I Paid Modders To Make Pokemon As Hard As Possible

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a very very long time ago I sought out one of the most proficient Pokemon Mod creators to give them one simple task make Pokemon Leaf Green as hard as possible without changing anything about the enemy trainers the Creator took this task at first as a fun project the easiest way to make the game harder would be to take away overpowered Pokemon from the player he changed starters and took out some of the Pokemon most known for making the game easy as he went on though he realized there were quite a few Pokemon that were good the Creator would go through the game again and again meticulously testing it taking out good Pokemon from the wild and putting bad ones in their place the crater would restrict Pokemon's Evolutions so the player would get stuck with abras or magikarps a Pokemon could one shot something on Erica's team the Creator would ensure the player could not get it before Celadon City there's an encounter that walls Giovanni's Kangaskhan the Creator would erase it when the crater had gone through every Pokemon and made sure that only the truly terrible ones were left he aptly named the game Garbage green however he was not satisfied with what he had made slowly the power he felt of the players was corrupting him and he started putting more and more restrictions into the game the Creator's next idea was to remove every healing item he emptied the shelves of Martz removed every potion from the map and even disabled abilities that could generate these items berries and any way to generate them would be the next victim to fall to the craters slowly building Madness next the Creator came for the Player's attacks TMS were changed to weaker moves or simply erased from the game powerful moves like Thunderbolt and psychic would have their power points slashed and widely available good moves like Surf and strength would even have their base power cut to almost zero nothing in the game's code seemed safe from the Creator's greedy claws the Creator was slowly making a monster and one fateful night he had the most malicious of ideas there is one thing you can always rely on when you play a Pokemon game no matter how difficult a fight was you can hurry back to the poker Center rest rebuild and prepare for the next fight the Creator did not like this and so he made what is now known as the gauntlets almost every route every cave every forest and every gym would lock the player inside until all trainers within that dungeon were defeated no walking out no flying no digging no teleporting and no more healing items the only way out was forward and it was bloody and before the crater released the monster into the wild he had one final decree that the monster shall only be slain under the rules of the hardest challenge in all of Pokemon the hardcore Nuzlocke veteran Pokemon players face the monster but it turned away when they encountered its unforgiving Maw but for me it was different I couldn't give up I couldn't turn away because I was the reason the monster existed in the first place this is the story of how I conquered the monster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you as always we start at starter selection and at first glance these seem pretty okay but the Creator is a lot more devious than you might think take Goldeen compared to Paris and Slugma it seems like an easy call as a water type it'll match up fine into Misty can learn surf and should absolutely run over Brock but in garbage green there's always a catch yeah I will not be reaching level 38 for proc if you want to get through broxonics you will do so with Peck despite this problem Goldeen has become the Clear Choice of Starter by run number 50. I tried to talk about early on for the memes and actually had a few decent runs with it but the ability to take multiple hits is extremely important in this run as you'll see in the gauntlets health is at a premium and as the game goes on goldeen's pure water typing with only two weaknesses will severely outclass slugma's fire type and paris's absolutely brutal grass and bug type and even though it doesn't get a water move Goldeen does solid damage to most non-rock types thanks to its early access to the decently powerful horn attack I've had much trouble with Brock getting past him on 41 of the previous 49 runs even though I'm picking from garbage it's not too hard to build a team that can take on Geodude and Onyx even unknown one of the possible encounters on Route 1 does pretty decent damage with hidden power as long as you roll any of the special types but this is a Nuzlocke and we're not choosing our encounters we have to take what the RNG Gods provide as our first encounter on each route my Route 1 encounter is Delhi bird and Pokemon's so bad it has literally no good fights for the entire game mostly to the fact that the only move it learns is one that can randomly heal your opponent but after my next two encounters I'm feeling pretty confident for the early game on Route 22 I pick up Wismer a normal type that can take great advantage of the strong normal type moves available in the early game explode is removed from the game so Wismer reaches its maximum potential at Loudred one of the best early game Pokemon for future reference if you see a Pokemon and think wow that evolves into something really good why is why is that available it's because it doesn't evolve whatever you think might be good whatever way you think you've solved the game the creator has already considered and dealt with on Route 2 I get Togepi one of the best support Pokemon in the game Brock is a great Showcase of how deep of a barrel the player has to climb into in order to scrape its bottom for things that can win some of these fights basically togabi has to charm down his rock types to minimum attack and then roll metronome until it finds a move that can actually kill them on this attempt I do find them quite quickly but a lot of previous attempts were basically just me spamming growls and tail whips and then spamming normal type moves chipping away at the rock types HP well I pray that I don't get crit the Pokemon gen 3 AI does help out quite a bit in this fight because moves like rock tomb that lower the opponent's speed are heavily disincentivized by the AI if it is faster than you Brock's Onyx really likes going for options