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and welcome to another video on my Channel today I'm gonna talk about the lucky number of 13 different mods and how to get them uh it's like three different sections on where you can get different mods from and yeah for a few sections you need to have end Walker unlocked and finished and well I'm gonna name everything obviously in the description below and what you need to have unlocked for that obviously within the video as well so beware of potential spoilers but they're not really spoilers it's like I'm not gonna talk about any Story related things it's just how to get these mods because they are very easy to get yet not many people have them so yeah before we start the video uh feel free to like or dislike the video if it was helpful or not subscribe if you like more content like this um I've already made a few more videos also let me know in the comments if this video was helpful for you or not if it was helpful for a few friends of yours or not if not well that's okay as well but yeah one more small thing I also stream on Twitch so if you want to follow that Channel Down Below or just tune in and have fun you can do that as well uh if you follow it will notificate you if I stream so you know whenever you even bought you can just join leave it on in the background and just you know I'll chill together and have some fun right but yeah let's jump right into the video with the first section of mods so the first section only has two modes and the percentages are very low it's like this one the the white lion from the shadowbringer trailer if you've seen it it's only like 21 of people have it and then there's also the dinosaur which is from end Walker and only 14 of people have this now this one in my opinion is so easy to get yet like I said not very uh not very much private so what we need to get this mode we are we are in front of this hunt board on Ultra land it's literally just if you wanna describe it you spawn there you just walk down right and then there's this hunt board right here next to the two trailers so what I would recommend okay you can do everything but I do recommend to just do the elite Mark you get five cable and a hundred sacks of knots now if we look at the website let me pull it up we'll actually see that we have three 3.2 K nuts that we need to get in order to get the mounts so you might think yourself okay I can get 106 if not but how often well you can only get this once week now this might seem like it will take you 32 weeks to get the parking mounts but that's the way to speed this up and the way to speed this up it's literally just you need a Discord server I'll pull it up in a sec and yeah I'll just pull it down explain through the description all right we're at the Disco server now so it's this one basically uh you just it's called fallu the the hunt I'll put the invite in the description and what you own the only thing okay the only thing you'll care about is literally just hunt trains let me find it um there it is so what you're gonna do is okay I haven't done this in a while because I already got uh the dinosaur that's for the only incredible so that's actually the last one it started was at 12 am uh 23 minutes so it's like a hunting it's literally just you look at where it starts Shiva so you go to Shiva and then you go to custom audience in the fringes it all also says here slow storm about training with hopefully 10 earrings and once you're done with that with like if you if you kill everything without with the hand train you'll have like 1K nuts after 100. so if you just look out for all of the hand trains you can see here how many hunt trains they did yesterday it's like so so many so if you join for every single one you get yourself these two mounts within one day all you got to do is you have to find the onboard as well for sure Bringers it's going to be very very easy to find okay just put in Google hunt for sharing us I'll put it in the description below to make it extra easy for everyone okay you just do the Elite Mark to make it also like you know get some free girl as well why not 10K a week for for hunts and then you join like a few um hunt trains and then once once you have enough sex of nuts you go in here you talk to what's your name well after you talk to her you find yourself the moment there it is 3.2 K you're also can get minions uh dummy for your house and some other right some material and stuff it's nothing of this but yeah pretty much that's it you get yourself two months this way uh I'll show you the dinosaur let me just go to the housing District that I always go to and then you'll see it all right so this is the dinosaur version that you get from end Walker I didn't get myself blind I just realized uh I should get it probably I have like 1K nuts so I'll just join two to three hundred trains and then I'll have the other one Mount as well uh like I said it's very very easy to get you saw the percentage it's like once you do that you're only like at top 90 of the players right um no wait top top 10 right it's the other way around so yeah it is of these two easy mounts and yeah that's basically it let's jump right to the next section all right we're at the next section of the video which is going to be faint ons now these ones are very easy again uh they're only hard to get whenever they are new like freshly released because then the the fade drop rate is very low and it stayed within like a second because everybody wants it but right now it's very easy so you have three different ones and here we have the Frog which is pretty good [Music] um we have the Axion horse that you can also get from on real fights or the um custom lip no wait not custom delivery wondrous tales and then we also have Chi uh the level Checker this one's from end Walker and it's also just fademan so let's look at the mountain game all right we have the first one in here it's like this horse with like the Thunder and the Golden Horn um yeah this is like one of the faint modes that you can also get from the unreal fight and also the wondrous Tales like I said uh the next one is gonna be the front so we're on top of the Frog it is actually a pretty good uh good way unique way of sitting it's kind of cute as well so if you want this one it's like one of the best ones actually I kind of like it a lot um yeah that's the next one and then we have like only one more and it was just there it's the level trigger this one