I Hosted the Ultimate Pokémon Tournament

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I invited eight creators to a Pokemon tournament with a Twist this was a competitive Pokemon tournament but our creators ranged from a little experience with competitive to never having played a Pokemon game before first Jaden the animations a nuzlocking pro and someone I've played competitive with a couple times Jaden would be using a team of her favorites and everyone's eyes were on her toad School Ludwig the defending Champion I did a smaller version of this event three years ago which Ludwig won and made a banger video on now Ludwig didn't start prepping for this event until the night before but to be fair he did that last time too and one so yeah void the god gamer void is someone known to be able to pick up any game and master it remarkably quickly he's also the only player who wanted to build his own team without much input from his coach and he included Gardevoir which is a really unusual pick Alfred chaos incarnate Alvarez probably has the most knowledge and experience coming into the event but that also means that he's under the most pressure he'll have to navigate both the pressure and the burden of knowledge if he wants to win with his unusual team featuring Ferg Tycoon the soft-spoken soldier Tycoon is a big Pokemon fan but he's never played competitive Before He'll Be piloting a team with some of his favorite Pokemon Garchomp and Gengar paired with more meta threats like mousehold and annihilate Lily Pichu the sleep deprived now Lily was running on two hours of sleep when I arrived at the venue she was taking a nap on the couch despite that Lily is here to win she is using a team that her coach Lou piloted to a very strong finish at the very first Regional of scarlet and violet foxbox the underdog box I actually went to high school together we were in English class together back in 11th grade now boxbox is known for his incredible skill in a number of different games but here's the thing he has never played Pokemon before I don't mean he's never played competitive Pokemon I mean he's never played a Pokemon game and he was super busy so he wasn't able to start prepping until three days before the event that being said boxbox has the only hard trick room team in the entire tournament which is very scary for anyone he plays against how well will this wild card do last but certainly not least Conor eats pants the Dark Horse Connor's a hilarious Creator who worked closely with his coach in preparation for this event he wanted to use a team built around earthworm because he thought it was funny will he be able to bring glory to his worm let's see what the players had to say before the event started I'm nervous and but people should vote for me all I promise I'll win everything why why void in this event you know when you play Pokemon and there's a move with a long animation you want it to be over with yes that's the whole tournament finish we'll see I guess we'll see anything could happen right absolutely it will happen three years ago how you doing terrible really dude I'm so nervous I guess I'm probably the best nose Locker in the world that's what people say I only teach my Pokemon attacking moves yes because other moves don't do damage so they must be useless one practice round with the the team that it was built for me the first turn had no attacking moves and I didn't know what to do so when I got invited to this event and I thought it was like a really like meme thing like I'm gonna have a team of six peaches and it's gonna be really funny instead I got like Don Bonzo I've never heard of these Pokemon by the way I'm going to press trick room I'm going to erupt and explosion force and if that doesn't work I'm gonna stare my opponent down I think for me to do well at the event it would require uh three natural disasters well I just put my team into Showdown and I won a game and I'm undefeated and I'm not practicing anymore our eight players were split into two pools in order to make it to the final bracket players would need to finish in the top two of their pool and to kick everything off we couldn't have asked for a better match box versus Boyd absolutely and one thing we haven't talked about in ddrivers this is Gardevoir hydragon oh shiny gardover so choice I think that this journey really comes down to what is boxbox gonna click if it's just in prison and trick room uh and the same turn from both players it could be very much in void's favor I think this turn is so crucial is it gonna is it gonna be armor Dragon Goes to the focus energy raising its critical hit rate because of its item scope lens every attack from here on out will crit in prison seals trick room seals protect seals thousand gleam but what is oh my God is it enough is it gonna kill I think it's like four right incredible play but that must have been calculated that's an incredibly powerful attack 120 base power with helping him with lifeform boxbox made the perfect play he did like in this situation with his lead the perfect play they both Honestly made the right play I agree I agree yeah I feel like follow me another good play from box bucks you would not guess that he's only been playing for a little bit here a huge survive oh the psychic seed thing Serena no way oh my God okay what a way to start so far helping hand not a follow me predicting the Draco meter to go into indeedy here [Music] comes out at the big avoid armors takes way less than I expected from that that's minus two special events indeedy goes down but it's done its job aiming but this could be scary I think the right the thing though is that Garchomp applies so much pressure and it's not really at risk of getting knocked out by the king Gambit the armors maybe of course can go for that expanding Force but this tariff from foxbox has to be essential this term yeah if there's no Terror this turn it's gonna be very difficult though he is earthquaking his own amongus here yeah with Terror ground and it doesn't have recovery item it's Rocky helmet so if it depending on how it's trained it could do easily 60 he's gonna do a lot of that it's gonna do a lot of damage what's coming out here that's just a double chaos oh my god wow but the rocky helmets and the wrong skin it doesn't matter where he targeted oh my God oh yeah does a ton of damage but rough skin wow oh my God can gamma goes down and I think the last Pokemon is torko and I don't know don't have a lot of faith in torko torkel's so physically bulky it will take an earthquake and avoid where to let Among Us go down Hydra does not have 100 accurate move and it has so much damage earlier wait hang on I'm sorry this could not be over earthquake Among Us doesn't have protection if the fire type attack gave up its Dragon typing which means it's neutral fire which means it might come down to whether or not hydragon can hit a dragon a draco meteor here earthquake comes out this is gonna be so strong it's gonna be really strong to survive especially if King gambits shocked by that I really thought torko would survive there especially after King gamble Mr King Gambit survive right void wins game one if he wins one more he'll win the whole set yeah I'm saying okay great easy choices for void here I know right and Didi and armors once again against a carnivore and annihilate now this is really interesting because this is a very different position than the last time we saw these Pokemon I like the protect here just to you know bait out some damage and see what box box is going to go for yeah absolutely we see the project from an eyelet no helping hand this time in prison which means that DD's not getting into move because both of the move that it uses after there's dazzling yep armor Cannon nice play oh wow oh that's perfect targeting clock's ticking clock's ticking gardevoir's health is dropping and the thing is ordinarily you'd say okay well like I steal trick room but there's no way to get rid of these Pokemon quickly right sticking with any armor Rouge and just playing offensively here so strong boosting expanding horsepower drain punch not very strong at all an eyelid only really a threat once it starts setting up and Gardevoir didn't protect it goes to the dazzling meme that is not very much damage expanding Force isn't gonna kill God of War helping him boost his life God this Gardevoir eats its Wheaties this is likely just gonna be a double knockout yeah it would be hard to survive an earthquake plus gardevoirs using dazzling there's telepathy earthquake comes out indeedy might survive armorage Falls single Target here too should be enough to knock out that indeedy as well absolutely box box is not looking happy King Gambit does have a way out of this right Sucker Punch if there wasn't psychic three which blocks the priority moves yeah so here's the terror ground from Garchomp boosting its damage significantly with the life orb it's gonna be doing a lot the question is did boxbox Tara here and can his Pokemon survive it's really tough earthquake comes out and it's gonna be it's gonna be really tough to come back from this one I think this carnivore was so impressive though like surviving life orb helping hand armor Cannon and that's just a double knockout yeah void wins the set but we were all really impressed with how well boxbox played we talked with boxbox after and he accidentally canceled his Terra on the turn that his armors went down due to not being familiar with the game's UI and of course void looked very impressive but he wouldn't get a chance to rest now in order to prevent this video from being 11 hours long I'm gonna be summarizing some of the matches but if you want to watch the whole stream it's up on the live tab of this Channel and if you just want to watch the individual matches easier they're all up on bonus wolves Jaden vs void is a really important match if void wins he'll be poised to make it out of his pool but if Jaden wins the field goes back to more or less being pretty even game one is a fierce battle that swings back and forth with starting out looking Unstoppable only for Jaden to claw it back with Terra flying King Gambit in the end void makes back-to-back perfect reads and narrowly closes out game one for game two Jaden switches up her lead void starts off strong with mouse holds beat up causing an eye lips rage fist to Skyrocket in power but Jaden fires back by knocking out household it all comes down to if Toad's cool can survive a boosted rage fist Rage that's coming out is total gonna survived so it's cool but she doesn't have enough left in the tank to knock out annihilate and Falls despite a very Valiant effort Jaden has a chance at Redemption though as she takes on Ludwig right after in his first appearance of the tournament Jaden navigates through a muddy game State game one after Ludwig drasticizes early and wins the game with great use of meow scarada and Skeletor for game two Ludwig makes a great adjustment and leads with tatsugiri and mimikyu both players lose a Pokemon early but Ludwig positions excellently and manages to take out Jaden's toad school and skelet urge in the same turn Jaden's down one against three but she's done so much damage Jaden perfectly reads Ludwig to switch out and kaos's meowskarada and is somehow Against All Odds able to clean up the game with just annihilip left winning the game and the set this puts group a in a really precarious position with void having two wins and no losses Jaden having one win and one loss and Ludwig and boxbox both having zero wins and one loss at this point it looks like void is guaranteed to advance and the only question is who will make it out of the pool with him Ludwig and boxbox are our next match up and whoever loses will no longer be able to make it out of the pool in other words this is our first elimination game of the tournament boxbox makes an amazing turn one play and reads Ludwig to set the trick room for him attacking instead with his Pokemon as lud sets it up despite this awful turn one Ludwig Maneuvers through the trick room expertly and is able to get his dendozo in at the very end of trick