that do less damage than its only rock type attack Rock tomb can you think of anything more annoying than chipping down this defensive piece of an onyx with iggly buff pounds it feels like unscrewing a screw with your thumbnail like microwaving a meal by blowing on it really hard or like trying to get every single piece of your personal data off the internet at least that last part that sponsored today's video incognate can help you out with you may think there isn't even that much data of you out there but there really is you leave a massive trail of it every day without even noticing your email address your phone number your shopping habits all this data is scraped by so-called data Brokers these Brokers then sell your data to other companies which is why you keep getting robocalled and you keep getting spam emails you'll be shocked at how much your data is out there and how much anyone from annoying person to malicious person can do with it now you can chip away at the Onyx by just going to each individual data broker and asking them to remove your data they are legally required to do this or you can roll Razer leaf on your metronome so to speak and use incogni if you go to incogni.com Pokemon challenges down in the description you can sign up to incogni and they will scrub the internet clean of all of your personal data the process is extremely quick and easy you simply create an account grant them the right to work for you and everything from there on out is just automated your data will then be kept off the internet continually thank you to incogni for sponsoring this video now that you've gotten your personal data secured let's secure some more encounters Matt Moon gives us Beldum and let's just make sure we're all on the same page huh uh yeah that's right it does not evolve very good you guys are catching on I'm really proud of you okay sorry I'm just still really annoyed all the people in my chat asking about Pokemon evolutions in this game anyway since we're working so great as a team this is a really thinly veiled transition for you to just subscribe okay just anyway it's actually a very interesting encounter because its typing is Godlike for the early game however it is incredibly limited because the only move it has access to is takedown recall moves are usually not that bad because you can just Heal The Recoil damage you took after a fight however you remember the gauntlets right the first of these grueling sets of trainer battles takes place at nugget bridge I'm gonna have to get through double digits worth of trainers on my way to build before I can give access to Misty and the second badge and this is where the real difficulty comes in once I hop this ledge and challenge my rival I'm locked in here until either I take out all the trainers or I wipe nugget bridge is where I saw most other content creators give up on this game this Gauntlet alone took down seven of my runs with the help of Beldum and louder and however the attempt 50 Gauntlet goes pretty well at this point I know every trainer here by heart and honestly looking back at this footage months later it's actually quite hard for me to follow what's happening because I'm going through the motions so quickly this is a man who's been grinding this game for 50 attempts over the past week and just wants to get back to the Elite Four Misty's gym opens up and we can fight for the Cascade match my reward for playing nugget Bridge so well avoiding the three Spinners and taking down the optional hiker fight was the secret power TM at 70 base power this is one of the best moves for the early game mid game and honestly with how [ __ ] the Pokemon and moves in this game are also the late game Misty has been a tough one deleting five runs so far Chris Starmie has great stats compared to my garbage and if I run out of the few Pokemon available they can deal decent damage to it Starmie can just recover as much as it wants it's also a huge source of RNG beyond the always present threat of critical hits confusion from starmie's water pulse can completely ruin my momentum and turn a win into a wipe obviously the creator gives you no grass types before this point [Music] bro [Music] yeah really cool [Music] I don't want to go Goldeen I think I go Teddy [Music] oh my God I didn't equip my prison there either okay so I have to do this stop all right suck this [Music] go to this unbelievable unbelievable dude I'm just not allowed to win for red 50 I make a greedy decision and decide not to teach secret power to louder it or a pom for the Misty fight because there's some big payoff to teaching it to another Pokemon down the line after louder uses howl and four pounds to take down the Staryu it's on to the real demon of this fight Starmie status heal berries are my best friend in many fights throughout this run and this one is no different a prison Berry on my seal allows me to shrug off a water pulse confusion and get a couple of speed drops with icy wind I continue by setting up some tail whips which is a combination of words that no nuzlocker has ever said in their video before next I switched to hoothoot the calculus here is pretty simple Hooter can either hit hypnosis and put Starmie to sleep or Miss hypnosis and die both outcomes allow me to switch Aipom in without taking the water pulse swinging the tempo in my favor because who dude is quite Expendable I determine the risk of losing it for the rest of the run is worth the basically guaranteed win unfortunately I get the worst of the two potential outcomes but I'm still feeling good moving into surge but first there's this really creative Garden encounter that I have to pick up surrounding this tiny patch of grass are a bunch of spinners that you have to avoid to get your encounter they did cost me a run all the way back at run 22. one of these Spinners has a Magneton and that's pretty tough to handle at this point in the game with no fire types no ground types no good fighting types this time though I make it through and I'm rewarded with a Pichu eventually this will be very nice for all the bird Keepers in the mid-game gauntlets unfortunately it's adamant nature reducing its special attack surely that won't matter though right speaking of birds remember what I said about not needing huhoot I get to the SSN and realize I'm in severe lack of an Ivysaur counter for the Rival fight insomnia Hutu is one of the only