is very unique because you're like inside the TV and you can just look at your character uh basically that yeah you cannot like change your poses anything like that but it's still like very unique I don't know why it's so uh bright usually it's not that bright I don't know but yeah these are the three fake modes and you might ask yourself how do I know where the Fate is how do I know when it's up everything will be explained in a sec just give me one second so we're back at this one Discord server uh this one this time we're gonna search for Fates okay uh yeah so cheat we already see it it is obviously in Raiden so all you have to do is you make yourself a list with the three different modes that I just showed you okay you search for each one where it's located in the map this one is like an ultimate pool so you'll have to find out where exactly it is an Ultima tool and you just put a Point Auto coordinates I'll try to show it in the video as well for each one so yeah this is like the q1 in Raiden at this time it was killed within like 20 minutes so you have 20 minutes time whenever you get a notification on the Discord server you you'll have like 20 minutes to kill it with them this one's the excellent one alpha as well 20 minutes around 20 minutes again and then the last one will be the Frog there it is formidable for me type from a table I don't know sometimes you have to kill it twice or three times to get the mount and usually there are people around so it's very easy to kill not very many mechanics what I would recommend is join a group whenever you reach a location just put lfg group in chat and say chat people will invite you and then it's like you can get rest whenever you die as well you don't need to know mechanics anything you just call it twice or three times and then you'll get them on again like 30 minutes uh you'll have all the coordinates on the screen one more small thing um without uh what you need to do is you need to get yourself the rolls uh um let me find it all right so we had Fates and you see Chi is like this gun so you would hit it and then you'll get the roll and I mean there's a lot of Fates here if you want to do them all you can do them all they all give different things still you'll create a notification for everything if you really want to but yeah there's like Axion which is the horse there it is and then the frog is this one I think no way this is the formidable one uh yeah it's for the front one so yeah just like that you will you'll have you'll get yourself three new modes so let's jump right to the last section of the video already which is gonna have the most once but it's also going to be very very easy to get all right so at the last section of the video this one is very easy again so as you can see the percentage of these modes is very low five percent five percent five percent um same for the gun breaker one which is here four percent even lower now how do you get these modes the the 10 months you go to achievements battle go all the way down until you find the tank you pulled in ones I already got the battle line on um let me find it it's here basically this one's the Paladin one it is that's the version with armor and the version without armor the one without almost just literally a lion with like steroids and muscles and basically how do you get these it's very easy nothing nothing fancy you don't need skill you don't need to be the best Paladin out there or the best tank just literally complete 300 dungeons or trials or Extreme Trials or like roulettes anything it is above level 60. that is all that is asking you for and this means you can like sometimes I don't know see if there's something up I mean it's pretty late so Nobody Does it but a lot of the times there's something in pf called uh tank won't form and you just joined that and then that's like 30 second runs or like one minute runs where they just kill a boss together that's like a level 70 raid or something like that and then you just go in as the tank you want the mount as and that's how you farm it basically or you just play the game it's the thing you like you like to be I like to play Warriors sometimes I have 18. I like to um play where is it no that the other one was thought like this Warrior I have 76. don't make this year 47 the other one must come right on my bed and yeah that's basically it you just do it that way uh there's 14 jobs two months each you get yourself eight new mounts um and that way you have 13 new mounts very easily no skill required the longest will be the Tank tank mounts to get um the other ones are it's gonna be so easy and so quickly to get it is like an effort of like a day for the for the hunt ones um if you don't have all day for the other months for the fake ones it's gonna be like two to three days uh depending on how much time you have to play every day at the tank once I mean the tank ones is just a long a long process of getting mods it's just you know over time you'll have them all if you want to push it you can it's gonna take you a few days and then you'll have them all um but like I said no skill required it's just brainless farming you can just put something on and you can second monitor just watch a movie or just if you have one monitor put your phone on top of your in front of your monitor that's what I used to do when I only had one monitor same if I if you would play on Console put something on to watch and then just do that and yes that's that's the way to get 30 new mods like I said very easy very quickly um yeah that's the whole video like or dislike again uh subscribe if you like my content like I said check out my last videos my last month guys my last I don't know any kind of videos basically my last thoughts um don't forget to follow me on Twitch if you don't want to miss out on the stream in the future just you know give it a try maybe you'll like it maybe you don't who knows so yeah that's basically it uh I'll see you on the next video thanks for tuning in thanks for all the comments thanks for everything and I'll see you soon good goodbye oh yeah don't forget the explosions man but yeah for real quick I know
Channel: EasyExplosion
Views: 12,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, mounts, endwalker, shadowbringers, heavensward, a realm reborn, easy, guide, frog, lion, tank mounts, tank, fates, hunts
Id: AOHmJp-afh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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