room allowing him to win game one in game two Ludwig leads with dundozzo and tatsugiri a box box makes excellent use of his Terra grass armor Rouge allowing him to set up trick room he calls lud to protect and switches his torkel in for free and the combination of armor Rouge and torkel are too much and overwhelm Ludwig it's time for our first game three of the day blood switches up his leads and makes an amazing play Fading boxbox can not Terra and doing huge damage with the dodozer's earthquake while boxbox doesn't get trick room up Ludwig does even more damage but trick room finally gets set up it all comes down to whether or not torkel can KO dundozzo it's flavor targets correctly how much is this gonna do oh Helping Hand terrifier blood is way ahead on damage but boxbox has a secret weapon in the back even though all box boxes other Pokemon are low HP Ludwig doesn't have a good way to damage King Gambit and boxblock uses it to narrowly win another one against three oxbox wins the game and the set putting him at one win and one loss before we get into the next match I want to take a second to tell you about the sponsor of today's video and one of the sponsors of the whole tournament War Thunder War Thunder is the most sophisticated the most intense vehicle combat game ever created it's got over 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and ship from the 1920s all the way up to today each one is incredibly modeled to simulate the most immersive combat experience you've ever seen you can play in beautiful 4K resolution with authentic sound effects and music that'll create an atmosphere so realistic you'll forget you're playing a video game it's also got a bunch of different modes to match your play style fast-paced action ain't your thing try the Tactical mode if you love strategizing as much as I do you should definitely try it out events like this are hard to set up so if you enjoyed the stream or this video make sure to check out War Thunder they really helped us to make the event possible with their support use my link in the description below and you'll get a premium account with premium Vehicles boosters and much more play War Thunder now on PC Playstation or Xbox now at this point Ludwig is eliminated and unfortunately for him his next opponent is void The Undefeated player oh let's see oh it depends on how I guess void starts to play oh the mouse hold annihilate combo because you have Focus Hashem scarada and maybe Q is disguise like you actually don't just like One-Shot either Pokemon immediately yeah I'd say the double switch into dondozo that doesn't happen too frequently so let's see what void does to respond I see the double switching like turn two or three not turn one yeah turn one's crazy I will say every conversation I've had with Ludwig today about Pokemon has centered around Don dozo so I think there's just like this innate fixation fire Terra maybe to cover for you know the super Effectiveness yeah yeah whoa whoa whoa did Ludwig just bait that out he might just have because this thing can get wave crashed now yeah exactly oh oh my God void played two big brain yeah mindless you know I don't want to get hit by a super effective play rough from the mimikyu the measurado trick and yeah that's steel against the fighting type and the fire type yeah but another doesn't actually have any fire type attacks or terrible so it's like drain Punch Yeah I don't think it needed to go for it this turn oh okay protect from the annihilate is it EQ I would think so oh holy crap no way dude he has a man on a mission right now he's flexing his you could actually oh I dragon has a heat wave so you could um he does yeah he doesn't get it I like to swap into a Mungus but like that's that is wow wow he's actually played this game so well oh no oh wait waiko for protect and beat up I think yeah he was just covering for both yeah it would still even be difficult to win it would come down to what the final Pokemon is but the reality is dondozo with the steel terrorists so defensive I was gonna say like scope lens you know crit uh dondoza with heat wave that's like kind of the one opportunity follow me earthquake just invalidates that entire turn from Boyd if you saw Ludwig he was not here right there it is okay follow me though for for void because you know if Don doso does go for something like the order up then you are guaranteed to get the Spore off but avoids is such a tough position because he's down to his final two Pokemon and you hope that there's something offensive that's exactly what he needs perfect that's what he needs exactly all right there's the focus energy oh what a monster this thing is get pumped okay A little pollen Puff it's got to do something I respect it yeah gotta go for the damage do a little dance on the field because you could go for the attack instead because it covers where moon is not sporing right so yeah we'll take its sleep I feel like the the big part about like wake up protect is like sometimes they aren't ready for you to wake up exactly you can cut them off catch them off guard but you wouldn't react here we go it does get the KO critical hit guaranteed the question is yeah do you protect the hydragon and then go for like a Spore for example still in hindsight I'm very confused that the Ludwig steel Tara yeah I think it was just a little preemptive it didn't need to happen that early it was premature and then when you saw like Hydra gone out you're like oh I shouldn't do that yep exactly ooh the icy wind is nice though because it does cover for the super effective option into both Pokemon um but I mean it's still gonna do some damage here yeah the tatsukiri actually had soaked here I would have loved to see soak into the flower trick like I think that's one thing Ludwig's kind of missed out on using wall with this team remember when they didn't fall asleep in like patch one yeah yeah their eyes are just opened yeah that's crazy that I got Patches no that's creepy this might be a comeback in the making though there's knockoff onto a mucus exactly that's a little scary depending on where Floyd is gonna Target I think with that mimikyu should win as long as you don't miss like an infinite amount oh that heat wave kills yep and you need mimiky to miss play rough you need tatsukiri to take three turns of sleep let's see there's heat wave yeah so you you go Heat Wave and then he wave mimic you again hope that's enough to knock out you could burn here as well we've seen so many crits for Boyd he's just so lucky he's so lucky no Miss that's here to play ladies and gentlemen blood wins game one and void loses his first game of the tournament I I'm rooting for both of them but blood what a performance and okay humongous hydreigon this time is the mix-up yeah and so dondos is already on the field and so this is really interesting now with hydreiga you can play a little defensively you could just go for the increased crit ratio immediately but here's the switch okay I'll be real maybe I'm just gonna love cooking is such a good adjustment here by the way though like it covers for everything protect is so safe like there's nothing like Ludwig can really do to beat this essentially and there's the Spore yeah I don't I don't get it yeah I think knockoff is actually cool right because you can get rid of the scope lens so the crits aren't guaranteed anymore so if he finds it nice I like this I actually think this is an excellent play by Ludwig like if you can make sure that the hydragon can't crit consistently you then if you tear a steal both of the uh like dongozo answers are suddenly checked and so that's an excellent knockoff yeah and the other thing here too is maybe Ludwig does have a bit of a free switch here because you're looking at the fact that oh mimiky is already asleep maybe don't go for this war again Big Burn though is it just a pollen puff onto that slot as well I would expect it to be yep yeah like he'd have to pretty much knock out a moon because like this turn to have like a significant lead and even if you do damage to it now void could switch it out still having Pokemon in the back but there's the protect okay order up okay I don't think it'll do enough yeah less than half that's still a lot more than maybe I would have expected here solid damage for sure but there's the Spore at least you guys in one more order up but yeah yeah I I think like Ludwig Elise gets one or two turns you just beat on the dondozer senselessly yeah for Ludwig like do you consider tarrying because you're afraid of these Draco meteors because Draco will still hurt right and the other thing is with unaware the special attack drops don't count towards hydragon so you can keep launching Draco meter and it still does pretty oh or just kill for Focus energy again as well okay commit oh friendship so the problem Bob's gonna heal up by Dragon right so it's that full HP amungus can keep going for forage powder now and hydragon can just Draco into the dundozo slot so yeah but you still Target down the more prominent threat on the other side in case that's not the case there it is Rage powder yeah if I'm blood I probably want to take out a Mungus anyways yep but it stays asleep is that the three turn sleep no that's two two turns so far yeah oh but trigger meteor misses no way oh and now he's aiming at it doesn't matter he's getting redirected but yeah exactly yeah you still definitely aim at the high Dragon for sure thank you okay Draco does connect this time around and that is with the Dozer going down Ludwig doesn't have enough damage to bring this one back hydragon and amungus are just too much and blood eventually loses it's all down to game three oh but a mix up no I drink on a Mungus wait oh no it's a fire like if he was scared of like mimic you play rough yeah like one of the best songs in Pokemon just after yeah yeah I refuse to battle as any other music I totally agree good choice okay so it's turn one always there's no mix up here I don't I think void was surprised here that's on him yeah I agree especially because he saw it in the first game right like you know that's a possible play now but I don't know boys played this whole tournament so smartly but oh oh no he's doing it again you can't keep getting away with this I guess it was the play rough yeah well okay well you know what the at least you get the beat up into the annihilate you're gonna be able to power up that rage fish it does make it very scary but where do you target oh that's still good damage it's decent damage for sure I do think like the difference of this in game one when Ludwig got away with this was that I'm pretty sure that the mouse hold used follow me and then he did Tara to try to redirect so at least before he got damage here yes yes yeah it looks like he's gonna order up into the mouse hole and I think he's probably expecting to protect from annihilate here yeah there's here Moon gets so this is the play you wanted to see in that first game yep and the attack boost you're gonna get from the order up as well could really help out if you want to go for an earthquake next turn I don't think Ludwig has missed a single like protect read if I see that Among Us I'm seeing red he's going down yeah oh my God it does get The Knockout here maybe Ludwig Ludwig parade of being it really depends on what he thinks he's gonna be in the back yeah I guess that's just the risk reward for him yeah yeah it was one of those where it's like okay you know if rage powder comes out sure you know I still get a lot of damage on Junior and neither doesn't KO me right yeah and are you really gonna rage powder when I can potentially KO you but yeah you guys were calling it like London like has played the turns correctly with dondozo every turn which is so impressive I love watching this match oh my gosh okay I I see it yeah I like it because in doing that you get regenerator so a Mungus gets some more HP for later on it's also done its job except right now yep follow me later you got the front guard back out on the field exactly the debate here I think for lud is do you consider going for the tarot because you expect Draco