consistent answers of the Sleep powder spammer here in retrospect I should have sacrificed Delhi bird on stormy instead thankfully my coffee wakes up early and crits through the Ivysaur I was initially underwhelmed by my coughing pickup back on Route 3 where Ekans or Nidoran had seemed like the best option in past runs Atkins and Nidoran get bite to better deal with other poison types while coughing is limited to pretty much only bad moves and I can chat skin can be super useful against all the status conditions in the gauntlets you might wonder why I'm stressing so hard over a poison type not only do a lot of poison types have mediocre stats but outside of sludge bomb poison type attacking moves are awful but you might remember from your playthroughs of this game opposing teams are absolutely loaded with poison types there's no Overworld poison damage in garbage green luckily but poison is still a terrifying status effect there are berries available to heal poison but the Creator only put a very small amount them into the game and removed all ways to regenerate them its job can't just be to serve as a poison immune switchin though it has to actually make an offensive impact and I just wasn't sure coffin could do it run number 50 though made me rethink everything I thought I knew about garbage greens poison types the SSN like other gauntlets locks you in until you complete it and because the SSN leaves when you complete it you cannot come back for these items later I don't feel clear at this time but I do grab a poison Barb a dragon Fang and two essential Petra berries before dipping to fight Serge this dude has been a massive problem for this challenge there is no opportunity to get the ground type that would make this fight trivial even dicklet cave merely has Dunsparce the Creator even [ __ ] named Dunsparce cave and this is how vanilla turns surge with nothing but his voltor Pikachu and Raichu became the deadliest fight in the game in a world of trash Dunsparce may actually be king naturally I was nervous let's watch damn I haven't gotten this in a while feels good man that might have looked like the most free gym fight you'll ever see it was a one button sweep after all but the fact that I'm relying on rollout at all tells you just how rough this fight is with 90 accuracy vanilla rollout is scary enough to put your faith in but this is garbage green and the creator has tested the Strat duns bars would just be too strong if he had access to a move that's good instead rowlett's new accuracy is 70 and the odds for the fight you just saw dropped from this to this I thank my lucky stars and get ready for the rest of the game this is a pretty significant Victory only 19 of the first 49 runs got this far my Pokemon garbage green standards this is already a pretty significant run Route 8 is another critical encounter chinchu I absolutely need another electric type for all the Flyers but unfortunately it's a jolly nature surely another special attack reducing nature on an electric type won't matter all right while Joseph Campbell rapidly spins in his grave for my overuse of this stupid [ __ ] narrative device let's look forward to the next encounter coming up in Rock Tunnel for the first 49 runs no single encounter has been a better signal of a Run's ability to get to the Elite Four here I have the potential to catch the Creator's greatest oversight Larvitar I caught Larvitar in Rock Tunnel eight times and three times that encounter took me to the Elite Four larviton only gets one evolution in this game poopitar though is one of the best Pokemon available in the game the best attacking rock type for sure holding on to larvites ground type is nice too as it makes for a great snap earthquake Hammer a role that is still important even after earthquake had his PP significantly reduced just like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sorry my editors put a shock collar on me that triggers every time I try to write a penis joke into my script so here we are at Rock Tunnel on run 50. I played a greedy Misty and didn't get punished I got the clean rollout soup against Serge but everything I know about this game so far tells me none of that matters if I don't get Larvitar right here right now getting Onyx here at least means I have a rock type that can deal with the many bird Keepers on the upcoming gauntlets as well as a Pokemon that switches into every single normal type move with ease Onyx is the most defensively capable of the Rock Tunnel rocks but it feels terrible to have to rely on that abysmal 45 attack stat for what should be one of the best attacking types in the game in vanilla fire red and leaf green this is where the game would open up to you the player has the option to head to sell it on City and do some shopping take on Erica go to fuchsia City the dojo go to Sabrina the Safari Zone Koga all more or less whatever order you want you know all that thick non-linearity that all the old heads praise about gen 1 and 2 even though it completely destroy the difficulty curve of those games garbage Green's design however forces the player into a linear path Erica's gym is blocked by a Snorlax and the exit via cycling Road as well as the entrance to the building that hands out teeth for the saffron guards are blocked by NPCs claiming to belong to Koga looks like we have to wake up relax first so we have to go to Pokemon Tower to get the flute which means we have to go to Rocket hideout and with this begins The Gauntlet heaviest phase of the run rocket Hideout is a miserable experience but unlike every other attempt I have a trick up my sleeve a secret power a secret it's it's secret power coughing this is by far the most efficient way to deal with poison types I've had so far the fact that coughing has the defensive capabilities to deal with other poison types while striking pretty good damage of the secret power makes it invaluable for these gauntlets however disaster strikes before Giovanni as these grunts at his door heavily weaken my team before I can go into the boss fight unable to heal I'm forced to just run up and hope that chinchu gets something done chinju would obliterate Giovanni's Rhyhorn and Onyx with even a neutral special attack nature instead it left both on a sliver and Shinji was forced to take two otherwise avoidable poison takes ending in this incredibly useful Pokemon's demise but that's not