I failed this Nuzlocke 150 Times. Here's How.

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i've been doing pokemon challenges on this channel for over six years and in my time i've encountered a lot of really hard modified pokemon games blaze black storm silver radical red and even other games in the kaizo series but no game was remotely as difficult for me as emerald kaizo every single trainer in this game has a hand crafted team with a huge amount of diverse moves and held items and the game forces you to fight every single one pokemon available to you are much weaker than those of your opponents and eventually the game makes you face double battle gym leaders insane gauntlets permanent weather teams and legendaries but i decided not just to play this game i decided to hardcore nuzlocke it which is a specific type of challenge that i do a lot on my channel the rules are as follows i can only cash the first pokemon on every route if a pokemon faints it's considered dead and i can't use it anymore i can't use any items in battle i can't over level the next gym leader i have to play on set mode and if all six of my pokemon die during a fight i have to start over having to start over during this challenge happened 150 times that's how often i failed it you'll be seeing every single one of those attempts including one that almost went all the way in today's video if you enjoy these kinds of videos i do really tough pokemon challenges like this on my channel all the time consider subscribing it's free i'd really appreciate it i'm pokemon challenges i'm probably the best nuzlocker in the world and this is the pokemon emerald kaizo hardcore nuzlocke wipe compilation you start just as you do an emerald by picking your starter and fighting a zigzagoon two of my 150 failed attempts actually died to this zigzagoon some attempts technically were reset before that but we'll get into that a little bit later nice okay all right this is the run boys yep that's the run boys before you reach petalburg you fight last tiana on route 102. she has a togepi that uses metronome who on my 81st attempt of this game actually used explosion off of the metronome killing my starter and with it the entire attempt you have to understand that by the end my runs were so optimized that losing any useful encounter this early in the game was automatically a reset next up on route 102 is bug catcher allen whoops that's really awkward okay good thing about antidotes boys oh my god chill all right it's metapod though we're gonna be okay metapod easy enough but it's got iron defense i actually lost my ponyta here on attempt four and even that early in the run i knew that the fire type you catch early in this game is extremely important so i decided to reset it was pretty tilting the next route has bird keeper billy who i kind of mindlessly lost my love disc to on attempt 49 which caused me to reset i didn't know that that wingle had pursuit okay then also on this route is lady cindy who has a metronome clefa guess what that clefus metronome landed on on attempt 120. i lost two attempts in this challenge to a metronome explosion there's two trainers in petalburg woods with decent move sets on their bug types i lost two attempts to being unattentive here both attempt 70 and attempt 93. both of those were reset after one day the grunt fight here is pretty rough too he's got a magnemite a hound or a bagon and a duskull i lost two attempts to this guy whatever as you approach westborough there's an added fight this game has two rivals one is the normal rival that you always fight in emerald the other one is red this is the first really hard fight of emerald kaizo he's got a curse eevee with quick attack so he'll boost up his attack and defense lower his speed but that's fine because quick attack always goes first a pikachu who will use surf on whoever is bold enough to actually use a ground type against this this game has you fight a pikachu with surf before the first gym i lost five attempts to red five well this attempt was dog [ __ ] anyway all right attempt 14. uh can i win everyone's asleep at 10 30. 62. i thought i was faster my bad if you reach russ bro you can choose to go into the gym immediately or choose to get access to rust turf tunnel to get another encounter by fighting every trainer on rot 116. you can do these later if you feel like you don't need the encounter but i often did fight them before going to the gym these trainers cost me three runs in later attempts again these were just unattentive attempts that i was playing through pretty quickly i lost important encounters on them because i was unattentive and i decided to reset now this this is where the fun begins here's where the game really starts picking up steam and i mean steam as in a big steamy dump on the player this gym has three trainers first up we have school kid josh a geodude with self-destruct and a choice band yup you heard that right a choice band so his self-destructs are 50 more powerful a zubat with giga drain you see what i mean that everything in this game has insane coverage he has an ammonite who baits you into using a grass type and then blasts you with a really high damage aurora beam a lot of grass types at this point can't even one shot this on the night but as if that's not enough josh also has a pseudo wudo before the first gym leader and it's got calm mind thunder punch and ice punch and rock tomb i don't know if you know this but pseudo widow has like really good stats for an early game pokemon your pokemon stats just do not match up to this your water types get thunder punched your grass types get ice punched and your physical attackers get walled by its defense stat luckily it does have pretty terrible special attacks so it takes a few coal mines for it to actually be a threat with the elemental punches i lost seven runs to josh i think i'll just risk it wow what a shame oh cool you know i don't even i misclicked oops josh isn't actually the worst threat among these gym trainers that title goes to school kid tammy she leads up with an aeron which will aerialise your fighting types it's even got a sharp beak to make those aerial lace stronger a corsola who will again aurora beam your grass types and tank grass type moves she's got a rhyhorn with megahorn her yama has giga drain to take out rock types and it's got ancient power to take out fire types and sometimes that ancient power will boost every single one of yanma's stats just automatically losing you the run and then for some reason school kids tammy's larvitar has earthquake and rockslide this trainer is absolutely crazy this is the trainer that took out all the good mods on my first two attempts [ __ ] whatever i'll see you guys tomorrow was i really just dead to that are you serious dude i didn't realize i was confused [Music] [ __ ] oh nice all right cool which led me to hiker mark who's surprisingly easy compared to the other two demons here those were also the only two attempts i lost to mark tammy herself though killed seven of my runs and now we get to roxanne the first gym leader of emerald kaizo and really the gym leaders are the main show of this game but first a word from our sponsor you know nordvpn has been with us for a really long time now and they're a fantastic supporter of the channel they've helped me out a ton over the last year and you know what they can help you out too if it's that one show that you've been meaning to watch that your friends keep recommending to you but it's not available to you all the streaming services in your country nordvpn can help you out because they have thousands of servers and dozens of different countries available for you connect to anywhere in the world really easily using nordvpn also if you're traveling like i've been traveling and you're using a lot of open wi-fi connections a vpn can really help you secure your connection and secure your data as you're going around nor vpn has no data logging 24 7 customer support and a 30-day money-back guarantee like i said they've