meteor yeah and so you like give yourself an extra turn to work with basically but Bears follow me yep oh my god wow no way she didn't Tara but the question is did Boyd read into the Tara Heatwave instead of Draco I'll be honest I think I go for the heat wave that I try to be cheeky yes yeah oh my God no way no way wow okay I mean I mean I think Ludwig wins the set against like the impenetrable wall of void No Tara once again order up here will get the knockout onto mousehood but once again remember void only has this High dragon in terms of damage output of Mungus is not a damage dealer is a heatwave or Draco meteor Draco I'm calling Draco the problem is there's just too much offense in the back now for Ludwig right so order comes out yeah there's the Draco finally yeah three turns oh there you go I think that was really smart I think yeah it's like you're like surely won't miss again yeah I like the adjustment from Boyne I think boy just like the fire terror is what really punished him yeah because then you can't defensively Pokemon in the back yeah and now you like play rough into hydrogon safely knowing that um like uh he's not gonna steal tear or fire Tara yeah there's The Knockout it's all down to hydreigon but it's not going to be able to do it yeah it knows taking the headset off already we saw turn one we really gotta let we cook man me especially that was something super special coming out from Ludwig there okay that's the thing right the void Was preparing for like a very particular line of play yeah and then Ludwig just surprised void what would that match up bloodwing taking down void is huge but unfortunately he can't make it out of the pool void has secured the number one seed Ludwig the number four seed and the other player making it out will be the winner of Jaden versus boxbox okay I saw boxbox go with armors and entity here's a nightlife and hydragon it's a really solid lead because you can use the final Gambit from a nightlabe to just knock out either Pokemon immediately and nightlife has more HP so with final game that you essentially trade annihilate for something right now and then any day you know boy you were talking about follow me on trick room that's normally a play like you go for here also if you see the final Gambit coming it's there's no issue you could just double trick room if you really wants if you're that confident something's going down this turn all right here it is to follow me to start and I would expect final game here but it could be a U-turn and there it is all right yeah so that is gonna be just a knockout out here for both the annihilates and the indeedy and so it comes down to what this hydragon decides to do on this turn as well no Terror Grass either so if it's a Dark Pulse it'll definitely KO if it's a drake there it is I think it's the first time I've seen this box box opening not the first time I've seen this opening go down turn one yeah or sometimes like you flamethrower in the hydro gone because you know it's gonna like steal Terror or something like that getting that Reed can be so cool to watch as well like sometimes it does come back make a fire or mystical fire is awesome yeah absolutely oh here's the Terra for at least the Tor Cole no okay water uh hey this could get kind of scary actually let's see oh wow big survival there for the Dragon for later but it looks like a double Target I think that's fine oh okay that's old school yeah old school no just love watching the player games than this entire tournament so far I feel like nobody has looked at the team sheets after the game started yeah right and I feel like there's such good information just left on the table here it's a big deal to know what types of Terrors are around exactly I I'm running fire terror on my Hydra God but if I'm not speaking Jayden is running steel mistaken yeah so that's like something that could mix you up during the match you know definitely like a good point to make where you have so much information at your fingertips and the other thing here too is that boxbox actually I'm really impressed with that he didn't want to go for the the priority move with can get it because it would get shut off by the psychic terrain so it's super good knowledge to have and just seeing that high level play has been so fun oh I would have sucker punched and you'll never catch me sucker punching the third time today in psychic terrain one thing to note is a hydragon is actually a levitate and so with that it's not affected by psychic trains you'd actually Sucker Punch bats a lot specifically but not the skeletons Oh I thought it was like reverse I thought it was like high Dragon who like Sucker Punch no it's the other way around yeah contact yeah yeah so there you go yep you see the Sucker Punch finish off the hydrangea so you have to viewers like the terrain protects not like effects yes yes exactly but honestly I think this game was essentially decided on turn one I agree with Aaron the turn one with boxbox losing both of his trigram centers was ultimately what decided the game let's see what adjustments box makes for game two and one thing about Jaden's hydrogon is it doesn't have scope lens yep sure it's just life orbs just raw damage the crit chance is a lot lower in comparison it's interesting how these openings Are Gonna Change agreed and I think stuff like uh what we just witnessed about like using Terra fairy or using like specific go follow me uh trick room openings I think it's just varying so much than what we would have seen say like yesterday exactly and there's the grass Terror this time around so if it's barring a critical hit you do have to avoid a Flinch from dark poles as well that would be a nightmare but it could also just be Draco meteors so let's see if Jaden makes the mix up here I like the final Gambit regardless just goodbye get the ndd off the field for sure but it really does come down to the survivability because if you get the trick room up that's a free switching for Boss but is this trick room yes it is it is oh my God yeah total looks nice now yeah that's gotta be a damage roll like that has to be so close as we've looked into the meta so far but dorkel eruption okay but the questionable part here is now the expanding Force right that doesn't hit I mean even if he read that he's going steel Tara that's still what was the skeleton urge yeah so what's tricky there is like you always have one Pokemon survive this tournament most likely but armors will faint but the thing is hydreigon used Draco meter already so it's already a minus two special attack putting it into a really awkward spot yeah yeah and you're stuck you're just stuck with that on the field yeah but like look at that torkool takes that so nicely and then if your box box you could be like okay you're gonna Draco meaty me always you're not gonna dark pull so I'm not even gonna use my Terror I get to save my tarot for like torko for example yeah definitely these are the mind games that can happen when you play BGC same lead you know three times play out in three different ways so of course it's still not over yet but let's work on King Gambit having multiple turns of trick room to work with me oscarato really one of the uh saddest Pokemon you could have in the field right now right but it's just true right he's always gonna lead it there's the only winning play you have is territory follow me yeah and he just figures it out yep and then he figures out the correct targeting afterwards and like even this was a good double even though it was protected because I I'm just I'm actually blown away by how good this guy is okay at figuring stuff out and amazing adjustment and now it's on Jaden to adapt in this final game of pool a three winner I believe makes it out of the group with void and it is gonna be the exact same lead and the exact same lead once again no surprises here in three games same three openings what you're saying I wouldn't be surprised to just see the same play once again and yeah the question is do you just gamble on that Draco meteor survival you know but yeah the question is now yeah like he's not going for the tarot because he maybe expects Draco again right so conserving it so yeah we're talking about this in the end of game two here we go the question for me if I was in Jaden's position is do I trust the min max role yeah yeah with the Tara or do I trust the Dark Pulse with the non-terror because I think it's 30 Flinch Channel it is yeah [Applause] [Applause] his little hat that is really the funniest oh Tailwind but because of toad school's ability it's still going to be slower for now yeah I think that's kind of a weird one because I feel like meowskarada would always be if that's her last Pokemon it'd always be faster anyways yeah so I think Draco would have been super safe there you could consider switching but look how well toad School takes the eruption so something's going to sleep and now you've enabled the final Pokemon to you know just be very very strong I I think toad school's done his job he didn't Tara oh is it because he went back yeah it didn't survive it does survive okay I mean he does have the assault best on the king Gambit right he does yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God wait now King gamma goes to sleep yeah oh no no sleep claws here it is just I really wanted to see the damage roll again on like not knowing whether or not Rivers was survive and then the crap happens you're like well that's that he could still be asleep though yep so King it has to take its first turn to sleep here there's no chance of that waking up but just torkal that's the big question I do think if torkel stays asleep here it feels kind of toast but let's find out King Gambit is out of the way oh don't wake up okay we got ourselves a game I think we do it would be a miracle for toad school to survive this one oh my gosh oh oh the crit matter oh my God oh my God okay I mean what it's a plus two Shadow Ball now from the skeletons yeah yeah I see it Shadow bald why is this gonna be enough then the earth power yes holy cow oh the deciding match for the groups so the skeleturge does not have Shadow Ball oh it has protect slack off porch song and Terra Blast which are both not very effective in this situation oh wow after that super climactic ending the dust settles and void and box box make it out of pool number a pool number a thanks but before they know who they're going up against we have to play through pool scarf cool Dango does a ton of damage Dragonite really strong Sylveon strong we have scared everything here is so strong Bro Look I get it I get you gotta hype up every match this is not interesting this is a national football team going up against a bunch of eight-year-olds you're you're dude you're gonna Jinx you're jinxing I I I'm so nervous I get more nervous watching people play than playing myself like what's up it can burn things so it can use willow wisp you know and drop the attack of Pokemon so Lily has Dragonite on her team she's got dondozo I just heard like a low Reverb yeah I hear you so so it's to burn what it's to burn to dozo you can burn Dragonite the bug also has Tailwind so it can boost the speed of the rest of the team essentially so what what what Tara is this that's steel this will defend extreme speed no it'll defend extreme speed and quick attack hyper voice or fairy type and still resists those two um and you see that's not very effective and still there's a ton of damage wow that would have almost like that's more than I expected great play from alpha at turn one here coming out burning Dragonite Dragon it's an offensive Pokemon Willow is cutting the attack in half basically neutering Dragonite for the rest of the game and let's see what Hydra Dragon goes for oh still terrible last that's gonna kill the fairy type now probably oh it survives I didn't expect that I didn't either yeah what does Lily even do here she like lost everything about that turn yeah you know um that's a great question Connor oh yeah has locked them in oh this is so this is sad oh yeah yeah so yeah this is actually two NFL teams going out all right well