Can I Beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion With Only Dragon Fusions?

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last time we played Pokemon infinite Fusion I decided to do a Nuzlocke using only Aegislash fusions and we got some pretty cool looking fusions from that but this time instead of fusing with a single Pokemon how about we do an entire typing I chose Dragon because in the base games you can't really do a dragon run through Kento so this is a great opportunity this will be a hardcore nose lock so just because of that you better subscribe and to add spice to the pot this will be randomized so this not only includes our encounters but any trainers we fight as well so without further Ado this is my attempt at beating Pokemon infinite fusion with only dragon fusions we start off as always in Professor Oak's lab and we notice there's only one Pokeball on the table what could it be I made it in Axew I feel like he's a good choice for a starter and it was either this or resetting until we got a randomized dragon but I didn't think it was a big deal with our little fanged friend we take on this loser no seriously that's what I named him and it looks like Gramps calls him that too loser starts off with a dear Lord what is that uh I'm confused is that Poliwrath and Snorlax and if it is why is it just named Poliwrath or maybe it's polygraph and Poliwrath used why does he have this right off the bat yeah we're definitely not winning that but technically we haven't lost yet since we haven't even fused him or even have any pokeballs yet I'll give it to you this time loser but just this once so the way I'm going to be doing this Nuzlocke is we're going to look for a dragon type first in the grass if there is one and if there is we'll catch it and then the encounter immediately after will be the Pokemon refused the dragon with if there's no dragons on the route then we won't catch anything at all good great I'm also going to count the reverse Fusion as a separate species so that we have more encounters assuming it's dragon type of course that being said for Route 1 we will fuse whatever we run into with Axew and we have a hot pip that's kind of a letdown but who knows it might at least look cool now one additional thing I want to mention is that if both fusions have the dragon typing we can choose whichever is the coolest design so for this Fusion we have axapip and hapu decisions decisions Papu it is he looks kind of cute inverting Forest I was about to give up searching for a dragon type but I ended up finding a Bagon we almost didn't catch her but thankfully on our second to last Pokeball she was ours so after going to heal and buying more pokeballs I went back for our second Pokemon to fuse with and it's yup that's right that's a full odds shiny iggly buff and it was indeed the encounter immediately after Bagon so now we have a choice of either igligon or the buff honestly I like but buff more and although shinies are random colors in these games this looks like Bagon shiny also I prefer Dragon fairy type with our two Little Dragons I go scope out Brock's gym and it looks like he's rocking fairy types oh come on Brock am I really going to lose my shiny and possibly the run right now my plan originally was just to spam Dragon rage to one shot everything but clearly that's not going to work anymore we just have to pray that this doesn't go south so we enter our two Little Dragons against Brock's fairies first up on Brock's team is axrell turn one I went for a sweet kiss as Ember won't do much and I either will bite from there I went for a charm as he hit himself which I know will make him do less to himself but I don't want to lose too much health Midway through I swapped into hapu as he was using Leon maboth we come in on a super resistant bubble from there two fairy winds take Astro and following that is manwile this should be fairy fighting type so I continue going for Fairy wind but his karate chops sure do a chunk to me I did synthesis until eventually Brock used Pursuit which will get us back to full health we did risk a crit doing that but I think it was worth it now I'm pretty sure this was a speed tie since sometimes I was out speeding and sometimes he was so after a couple of fairy wins he went first biting hapu to death jeez Brock that's quite a brutal way for me to go considering you have fairies of all typings although I guess fairies do take care of the dragons and just so we can see more fusions like I said I will be allowing myself to use the reverse Fusion of a Pokemon if it dies assuming it has the dragon type but anyways babbuff here is our only hope he goes for three Fury swipes which do a ton and our Ember doesn't quite kill now if you use fury swipes five times it might have ko'd but Brock's an idiot and just use bite again so that's the battle our shiny is still alive I guess for the death counter I will count this as a death as I said they're technically different species sort of all right expert don't disappoint me like your former self huh this girl has one too might be a sign over in Mount Moon my buff evolved into my puff so now instead of getting gains he's smoking that good okay do quill makes me want to do a ghost run in this game I guess there's no point in waiting to evolve bat puff so now we got but tough I guess we're back to