been a really loyal sponsor of the channel and i'm really thankful for them you might not need a vpn right now but there will come a day when you need one and if that day comes i just want you to think of this video that you've been enjoying hopefully what you think of my face and i want you to think of the code nordvpn.com pokemon challenges to sign up for nordvpn hope you guys enjoy it and let's get back into the video let me introduce you to roxanne's team we have nosepass first and foremost this early on in the game this nose pass carries a citrus berry citrus berry heals 30 hp in this game you don't have a lot of hp this early on this citrus bear heals for so much it's got self-destruct which it will sometimes randomly use to take out one of your pokemon but then it also has a tract and thunder wave to [ __ ] the mons that actually try to kill him nose pass is so tanky you can never one shot this you need an extremely good strategy to even get through this without self-destructing on you next up is leap and this is actually one of her most dangerous pokemon again the leap's coverage here is crazy sludge bomb giga drain ancient power and recover ancient power again randomly sometimes just loses your runs but the other coverage moves makes it so hard to hit this it's actually so hard to hit this leap super effectively in general because grass rock pokemon are only weak to fighting or ice fighting pokemon at this point in the game are pretty weak there's ways to consistently counter the sleep but they're either really hard to get or require a rule change which we'll get into later this is one of the main threats of the early game getting through this with it healing itself over and over with its citrus berry giga drain and recover is so damn hard and it does so much damage next up is anarif with aerial ace brick break x scissor and rock slide again crazy strong moves the strongest bug and rock moves in the game can possibly get here and it has coverage with brick break deals so much damage rally camp is relatively tame but if you have a grass type to deal with it but even this thing has yawn which can be annoying beyond it being one of the moves that actually got changed for emerald kaizo it no longer is 100 hit rate and puts you to sleep the next turn but rather just works exactly like hypnosis where it has 70 accuracy but puts you to sleep immediately she also has a stalling shuckle who will toxic you curse up its defense stat and then start using rollout and killing your team you can't kill it in time before it stacks up rollouts and it'll start doing crazy damage to you and then there's lunatone with hypnosis moonlight confusion and rock slide finding something that consistently kills this is so god damn hard it'll randomly put you to sleep if you don't do enough damage to it it just moonlights and heals itself up it'll flinch you with peroxide lunatone again is one of those mods it just has such good stats for this point in the game in comparison to what you can have this team is crazy fighting roxanne was a bloodbath out of my first 22 attempts i lost more than half to roxanne or her gym trainers the encounters you need to beat roxanne in this game are so specific some teams just cannot win here are some wipes to roxanne [Music] well our chances just got significantly lower oh we passed noah's pass where's my fifty dollars where's my fifty dollars [ __ ] you yeah i guess it dies that huh this might kill i didn't even know accessory was in the game holy [ __ ] we're in torrent oh my god it's a two at ko i have nothing to switch to that would make sense we just sacked and killed the swap disc yeah oh boy okay time to go to bellsprout and poison it i need to do damage i can't critical of course that's me that's so close oh my god i think i might have needed that crit that kill yeah critical that might have mattered actually [Music] pretty certain that that crit that both of those crits mattered so hard dude oh wait this x scissors oh my god that's so much damage anarath is so bad defensively oh [ __ ] okay just kill with love disc oh man can i high roll or something so [ __ ] close this might be a mistake i'm not sure oh the crit dude come on final mon reveal is it the aerodactyl lunatone okay it just kills fine [ __ ] i think it's i think it's over if it just confusion there dude please wake up one [ __ ] time dude come on god damn it dude the [ __ ] sleep i think we just wiped to anaerous actually all right nice critical bro good job oh well originally my level cap for this gym was 15 because that's her highest level after 22 attempts of emerald kaizo i changed her level cap to b16 so my teams wouldn't be as limited this is one of the smaller rule changes i made to make this game more bearable the level caps would stay mostly the same throughout the rest of the game but the early game had to change so i would spend less time in there and more time actually playing the later parts of the game it also allowed me to just have more fun with the game because i wouldn't just reset for very specific encounters that would be able to beat the gym leaders but that a broader variety of teams could actually make it into the mid game of this game i was mostly running with the starter trico up until this point because it did seem really good once i raised the level cap i started trying both mudkip and torchic for a while notably raising your level cap from 15 to 16 means you can evolve your starter before this gym marshtop doesn't really do anything so we ended up dropping it soon but combustion really consistently beats the leap however if you picked combustion you didn't pick grovyle which pretty consistently beats lunatone so you have to pick your poison there are some other moves and evolutions that you gain off of going to level 16 like gloom and weep and bell who evolve at 16 in this game who will make this fight easier and improved stats on your pokemon being higher level obviously helps this improved her win rate against roxanne quite a bit the rest of the game is hard enough as it is but even after the level cap raise we lost tons of attempts to roxanne this fight is just so god damn hard has so many ways of screwing you over alright we take one confusion probably nope i need magnitude 10 crit so yeah we go for the flame wheel do it sag well that works and then i'm pretty sure every water pulse roll should kill here well boys you can't win them all can you now sorry i just got really distracted by something nothing else i can do well nice no shot okay i have to do this crit boosts boys crit boosts giga drain after roxanne comes the braley section of the game as opposed to regular emerald this gym is mandatory for advancing the story his gem trainers are like almost every other train in this game also mandatory these are mostly easy but still cost me a few attempts due to being unattentive you have a lot more evolutions at this point and coming in clutch is what i call the charm squad plus clamp roll love disc and zoom roller pretty much guaranteed encounters in the early game and both of them learn charm a lot of the pokemon in this gym learn bulk up which raises the opponent's attack by one but if you can just lower their attack by one with charm you can eventually get their attack all the way down the problem with the pokemon whose attack is all the way down is it can still critical hit you critical hits ignore the stat lowering that you did to it and will do full damage times too however clam pearl which is a guaranteed encounter in due fourth town has the ability shell armor this ability prevents you from getting critical hit i reset three runs on these trainers mostly because i wasn't paying attention and then hope for rock smash okay cool okay [ __ ] this now let's talk about the next gym leader the other side of the coin as to why so many attempts die early raleigh look at this team honestly the problem with this team isn't that he has too diverse of a team it's that most of these pokemon are pretty much the same all these are obviously