it's not over yet um certainly not sir I don't know a little loud dragon I think to two at Ko the hydrogon with extreme speed with extreme is this a normal one yeah you get diamonds yeah last time without a crit right what is that is that like a carbon joke I don't get it I actually don't know why is it diamond I could not tell you the answer right now what else would you make the normal type that's true that's fair that's fair this is like just me on top of them yeah baby should have no like just like a baseball cap yeah it's the mobile mail icon oh good protect it looks like a damage roll on the hydragon I know I believe I think it's a damage roll I think so 100 I'm with Ludwig on this one we are linked up as two expert Pokemon Champions two equivalently skilled and again you want a championship right just a couple points Championship so it's like what's you know Extreme's been coming out into the hydragonal might have been a roll okay who could never be sure that was good that was a great turn honestly the Lily makes I think that this is what I would have done this turn I think dynozo switching it in early is a little risky but you are behind you have to take risks you know oh Reed comes out but misses oh my God that's so sad oh that might not matter in all honesty like she might she might be far enough ahead that it like doesn't even matter is this Overkill to extreme speed and wave crash I think so yeah I think it actually is I think I think you're right in that it would have been better I think two strings did the measurado and wave across the Volcan because you don't really need it I think that's like what differentiates you in like a pro Pokemon player from like a very casual player yeah is like like let's get that insurance policy let's guarantee this kill yeah because I don't know the ranges yeah super effective but what does that mean yeah exactly and also you don't know like can like me I was going to hit you for super effective damage that mean you're gonna die you know what I mean right but it wouldn't matter because first right so like basically in order to win this game Alvarez has to do damage at some point right and the thing is that murkrow's not gonna do any damage if he gets rid of meowskarada then he should just be able to win with like no matter what happens pretty much with um with like Top surgery even so and you can see extremely doesn't do that much to Mercury there what is squash quash would so quash would make uh the target go last so um basically like if if I don't actually know why he would quash there but maybe I think just fear of speed tears yeah maybe not being aware of like how fast is the bird okay Giga Chad play Giga Chad play here yeah you go for a double protect [Music] which I think is fine because like you know the macro will be very low oh my God I believe the way the protect works is every time you do it successively it's half as like so it's 100 to 50. it used to be they changed it because it was too broken just higher the damage range wow so what what are damage rolls so basically whenever you use a move it has a range of damage it can do it can do like basically between 100 of his max damage and 85 percent of his max damage so it's always like there's always a little bit of Randomness whenever you attack so there you saw the first one did like 45 46 but the second one actually picked up the KO how many damage points is that like a differential it kind of depends on the Pokemon of the attack really like so sometimes it's gonna be really wide and sometimes it's like a little more narrow basically the stronger the attack The Wider the range wait why can't why can't you said they can't tear blast they can it just sucks oh and it probably won't even oh wait oh basically oh my God one of the dumbest my personal biggest gripe with Scarlet Violet is there's this stupid mechanic where in any other situation let's say it's a one against two Pokemon if you target a slot where a Pokemon is what's knocked out it uh it redirects it redirects and targets the correct Pokemon those when tatsukiri tatsukiri is technically still on the field so if you try to Target with an attack it like it fails which is what happened there so we should have just flower tricked killed them he just misclicked he basically he he either misclicked or he just it was an intended game mechanic yeah it's an attended game mechanic but like it's like Jacob might not have known because it's not it's like really weird uh but the thing is that it's actually not she has another dog what's the percent on that so it just failed that's true yeah yeah they just failed last turn right am I crazy she did it last turn and it failed it between him so yeah it resets every time you use a move that's not protected counter reset is this a triple okay there's another protect I don't understand the triple at some point you have to go for a hit yeah let's see if he would have survived it okay I would go icy win into icy win but that might be wrong oh need the Mist though okay so basically Jacob can win this 10 of the time maybe so this Draco meteor hits GG literally wins game one but it can't miss ten percent of the time it connects wow wow you know these nine-year-olds [Music] a shocking game one to start off will be after that turn one everyone thought it was over but somehow Lily clawed it back on the other hand a lot had to go wrong for Alfred to lose there double protects bad damage rolls can he maintain composure going into this game too I kind of shrugged it off but you're right in that coming in as a favorite in Pokemon it's so hard where there's luck where there's like 50 50s yeah and once the lug starts adding up you start freaking out because you're like I'm supposed to win this and then like things like feel like they're getting out of control exactly and I think it's also hard because unlike like smash for example where like a lot of times there's like a right decision or like you can choose from a couple decisions that will beat most other decisions Pokemon it's a lot harder to kind of find those those perfect plays oh oh my God no no okay okay okay because basically she could have hard read the uh Terra steal and you tear a fire to hit it it like yeah just get it away that would have been like I would have bowed down unbelievable we just see how dragon Go Terra steal again so it's it's and it can be an interesting Dynamic right I love this about terrestrialization where normally Sylveon is a Fairy Type by Dragon super weak to fairy type attacks High Dragon wins but now we have a Steel type of hydrogon it has the fire type Sylveon and all of a sudden this this relationship is hooked on its head yeah it's kind of like in the way I interpret it it's like it's like swapping out without having to swap out exactly and then you still get to make a move exactly it's a really cool mechanic in my opinion I think it's really neat yeah Tara's easily the best of the gimmicks they've made I think yeah Talon comes out from Volcarona what is hydragon going because it's Choice specs but I'm checking the notes why did why didn't that kill what's the Dragonite has a really cool ability that is if it has that full HP the first damage it takes will be halved so basically because it's still at full HP left it took half damage from that Draco meter that it would have otherwise so the one HP is pure luck then switching out dragon in here this is a risky play but I do like it you do like Volcan run is most likely going to finish off this dingozo and I think what what I think the reason Lily won last game is that she kept enough Pokemon alive that she like was able to not go into those too early and so I like this decision a lot from her too um yeah kind of withhold a little longer and save her Dragon oh my God that's really unlucky Jacob's just having a hard time but there is a niche mechanic going on here so survives thanks to the struggle bug lowering the special attack that's great um and the thing is even though her dragons minus two special attacked and does his ability which normally helps it a lot actually hurts it here and treats it as if it has like uh still plus zero attack I think one of the debates is oh here's quick attack is he gonna hit the Draco well this comes out that's huge that those who now lost a lot of his damage out for the rest of the game he might be splitting it like Draco into Sylveon instead yeah that's a big turn that's a good play Let's see on how much is this gonna do probably 50 oh way less man that's a bulky Sylveon I ain't do anything that didn't do anything well said brother wave crash the Volcarona oh hi Dragon hedging her bets not a bad play at all not a bad play at all because High Dragon can't protected another move for that because Choice back so she figures I get a quick attack and then worst case scenario I get with wave crash honestly you kind of want to keep him though right yeah I like the adjustment to go fire terror in this game survives like barely did they give her over here struggle bug throat oh no no it's not gonna win oh my God what was the logic there just uh yeah he was like oh it'll kill Sylveon anyways we'll get some bonus damage or maybe he didn't want to miss overheat it becomes very good but if you do not to rationalize them though it is kind of Garbo yeah well she could have killed the Volcarona but I think this is also fine yeah it's not so bad right like let me ask girl is getting low and you know somehow despite the fact that Lily is a one HP Dragonite a low HP um Sylveon burn to dozo Jacob is the one losing Pokemon you know what I mean and if his last Pokemon is murkrow again like he's not gonna have that much damage out but to clean this game up you know I think this is a go to play oh good protect that's huge oh struggle bug coming probably probably any struggle buggers does it even kill no I would overheat here into Sylveon honestly let's see let's see struggable is gonna leave with like seven HP get the Sylveon out of here okay I like the quick attack because I think the logic's like quick attack and extreme speed probably knock out this measurado yeah and then I can bring in my tatsugiri yeah but it's not exactly like the tatsuguri would have a good time I mean dragon is immune so it makes sense isn't Volcan also immune no it's despite the fact that it's nice he finds the switch Miel scarrado is like the win condition right now right so if it goes down that's it it's totally hard yeah oh this Pokemon are mad earthquake kind of oh earthquake worse now wow oh my God jungle bug has to kill yeah it literally it literally has to this time finally it did its best not to but look at that unaware interaction struggle book doesn't like it's not at minus two special attack actually pretty critical damage right now yeah kill both with a spread icy win if Volcarona goes down I like to think that when tatagiri enters dundozzo's mouth yeah it's like Ratatouille yeah oh my God in your throat yeah great Haze now we're seeing the value of mercury didn't do anything in the first game but here it's really clutch and all of the stat boost that the noser just had oh okay actually given how this went this is uh I don't think it makes a difference right like well it's totally unnecessary though isn't it because yeah you're already faster than uh I will say that the one thing is that now it means that in the niche like it basically tatsuki pops out takes it uses icy win and lowers the speed Jacob will still out speed again because he set up tailwind and the thing is tatsukiri doesn't get protected when it gets ejected out exactly and then that Haze earlier also dropped the spot or got rid of the special attack draw so it does more damage as well Jacob learning from the zake flower trick koing the dozo going down tatsuki gets ejected I wish there was an animation yeah right wouldn't it be funny or disappears I wish there were a lot more animations in this game good point but I may even even removed from that you're going to be minus four with two struggle bugs yeah I think like I don't think there was really a way for Lily to come back into this one honestly oh what is this