nearly all the gang slash Gym Leaders Kangaskhan proceeds to go crazy on the rest of my team with mega punches ripping through Dunsparce who manages to paralyze it before going down Khan tears down Beldum and louder at next as I frantically try to use them to chip away at the marsupials massive HP pool finally bringing it low enough for Onyx to finish the job as the rock type survives with almost nothing left do you see this team screen at the Giovanni fight this is why these gauntlets are so intense things don't get any easier though rocket hat out was tough ending two runs in the past already lavender Tower where the game forces me next it took down five Pokemon Tower essentially consists of four different layers of [ __ ] that your team of six needs to be able to dig through without healing in between layer 1 the Rival fight sporting a Gyarados and the deadly hard-hitting Kadabra as well as a sleep powder spamming Ivysaur means that you're probably taking heavy damage on this fight and have to dedicate a lot of Firepower and team slots to Gary's diverse team it's beatable but it limits your options right from the get-go my Pikachu with Thunderbolt is very nice here but unfortunately Thunderbolt also had its PP decimated meaning you have to be really careful what you use the move on layer 2 the channelers these creepy ladies might seem quite beatable at first glance because they all have basically the same Pokemon but the ghastly sets in particular are actually quite annoying their only real damaging move is Nightshade meaning you can just bring a normal type to Waller attacks however the normal type also needs to be able to kill the ghastly very quickly one because the gas they can use confused Ray to slow you down from killing them and Whittle away your limited HP two they can use spite after you hit them to greatly reduce the limited PB you have on your damaging moves three the worst case assuming they have more than half their HP left they can use curse and deal an instant 25 damage to you a quarter of your health is crazy when you consider the sheer number of gastlys you fight here basically what I'm saying is Pokemon Tower is exactly like reading YouTube comments I have an advantage on a temp 50 though spell tag a palm in garbage green the spell tag is an optional item that you can pick up in Rock Tunnel if you fight two additional trainers at the end of the Cave's Gauntlet if you're trying to go back for this item Maybe it will no longer be available you see it just so turns out that an apom with a 10 boost to its Ghost type attacks can actually out speed in one shot a lot of these ghastlys using astonish layer 3 the Marowak as you pass the obviously non-functional heel pad you must next face the terror that is Marowak it's level 30 and because of Hardcore knows like rules I cannot allow my Pokemon to surpass level 29 the level of Erica's vileplume whenever one of my Pokemon over levels the next gym leader I have to box it until I beat that gym leader this Marowak outputs terrifying amounts of damage grass types do really well against it but are otherwise terrible for the rest of the Tower and you only have 6 team slots and throw my Shroomish at it getting as much lead seed chip as I can until it falls a-pom can then finally finish it off but not before over leveling essentially making it a dead and unusable Pokemon until I get the next badge I have four Pokemon left for layer four the Rockets as you enter the final floor with a horribly disfigured team you're greeted with one last set of trainers before you can heal these fights are really forgettable in vanilla but God damn will I remember every Pokemon on these teams until the day that I die every single time I enter this floor in any of my attempts my team looks like this or like this or like this wait sorry that's my new passport photo I know how that got in there I am extremely low on Firepower and sacrifice my Rattata for some Tempo on the Golbat that I should have used my last Thunderball PP on in hindsight I take one more big risk by thunderbolting this coughing that is not unlikely to explode and then my own coughing manages to somehow scrape out of Victory on the final rocket grunt I'm not looking great coming out of the tower I have a lot of deaths considering the hardest Gauntlet heaviest part of the game is far from Over the good news I pick up trippinch it may not have its perfect teammate in poopitar the duo that powered run34 to the late game but if vibravat is extremely well in the upcoming gyms thanks to its access to both fly and dig stab dig means you can one shot a lot of pesky grimers stab dig [ __ ] God it's also the best Voltron counter in the game as it basically forces them to explode while it out speeds and digs out of the way using the poker flute I can clear the Snorlax blocking Erica's gym yeah all static encounters were turned into Dittos in this game isn't that kind of kind of cute isn't that kind of [ __ ] clever even the legendary birds are Dittos it's because ditto turns into Erica has a fight that's almost impossible to make difficult another constraint is imposed on the player here as a result only four Pokemon can be brought to the battle and with this constraint Erica was able to end two of my runs 15 and 41. her Victory Bell's ability to spread status especially paralysis is the most threatening part of the fight and played a huge role in both wipes but to make matters worse you also need a cut user to even enter the gym and my only surviving cut friend a-pom is over leveled and I won't be able to use it in battle so it's really just a three mod limit this time making me even more vulnerable to potential hacks once again hooted would actually be really nice to have here instead I'm liking grass counters to such a degree that I decide my best strategy is to chip away as much as I can with a lead ditto ditto actually feels a really interesting niche in this game it's terrible for gauntlets but often can allow you to 1v1 one of the gym Leader's Pokemon if you use it correctly unfortunately it gets poisoned immediately and is next to useless coffin continues to pull its weight in a big way here Mankey can finish off the battle but the MVP of this one is clearly still coughing and it's not even remotely done May making an impact with the gym battle cleared koga's people cleared the way into cycling Road the path to Koga goes through