extremely high stat mons hitmonlee hitmonchan hariyama him on top polygraph and even metatype does a lot of damage they all have very good coverage all of them have a rock move to deal with flying types some of them have ghost type moves to deal with psychic types and so on the problem is when all these pokemon are pretty much the same they all have the same answers this is a recurring theme in this game what makes some of the early and mid game stuff so hard when you only have a certain amount of counters to fighting types because you're playing a hardcore nuzlocke and can't use healing items you can't heal those counters up enough before you eventually run out of hp everything has such good coverage so even your counters are going to be taking a lot of damage the charm squad is good here and so is another pokemon that we're going to be talking about later but with a level cap of 19 there just is so little else you can do against these guys this was the first rule adjustment i actually did after 16 attempts i changed this level cap from 19 to 21. eventually we would turn it back down to 20 but this gym felt so unfair that i made it 21 for the time being raising the level cap gives us access to hutu evolving into knockdown to spero evolving into firo who can actually sweep this gym with rage and gyarados who has intimidate but just like roxanne rng is a cruel mistress and we lost some really crazy stuff here all in all 11 attempts died to brawley and his brawlers [ __ ] everything about it i want to wipe this trainer really badly i hate this attempt i hate this run yeah and i hope i uh i wipe all right let's do it boys all right grimey boy go get him baby oh [ __ ] grimer that is not pog champ we need him to not rock sled that is not rock slide and a release this should live i think [Music] [ __ ] oh farfetch'd you had one job dude all right this runs over god damn it sorry believers unless crits no way okay i mean you really can't win them all can you oh god we're [ __ ] i think the very unfortunate part is i think this is random move yep i can exactly never die to break break now nice okay we got the level up it's so good if you hypnotize so good please tell me i equipped chesto [Music] okay that's good that was a big part that i was worried about okay orenberry's huge here actually massive nice so good he did not flinch not crit there and i need to hit the range this is always fake out so we get the free nose pass flail now deals 34 minimum if he minerals rock slide i go to 15 [Music] so i do 34 minimum into 84 that kills i just go here i have to dodge one crit can't win them all pretty happy with how i played that but just can't win them all we win boys easy after going through an insane ice puzzle in granite cave oh god and this just yeah this just sends me back here and we go here and then we go here and then we go here that's not gonna be it wait was that it okay wait it continues you [ __ ] this can't be it wait [ __ ] what was down write this down for next time you're here i don't need to write that [ __ ] down boy [Music] it's just down and then you can walk and then you go up easy boys [ __ ] easy we can make our way to slateport and run into the second rival fight north of there this fight isn't a joke either an evolved starter of every type and of course everything has ridiculous coverage again all in all the fight's pretty manageable but i did lose attempts 16 and 29 here that's very disheartening the final part of the early game is definitely the most stressful there's quite a few encounters here and they're all really important you can fish in slateport on route 111 route 118 in route 117. also if you fight all the trainers on route 117 you can get another encounter in virgin turf before going to the marvel gym you usually get a ground type there which is good for the electric gym the trainers on 117 are quite tame and easy but i did lose a grovel to breeder lydia here which led me to reset because my encounters were quite trash watson's gym trainers have one trainer in particular that is hard to beat consistently his goal bat specifically is so hard to deal with seriously look at these moves there's almost no encounter at this point in the game that deals with this 1v1 the ludicolo is also pretty ridiculous too i straight reset two attempts on this guy but he crippled so many of my watson teams as well there's also this double battle bug maniac i reset an attempt on after i was already pretty much dead and then there's watson remember what i said about brawley being so hard because he essentially has the same pokemon five or six times watson is very similar but much much worse here's his team the coverage on this team is unbelievable they all have ways to deal with ground types and grass types seriously how are you expected to beat this here's my first time trying to beat him i try to be cheeky with encore strats but it just didn't work this is the attempt that made me raise roxanne's cap to 16. there is however one encounter that can help you win this fight volt absorb lantern volt absorbs an ability that makes it so when you get hit with an electrotype move you don't take damage you actually heal so what you can do is bait an electric type move with a different pokemon switch your lantern in have it healed up and then because lantern has pretty damn good special defense it can actually deal with a lot of these pokemon and after it takes some damage you can switch it back out and then switch it back in on another electric type attack this gives it a lot of hp to play with now all you need is something to beat jolteon ampharos and watson's lantern which is still really hard but much more achievable than beating all six of his pokemon the problem is only half of the chinchoos you encounter actually get volt absorb the other half get illuminate but your odds are actually better than 50 here if you do a little bit of trickery chinchu appears in three fishing locations route 118 route 110 and slateport if you encounter a chinchu in one of them you can check if it's volt absorbed with an electric type if it's illuminate it will take damage now i can't actually catch the same pokemon twice by my rules it's called duplicate claws and most nuzlockes work with it however there is a way around that instead of catching the chinchou that doesn't have volt absorb we just kill it after killing the illuminate chinchu you fish forward on another route and try again overall this gives you a decent chance to get volt absorb lantern with the encounter rate on each route and the chance for fold absorb your overall chance of getting fold absorb lantern on one of the three routes is about 68 remember that if you do get this you do not guarantee a win against watson you might still have no answer to watson's lantern or his ampharos or you might just get unlucky with a lantern fight but my win rate without having volt absorb lantern was seven percent do you understand now how frustrating the early game of this game is you work your way through roxanne and brawley which is already hell just to have a good run die because you didn't get fold absorb lantern this happens almost one in three runs overall i lost 11 attempts to watson [Music] we're getting there okay this is ice beaming it's a perfect opportunity to switch in harayama oh worth it i needed that i don't think i would have won otherwise holy [ __ ] [ __ ] we still have a guts boosted fake out in this so i don't necessarily have to sack it now it's also really good to keep alive actually but wait yeah okay never mind we lost the play was just a sack [ __ ] hariyama i had the right idea yeah i am nice yeah we lose the oh mega punish dude i guess this i don't know i guess this was dead anyway [Music] okay we got a switch now unfortunately because of marowak's damage we have to damage this twice no burn [ __ ] me oh that's so [ __ ] bad all right we're [ __ ] no no no i had no other plays no i had i did i did i could have played around the burn it's just a misplay [Music] [Music] [Music] yup holy [ __ ] this jolteon dude are you serious okay never mind i threw all right gg boys why just fake out because i'm out of pee pee you dumb [ __ ] why not just pay attention i don't know if there was a path to winning there with what i had there's one more early game encounter we need to talk about and that's sunflora sun current is a very early encounter all the way back on route 103 it always holds a sunstone which means you're going to evolve it as soon as you want this is actually one of the best early game pokemon in the game it's actually effectively one of the only pokemon in the game that gets a setup move growth which raises your special attack by one the player gets no bulk up no call mind no swords or dragon dance but you get this super slow growth user it can heal itself synthesis or mega and giga drain it can go toe-to-toe with roxanne's lunatone and with some luck can fully sweep brawley's team and even sometimes watson it's completely useless after watson however but for these first three badges sunflora is king eventually we would make it past the early game of emerald kaizo before we look past watson though and the horrible things that are to come that actually made me quit playing this game blind and made me look up what was ahead of me here's some more stupid ways i lost early game attempts attempt 12 i accidentally killed the love disc yeah i don't know wait i just killed my encounter attempt 31 i accidentally killed my first encounter attempt 32 i reset because i was playing with maui on sprites and they were getting annoying attempt 34. i reset after roxanne because i didn't have any charmers for brawly attempt 46 a wild golden killed my starter please kill me thank god okay attempt 48 a rattata killed my torchic i mean that works attempt 56 i killed my old alternate counter i still need to get an actual overhead light installed in this room the only lights i have currently in this room are the stream lights which is fine i just killed my encounter here didn't i why did i grind in there what the [ __ ] is wrong with me attempt 61. i lost a wingle to a wild zigzagoon oops i wasn't paying attention attempt 69. i reset on a golden encounter really i just didn't want the comedians in chat joking about attempt sexy man the entire time oh no what a shame guys attempt eight i reset in russboro city when i didn't have any grass types to go into roxanne's gym with and i also lost one attempt to a done sparse and ruster of tunnel the early game of emerald kaiser though with all three of its insane gym leaders is nothing compared to what is to come attempt 25 was the first to make it past watson ironically without a volt absorb lantern it's not a two at ko and we didn't get the defense drop i think we're okay just don't get crit next turn just don't get crit dude i'm still slower don't get crit we're past watson holy [ __ ] three badges [ __ ] after heading north you fight red again surprisingly none of my runs were lost here and this is where the game shifts into a higher gear yet again and where playing blind becomes pretty much impossible you head north and among a lot of new encounters you have your first serious run-in with team magma every grunt in this game and there is a lot of them is absolutely brutal they have a common theme too a lot of them rely on sneaky and unfair strategies to win against you they're the evil team after all quick claws i got a muddy water quick clower speed time quick clara speed tie just tell me bright powders [Music] my bad focus bands items that activate randomly and are impossible to reliably plan around even more so when you're playing blind and don't know what's coming up at this point in the game your pokemon are pretty much all fully evolved but so are your opponents outside meteor falls is a massive grunt gauntlet which concludes with this [ __ ] with a quick claw explosion ancient power golem and this [ __ ] who has a focus band smeargle with belly drum spore extreme speed and explosion so many of my runs lost important pokemon to these trainers never did i fully wipe here though after this gauntlet you go to mount chimney fight a few more explosion grunts and face off against the first admin of the game tabitha this aggron has rockhead and head smash which the hat creator kindly added to the game for us and a quick claw it does so much damn damage flag on earthquake is also no joke also that overheat on arcanine that's not the overheat from the vanilla game that lowers your special attack it's a recoil move instead so it never actually loses power i lost attempt 25 to tap though but tabitha is really just the appetizer up here the real deal is the first evil team boss fight of the run maxi one yep that's a reggie steal with explosion the hound doom does crazy damage with overheat and has pretty close to perfect coverage too duskloff's stats are also buffed to be equal to dusk north stats in this game and this thing is bulky as hell the alakazam out speeds and kills almost anything and the crowbat is like guitarist kirk's golbat but much much worse i lost three attempts to maxi god [ __ ] damn it dude oh my god what is this [ __ ] wow that's it that's all we do okay that's okay that's okay that's okay that's okay could have been worse could have been worse a little more actually kills dude not much i can do about that one boys i'm so dumb dude like honestly why i don't deserve it oh that's recoil if i was super good i could have sacked a right on or switched to right on there but i don't know if he would have died from the recoil here's the crowbat and i probably i'll probably just wipe to this um because it'll have giga drain lots of room for improvement in this attempt i tell you but we saw a lot of this guy's team right we saw reggie steel we saw hound doom we saw a crowbar i guess we saw half of his team [Music] so we leave golem on this because we don't want this to boom here's the houndoom hp grass we pivot through our sun flora which somehow made it onto this team don't ask me how all right we gotta dodge a crit boys everybody channel we got dodge 2 actually i think this is the first one well we lose unlucky is there anything we can do i have no [ __ ] idea i i can't win i think sac paulie get mag ap crit this might work let's do it well we lose i need cred exactly i guess okay ap boost mac cargo sweep a p boost crit here unlucky okay waterfall flinch unlucky i don't know man maybe i'll play it out it'd be a pretty hype attempt if this went really far right all right protect to catch the explosion boys nice easy it's so [ __ ] easy unless okay what if i get the ap boost here this is desktops right oh my god i got the crit boost and it doesn't even matter okay boys the mogul move here is to go for the five hit rock blasts this just kills actually right it's actually arranged to not kill but that's okay all right pretty awful flannery split for me the first attempt i lost to him finally convinced me that i needed a different approach to this game you see up until now i was playing the game blind meaning i would look up no trainer until i had faced them at least once and i would only look up the pokemon move sets that i'd actually seen after attempt 37 this changed i started looking up every trainer beforehand so as to not have the entire game be just a massive run of trial and error the game's difficulty simply does not allow for that it made the game so much more enjoyable with being able to properly plan for everything believe me it's plenty unfair even when playing like this after another loss to watson i started my deepest run yet this is the story of attempt 39 at this point i started picking torchic because i felt like blaziken would help me more than sceptile after watson and i promptly proceeded to accidentally cancel its evolution before roxanne i i would rather why canceled my combustion evolution i just lost however yanma barbouche and gloom carried me past roxanne gloom and natu also gave me a pretty decent braley with only two relatively insignificant deaths i ended up having to sacrifice