Berry it'll heal it a little bit we got Citrus on the Citrus yeah Citrus on Deck how is that a worthwhile item for a tournament is that good so I this is actually the tattoo area I brought to the tournament uh oh no I love it super offensive and choice Garden fast but I really liked bulky top degree that kind of stuck around used Icy win for support use taunt for support what a set we've had so far serious intense like this was I think probably if we had surveyed the matches in pool B I think that this would have been the one to be predicted to be the most one-sided hundred percent yeah and that's what Ludwig was saying nabo has been team Lilly right like you guys know me from day one they thought it was it was me Lily that was a really back and forth game too now it's all down to game three he's very powerful he hits he's got a Steel type attack that hits both opponents but the thing is that Jacobs are leading hydrogon Volcarona vulgar on his fire type was a steal hydrogon's been turning into a Steel type of Terrace steel or the cinnamon from Applejacks yeah he's like the Apple Jacks or there's like the cheese string oh yeah you think you'd look good with that hair that hair yeah I think it'd be cultural appropriation that's the right answer I'll let Logan Paul do it first [Applause] [Laughter] guitar dragon terrazolizing damage I couldn't better myself brother that's it that's it struggle bug coming out struggle bug is so cringe it is I really hope Jacob will go for the overheat here but he's taking a slower route making sure he doesn't get caught off guard and Dark Pulse Choice Back start pulls very nice I know you said it's good but actually every time I've gone against a gold angle I've been very confident because of how squishy it is really squishy interesting that's this is a this is a good I think this is a good call I mean it could backfire but I think Lily needs to make a play here the question is what did Jacob do with his Volcarona did he struggle bug to lower uh sylvian's special attack and be cringe or did he willowist Volcarona is a good asset to this team yeah it is I think the protect probably is better there just because like now you have to deal with the burn the whole game yeah it's gonna be hard to come back from this I think but it's not over yet dark force comes out double into the nozzo you're protected [Music] that is that is unfortunate this ain't going to KO is it I think it will because it's not that hydro's not that bulky in this position okay protect meowskarada because he's playing so soft and literally she's always so aggro she's just like attack attack attack I kind of like the move yeah I mean oh he doesn't need to do that yeah he was already faster this is you really want to start going for struggles yeah he just doesn't have a good way of stopping me out if I'm doing damage here is the thing I like the hyper voice yeah hyper was good getting a little chip damage down as a safe play it's not gonna do a ton of all Corona but now this damage is adding up is the thing I'm wondering why he's by himself where's his little buddy I'm never leaving him out there alone flowers are just gonna take out the dozo but it's kind of done its job it's kind of stalled for a while Jacob's shaking his head because he saw the protect attempt yeah would have been nice to hit it would have been nice to hit I couldn't agree more those are going down how is Jacob going to get past the Sylveon he needs a lot of struggle bugs to lower the special attack but it's that's two that's well yeah but the hyper voice raised a special attack with a throat spray throat goat oh but it was the terror Blast from earlier okay yeah let's get a burn let's get a burn here I hope so survives wow I think Jacob has to make this call correct oh no Lily hard reads him that's a pattern right he's a very clear pattern yeah you're seeing it oh man is terrifying Sylveon causing huge problems and this is the issue with mercuro in the back is that it's so passive like Foul Play just doesn't do any damage he's gonna quash his way to Victory you watch Drake I met your connects vulcerona survives no way Sylveon kills here I think Sylvia kills I don't know how this Volcan road is trained a great read though oh amazing read if Jacob is because the flower trick off there he probably wins the game or a knockoff even quash comes out into the Sylveon oh yeah wow that's clever knockoffings for the Sylveon oh that does nothing much icy wind it's gonna probably pick up the KO it survives but the quick attack still comes out quick attack will come out next and speed gets lower speed guitar yeah like I don't think Margo can do this if it can I'd be very surprised I was always the favorite for a bit so it was like if I won it was like oh of course he won but if I lost it was like oh my God he lost such a huge deal that's a lot of pressure especially it's tough being the first match in that position on stream right 100 so Mercury I mean it's hanging hits but it's yeah it's just not able to do enough here foulboy coming out I actually did more than I expected in all honesty is a bit scary right I wonder if Miel scarata like flower trick one shot I don't think it would have mattered still I gotta say Lily played that game as well as a pro player Alvarez played very well too his early turns looked amazing but Lily's realization that terrifier Sylveon could clean up the game if she got rid of the high Dragon showed unbelievable awareness we give Lily and Alfred a chance to catch their breath and jump in with our other two players saikuno and Connor eat pants want to make a prediction okay I was right on the last one day dot believer in saikuno I think Conor is gonna get washed I love that what I can say is that I gave Conor my switch so that he could customize the trainer however he want and he spent all of my money to look like that I I like reading comprehension so I was like an island going for protect I see the head nod on Connor wait I love it why is why is mousel slower than an Isle Baron tactical decision making oh no Aaron oh okay beat up rage this but is it gonna take the close combat or the population for that matter I don't think it's taking that it's a critical hit I don't think that hits oh my God three come on eight nine come on that is like Max damage right two crates and ten hits that's I've never seen more close comment finishing it off so the Chris didn't matter in the end but yeah the super Overkill definitely Overkill slower than me and Ireland it's a great question that's right you guys were being nice that's the better combo oh my gosh I think it should be called too many mice and I like switching out into tatsugiri laughs I love how long this takes oh okay okay double crit on population bomb back to back can we have three kids in a row no oh my God wait it's gonna kill the guard job foreign this offensive Mouse ain't bad oh this is a good dance is this a scarf tattoo Geary or a tanky one I think a sash I think a tanky one let's find out it is sash yeah there we go I like the little head knot you know I knew that was gonna happen yeah it might understand that if you hit a substitute that still helps rage fists I actually don't know that does Aaron do you know I would think no but I'm not sure it doesn't but yeah it's just you know it just gets to do stuff behind it saikuno very quietly making a great play here going for a protect and substitute even though earthquake would have been a really good move oh did the protect work yeah are you ever protect and uh and substitute it's a great play for sakuna and all of a sudden the substitute from an I like buying in a lot of extra time here Tara here is it Terrace deal I think it's Terror grass I thought it's flying it's but C is Garchomp faster it's not like a good earthquake here that was the right play gonna break the sub I have never seen this many critical hits in my life in one game I'm ready for the eighth yeah we have eight let me see it oh that animation's good it is good the sushi sushi yeah yeah he'd be chefing he'd definitely be chefing the question is how do you like weave in Gengar to Mungus to actually counter dondozo you know right well he could have just brought it over Dragonite right I would have basically done the same the dragon actually got one shot right at least Gengar could have hazed this guy's eating sushi oh my God it's like plus five or something oh no he went to attack the sushi saikuno played the early game great but he didn't end up bringing his Pokemon that are meant to counter dendoza which allowed Conor to turn things around let's say all the players adjust for game two one thing I like about protect is if I'm not feeling comfortable about attacking into somebody's protect I just protect with them yeah and I think that's like yeah to me that's been like the lyrics we've got a huge adjustment here a Mungus and Dragonite up front it's scar finale that's slower than Mouse holds wait it's still slower I think I saw that last game we're gonna hopefully find out here what let's see I thought no shot because he was doing his little Punchy punches always first no ghost Tara extremely comes out oh my God oh my God what an adjustment from psychuna picking up the one Akon Mouse hold and this means the Spore will hit an island that's right rage best ordinarily they're a strong move in this situation not so much [Laughter] it was really risky too because if Top surgery goes down not only do you lose dandozo he wasn't annihilate blocked into rage just against a normal type like you never win that so really ballsy move to stay in there I like it no it's stayed in again do we know do we know the priority on swaps uh it's the faster Pokemon moves fast so because of the icy win and the choice car oh okay but if Abe wakes up this turn it could be actually work out really well no shorty wakes up oh my God what a play The Rage fist is bad right yeah but like but he wakes up against him effects come on if it makes them not go to sleep that could be good okay this is spicy it is very spicy Connor is he's holding steady he refuses to switch in his dendoza even though we're spam bro well he's sports betting into the same slot which is kind of like what happened to sleep claws that was never a thing an incompet official competition an official yeah really Draco does it KO oh oh my god wow another sport another sleet this annihilate is he's determined to make it stay asleep oh my god oh it's it's in some like fan modes of Pokemon you can't put multiple Pokemon icy win comes out that's both to those encounters yeah and he kind of needs a poison on the curse body no he needs a poison to kill the tatsugiri they did nothing oh my God [Music] so good but all of a sudden it's kind of cringe I think I called it too quickly no I think he could still win this because if extremes he takes on Top surgery then he wins the 1v1 because wait no does he lose he loses the one he wanted to struggle what even happens I mean can't you just switch the ape into dundozer yeah you can but if you read into it you saw the extreme speed dondozo that's actually pretty good damage does tatsugiri protect just on like the main thing [Music] the question now is how much does an eyelid take from Rage fist extremesis blocks by protect how much is Rage fist gonna do this is scarf and eyelabe goes the rage fist is that is that not a speed tie no because it's Choice oh my God I it only got hit once right if he swaps into dendoza and this extreme speed pays off yeah yeah okay so he's I mean he's making plays no but now it's just over right because the guy that just comes back how much TV does he have has he clicked extremes he does he clicks a couple times right he has uh five left so this is the this is the this is before after this all right so it's extreme speed get the crit extremely get the crit get the kill then extreme yeah I know I've seen enough crits today yeah did he click the annihilate he did he had to read this turn which is a hype play he got it though yeah but how does he get annihilate now oh my God that's paranormal Choice band what come on one time one time for the fans he might