two gauntlets we go down cycling Road taking on a gauntlet full of some of the most annoying trainers in the game next we arrive at future city just to see that we're going to need strength to progress in this game strength is locked behind another Gauntlet this stretch covering routes 15 14 and 13 connecting Lavender Town in fuchsia City also known as the 1513 Gauntlet second Road and the 1513 Gauntlet combined to kill five prior runs even if they don't kill the Run directly they can leave us without critical Pokemon for future battles these gauntlets Force some of the most critical team building decisions of the entire run some Pokemon are easy calls because their tabbing makes them essentially required but filling the rest requires me to optimize so many variables how many berries do I have access to how many Pokemon of certain typings do I have available and can I replace them later do I have anything that can switch into or bait the many self-destructs I'll face on these routes cycling road is just horrible there's basically three huge threats to deal with first fighting types of great damage output including two machamps so make sure to keep alive the strongest garbage green flying types like talo there's a metric [ __ ] ton of grimers coffins mucks and wheezings whose sheer Mass means that if you use a non-poison type you will get poisoned finally The Gauntlet only lets you back out if you manage to also beat all three of these bird catchers that have tried attacking dodrios just yeah this time though secret power wheezing saves us wheezing Pikachu and poisoned Taylor making a return from Ek are forming an Unstoppable Trio here until that adamant nature on Pikachu finally rears its ugly ugly head on the very last fight of cycling Road I mean seal is probably decent for 15 13. I got the burn dude really Adam and Pikachu strikes again man I should have just used Onyx I got greedium well that's GG survive on one HP and to survive on one HP into burn that's insane okay so like yeah so we're I can't win now because I have nothing to kill the bird Keepers with 1513 is a gauntlet that's overwhelms you with so much [ __ ] that you can't possibly beat everything there are just too many different kinds of trainers for your six shitty Pokemon to have to face but we have to go for it anyway I don't care enough to pick up the silk scarf sorry I just want this to be over with damn silk scarf actually missing insane they saved me so much pee pee it's not quite Blaze right no I think that is Blaze actually fog okay Blaze gaming see if that last plane wheel I have enough cut PP I don't need to keep scratch for PP I was just too I could have gotten the silk scarf now through another Gauntlet I was just too lazy I have 10 secret powers left should probably save them all you know what Blaze gaming oh Blaze gaming oh somehow some way this is going okay two Rock slides left somehow this is one of the better 1513 gauntlets I've had I know what though happened who do I lead with on the fighting types probably just oh let's do manky maybe holy cross chop damage Mankey what the [ __ ] dude I haven't used a rest TM yet what the [ __ ] is happening in this run this is the most run I've had in fuchsia like in a long time and something I had my best 1513 Gauntlet ever now I think I completely changed my mind wheezing is amazing secret power wheezing is insane coca's team is completely monotype including for some reason two coffins this team is annoying at best and run ending at worst like it was on run 44. when muck simply set up all of its minimizes and all of his acid armors locking me out of the whim one critical aspect of team building for this run where my Pokemon choices are so limited is correctly picking self-destruct fodder for this fight I choose fan P an Expendable Pokemon that otherwise would have rotted in the Box fan B could have literally done nothing and I would have been satisfied instead it hit three rollouts and took a KO before going down it's just so damn fun how this game makes it utilize even the shittiest scraps in your box wheezing though Remains the MVP it deals solid damage to koga's poison types with secret power and it hits surprisingly hard even through resistances with SNAP sludge on top of nullifying the one loss condition thanks to Haze the cracks in the Creator's armor are showing after grabbing the silk scarf from one of the easiest optional gauntlets in the game I turned my attention towards around 12 dustox it's a high risk High reward encounter it can Whirlwind you at any point but if you catch it you have the best poison type counter in the game it sweeps Sabrina does great on Agatha and gets access to toxic and moonlight Skin Man losing out on this and poopy tar hurts a lot I'm not that worried about this one's ability to reach the Elite Four only one run that's made it this far has failed to do so and I'm not losing the blade again but I really lack strong options for the Indigo Plateau this time I'll need to get some good Encounters in the late game if I want to have a shot I Breeze through the fighting Gojo which is an easy Gauntlet the reward is a meta tight and depending on speed stat it's either an easy take for the Elite 4 or it spins the rest of the run in the box if it's Speedy it can roll through both Lorelei and Bruno using a pre-damaged reversal strategy unfortunately I don't roll the right stats and it's back to the drawing board for my Elite Four team dude I just can't have anything man it's so crazy how like basically three IV slash nature roles sealed this game both of my electric types hadn't been adamant I just need one of them to survive for a good chance of Lorelei either chinchu or if Pikachu survives I can trade it for sale like Barry and then the meta tight sweeps anyway silphco's Gauntlet is extremely long featuring 28 fights and a single use heal point that you can access before the final three fights this part usually isn't a problem especially with a Brava who can handle grimer's voltorba's magnemites and magnetons that's already like half the gauntlet however this is probably the gauntlet with the tightest Resource Management in the game okay this is the wheezing that can explode good luck oh man we're kind of probably gonna have to commit my rest TM huh okay good [ __ ] okay what do you think about dig PPM it's always exactly sonic boom right okay Um this can boom [Music] very