barbouche and dust talks on watson but was finally able to use voldemort lantern effectively i also started to get better at understanding how the enemy ai chose which pokemon ascendant after you killed one of their mons this is actually a very complicated process and we'll get into more in the video about the winning attempt and my understanding at this point wasn't perfect but it helped me be a little bit more efficient against the magma grunts and for the first time i made it past maxie with only my huntail dying to him furthest emerald kaizo attempt baby one death maxie but even looking up trainers beforehand couldn't prepare me for one of the genuinely hardest parts in all of emerald kaizo flannery's gym normally fire type gyms are really easy in pokemon because of the abundance of water and rock types you get in your nuzlockes but flannery's gym solves both of these problems by putting up permanent harsh sunlight in the gym that's right water attack damage is halved not only that though every fire pokemon in this gym has solar beam which instantly fires in sun annihilating your rock ground and water types all and i mean every single one of these trainers has godlike coverage here's me wiping to one of them on the attempt after this one at 10 40. i have no idea if i can actually beat this or not ah [ __ ] i don't know that's a roll the gritty and risk there's no reason to risk there there's no benefit thunder punch paralysis would be really really rough here didn't equip cherry berry but i should have [ __ ] me dude i don't see how i win actually i just lose to this well guess we needed that [ __ ] blastoise hp after all unfortunate you get a psychic i think please just get the speed time [ __ ] me dude nah it's over i think i died of that i need him to not roll heat wave there i could have lived that wait what i okay and everyone we're dead altaria okay i didn't realize i didn't need to wipe here and then i didn't need to sack anything oh my god uh i thought i was at the heatwave for sure and if you manage to get past all of these horrible trainers you end up against flannery this is her team so flannery is another gym leader in this game that shares the problems with brawley and watson there is a few pokemon that counter a fire type with good move coverage in the sun but there is simply not enough you have to really really plan for this fight cast forum by the way has pretty significantly buffed stats in this game it's a monster here's what a lost flannery looks like dude i'm five i'm five heart scales deep this run it's a disaster honestly all right overheat recoil gonna put it into definite kill range okay except i got the level up this is charizard i'm gonna avoid some crits on tennocrol now so this is quite unfortunate because it'll be random wait no there should always be extreme speed right oh wait no this is a random move from blaze again sorry i thought this was arcanine this should be fine um blaze kick crit is the only punish here which is pretty unlikely well can't win all i guess um it's been fun love this game uh one in four into the critical hit yep that's great um it's it's been fun boys i hope you guys enjoyed the attempt and uh i'll see you guys tomorrow for more emerald kaizo huh but somehow someway on attempt 39 with the help of muck of all things i pulled through this fight qa kills right oh [ __ ] whoa okay not the best start okay okay okay this is all not going according to plan whatsoever more kick you never got a single kick in my friend because we failed to evolve you at 16. instead we delayed for that rock slide i feel like that made sense see you buddy all right blastoise god dodge crit here nice still got dodge crit too and mantine is really low now so we can't really use it to pivot anymore i think we sack this now we do have the orenberry so plus special defense man time boys blastoise you helped really hard in the grunt gauntlet except you didn't really honestly i don't think you did that much this run that mirror code was pog as [ __ ] though i think the most you did was live up to the blastus meme which shall live on after your death my friend i'm so sorry buddy i failed you man wait he didn't find the he didn't find the high roll he did not find the hyrule get [ __ ] tana time to dodge the crit my friend yes yo am i faster wait oh my god i'm one speed point slower flamethrower is a two at ko 100 man i think i can die to crit oh my [ __ ] god we have four badges in this game what the hell first try flannery boys the best nuzlocker in the world is in the building next up is norman one of his gym trainers has a bright powder belly drum lanoon that had to sacrifice my kabutops on attempt 39 too see you cappertops thanks for playing buddy norman is the first double battle gym leader in the game and it's actually pretty easy once you know what you're doing or if you get really lucky like i did on attempt 39 none of my attempts died here however 39 did lose its dawn fan here which together with the kabutops death starts a snowball effect that eventually costs me the run the way it normally works in nuzlockes is one death will result in another death on a different fight because you didn't have a certain counter which leads to more and more deaths down the line which eventually leads you to losing your run the weather institute has another slew of awful grunt fights this guy's cradly tore through my team leading me to lose my spinda and my gyarados i also lost my electabuzz to missing on bright powder kabutops into a crit does that kill there's no way there's no way there's no way are you serious dude and i'm now out of fast electric types for team aqua and the upcoming flying gym [ __ ] fantastic and the [ __ ] continues with winona's gym i lose my dugong to quick claw ancient power boost on a pseudo-wudo and he gets the boost are you serious dude torpedo clayton quitting it through a charm dodge it just dodge it no such luck today boys i lose my muck to a dodrio double edge crit and this is a death that could have been prevented by battle armor dawn fan who i lost on norman then finally i lose my artillery to a crit on porygon 2. all this before even challenging winona here's her team by the way yeah you're seeing that right she has all three legendary birds and a flygon oh and did i mention that this is a double battle the good news is there are actually strategies to beat this fight you can use rock types to nuke moltres and articuno but see you caprictops thanks for playing buddy you can use explosion strats to do massive damage but or you can pivot around fake out users to get an advantage in the double battle but [ __ ] well we got punished and this is what i mean when i talk about the snowball effect of nuzlockes yep you should live right nope he's kind of hoping for thunderbolt on lantern there but this kills that works flinch the moultries [ __ ] gg thank you attempt 39 we went out with a blast baby honestly i still played this fight well but i simply was lacking any tools to beat winona with this lost me attempt 39 but i wasn't giving up yet next up is attempt 53 the winona slayer a decent roxanne a sunflora sweep on braley and watson however i did make a pretty crucial mistake in the early game i ended up catching a magnet pull magnamite which is huge magnet pull is pretty worthless in battle in those locks but it actually has a secondary effect if a route has a steel type encounter and you lead with a magnet pull pokemon 50 of your encounters on that route will always be that steel type greatly increasing your chance of getting extremely good pokemon like agron or scissor for your run i lost this magnemite to a ditto of all things before watson and now this is the reason that we had to prepare for this fight so much so after you kill this um weepinbell ditto always comes out and this ditto so in emerald kaizo ditto has shadow tag so oh wait i messed up chat i messed up because we have magnet pull so ditto is going to copy our magnet pole and we're going to be [ __ ] trapped fully pera he wild charges