so we were raiding this kids rich faction base, but then he logged online and noticed us!

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alright I'd lock that I actually logged out I didn't mean to log out I was doing my intro I with the tab back in and I logged out guys we have to be you know somewhat quick at least right that's that's the thing you think but we're gonna be raiding the function f who and even F food F who domani today there we go these guys are worth 10 million dollars at 8 million dollars and spawn us and we're gonna hope to god that we managed to get all value the canon we're doing is quite risky mainly because we're hoping on the scatter to go all the way down so we can actually like get in the whole base that good old Demi's gonna be sound stacking for us again on udemy yep some ways like you can hear me and your two feet to my right on right so I'll leave you two cents there I think Ryan's waiting for us but guys subscribe if you guys aren't new with post notifications on because this one is gonna be good and we're gonna TP it to Ryan quick and we'll probably have to unmute because I think we are being waited on hello I always I was waiting for Demi to get ready because now she is and then I logged out by accident oh she's got this alright you know you got one layer I can see I did my intro to you know I'll make sure the wall is okay I'll keep an eye on it just my right eye though is good news I know you will not have to want one stack Earnest it will work because that obsidian Walker absolutely demolished yeah that's what I'm basing it off yeah so we should be good unless you mean it's down buddy over bit it's it's all in this no it's this bit we're hitting and then it'll be down below alright Demi is firing did we do it yes it worked there's a guy up he said she just looked on I got did you get the skeletons all right cool all right now we need to go back up we need to know we don't need this one anyway yes I'll go I'll go for the expensive stuff I'll take those demonic does a guy still online to grab some of these that was lost second where is he always don't go home - yep with my home - different place oh we broke into the chest room even we'd reach this gap post PT o TT t take you take it come grab stuff this one take the TA or he just said ensure he dismisses me why did you raid me Demi did it all yeah easy miss the long nose here's 282 case that's like what 60 or 61 okay that's me I'm saving the hoppers I want free hoppers the case said he logged in to try level up and here and he saw us there and he almost had a heart attack it's all right you can have your stuff back just miss me saying can I have some stuff back no that's not how the world works buddy he's killing Demi she's in the womb she's in the walls I see Demi hold on I'm coming I'm coming 60k I was right I sold at 57 K before she survived she ran into the woods and like just kept swimming through the whoa stuff in here another silk touch Nathan stuff we could try fireball the let's try it let's try fiber then we come with us I don't need by yourself not after that again come on take everything back make sure that you have an empty inventory in case we go about dubbing a bit bad right just trying to trash I'll be back in a sec [Music] you'd store from side to side wouldn't you so if we start at one side I'm going to go right to left he's got loads more stuff down here pots iron gear how did you do this to me I'm just double-checking you know you gotta make sure it doesn't break anything demonic no one's online under mana country girl stuff touchin be kick somewhat trash-talking us he said you had to offline raid come on dude that's how I imagine him saying he's not online he's just logged on then he messaged me from home [Music] so we need to go please please easily just get try to get something good you can get them bliss true I'm just really bad a pop of them stop reading me please it's a mess if it's already done I already have it ever except maybe because I killed him what did I say you are so freaking close oh no that's okay no no I'm not gonna okay yes I know yeah that test will not be touched we'll go this side only when they deserve it okay try that again good another go just redo the whole scene that's fine oh I'll blow up his stuff oh I'm poisoned hey got Demi you got Demi and yourself you didn't get me I'm invincible no and we kill him and take it so guys thank you very much for watching today's video I'm sorry it was a bit short I really wanted to put in like the main raid but guys watch out for tomorrow's video I'm sure you guys are gonna love it it's one of my best yeah I hope you guys will enjoy it otherwise you know it won't be very very sad and we don't wanna see a sad Raven so like if you guys only make sure you guys subscribe and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 79,023
Rating: 4.8271394 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, so we were raiding this kids rich faction base, but then he logged online and noticed us!, raiding in factions, factions raid, so we were raiding this kids rich faction base but then he logged online and noticed us!, logged online, owner raid, minecraft raiding video, factions ep 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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