efficient dig PP there at least this is already looking pretty bad a lot of cherry berries right I have one more I don't need Tropius right now though I can't really check it now I don't wait I don't have confusion no this thing is useless well this is really awkward remember when I was like what am I gonna need another Cherry Berry for oh God hold on I actually don't have a good answer for this I just got a magical leaf dude how sick is Tropius what the [ __ ] is this guy doing to these guys maybe I should just committed rest for it but I I think with before looking as poorly as it is I think saving the rest TM is probably the right move right and if I wipe because I saved the rest Tim that's okay because I probably can't beat the Elite Four without it anyway that's gonna be my logic my cope [Music] was he faster than me Christ I think this is a wipe I can't reach the Healer how many digs do I have left one I kind of threw with the meta type ring I don't have enough digs left I need to kill two Magneton nice I can't you alone to this I ha I almost have to what else can I do sack and then waterfall I guess yeah easy new out survival in one [Music] dude it's Christ okay one more two more trainers dude how do I even beat this one oh it's two more trainers I'm I can't win I should probably commit the leper Berry right yeah let's let them [Music] nice [Music] nice maybe Vibrava can clutch here it's the last trainer before the heel [Music] should have a good person punished foreign unbelievably clutch after the heal though the rest of the gauntlet goes a lot more smoothly the July fight is clutched by once again wheezing who continues to establish himself as the MVP of this run on to Sabrina [Music] do you think future say is going to do half probably right let's switch I didn't really switch into the right Pokemon there huh not in time baby okay this is interesting I actually need to keep Taylor alive kind of huh [Music] oh yeah gust hits when you're flying huh I'm getting kind of diced up not gonna [Music] just kind of walls it though all right let's do this [Music] nice easy I'm just losing mons in every single boss fight and every single [ __ ] Gauntlet it's so insane to get to Blaine we go through all the water routes and the Seafoam Islands this is another fairly stress-free Gauntlet despite a restriction that forces you to bring no more than one grass or electric type conveniently for me all my electric types are dead of the four encounters between fuchsia and Cinnabar two are really useful I NAB a Duskull and a quill fish Duskull is the real prize dusclops has above average bulk consistent damage and seismic toss great typing and a great stab move to spam with Shadow punch but don't forget about quillfish who might actually make it on the Elite 4 team as a fairly scuffed counter to Lapras and Dragonite the blame fight mirrors the Coca fight it's a monotype team of a bad defensive type so in theory it should be one of the easiest fights in the game in practice that's mostly the case but I did find one way to lose here to give some challenge to the blame fight which comes at a point in the game where you can easily just load up on water and rock types the entire gem is turned into a gauntlet and you're limited to just three Pokemon the quiz questions are all changed so that no matter what you answer you have to fight the trainers on Run 3 one of the few in which I tried Paris as the starter I built my strategy for Blaine around manipulating the ai's response to vulpix's flash fire ability with only three Pokemon I didn't have the margin for error to get calls like that wrong and I wiped quickly that's a mistake I wouldn't be making again seeking has somehow survived the entire run which makes me especially well positioned for this plane fight he's joined here by Wartortle and Vibrava wart world's job is to set up rain dance and either die or get worn out allowing seeking to smack Blaine with boosted water moves things didn't go exactly to plan they actually went better this Wartortle was an absolute tank taking up Lane all by itself on one HP just as the final rain dance Turn ticked away before we can head to Viridian and take down Giovanni for the final time garbage green forces you to The Savvy islands for rock smash which will be necessary to enter Viridian gym that's fine by me as I definitely need to find some better encounters before the elite 4. all the poker centers on the islands are disabled and you cannot return here after you leave so you have to fight every trainer here and get all of your encounters without healing there are six encounters along the way with a 26 trainer Gauntlet this is going to be so spooky wheezing kind of has to perform here nice crit really important this can't explode easy easy come on come on come on just a little bit more nice okay well wheezing God damn what a poison type what a performance on ironically this is I think the last point in the game where he's good although I think maybe E4 what a [ __ ] performance wheezing carried this run is 100 the MVP of this run it's not even particularly close what a champion he has been there is however one massive silver lining nice finally I'm rewarded for successfully slogging through the mid game with Onyx and its non-existent attack stat even though I missed out on some other useful encounters drawing parasective corsola over what would have been valuable dark types and crawdad and murkrow adding poopy tar is a huge boost to this Run's chances of finishing against Giovanni you can see the backbone of what becomes my Elite Four team in action Tropius picks up some big Kos but Brava helps along the way and staring down his Nidoking I show why dusclops is so valuable Willow whisp renders Needle King useless as it finishes the fight and maintains my perfect record against the 8th gym poopy door starts to show its worth against the Rival outside Victory Road as well showing why it was so important to play the sevi islands in a way that guaranteed the encounter Victory Road is buffed so if the trainers all have five Pokemon instead of three but the level cap for the Elite 4 is high enough that I don't have any trouble at all I don't find anything particularly useful in the few encounters remaining on my way to Indigo Plateau so I'll be going in with these six seeking has somehow survived the entire run it has the second highest HP of the