i think i can live nope that is truly unfortunate this would end up having extremely grim implications for this run this leads me to losing my kabutops to a double crit from skoplan's gengar on the way to maxi regardless 53 power through an insanely close maxi and flannery fight with pretty dope strats respectively alright and we reversal for the kill boom baby good start good start oh it goes claddle double edge is barely more damage than waterfall it's not worth it at all i can get flinch here i can get crit here that's what i should be playing towards nice so goddamn lucky and now he has to go zam right yes and now he has to thunder punch we can take the t-punch if he paralyzes it's fine if we don't hit the range we should live easy all right hound doom overheating coming boys or rather muddy water should kill from here is the play [ __ ] we lost all right all right i didn't have a [ __ ] um tenor crawl that was faster than this which is really [ __ ] unfortunate my tentacle was slow as [ __ ] and i didn't have a blaziken to counter this no tentacruel is like no chance for flannery now anyway so we might live two crunches i think okay we're not gonna lose this could be a range too actually nice oh wow that is way more damage than i thought i miscalc this somehow not sure what happened i guess my special defense is just way lower than i thought freeze christ dude good thing we didn't [ __ ] pivot holy [ __ ] okay so he doesn't always go for giga drain if he sees a kill i think that's too much hp i think septel is not gonna kill and he's just gonna rest if sceptile is an overgrow he does enough but burn is gonna whittle us down too quickly anyway all right it was a good meme run guys it was a good meme run [Music] do it quit there would have saved me too wait this is dead i'm not dead we won what's up believers [Music] okay i mean we take those i guess i mean this run is dead as [ __ ] no rapidash no alteria no 10 accrual for this fight is unfortunate all right 50 50 shot right here if we don't hit it we lose nice we're in this this is charizard now don't get heat wave high roller earthquake crit on the raichu that is another point of failure at this point and we thunderbolt this can kill but it's really unlikely it's a decent rule this can live but it's really unlikely yeah we lost a crit it's unfortunate can't win now um unless we get uh extra sensory flinches out the wazoo okay that's one that is not two three two two nice nice oh wait never mind i need to flinch this too i need a flinter crit here flinch or crit too bad um what the [ __ ] not the but okay i didn't realize that could happen we're actually still in it still in it boys okay now we need to hit the um the damage percents or the crit or the ap boost it was a wild charge that means i win right unless he found a [ __ ] yeah i win insane unless he gets a crit uh he needs a crit on blastoise to win though or she rather crazy lucky fight crazy crazy lucky fight 2-0 against flannery boys what can i say and got a zero death norman as well at this point in the run we had a really thorough understanding of how the ai behaved in this game so we were able to reliably predict double battles as well after norman i accidentally prepare for the wrong trainer and lose my cradley wait this is the wrong trainer i just scrolled a little bit too far in the google doc this game just takes so much tenacity because there's over 400 trainer battles you have to fight and you have to prepare an individual team and strategy for every single one you make one mistake you immediately get punished i make my way to winona again only this time i have access to some great tools explosion muck a flag on with fly to mess up the enemy double battle ai and a quail fish with massive damage potential check this fight out all right most important thing here we're gonna target the aerodactyl with fly because it has a chance of surviving the explosion and this way we can just kill aerodactyl next turn muck is gonna blow up and hopefully not get cripped by aerodactyl if that happens we just lose we're gonna fly up dodge the hp ice can blow up kill the arrow nice so he sent out crobat here she sent out crowbar here because she saw the dead muck and sent out crowbar because of hp ground there was a chance that she goes flag on here if she goes fly gone then she's guaranteed to go articuno as the second well depending on what you send in second but that's basically how it goes because she went crowbat we can go salamance here guarantee that flygon lands on the other side and play it from there this is going to intimidate crobat making it much less of a threat but more importantly this is going to set up a kill on flygon so what's going to happen this turn is flygon is going to come down on crobat that doesn't matter we need to set up flygon to be in range to get killed by our flygon because our flygon is faster you could say dragonclaw is the most damage here but we actually don't want to risk creating flag on here because we do then everything is out of order because after the flag on articuno will come out and we want quill fish to be out when articuno already comes out so we're gonna go for the air slash because it also has the flinch chance and it can't kill with crit and we're gonna switch salamanders for quill fish so that quillfish is out when articuno comes out this is important because we don't want both dragons to be out when articuno comes out because then we can't predict which slot she will attack if flygon and quillfish are out then articuno will always attack the flygon slot because she sees the kill on it so then we can easily switch in dugong on that slot and cool fish is free to attack and now we're gonna fake out the articuno so it can't hp grass or whatever he he can see hp grass and giga drain on dugong but he might see a kill on quill fish too and he might not even see a kill on either so i think we're gonna leave dugong in and icy wind we're gonna switch quill fish for salamance now both see a kill on dugong so we're probably gonna see gigadrain plus hp grass here i don't think that kills right because of split damage and that ladies and gentlemen is how you do a one death winona for my furthest ever emerald kaizo attempt and like that i have my furthest attempt ever this is where late game begins in emerald kaizo and emerald kaizo is dominated by two things double battle gym leaders and grunt gauntlets the first one of which is in mount pyre where i lose my vault absorb lantern that's a crit wait what after that is the most brutal gauntlet of them all magma hideout remember all the stuff we talked about for flannery's gym the permanent sun the solar beams the coverage chlorophyll grass types like exeggutor with explosion and victory belt with 100 accurate gunk shots the rocket ground types that are made so much stronger by your water types being useless and to all that add the nasty held items of the magma grunts like quick claws focus bands and bright powders we find belly drum charizards exploding torque holes and brutal boss fights this place is both figuratively and visually hell the first big loss of the gauntlet was a huge one salamance is a guaranteed encounter in emerald kaizo after norman and it's the most important core pokemon in the game this thing does so much work in so many fights i lost it very early in the gauntlet to a camera explosion creating it this spelled disaster for the rest of the run as salamance with intimidate rock slide and sun boosted flame thrower normally deals with so many pokemon in here if i had more rock types like the cradley i lost or steel types through magnet pool magnemite i could have potentially saved my salamance here next the swords dance bright powder glygar wreaked havoc on my team to the point where the only way out was exploding my own quillfish slowly attempt 53 was losing ground i also lose my pincer to a ludocolo quickclaw exeggutor explosion takes out my crowbat after i barely miss a range but somehow someway with tons of sacrifices i managed to make