use your aggro ability long range you'll be able to aggro only one enemy and then have to wait on cooldown until you can use your aoe ability that is because your aggro range ability resets your gcds what ends up happening majority of the time is that your healer has casted either regen or shield on you as they should after you pull but if you only aggroed only one enemy the healer's ability could pull aggro from the rest of the enemies that you did not hit i've seen players pull with provoke as well as long as you can get all the enemies in one hit do what works for you in the many hours i've played of tanks i just find that running up soft aggroing which just means getting in proximity and then aoe seems to be 90 percent better most of the time and yes i said aoe aoe ing it is a verb with these two tips this is the basics of dungeon pooling and practically does not change all the way up to end game as you level up you will gain more and more abilities to which i've created a video a tank comparison guide that i'll link down below or above to fully understand the tank rolls let's talk about tanking mini bosses and bosses in dungeons when you come to bosses this will be a little different than pulling trash mobs first off we don't need an aoe combo here as it's only one enemy this is where the rotation comes into play which i won't be covering here for each tank as it's really in depth and there's many guides out there already talking about that for the actual change here you can use your range aggro ability or you can use provoke you'll want to pull the boss to the middle of the arena 90 of the time as you pull the boss and the boss runs to you you'll then want to angle the boss away from the group this is just standard tanking procedure as you don't want any tank busters or wide area effect attacks to hit the party the second reason is that you want the melee dps to be hitting the boss in the rear position as the boss has less chance of blocking and takes more damage as well as it allows dps with positionals to set up their rotations the same concept here is that you want to move the boss as little as possible will be avoiding orange telegraphs and if you change your ui as i told you you'll start seeing the boss's progress bar for their attacks this is very important as a tank to understand what ability is coming next rather it's a tank buster or something you need to use a defensive cooldown for pro tip number two you only have to avoid the orange telegraph not the actual move as you tank more and more you will see this consistently as long as you avoid visual telegraphs and move you will not be damaged by it of course near the end game you will see less telegraphs in specific content but casually most of the time there is one to avoid i have decided to do one tank guide instead of separate for the mere fact that the first part of this video does not change no matter what tank you're on the foundation is the same and only actual rotations will differ let's go over the tanking abilities roles that each tank shares be aware that this is just role actions this is not even including each tank having a few defensive cooldowns specific for that job comment down below if you want a more in-depth guide to that specifically first off we have rampart which reduces damage taken by 20 for 20 seconds and has a recast timer of 90 seconds this is usually your go-to ability as it's one of the earliest ones you get in early content players are keen to hold on to this since you have so few little cool downs this is not meant to be held onto just pop this after pulling one or two trash bombs to help mitigate that damage it will be on cooldown before you know it next up low blow a tax that stuns the target for 5 seconds with a recast timer of 25 seconds this one has quite a few uses one in particular in lower level content in a very specific dungeon bonus points to anyone who can guess which dungeon i'm talking about in the comments section when enemies and trash mobs are going to cast a wide range aoe attack a lot of the time you can use this to stun them so they don't the reason being as most players have to run all the way out of the aoe and then back in which of course as we know is a huge waste of dps time here is an example of that now since we use low blow everyone doesn't have to run out of it and we can continue on with the dungeon at a quicker pace be aware most bosses can't be stunned this is primarily for trash mob aoes and out in the world story play provoke places yourself at the top of enmity list i can never say that word for one enemy with a recast timer of 30 seconds the huge piece of advice here is that this is not meant to be part of the rotation many players who come from other mmos bring this as part of the rotation to hold aggro this is not necessary in final fantasy 14 since we do have a tank stance which as long as you're hitting your enemy you should be at the top of the aggro list no matter what this is super useful for ranged enemies that you don't want to have to run to or any enemy getting left behind and just out of range so you don't have to pull the whole entire mob over to that ranged enemy as well as this does not affect your gcd cooldown so you can use this while still using your gcd combos interject this one was confusing for me for a long time and i i didn't really understand the purpose of this ability until in later content in bhoja this interrupts the use of a target's action with a recast timer of 30 seconds when playing in dungeons you will run you will see the enemy have a glowing red cast bar or pulsing and very particular abilities you would use interject at that point don't be concerned with this ability as it happens literally every few hours of gameplay you