gains that's the great thing about fusions sure dragons evolve super late but Wigglytuff doesn't so they balance each other out speaking of which now we have an ax Loom what's pichu's favorite place to visit Machu Picchu um that was that was really bad now that I think about it you know you guys are literal criminals so like why are you just leaving the door unlocked like this for any anybody to come in come on now let's use our brains nothing too crazy happened in our next rival fight except I was poisoned and he was Circle throwing me back into axloom which makes us take poison damage I just prayed we were faster and we were so we could do some healing excellent almost disappointed me but thankfully we pulled through on Route 24 I ended up finding a horsey but since fusions need to have the dragon typing I should probably wait until it's a Kingdra but I never do that I will allow myself to use this right now but the only reason I won't is because I want to see what we end up for a team so then I can decide which Evolution I want now Misty this time around has grass type Pokemon and I could just use Dragon rage but I led but tuffs since she has Ember overall it was a pretty easy fight so on to something a little more exciting trapinch which we found on Route 5. I almost ran away from it since it's not a dragon type and I kind of just forgot unfortunately in the moment I was kind of thinking hey we probably shouldn't use it until it's a dragon type but this changed very quickly and you'll see why it also had his hidden ability Shear force and thank God Charmander here was our pair for trapinch this should definitely look dope Thrasher is definitely a good boy and the dragon types didn't stop there on route 6 Dino appeared and this can be used right now now this sucker was not playing around it was hitting extremely hard and it also had Dragon rage somehow but I was able to synthesis and catch it after failing once before pink Arceus alright I mean I I don't hate Victory Bell to be honest but to fuse it with the dino is kind of meh it looks like for this one we only have one option so let's go with weepino what a name and what a design man hey he must suck mad okay this is just creepy but for some reason I need it I just want to give this thing a hug now Lieutenant surge is a troubling guy he has ice types and although it's better to get these types out of the way right now so that they don't appear later at least I think that's how it works I really don't think I'm going to be able to beat this with the team I have there's no way I'm going to get through three ice types while having two Pokemon who are quad weak to it so this is when I decided for the sake of the run to use the Trap inch and Charmander line that I just found it is not a dragon type yet but I do know which Fusion will be the Dragon one and that would be this guy right here so annoying 100 that this has the potential to be a dragon type I put him on the team and jeez did this puzzle take forever to get right so let's stop putting this off Duba is up first and this should be pretty easy Char inch with Shear force will remove the burn effect on firefang and Power It Up by 50 making charge extremely deadly also Lieutenant surge just use Aqua ring but let my boy have his moment saision is next and another bug type a web for Fairy cutter which was great until we missed a big fire thing the falling turn in icefang nearly destroyed us and we one shot it as you can see without charge I don't think we would have made it past that his final Pokemon does scare me though I did do a little research to try and piece together what kind of moves this thing has and what typing it was it's definitely ice dragon meaning but tough's draining kiss will be super effective now we could have ice Shard and I don't think Charles lives so I went into batof and there it is thankfully it didn't do over half so we live in icy wind after and a draining kiss does nothing but if we lose but tough here we can still use the reverse Fusion at the expense of Salamence since it won't be Dragon at that point because of the flying type we'd have to keep it as a Shogun however I need to keep as many Pokemon alive so I think this is the safer play so our shiny but Tuff bites the dust and axloom comes in knowing we outspeed a dragon rage finishes the battle tough choice to make but I do think it was the right one at least we still have you Wiggly gone but again he'll never be a Salomon since he'll be normal flying instead the good news is now we can have a stab on double edge while also having the rock head ability you gotta look at the bright side of everything like this axluck Fusion who is definitely going to be my pillow tonight I'm totally gonna change the channel mascot to this Mareep Fusion look how it claps over in lavender Talent loser wants to go at it once again but I don't know what he's trying to do with this go wild Honestly though maybe I do it looks kind of cool thankfully it didn't end up having an ice type move or a water type move but holy Arceus imposing is the coolest thing I've seen all run unfortunately it did have levitate so I went into Wiggly gone his team is really scaring me right now fortunately Wiggly gone was able to wear it down even after a potion but on my switch into ax love it exploded itself thankfully we did live axlev does