my way past the two bosses of the gauntlet my box was crippled after this the run was broken and without salamance or any steel or rock types to speak of there was no way for me to bring it back and things would only get worse aqua hideout was next this place doesn't have permanent rain yet those are reserved for seafloor cavern and the eighth gem but with such a thin amount of pokemon left these trainers are still relentless i start off by losing my wheezing to a waylord which basically has kyogre stats in this game having no more wheezing no more salamence and no excess or user means i'm now completely out of executor counters which leads to this exeggutor taking out my extremely valuable kingdra that egg bomb it used by the way 120 base power with recoil it's a special woodhammer i lose my hariyama to an ice beam crit from lapras which would have been free to kill with volt absorb lantern which means i have to sacrifice my dugong as well so i can get a kill with my dog fan i have to sacrifice my sharpedo to a choice-banded hyper-beam slacking in order for primeape to kill it kabutops or cradley would have saved me here i also over level my golem on this fight which means i can't use it until i get the next gym badge mirroring me on my last breath of life reversal primeapes with several trainers in aqua hideout i finally lose my hero flygon to a victory ballet blade crit again salomons could have handled this and finally we face the boss of aqua hideout matt his gladly explodes on me the first turn and his kingdra and torres finish off my remaining few pokemon but we had a new furthest attempt back to early game we go okay [Music] okay okay shed skin baby unlucky should never switch the levels when confusion was on court yeah that was a huge end i don't know what i was thinking um all right okay just don't [ __ ] secrets are reset that's fine awesome unfortunate needed him to force palm there all right that's too much and then another glimmer of hope attempt 66. i lose a hutu super early here but it's fine i keep going because my encounters are good sunflora helps me get through roxanne and brawley deathless and i have the cleanest watson fight yet a core team member for this watson fight is actually a gyarados debate electric type moves to heal up vault absorb lantern we even paralyze it on a wild pokemon before this fight so it can't get burned switching into fire type attacks i have another death on maxi 1 but this one's planned losing parasite here gives me a much safer fight and parasect is pretty much useless we have persian for alakazam mccargo for crobat blaziken for hound doom i'm super confident in my maxi strats at this point and we go past maxi without having lost anything important in flannery's gym i learned something new about the wonderful ai in this game this survivor solar beamed my persian on my switch to wisc cash even though it had other moves that dealt more damage turns out the ai can just randomly click solar beam if sun is up no matter the damage cool how how do you roll that i theory crafted a lot for this flannery fight could not find a way out of it without having to explode my torkle who is actually insanely valuable one of the best pokemon for the upcoming magma hideout you can see at this point i'm making a lot more strategic sacrifices to make fights overall safer on this attempt the snowball begins rolling on shelley the aqua boss and the weather institute before winona my hariyama goes down to getting paralyzed by thunderbolt getting fully paralyzed and then getting crit pokemon is a great video game i love it so so much i had a cool strat for winona but how to sacrifice my aggro on because of an unlucky crit here's the fight um so we brought salomon specifically to 166 hp so that zapdos hp ice always kills and because otherwise it could attack golem instead we don't want that we're going to switch mens for dugong here to take the hp ice and we're going to head smash the zapdos for a clean kill good very bad good thing i got relicanth i guess worst case here is flygon dragon claws the golem but i can't play around that risk now unlucky unlucky the thing is when you get aggron in right the thing is if we don't pivot men's out we never get probably never get the intimidated on crobat and that's like kind of important for keeping salamence alive because he needs to see the kill on other [ __ ] so he doesn't attack salamence at all because sounds just stay healthy as [ __ ] so the only thing we can really do here is um does does head smash kill the crowbat head smash we're assuming sky attack is coming for the men's slot or nothing is coming for the men's slot um it might be ap it might be eq come on just attack the attack the men's slot dude come on do it do it do it do it do it [Music] please [ __ ] yeah okay agron's dead but so is crobat whoo [Music] in mount pire lady rng strikes again and we lose melodic an incredibly important defensive tool too double focus band proc into crit i was under prepared it's my bed he got double focus band into crit though but like that's pretty unfortunate i'm not gonna lie i'm really mad right now and this run is where magma hideout really showed its teeth watch this insane sequence of events smeargle belly drums gets a bright powder another bright powder baton pass the max attack stat to a dodrio i was really [ __ ] at this point i managed to only lose my pidgeot and my cargo great start to the hardest section of the game here this specific grunt here has an ai pattern that i didn't know about at the time it's one of like three trainers in the game that has what we call risky ai he randomly goes for certain moves like high crit moves or ancient power when it shouldn't which made the following sequence of events happen why what what the [ __ ] 23. okay i understand all right i'm going men's here man seems oh my god dude it's just unbelievable man don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] don't quit don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] that's a crit nice another salomon's lost to magma hideout the run is officially in deep deep trouble if my wiscash hariyama or salomons were alive to deal with this grunts agron i wouldn't have had to risk my relicanth on this fight but well i didn't so this happened later a miscalculation leads me to losing my prime ape on a torque hole which salomons would have hard countered magma grunt number 16 here super power crits my quagsire something that hariyama or whiskash could have dealt with and so with an incredibly weakened team i roll up to the penultimate trainer of magma hideout courtney my primate reversal strategy could have worked wonders here but i don't have a primate anymore i get turned one crit by her charizard the charizard thing crits again this time on my kingdra my granble was supposed to take out her regirock here but it exploded on turn one which is really unlikely oh and also crit to kill her cast form after sacrifice tentacle and thus would move on to one of the most brutal fights in the entire game max c2 who immediately solar beam crits my wobba fett this ante in the sun is an absolute nightmare to deal with too i have to sacrifice my blastoise for chip damage so that blaziken can finish it but of course blaziken gets print here his arcanine then finishes off the rest of my team attempt 66 was stopped in its tracks how do you even come back from something like this i'm stuck in early game hell again and it seems hopeless is that a kill i think this kills [Music] oh my god okay we gotta risk fake out now right [ __ ] lovely dude it's [ __ ] awesome a nuzlocker's biggest virtue is perseverance and thus followed attempt 77. [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a stacked team i walked up to boss of aqua hideout matt and wiped the floor with him after a few not so bad sacrifices good [ __ ] we're still sacking you i'm sorry buddy this is kingdra right wait what yeah it's all good sorry guys spin is going down no matter what it has to [Music] don't get your hopes up chat can america