take one attack here he does take this [Music] [Applause] oh and that's gonna do it but listen it's like who got most of the way there and I think like especially these are some of the first games he's like played these are the first things he's played in the tournament right he made a brilliant adjustments was beautiful as well yeah I mean we were calling it over right like yeah it was yeah Connor takes the set in two despite a really scary mid game at this point both Connor and Lily have won their first sets and they have to play next the winner of this set will be all but guaranteed to make it into the final bracket and on top of that this is our first dozo mirror of the day orthoorm makes its first appearance of the day in game one Lily makes a great turn one play knocking out Conor's Mouse hold but Connor uses shed tail to pass a substitute to dendozo Lily fires back by bringing in her own dundozzo and because Lily has Tara flying dundozzo against Conor's Terra grass she's able to win the dendoza mirror and game one for game two Conor decides to leave both earthworm and dendozo behind he leads with mousehold and annihilate and Tradesman house for Sylveon dendozo and murkrow are sent out to replace them and Connor once again takes a trade this time giving up annihil ape to take out Lily's goldango both players last Pokemon is revealed to be tatsugiri most veteran players shy away from using tatsugiri without dundozo but Conor doesn't hear this call is what wins Conor the game by trading so aggressively earlier he forces Lily to combine endozo with tatsugiri and immediately removes those boosts with Haze he's then able to continuously use Draco meteor to deal huge damage while removing the drops every single turn with Hayes allowing him to win game two now the onus is on Lily to figure out what to do for game three Conor's in the driver's seat from the start thanks to how much pressure annihilate and mouse hold exerts but Lily makes a super gutsy play leaving her Sylveon totally unguarded and attacking with both of her Pokemon putting her in the lead Sylveon finishes off annihilate and the game turns into a dendoza mirror once again but as we saw game one Lilly's tariff flying dendozo beats Conor's Terra grass Lilly wins the set and is guaranteed to make it out of her pool Lily vs Conor was the Battle of the winners of our first set so now it's time for the battle of the competitors who lost their first games by Kuno versus Alfred game one gets off to a horrible start for Alfred as taikuno puts half of his team to sleep the game is looking nearly impossible to win when alvarad makes an incredible play he switches in his photograph as zikuno tries to use paranormal extreme speed from Choice band Dragonite burgerov's armor Tale nullifies the attack and thanks to this play alpharad is narrowly able to win game one game two starts off fast with saikuno losing his Dragonite in exchange for a sleep on Alvarez photograph and Garchomp plus a ton of damage things are looking Bleak for Alfred but a well-timed Garchomp wake up keeps him in it so he does lose his Garchomp in the process it's three against three but Alfred takes both Kos in exchange for only his high Dragon making the battle a 2 against one it's all down to saikuno's favorite Gengar the bout a 75 chance for Jacob to win this and a 25 for sakuno plus the odds of a crit SpongeBob comes out leading off with mouse hold and annihilate for the first time all set normally this lead would be in saikuno's favor but alvarad has an amazing secret weapon he uses quash on mousehold pausing beat up to move after annihilate has already rage fisted for the turn and Terror ground earthquake does so much damage thanks to quash Garchomp survives the turn baikuno gets Dragonite in and tries to kill Garchomp with extreme speed but alpharod once again calls it and brings in ferguno loses both annihil ape and mouse hold and though iko's off-road Tai Dragon a combination of murkrow and furgraph do too much damage and alvarad wins the set just like pool a the next match is between the undefeated player and the player yet to win a set Lily vs saikuno coming into today both of these competitors said they didn't really care about anything except beating each other though so to them there's a lot on the line game one starts off with tycoono once again using a Mungus to put a crucial Pokemon to sleep Tycoon oko's golden go but Lily gets dendoza in with smart protecting and Terra normal Choice band Dragonite saikuno eventually gets dundozo to low enough HP that Gengar can come in and finish it off the combation of Gengar and Garchomp are enough to close out game one for saikuno Lily leads with the nozo and totsugiri in this game too and takes amungus right away with a Terra flying Terra Blast despite losing a Pokemon saikuno claws it back with Haze Gengar removing dynozo's booths tykuno is poised to win but goldengo Thunderbolt paralyzes Gengar costing saikuno the game we're going to game three game three starts off with a huge turn one with zykuno using Tara flying with his Gengar to become immune to Garchomp's earthquake and comboing that with a sludge bomb to KO both of Lily's Pokemon she's forced into dindozo and toxagiri who immediately lose its boost thanks to Haze Gengar without his boost then dozo can't win what is basically a one against four Tycoon defeats Lily and achieves his personal goal that being said the outcome of that match doesn't change the result of the fool Lily will be the first seed and Tycoon of the fourth the question is who will the other player making out of the pool be and the answer is whoever wins the next match alpharad versus Conor eats pants the dozo and annihilate I love this lead Hydra mercuro I like to sleep for both players I hate it it's so terrifying oh these days this is really good for Jacob in my opinion of the time it's good for Jacob but Draco meteor is not the most consistent movie that's huge that was a close combat it was a final game but we could either see oh okay oh interesting interesting and I like toughed it out saying it would feel sad oh my God Mercury's down that was the counter wow okay okay volcano is so cute I don't think they talk about that enough okay I kind of like it this is a second chance that Drago which means a second chance for a crucial Draco Miss hey hey don't speak that into me I don't think you need to mention that my friend goes down no need for that it's 90 of the time so now you can burn it with willowist and Draco meteor let's see what happens here paragraphs I don't think the paragraph does much here but I think the nose is more likely to dodge if it has a pretty hat no no no no no no no no okay as crucial the kids are saying the kids are saying Crush they're saying Crush let's see her eyes are gone what are you doing connecting for once thanks hydrogon way though wow that's actually a lot of damage another one will KO though crucially yep yep oh wait but here's the thing John Bozo or hydron is now locked at minus four special attack yeah Earth Wind kind of solos dude we're gonna close to struggle territory minus six hydrogon it might honestly prefer to struggle at this point oh okay okay all right okay if flower drinking Jago kills this isn't a terrible position to be in I suspect it will flower trick a lot of the cage we need to hit does it connected there it is and what's scary is if Tatsu giri clicks Draco meteor then you're a minus two special attack and didn't even meet the icy win right now but it don't go for the Draco Jacob is so well positioned now he but he doesn't have Sucker Punch so I I think he'll live icy win plus minus minus 27 plus minus two Draco should live it survives on one there yeah all right and lock up for Alpharetta wow what a game yeah it's a tough call to to just have earthworm in the back Perfect Right Alvarez narrowly wins game one but if Draco meteor to Connected earlier this match would have been so much easier tan Connor find an adaptation in this super difficult matchup so true besties I thought I saw a brick guard job I must have been seeing the question I have is just Draco meteor what's that damage roll on a nightlife right because it was so close to knocking out last time I'm confused isn't the annihilate choice scarf is the high Dragon also no American Tailwind so then sorry no switch no switch 90 of the time this is a great play yeah so you can't click final game this time around yeah I think you know after all of the misses let's give the guy a break order up this time of the hydraulic hydrogen HP is kind of expendable right like it feels like it's not the most important resource on this team I don't know if it won't drop uh okay Draco meters coming out oh big damage that's so much yeah Foul Play might do it no stop them on the front guard but it's a lot of damage population bomb one two three this is scary stop counting until it stops nice oh my gosh oh my god oh you know Conor was in a rough position down you know he'll be regretting not hitting Hayes maybe we're getting around hitting Haze maybe we're gonna not take it out Mouse hold yeah I think if mousehold goes down there the game feels over because then you just Haze the dozo immediately basically it felt like Alfred had a really good start but yeah oh my God that is so huge for Alfred that could be game winning Breezy want to see imagine trick and now he doesn't even have to as a defense drop from the uh yeah by doubling up there he covered basically a mouse on Twitter a mouse will protects very well yup he's just sick of double protects yeah not in my house Jacob hasn't heard either which scares me a little oh he's saved maybe hopefully flower comes out how much is it gonna do is this offensive metal I think it must be a little bit oh it'll survive struggle I think yeah oh my gosh mousel barely hanging on three of them there's the icy win this time around oh yeah it's gonna be great mine is a special attack but still doing a favor to damage I wish there was a sucker punch available has Tailwind petered out meaning that icy win now it puts the speed for the first time all battle in Conor's favor water muddy water and voluna did not tear us special defense is pretty high though that is minus one special attack yep yep and muddy water never hits that's true oh but a protect the mouse hold weight would have won the game there it might come down to accuracy on population bombing that's true muddy water protected by the escorana but isn't going to connect on volcaronia this is a big one it is nice it's not gonna kill but it's gonna do a lot of damage a lot more than Alvarez can afford oh that's tough accuracy drop none struggle bug okay but these are adding up and honestly like it's a lot of damage for a struggle bug I think Tailwind last turn would have won the game though for sure such a hard play to see that is especially if he's at the moment the problem here is that if mousel takes out meowskarada Volcan is not winning in the 1v1 here this is a great classic makes the odds worse it's a one percent chance for every one of these to miss dude the mouse the the oh oh wait muddy water could miss muddy water can miss I'm predicting a no miss everything okay wait minus four minus five special attack oh man is there anywhere oh with accuracy I think Jacob needs probably two misses too yup do you think Draco chaos no no uh buddy all right we're going to game three I wouldn't have happened that either way wow last game of Group B this is determining who's gonna Advance you know Conor was looking at a really rough spot there but he found a way to claw it back brought it back after those early turns it was looking so rough for Conor but late game tatsugiri put in so much work it's all down to this final game of pool I told Jacob to go murder High Dragon for the worms okay the debate then is do you water Terra form immediately the heat wave is a real threat right right but I think I don't know oh that's the dream for Jacob wormy protects even if it does oh my gosh oh brutal you just gotta hit you just have to hit I really wish I did not say that I really wish yeah [Music] that's a cute animation it