have synthesis so we were able to heal up for Poliwrath after this galvanma but the sucker used circle throw which switched out into no other than wiglion oh dear God he almost died no more Circle throws after that and we somehow managed to escape a death in this battle how I don't know but I can only imagine our two Fallen Brethren looking over Us by the way we were like five levels higher as well bro what was that team get away from me now on the route left of Celadon City I found this dra dumb but it's already fused with Beldum so I think I'm just going to keep it that way it didn't take too many tries to catch and it's dragon in psychic type the reverse Fusion did look better however it's Steel Dragon and once it becomes Dragonite it should be still flying yeah I checked uh it stays Steel Dragon interesting I do kind of need this typing right now though so I will be using met Nair and if it dies it won't be a huge loss since we saw the reverse Fusion which will be dragon type as well as a dragon name but but again I checked matineer evolves into dragon type as well I don't know why but it does yo cling cardos is crazy looks like a paradox form the time has come our first battle with Giovanni and he starts off with a marrow King the trino can easily take care of that you know if we didn't miss once that's out we got a big bad squirt mints I went into metner as this thing does have dragon claw now I really don't want to lose matineer here and this thing is really strong so I did do some research this monster isn't actually a dragon type that's right he's an imposter and that can only mean one thing he's water and flying type Giovanni did Flinch us though but we did manage to break through the second time one Dragon claw and we're so dead it does however look like met Nair's life is going to come to a short end here wait he switched why axloff it's your turn see axlev recently learned Dragon Dance So after some Dragon dancing and healing with synthesis yeah we couldn't do anything with this Max potion and the fact that he had charge beam on the Croc it was looking rough but I went into Wiggly gone who could tank those all day thankfully Wiggly gone was able to take out Croco gang but back out came squarepments and Wiggly gone was in his line of sight knowing there's nothing I can really do I had to sack Wiggly gone which honestly looking back was kind of dumb since metnaire should have just been sacked but oh well Char inch was the only one who was healthy we couldn't even take less than half from a Zen headbutt from there I went into metner on his Zen headbutt but guess what we lived guys and I just happen to have bullet punch adios buddy oh dear God I thought there was one more on his team bro my beautiful shiny just got decimated what is wrong with you and why do you always have stacked teams I figured since Wiggly gone is well gone I should just add horsey and Evie to the team team they won't be dragon types just yet but we can make them into a water type with Vaporeon and there she is vapor draw this should be the fusion that evolves into a dragon and water type it also just so happens to be that Erica is a fire type expert charge also evolved into charva which is now fire dragon with EQ so we should be fine either way another thing is we have levitate to be immune to super effective ground type attacks so without further Ado let's see what Erica has her first Pokemon was a piece of cake but nangala did put up a fight having Mega drain for Vapor draw it couldn't really hit axleth though so two dragon dances later and in acrobatics yeah there was no chance for her Grabber Leon did scare me but it only used Stealth Rock so we were in the clear there oh my God oh my God no way no freaking way we got another shiny and it's a horsey there's just no way oh I almost killed it I'm just gonna replace the horse who we already have but that's absolutely insane two full-on shinies in one run oh no what happened to you oh you're just ruined now I just remembered something I think some Pokemon had their megas if you fuse them with themselves so I'm pretty sure catching this Mareep and fusing it with another one will give us an extra Dragon encounter I'm going to allow this on the off chance I can't find any other dragons considering I have yet to see a Gible or any legendaries this would also apply to Trico which I think I saw somewhere alright what kind of sick joke is this there we go Mega Ampharos yep there he is in all his glory now we just unfuse do it again and we have this little guy that does look pretty sick this does as well wait I don't think Sceptile is going to be in his mega form oh my God that's the greatest creation I've ever laid my eyes on and there it is the dragon type now we're ready to get down to business koga's expertise was in normal types which led to things like this it looks naked brick break would have destroyed this Abomination but he ended up switching into a zoo cruel finally a smart switch from one of these NPCs well sort of I still have psychic and he was also using barrier so I don't know what that's about milking was really milking oh oh my God I just realized it says milking but yeah it was really cool and it packed a bunch of zenhead boy he did switch again though into poori King this thing was going for big thrashes and it was terrifying it hit everyone