miss there [Music] chad i have a question am i a waiter at a sandwich shop that's out of jelly i'm just curious chat yes because i just served you guys a pb baby after which i immediately lose my sceptile to a random double battle such as life but it's okay we have a furthest attempt and a salamance that's alive but the hardest gym leaders and evil team bosses were yet to come nah just kidding we made it all the way to the elite four on this attempt [Music] okay don't quit me [Music] let's go [Music] i think that's game come on waylor don't be such a [ __ ] tease [Music] hold you did hold all right this should kill lapras silk scarf fantastic okay let's talk about the emerald kaizo elite four the first two members are actually quite easy with the right team it's mostly a lot of intimidate pivoting and pp stalling them i'll spare you the details of these long fights but salamence and desktops do a lot of work here these teams really aren't that threatening the real horror begins at glacier honestly i really can't do this fight justice in a voiceover just see for yourself nine months of running this game like two and a half months of doing this attempt no like one and a half months of doing this attempt this is gonna be the deciding fight let's do it so here's the plan this clearly can't explode at full hp it's just pretty unlikely what we're gonna do is we're gonna weatherball to bring it to low hp which makes it extremely likely to blow up the next turn now there's a lot of things that can happen here she could um spikes which would be pretty bad he could blow up which would be extremely bad everything else is probably fine the next turn is the important one all right that's really bad crit here is also really bad for me by the way if i crit it all right beautiful now we need this to explode hey i might switch a i might just use ice beam but it's pretty damn likely to explode here okay that's good so there's something going on here that's really interesting we're gonna abuse a bug in the emerald kaizo or in the emerald ai here when ai decides which pokemon to switch in next it rolls for damage on the pokemon that you currently have in with the last move that it used and it ignores any sort of typing so it's currently rolling explosion on my dust glops to see how much damage it does and it doesn't see that it's a ghost type now the weird thing happens is when that damage calculated goes above 255 hp delts because of overflow integer overflow right so if that integer overflow happens ai just completely breaks it doesn't know what to do and it sends in the last pokemon in the party which in this case is lapras we're gonna use this to our advantage because ludicola wants to kill lapras first and then dugong we're gonna fake out to make sure that we hit that double giga drain range it's extremely likely to go here let's giga drain one let's see a good roll ludi i actually want the good roll on the second one technically but [Music] okay that's a very good roll don't do it don't [ __ ] do it don't punish me excellent hit the range baby it's so [ __ ] likely dude let's go here's reg ice he wants to ice beam we're here to melodic and miracle the thunder that it wants to use on melodic the problem is like five-fold number one after spikes and ice beam we're dead to explosion no which means we need to recover turn two number two thundered crit just kills us and there's nothing we can do about it uh we just have to risk the quit here let's let's see how this goes he's extremely likely to counter here because of another really weird quirk in the um emerald ai where he thinks switching is like a normal move it's really weird it's not really understood but he's extremely likely to counter here which is which means we click recover absolutely beautiful all right time for the first [ __ ] dodge that's really important 1 in 16 baby just dodge it please [Music] okay [Music] that's really good hp to be at too that's such good hp to be at all right here is the question do we dodge another crit don't do it we're safe okay it's kind of unlikely so we're gonna go dust claps to catch the hp grass here and bait the surf so we have a nice easy switch in on ludicolo we are dead to ice beam crit currently he can't freeze because we're safeguarded just crit is what [ __ ] us here that's a crit okay unlucky boys looks like melodic is gonna have to take this out and then we're gonna hardcore pepe steer if i don't go clops i always have to sack cast form just explode you piece of [ __ ] please it's over we lost [Music] uh [ __ ] me [Music] a dusklop's death means game over at this point because this is champion steven's team dustclops is the only pokemon in the game that gets through mewtwo and deoxys not only that but i still have to get through drake's soul dew wielding ladies and geos at this point so what happened here i think there are two crucial mistakes that led to this defeat one i pivoted into dust clops to ensure a surf on the luducolo switch from dugong instead of just taking the hidden power grass this led to dusk ops taking spike's damage and hp grass damage putting it into killing range of the eventual water spout another mistake happened way earlier though emerald kaizo has a limited amount of hard skills you can't get them from wild love disc only find them on the ground and before the elite four i'd use up almost all of them i knew i wanted a track for my melodic for certain strats not realizing that a tract was a tm so i used my heart scale on it what else could i have used that hardscale on well hydro pump for salmons hydro pump's elements was an excellent contingency plan to deal with waylord in the swampert but i didn't have the heart scale for it and thus we send attempt 77 on its death march to drake my heart was broken after this getting only attempt 77 from little root all the way to the elite four took over a month of playing and as if that wasn't enough the biggest early game drought yet was about to hit me i would not even get past flannery for the next 73 attempts [Music] it's i just can't anymore like i'm allowed one good encounter this attempt one come on baby [Music] hmm see this is why i don't delay the [ __ ] magikarp [Music] um there's two rules that we live yeah what are you gonna do the early game is really where i reset most of my runs mostly because sometimes you just don't have the right encounters no sunflora no volt absorb lantern no leap counter no lunatone counter no ampharos counter no polywrath counter nothing to sweep brawley with you just need so much and this game crushes you into submission [Music] do you mudslap first or poison powder first i feel like you mudslapped first right well all right then anyway boys it's been a fun day of emerald kaizo as always in total i reset 55 times somewhere in the early game because we didn't have good enough encounters more than one third of my runs yes some attempts might still be winnable with insane luck but it's just not worth it it's too depressing to run into roxanne or brawley or watson over and over and over again i even reset some attempts because my starter trico sucked too much the requirements to beat this game are that ridiculous [Music] but when all hope was lost when i was just about to give up when i had invested over a thousand hours into this game a hero showed up that would change everything if you want to see the story of the final emerald kaizo attempt the very fitting 151 make sure to subscribe because i wasn't quite done with this game just yet [Music] you
Channel: pChal
Views: 2,398,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pchal, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, jaiden animations, smallant, ludwig, hardest nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, emerald kaizo, hardest pokemon game, hardest nuzlocke ever, pokemonchallenges emerald kaizo
Id: MmKmkRzPUxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 32sec (4592 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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