is all right wormy you're gonna have to make a miracle play here because yeah wow it's a bit of a rough start oh my God I love it talk to Gary is so used to being you know behind yeah Jacob Jacob so toxic here is obviously not a bulky Pokemon right but because of its typing dragon and water it actually should not lose some dude should survive this heat wave because even those Choice banks are Dragon both of its types resist Heatwave yeah and I think that's pretty valuable here oh absolutely and that front guard too he might misses but whoa a crucial Miss but you know he gets another shot next turn he does he's not losing a Pokemon he shouldn't lose hydrogon return a great read by Conor how much is it gonna do three four if it hits 10 times late under half a little bit if Connor stood up and shook oh my God but here's the Draco meteor and there's an icy wins it could be and now what Pokemon is moving first here is it it's probably still hydrogon but it's kind of close sound type moves go through substitute oh okay are you gonna eat yeah that was for the chat by the way not for me yeah that's great I really appreciate it we're gonna find that together the thing is yeah tatsukiri protects oh this is so tough oh no but it's probably population bombing to bulk then right so it's actually not that bad that's right that's right okay that's kind of crucial I'm not gonna I'll take way less here he could miss I lost count how many nine this is ten ten it was still KO isn't that crazy yeah technician it would still be not that's Max HP Volcarona yeah does it attack the road I forgotten I feel like it's a sound Type move that's my that's my that's my guess now if it attached through it it doesn't help in breaking it right no it doesn't but at least lowers the special attack for a turn this is another icy win though right you would think so I think so but having the time is really nice sound Type move I was wrong oh nice protect that was really scary a nothing Burger has been devastating it's with earthworms HP yeah oh yeah wasn't getting close it's a Tailwind yeah let's see here finally get rid of this girl finding over this mouse will excuse me I gotta say you need the cap to take out the mouse it's a game of cat and mouse by the way that uh flower trick animation is so cool I love that animation let's see what is what is tattoo green before trigger to your connects the thing is that now in some ways it's done it's done volcano's job for it right now it's minus two special attack and unlike last game we still have this Hydra Dawn left wait a second [Music] flower trick into the earthworm down oh it's all Corona it's already hit the substitute with that with the struggle bug but overheat can miss I don't know if over I mean over here's gonna break this I think I'm gonna struggled by the will let's find out overheat will it finally be enough to get rid of him through damage will it hit both Pokemon with muddy water and will it KO money oh my God bulk Runner will live no that's huge and it all comes down to game one annihilate lives the Draco meteor game two was but it was low HP game two it was a critical hit yeah Draco meteor connect it does does it KO oh God is it final Gambit or is it closed combat close combat comes out he got so close Potter's decision to bring not only earthworm but tatsugiri without dundozzo showed such a high level understanding of his team and ultimately is what gave him the win but Alfred's prioritization of speed control and KO and Connor's Pokemon early to try and force in dendozo made this set so close there's no time to rest though we're immediately jumping into the semi-finals the winners of these next two sets will advance to the finals while the losers will be eliminated first up is boxbox versus Lily Pichu but what I like about Lily's lead here is that it creates as much chaos for boxbox as possible because both of these Pokemon have earthquake but you know armor into the past has saved itself from that with paragraphs but this dondozo is terriflying arm Rouge to rasalizing to grass here making sure hey I don't care if you earthquake yeah I'm not taking any damage this turn that's yeah that's a great idea I like it and this is paid off for him too in a big way in some of the previous matches that we've seen she's having some pretty critical survivals but we're not seeing a tear on the other side so it's just a raw earthquake here there's actually a lot of damage to indeedy more than I expected oh and the double earthquake play covering for follow me very impressive use of Terra grass I don't think that was an obvious play by any means in all honesty like I think a lot of players would have missed that and now boxbox is kind of where he shines right yup I think is the Boost enough I really like this play though I think it's very smart yeah so this is interesting right because basically one of the one of the strengths of dragons it had the potential to do a lot of damage up front but with Trickum up and now can't protect and like yes you can switch into you know tatsugiri but that's not gonna do necessarily as much as you'd like so this probably isn't gonna kill the dragon clearly has some bulk actually multi-skillers must be yeah another earthquake is this gonna finish off indeedy I actually think it's in the best interest of boxbox for indeed to go down here because you get torko and Corruption yeah very nice and now there's not really a great way around eruption plus energy ball right no we're expanding for sorry you don't this is this is the Tariff flying to dozo yes yeah I don't think there's any outs at all you know you don't see the uh double protect but unlike earlier it fails it's a huge failure this is gonna do a lot of damage I think it's the double resist we see the power of torkel yeah that's a ton of damage and then the expanding Force to follow up with that damage too double KO and the threat of the nose and tatsugiri is only well unless your Conor shoes is normally considered threatening if they're on the field together until with the nose are going down we did see that toy scarf golden go earlier meaning it's eruption food there's nothing Lily can do to keep golden go safe because it doesn't have protect water okay oh I didn't know that I thought it was steel oh perhaps now you're a believer I'm a Believer in a bad thing for us I'm a Believer in the power of expanding for is it because like this I'll eat my lab coat I want to see it eruption is very powerful yeah okay yeah who's the believer now that's 4kos and two turns we're releasing the power of boxboxes Team here just like overwhelming offense and you know the set that we saw box box lose it was because void prevented trigger from going up every other said that he was able to trick him up consistently he won right yeah that was a convincing game from boxbox but the thing is Lily never combined her dundozo with atugiri can she figure out a way to weather the storm in game two yeah it really he really feels quite confident in the game plan that he's put together for this match and but a lot can happen right here uh and if Lily decides to switch up the tempo like you said you know she could you know stall at that trick room with this on dozo oh I love the vision I'm not sure I love the execution well it's not the execution turns in the future yeah if you just crit Dragon claw though on the ndd it's not gonna kill him it's probably earthquake right it's probably earthquake terriblast thinking like hey if he gets greedy I actually do like the Tara flying here from the dondoso because last for the first game of the set Lily's dondozo took some damage from dragonite's earthquake so this time around at least you are saving yourself from that and maybe that's this extra HP you need oh oh whoa I'm saving my Dynamics for marriage um we really don't want to see a KO here yeah good job for those are you you have fun with install the trends the reason I kind of made a face when I saw Tara flying it's a great move like it gives you the opportunity to potentially just like win the game the problem is that now when Torgo next to our again armor comes in you have eruption expanding for us and even with the dozo I'm not confident you can survive that you put any of us in Lily's shoes I think it would be so hard to maneuver out of yeah I love the attempt I really do yeah and it's not over yet this is oh okay okay wait if this is a helping hand and Terra Blast you could potentially get rid of the armor Rouge early yeah and I think if that happens this is a very different game it's so hard though when you're against the following me Pokemon to not Target it follow me for it because you just think oh it's gonna happen yeah this is maybe a time where like not having to protect is helpful for Lily like helping uh Lindsay helping hand life or expanding force can be like 60 that's a lot where is the attack going is it earthquake is it terrible blast and is it into the armor Rouge all right all righty listen I mean if lilo's gonna bring it back she's gone through two turns of trick room and she's gotten rid of armor Rouge that's a huge deal and we're about to enter her favorite phase of the game protecting yeah that's right I think I like most uh dazzling gleam and uh And Eruption yeah so this is protect we really want to see it protect here oh no no protect that actually could end up being crucial especially if the last Pokemon is pobango it's me oscarata actually so it's gonna need to take two heads right and we also multi-skill Dragonite being pretty relevant here that's true I think Dragonite with earthquake here yeah you're hitting your teammates but I think it's really solid still because you get around redirection like you can't ever click that in her position if you don't know the last Pokemon because of Rotom right you don't know because we didn't even see King Gambit like the question is this box had to you know like yeah yeah does he know does he knows oh my gosh oh my god oh no okay okay but now now you see and now maybe you think Dragonite goes out for that yeah let's see what a dragon does this turn logging into waterfall is a little unfortunate oh a double up a great play from boxbox popping off actually a little fist bump how much is eruption gonna do it I think so too I mean Assurance is just so strong yeah oh yeah it's a lot of damage calzone commute coming out finishes off Dragonite two versus two but I don't know if measurado has enough juice in the tank here should have been stuck to put juvie before hitting the same game but Trickum is up soccer one comes out into the tour gold some damage torkel is so bulky defensive yeah but this critical kill oh no yeah not quite enough not quite enough and you know like Rick breaks into a lot here brings up low HP and actually a good use of low HP eruption because if you're like okay you don't need that opportunity you may as well get the bonus chip anyway so listen I mean she's brought it so close but really that bulky King Gambit in the end game is really what's what's impossible to break right yep both players I think did what they were supposed to do here where Lily made it as hard as possible for boxbox and then on on his end box box found his way through the muddy water and came to a good end game yeah and that's a lot easier said than done especially when things are ambiguous it's trying its best it's really trying its best but I don't think it's gonna be enough is it gonna be another Draco it is torko can it survive get him oh that's horrible won't go down there's just too many special attack drops that have come through for the Draco but yeah they just won't go down to here he is fighting for everything it has tortured existence cannot hide from this protect she's having fun and at the end of the day that's what's important right absolutely she fought hard she had a garbage matchup that's a rough one yeah sure but you should be really proud about how she played it was so like it was great sometimes there's nothing Sometimes the best you can do is still a loss but a loss looks good and I think that she really demonstrated that here absolutely but of course like