hard even met near who was resisted the good news was he was out of potions already and he was getting hit by his black sludge item unfortunately I do have to sack matnaire but at least we still have the reverse fusion with this Ampharos can come in I mean this thing stabbed thrash was brutal it nearly one shot Ampharos we did Prevail though but milking was still on the field and it looks like I need to sack something else I really didn't want to sack Ampharos but it was looking like it was going to go that way we could outspeed here but knowing my luck we probably won't we don't and this really oh my God he missed come on let's go and that's why I love Ampharos as a Pokemon shows up every time for Papa you're not as cute as met Nair but you'll have to do moving on to the little silfco Mission it's time once again to bring shame aim on loser's name although I guess the name does that by itself by the way I love how we're just casually having a battle right in front of Giovanni like this is why nobody likes you bro jumpstart was no problem and then came out this puby junior what her name this lucheck used mirror move which is funny since I have water absorb and I use surf so it just healed me and then he Hydro pumped hello as always for this polygraph fraudlov took care of it well almost if we didn't get confused yo did you just not hear us battling right in front of you hey stop ignoring me now Giovanni was not messing around with the Pidgey and Arceus Fusion but it ain't to the monster that is Sheldon all hail Giovanni yeah right all hell Sheldon what that tongue do though now Vapor drug did almost die since she ganged up on me and this was with my quick claw popping but RCS just happened to have extreme speed our shiny is still alive and horiken came out now I don't know why I went into Drago tank on a Heracross but I did and it had Mega horn I actually yelled out when this happened because this definitely hurt it doesn't make it any better that Giovanni's Pokemon are literally above the level cap by a lot and Sheldon isn't putting up much of a fight he was ganging up on me again and now using rollout with his Sindhu so it's only a matter of time before something else ties thankfully frolov was able to KO hurricane with acrobatics I did switch into Sceptile but he hit another rollout and this time Sheldon is using Whirlpool of all things I need to hope he misses ladies and gents he did in fact Miss and a night slash goes off doing a bit and Sheldon actually did something using Brian as well as its rap finishing it off in the same turn honestly one death there is great as that battle can be very rough due to the level increase on the bright side we can now see what our Dragonair turns into oh wow this is completely useless this on the other hand is pretty nice and it looks like salomon's fusions were also a disappointment the good news is I think chargon is super cute just like Flygon okay this is definitely better than chargon too bad it's not a dragon type now Sabrina has poison type Pokemon and chargon has EQ I'm hoping we can do this as she starts with a water type well at least we're neutral to that Holy Jesus that one shot we pass would have died in one shot but it had sturdy okay I definitely see a big thrash coming so hopefully this doesn't hurt oh goodness it was just flail she did end up switching into mukross who took half to an earthquake so now the question is are we faster or not we are and there goes that chargon you are truly a legend I did not mean to find this dragon scale but I guess now we have a Kingdra oh yeah I love that finally I found a guard chomp I've been searching in every piece of water I could find since I've had surf there it is guard chomp and all its Glory thank God I caught it too because I was a turn away from losing Ampharos and the Pokemon to be fused with it wasn't Arcanine which I'm not denying is a cool idea but we already had chargon anyways let's see what this turns into oh my God screw the typing this is the best Fusion on the team hands down at least now we have intimidate I do believe this is the last dragon type we have access to that isn't a legendary so the only way we can get more is if we run into something like Rayquaza or Dialga my boy is ready to go into his next job interview this has got to be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen it could have been you but I've kind of already forgotten how you even died Blaine Blaine Blaine your fire burns so hot all of your Pokemon died and became Ghost types well here comes the Casual switching again you know I can do that too I know you're a grass type so bye bye again Mega I must say Your Design is creepy yet very cool chargon did do half but he also did a chunk to us so Vapor draw did come in since she's a bit bulkier I forget that the gym leaders keep their regular items so this thing was holding a pasho berry very unlucky of me but Arceus was with us and didn't let us get flinched by Dark Pulse everyone was pretty weak so I did end up going into axleth after some healing and acrobatics we destroyed that thing for some reason I did think that was his last Pokemon but nope gearenor was his Ace it did brain dance so i healed but the Shadow Ball next turn didn't feel so good Mr Stark and it would have been fine since I sword stance and acrobatics was now a two shot but his