team and a great defensive type in pure water it'll have to absorb a lot of hits to make this run work quill fish is here primarily for Lorelei is a water type that can absorb her hits and dish out pretty reasonable damage with Revenge while also being my only reliable Dragonite counter poopitar is the biggest physical threat packing stab rock slide an earthquake even though it doesn't get stabbed without evolving into Tyranitar crunch still serves as an excellent coverage in addition Mariana is the much needed dark type to give me a switch in for Agatha's psychic moves Mightyena is probably the worst Pokemon on the team in a vacuum but it brings some pretty unique tools to the table taunt is always great utility to have around and counter can even find some kills in the right scenario Tropius has been around for a long long time serving as our flyer fly it turns out is also one of the best physical attacking moves in garbage green finally the dust collapse is there with the usual Shadow punch seismic toss and Willow Wisp but the fourth move I go for is skill swap it's my fourth crack at this Elite foreign Champion Gauntlet the she later on let's do this Lorelei is just as scary as any other fight here as aside from a pretty strong team she is consistently threatened freeze Keel berries are running low at this point too so it's not like I can just throw lumberries on everything run 33 the first of the two consecutive elite four runs was a display of just how bad the RNG can get in this fight ranges were missed criticals were hit sometimes Pokemon games just don't want to let you win and no fight in garbage green has more potential to shut you down with RNG than Laura like it's terrifying right from the start seeking resists pretty much everything she can throw at me but if seeking gets frozen I'm in huge trouble thankfully he doesn't and with a silk scarf equipped seeking is throwing a good damage with max power returns returns PP is reduced so I have to use some horn attacks to help out but I avoid all the freezes as she brings in Cloister the weather phase of the fight begins Cloisters only ice move is hail so I can safely bring in Tropius sunny day both eliminates the hail chip and allows us to throw out some more really underwhelming solar beams I guess it's still garbage green huh Mightyena is mostly here for agatham but it also serves as a nice check for Lorelei Slowbro a perfect Target for its crunches he gets yawned before he can finish the job though and things get a little bit more complicated I think I'll just take the sleep I'm also dead to Surf crit I think I just crunch maybe I can land the crit unlucky I might actually be the decrypt home easy I have to switch out of jinx anyway but like this could bait attract which would be huge oh lovely Chris kiss would be so cringe man the only issue is if this gets put to sleep or frozen I can lose I could go to dusclops First actually and if dusclops gets put to sleep I go to quill fish I think that's probably the highest win percent yep I might stay in and try to wake up burn some sleep turns I think it's better to burn them here than on Lapras all right time to switch don't get Frozen [Music] that works all right good luck quill fish all right just confuse Ray actually that's not even good right because I don't get the Revenge boost I didn't really think this through did I okay let's think about our options here we can Revenge again which is worse than to confuse Ray we can sludge bomb which maybe sets up a kill and maybe not it's range dependent but it doesn't put him into full restore range if I hit the Revenge off of an ice beam I might get a kill but it's also a range revenge is 37 to kill um sludge bomb should always two sludge bombs should always kill so let's [ __ ] go for it and it shouldn't put him into full restore range don't do it all [ __ ] that might be full restore range now oh not after Citrus though I forgot about Citrus but it actually helps me hear the poison is so clutch I'm pretty sure this is a kill I'm going for it get [ __ ] [ __ ] on you it's not enough to just beat Lorelei if I wanted a chance at completing the run one death was probably the most I could have handled getting through deathless is massive and I'm extremely well positioned for the next two fights as well first Bruno everything goes according to plan seeking gets rid of the Onyx right away and gets some damage down on the Hitmonchan before switching out for Tropius flying might seem like the obvious call here but if it doesn't KO Hitmonchan can swing back with counter I can play around this with a magical leaf and a fly combination now Bruno brings out the Machamp Machamp is by far the scariest part of the Bruno fight thanks to desktop's Willows but you really don't have to worry too much about physical attackers but machamp's guts ability completely nullifies that strategy because it increases machamp's damage after the burn instead of reducing it it's also carrying Rock tomb to Ghost types so I can't just sit on it with dust cloths I also can't get too careful with switches because if I give it time it'll Stack Up full cups and not only will it be threatening Kos it'll be impossible to take down but I've got one more trick up my sleeve how do you actually kill the [ __ ] Machamp I think the Machamp is actually a really [ __ ] scary Pokemon here does dusclops get skill swap south of lavender is skill swab just skill swap willow wisp right I think it's skill swap plus willow wisp on the Machamp it's kind of insane by removing guts I can safely burn it and thankfully dusclops Nails the willow wisp it's not over as Machamp keeps setting up a scary amount of bulk ups but dusclops is able to clear it out seeking it through the second Onyx just as easily as the first finally after a battle with my most terrifying opponent yet counting PP I managed to stall out the Hitmonlee and close out the first half of the Elite Four still deathless I haven't lost any runs to Agatha but she did major damage on run 34. her Gengar put me in a position where I had no choice but to sacrifice my meta type that made Lorelei such a breeze this time though my team is well constructed to handle her Agatha is mightyena's time to shine obviously crunch is a huge threat into most of her team but taunt is a massive deal here as well I immediately use it to shut down her first Gengar and stop her from doing what