will not run into this often it can be a little of a pain at first to figure out but once you do you'll start recognizing it right away reprisal reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies by 10 percent with a recast timer of 60 seconds this is going to be pretty much a main defensive cool down paired with rampart or one of your other specific tank abilities in lower level dungeons you can pair these up but reprisal will be ready 30 seconds before rampart best used when you just pull or stationary usually have two trash mobs since it will hit more enemies and mitigate more damage love this ability overall and should be used often arm's length now this is the most underrated ability of all time most people use this for the purpose of canceling out knockback effects which are pretty prevalent in the game but this ability is keying for trash bombs though it does have a long recast timer of 120 seconds when casted anyone who hits you within 6 seconds will have slow applied to them for the next 15 seconds slow status effect increases attack delay weapon skill delay and spell recast timers this does not affect movement speed i love using this on the first big pools in order to get it on cooldown as quickly as possible this paired with ramper is a pretty good damage mitigation which allows you to hold on your cooldowns for the next few trash pools generally it's a great idea to place all of your tank roll actions in the same place for each tank so you get used to using them frequently and becoming muscle memory last but not least is shirk which diverts 25 of aggro to target party member i will be honest that i only play tanks in casual content settings and not in savage or extreme so i have very little use of this ability even in casual 8-man content or 24-man content very rarely if at all do i use this it simply transfers some aggro to a fellow tank which is useful in some end game mechanics when you as the main tank get the debuff and your fellow tank needs to take the tank buster or you'll die if you're casually playing i wouldn't worry too much about this ability as promised let's jump into a dungeon so then you can see how these methods can be applied to your personal tanking journey so let's talk about dungeon runs we're gonna queue into the stone vigil as an example and this is a really good example to show you that not everything's gonna go perfectly every single time especially as you're learning to be a tank when you first queue in you're going to want to turn on tank stance which for paladin is iron will and a little high high in the chat box as you run forward you're going to aoe your first trash mob see that i did not use my range aggro ability that for me i honestly believe that just do running up and doing an aoe is simpler than doing a range ability or a provoke with all the trash mobs stationary you now then use reprisal and a ogcd defensive cooldown this is practically the basics of pooling and it's really not going to change things could happen and monsters can be out of range where you don't pull them and it kind of messes up the flow of things but just thinking on your feet and just understanding your abilities will solve 95 of these problems the next thing i want to highlight is the movement as you can see an orange telegraph popped up i simply moved out of it and then moved right back into place in order to not allow the mobs to move too quickly this is really important as a tank because as you pull and mobs are moving dps can lose damage so you want to do as little movement as possible while still avoiding the telegraphs only have to avoid the telegraph once the telegraph has disappeared you can move back to that spot even if the ability is still happening you're not going to get hit or take damage as long as you were not in the telegraph moving on to our first boss pull i start the encounter with a provoke and then immediately turn the boss around the reason that this is standard practice is that most bosses have aoe attacks that can hit the entire party this specific dungeon has a mechanic where the boss angles himself towards a dps and uses a wide range aoe ability so as a dps you need to understand that where the tank is positioning where you need to be positioned and the orientation of the boss but as soon as the boss does his aoe ability he then moves right back to the tank and where the tank is located because of the tank stance and the tank having enmity all in all tanking can be overwhelming but i hope with this guide you can get on your way to tanking like a pro in no time i want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters for you really keep this channel afloat and protect me from the ever changing youtube algorithm if you get any value out of this channel and have considered supporting you can go to my link tree down below and find out more information on how to support there you can also connect with me on my social medias but if you want to keep watching final fantasy tutorials then you can click here [Music]
Channel: Bun Boss FFXIV
Views: 26,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a realm reborn, heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers, endwalker, ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv warrior, ffxiv paladin, ffxiv dark knight, ffxiv gunbreaker, ffxiv how to tank, ffxiv tankxiety, ffxiv tanking guide, ffxiv tank guide, ff14 tank guide, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv tank rotations, ffxiv tank tier list, ffxiv tank, ffxiv tank comparison, ffxiv tanking basics, ffxiv warrior guide, ffxiv paladin guide, ffxiv gunbreaker guide, ffxiv dark knight guide
Id: mbjZ5-tI4ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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