hurricane confused us so the only thing we can do now is try try and break through yeah I didn't think so honestly that was my fault for not setting up on Tauros but what can you do except I'll thankfully did end up finishing it off with a leaf blade but that hurt that's my starter man I'll miss you pal hopefully we're not about to miss anyone else but the last time I was here nearly my entire team died I did do some research this time around though I found some yachi berries and I gave one to Ampharos this way we could power gem Articuno but apparently this thing has a berry for that so we trade hits and our power gem did more thanks to a crit the other two didn't actually attack for that turn I did manage to take out Articuno but Ampharos is in rough shape due to the other two we absolutely have to switch out so I go into vapor draw who has a citrus Berry unfortunately the first bird crit on his agent power luckily two serves take out Moltres and we were out speeding that whereas Zapdos got an agility off earlier so it almost killed us on the second turn from there I went into Sceptile on a very lucky discharge it could have went for that at any moment but for some reason it didn't well I guess probably because we're dragon type but I didn't really think that in the moment I'm pretty sure you could get Rockside somewhere but I was just lazy to find it I did end up chipping with dual chop but then he got a big Omnibus so now we don't out speed I'm pretty sure this thing has air slash but he just used discharge again and dual chop barely ko'd no deaths I was hoping moltres's stats would randomize into a dragon legend but instead we got Garchomp so that's a no-go wait wait wait how is Giovanni an ice type trainer well that's icing on the cake it's icing on the cake because he's an ice type Trader hmm I don't even mean to do it sometimes anyways like I was saying wasn't Lieutenant surgeon ice type I thought no typings were supposed to repeat I have a bad feeling about this I did over level Ampharos but in this game if you unfuse Pokemon you can de-level them again so Ampharos is totally usable for this fight he does start off with the dude on but I went for earthquake and it went for Stone Edge I think that sentence speaks for itself you might think I'm crazy for sending inceptile but a drain punch completely kills this thing unfortunately Jin Rai was out next I'm not gonna lie I really thought a quad effective drain punch with KO but it didn't and this thing has Avalanche which means our yachi berry couldn't even save us I thought Giovanni didn't use potions for some reason but apparently he does so I just e-speed with gar9 I mean come on on top of that I firefanged and it did not KO oh and he has two potions like how am I supposed to know that I know I've played the game before but I forget things well no way he has three of them right right oh come on okay somehow I did out speed and got a clutch burn but the question is do I extreme speed now or not please tell me IE speed now oh thank Arceus and screw darker eye oh thank God that one shot catacuno I did end up switching in on a future site but it has freeze dry oh how could I forget I literally just fought an Articuno did you notice I stopped recording the deaths on screen afros did come in on a free shy with a yachi berry and a power gem was able to KO but Golem was next where are my legendaries glaciate oh my God how did we not die I know it's a Goldeen but seriously well I mean I don't think I can win by Ampharos I love you all right I I kind of misspoke I I did win this thanks to e-speed but I mean I can't win win at least I didn't wipe to Giovanni that's a plus right but yeah I don't think I can win the Elite Four even if I somehow found legendaries which I don't think I will and there's a rival fight right after this so I can't even look in Victory Road yeah there's no chance it's unfortunate a lot of My Pokemon were kind of just frail and a lot of them just evolved super late I mean I can't even use hydragon for crying out loud also Altaria isn't in this game that's crazy it should have been you but yeah anyways I'm kind of bummed out that I didn't win but at the same time I'm pretty satisfied that I'm playing a Pokemon game that isn't super difficult but isn't easy by any means kind of like The Best of Both Worlds here but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this and this was still super fun to make so I'm not mad at all and if you try this for yourself please let me know if you won and what team you ended up with because Giovanni should not have been a nice type trainer that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying but anyways I love you guys bye [Music]
Channel: JustJoules
Views: 168,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, gaming, pokemon games, pokemon information, pokemon videos, pokemon lets plays, anything pokemon, funny gameplay, nuzlockes, steelonly, groundtypeonly, watertypeonly, grasstypeonly, firetypeonly, pokemonchallenges, pokemon firered, pokemon emerald, pokemon x and y, pokemon platinum, randomzied nuzlocke, pokemon heartgold, pokemon sword and shield download, hardcorenuzlocke, shiny only, pokemon scarlet and violet, route 1 only, infinite fusion
Id: Wmhw7XlRzzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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