is known as the desperate nuzlocker special toxic and double team poopitar takes out the Golbat for free Cliff is here to hard counter Agatha's Arbok the Haunter has mean look hypnosis and curse so I bring in Tropius it's the least scary thing to get trapped in and has a chest of bear to shrug off the hypnosis unfortunately flying misses but haunted curses and a second fly takes it out before Tropius loses too much health dust laps finished it off with ease and it's on to Lance Lance into blue and they both run 10 and 34. front 10 made it all the way to the champion but Lance still made his Mark garados shockingly survived a Thunder Punch from Ellicott and he killed it right back with a Hyper Beam and then in the course of attempting to wall out Lance's Dragonite while dropped to an outrage and so did Katrin with only three Pokemon left for blue it was always going to be tough Blue's team was just too strong too high level and two not trash run 34 the run immediately after the horrible RNG loss to Lorelei was weakened by Agatha and then brutally ended by Lance's Aerodactyl this was the first time I had ever had back to back elite four runs in one of my nuzlocks and I'd basically done it in one sitting as well never before had it been as close to giving up on a run as I was on a 1034 before I play the final fights of attempt 50 I'd like to ask you something when was the last time you really wanted to give up on something but didn't why didn't you and most importantly was it worth it we've been here before guys [Music] intimidate get rid of that with white herb I'm sure the rock slide too with KO this just needs to stay healthy it just needs to stay healthy just needs to not be in Kill range of Aerodactyl that's all this needs to do I don't need to save Rock slides easy um let's go to Tropius first so now let's get a seeking seize This Time come on let's do this silk scarf should make this a 2ko [Music] [ __ ] worth it oh wait I was supposed to keep this full HP right whoops well we really can't get crit on cool fish now [Music] how am I throwing again this is Thunder Wave I could pivot through poopy time I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed to be Thunder Wave the punish is getting hit with an outrage on poopy tar if it gets crit I think I might lose again let's just go to Mightyena turn is also guaranteed Thunder Wave quill fish really has to hold man it really has to hold okay I think I'm staying in Hyper Beam always kills does outrage always kill all right quill fish time to hold buddy it is time to [ __ ] hold on [Music] quill fish holds see ya [Music] thanks for saving the wrong quill fish we are going to Blue look how different this plays out when her poopy tour is actually healthy man oh baby so this run finally over let's not call it too early please let me finish this game man [Music] taunts still talking earlier so I can't like feather dance my poopy tour or Whirlwind or some dump [ __ ] like that this needs to be pretty healthy I need it for Arcanine this is full restore I think I'll just rock slide a gun okay yeah that can happen too no good uh play around there okay sick good job poopy time this is not always earthquake this can definitely be a rock to him if it if it's rock to him I just stay in this is definitely slower than me but taking an earthquake is actually really scary tropes is actually somehow slower than this reminding us just one more time that we are in fact playing a goddamn trash lock and uh seeking his dead to crit here Rock team does similar to Tropius too is seeking still faster after Rock Doom no it won't be faster after Rock to him either don't easy see this baby best starter in the game I think this is Venusaur right yep this only has solar beam as an attacking move Tropius walls this this is what we brought Tropius there we go all right back to poopy tar I think I will rest once here [Music] kill with crunch to conserve Rockside PP [Music] and then it's Gyarados hydro pump after this although if he starts thrashing I might just go to poopitara so stupid three more this is a pretty decent spot to sack this although it's maybe best on the Arcanine I definitely wait to see the first thrash before I do anything okay that's fine wow Tropius you really are one of the Pokemon of all time flies more damage here um do I want to save fly PPE kinda synthesis might have been good I might be dead to thrash now it doesn't really super matter I think he saw a kill with it not even close so Tropius would actually 1v1 this but I'm gonna run out of PPE I if I go to dusclops the thrash just ends which is cringe so we're gonna go to poopitar here although there is like a thing where we only have one more rest PP right and when when can we even use it the Arcanine can still wipe us let's stay in that's a crit I think I'm dead to the next one if he doesn't two turn and get confused okay although if he gets two turn and then just kills me it's also kind of cringe do it do it just hit yourself unlucky okay he's locked in now pretty sure this is poopy tar excellent don't miss super good this is Alakazam I think and this is why we brought my Deanna it's not gonna work on crunch buddy he might stall me out of crunch BP here be really [ __ ] stupid okay this is perfect we definitely taught now okay we need to track that future site I think we just leave Mariana in until that hits in just a second that's like almost definitely the best play unless we really want to get intimidate on Arcanine I think this is checkmate he's out of floor restores to him Sia Mariana thanks for coming to the E4 with us buddy thanks for not roaring me when I captured you go clops first I guess to tank the future site this doesn't look over to me I'm not gonna lie all right see this I can still use the flamethrower burn I think there's normal force there is another four store actually God damn oh baby to the last second dude don't crit that was actually a kill okay I think I lose the flamethrower burn I think maybe even a crit [Music] come on this kill's 100 percent let's [ __ ] go dude finally oh my God oh my God what a great game [Music]
Channel: pChal
Views: 2,687,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pchal, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, jaiden animations, smallant, ludwig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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