Aaron said also credits to boxbox things to get very weird after the terror blasts on charm Rouge but yeah and that lead of hers was specifically designed to make things as weird as well yeah and she succeeded yeah we are there box box wins and advances to finals now it's time to find out who will be joining him there void versus Conor eats pants someone has on there I'm just here to talk about listen I have to be biased towards Connor too because it's my name right there and I know that this is exactly what void wanted he he was talking to me and Hugo right before and he said I have my plan I know what I'm gonna do if it's double if it's mirror I'm gonna do this figure it out go from there so this is what he expected I think he's okay with a decent amount of thought into this so I like this play a lot because you lock into rage fish short now they can follow me whatever now the three just doesn't work but as we were talking about earlier races can be reset so Conor can actually have those boosts for later you believe in the mice I believe I believe in the mice I have to say though he's only got three on the right side no that's optimal actually wins right because it weighs less yeah not relevant in this game but it is exactly wait what's earthworm's move Ironhead oh okay uh you know actually guys follow me locks it in nice place no switch no switching to talk to Geary let's see that's another rage face to the normal type Mouse hold drain punch not dealing with his ape not doing much damage here either this might have been a case of running out of time the bulk of dondos are really making so well positioned but it's oh it's gonna be the switch okay interesting okay going to tatsugiri I think this is actually kind of better for void now it is yeah but it's better for what I would have been tempted to go over Focus energy there thinking he's going to rage from the United we'll take one hit and then try and get a mungaz in yeah um but instead he goes for protecting both Pokemon because basically like if the uh hydrogen goes down I think there's no real damage to get rid of the annihilator with Tara available right so the question is did void go for or did Connor over order up to get an attack boost because we've seen the movies can take plus two order up but it's only gonna take plus two into Plus or plus three into plus four basically yeah wave Crux wave crash okay like this play I think he recognizes hey hi dragon's like my only way of really dealing damage to dondos like and so amongus not only is going to be able to eat up a potential order up but then the rocky helmet Stacks up as well and like you just mentioned Aaron you can slowly chip away and there's the order up into a Mungus just under half that's a lot with the Boost that might be enough and the other thing worth noting is that unlike the past matches we've seen this is Tara grass uh dendoza which means Spore is not on the table so we do see him pull the trigger on the terrified it could be the case that he went for a wave crash into an island yeah I don't have to worry about a rage powder it doesn't have to worry yeah the clear smog could totally turn this game around this is probably the crucial turn whoever gets this turn right probably wins the game okay Connor does not reacts that's way weaker but it does cover for any type of potential yeah yeah oh my gosh oh no yeah that's the end of the nose's boost for now like the focus tatsugiri is actually pretty threatening here yeah absolutely now there's an earthquake then that's that's really good and it gives away some of the stacks or it starts giving an eyelash drain punch comes out really solid damage yep quarter up into the high Dragon an amazing play oh that's that probably is done to uh rage fist now yeah if I'm void I'm very happy you know with how hard this game has been forcing Conor to guess whether I'm gonna tear It or Not ooh connection Drago it's gonna KO the dendoza to me the critical turn was the earthquake not Haley and moon guess there's the opportunity to order up or wave crash into that slot and if you get The Knockout no clear small comes out right it's hard to just clear the dondoza without dondozo killing another Pokemon butagiri gets ejected out drain punch but of course we know there's that annihilate with those rage fist Stacks coming out and the choice scarf the toy scarf and also the uh the high dragon is now at minus two special attack kind of a Sitting Duck right okay he's nodding any nodders did he call it and Target hydragon no no okay that's not in Rage this range though maybe after a maybe after a rocky helmet it's gonna be so it's gonna be so close and if any of those any of these turns were in bulk up it would be a lot easier for void yeah one bulk I want to change this Tara dargamungus here we go this this is gonna determine the end game it depends on how much does it's not effect sport that was a different team rage better comes out redirecting all attacks to the Among Us and nyla's gonna move next rage fist 300 base power at least maybe 350 is it gonna be enough to pick up the KO into the amungus it is a good attempt but the rocky helmet most likely didn't matter here Rocky helmet keeps an island just above half does raise this do not raise fist 50 base power how bulky is Connor's annihilate oh my God I really thought I was gonna survive there I did too that annihilate on Connor's side is such a force because it's slow yeah okay yeah I think that yeah whatever yeah I mean he did a critical hit there even then maybe not but yeah like somehow you know this was looking really good for Conor for most of this it's one of those situations where you maybe just are confident in earthquake chaos yeah who knows what so many increased stages of attack but the moon gets bulk is so so clutch here yes yep that game was so close if a moon is faint Conor almost certainly would have won if void wins one more game he will be facing off against box in the final this is awkward lead again the thing is I think that uh void has more to lose this this turn one in all honesty really I think he's safely double protects and then if he wants he can just like Tara ghost ball I mean he can he can follow me guys guys there's Rocky helmet of Mungus and there's a mouse hole trying to use population but on the other side you can just switch them outside I also think that like this is a great play because void like I think Conor's in the position where he might overthink it right yeah yeah especially the choice item it's really hard because he doesn't get to change where he locks in with the dialect this turn he doesn't get to change next turn so he goes for like close combat population this time on on like last time he's no longer able to go for uh okay rage just actually kind of gives his options a little flexible here yes and what I like you know I like that support you know you know that Conor knows that you've put a lot of time in and it's like oh he won't make the same move twice in a row until he did yeah and now he's kind of put Conor on the back foot yeah something like that the drain punch though is the real question because he needs to get the beat up off later okay okay well it gets the Don dozo in for free yeah so that does feel pretty good for Connor yeah I want to see Connor use these pieces independently of one another right like use a nose over how it Tatsu Geary we know that if you combine them too early you're just gonna get run over by the Among Us oh my goodness the mouse this could have been really scary if tosugiri just switched in and then you just wave crash the mouse hole that would have been a disaster but oh boy and the thing is with no uh leftovers or rest on this dedos what a play I don't like this whole KO but it is a lot of damage yeah with friend guard here I'd expect it to survive but even dealing over 50 is so so good oh no any earthquakes himself another stack on annihilate do you thinkuri has to come in here it's I don't know if it does well it's enough I think you how else do you win is the thing right I think it's like times a year you need to get a kill right like you need to get around these Pokemon faints before fusing and you don't get a knockout I think it's just so difficult to win from that point but the issue here is that now um just do whatever I think the only win condition is I don't it's so hard right it's gonna be hard to find a way around this one in honesty I mean the damage is adding up but how do you get around yeah oh God yeah that's rough even with the plus two attack boost that's just yeah you have to try I mean maybe now like tatsukiri gets to come back out and based on how the speed tears play out maybe you get your own annihilate back in okay the thing is that drain punch is gonna heal all the hard work you did to get um you had to get rid of the uh held on an island I can't watch that's too odd they're too cute let's see here is it it's probably gonna be icy wind but then you give it high level plus two attack boost on top of everything else oh my God yeah this ape is already mad enough yeah this is angry that ghost hero was so smart like to find that plate oh my God brilliant I I still cannot believe that void started playing like a couple of days ago yeah the speeds here are really what does void in although I will say where there's a rock slide there's there's a way like rocksla Draco I don't know man like Flinch on the eyelid KO the mouse will take the kill right rock slide muddy water drop the accuracy get the Flinch rock slide rocks lead rock slide game over shake my hand I think you should play the lottery [Music] I'm just saying one Rockside Flinch gets you back into it makes it a 2v2 yep that's true and if it's a 2v2 we've seen crazier things happen ing is terrible thing follow me what did annihilate block itself into did it is it do you want to be the VGC classic all right Chad this one might be doomed Mouse will goes down finally but it might be too little too late I don't think it's gonna get rid of this uh annihilate erasers comes out this is in to Connor's annihilate and unfortunately it goes down in one hit is now one against three you're gonna do here it's best it's best an excellent answer all right I mean it's a 1v2 it got a knockout well there's a muddy water there's a way question mark well here's the thing is that it's gonna take two Draco meteors that's right that's an 81 chance rage power does hydragon connect that's the first question it does okay needs to drop the accuracy with Muddy Water here boy gets a crit thanks to the uh scope lens potentially oh yeah muddy water icy win okay all right a little bit of damage a little bit of hope uh is there though there's pollen puff on the opposing side yeah I like the spirit guys I like how hard we're rooting for this like that only happens in one out of like a bajillion Universe No Doctor Strange universe is the only one who went back to me right now I wonder if he jumped to Geary uh but he goes for the play and avoid covers for it yeah I don't blame Connor you most likely we're not getting infinite money water drops but I would have gone for it comes out finishes off Toto Gary very hard fought by Conor but Boyd just it's his ape has escaped what a set that was that was incredible really good so good like what in the heck is he drinking I think it might be some juice he might be drinking some some juvie and just like that we have our finalists void versus boxbox we saw how this played out earlier but our players aren't the same people they were this morning which of them will Triumph and claim Glory what do you say team preview asleep there's no way he's figured out about a different lead he's playing a different lead this is not the same player he's not the same box box this is the box with confidence too he came in he said God I hope I won one game today and now he says God I hope I win this whole tournaments here we go Grand Final and we've got to mix up Indy King Gambit boxbox has led into the armors basically in every game in the whole tournament it did not work against void the last time they played and we've got a brand new Pokemon hitting the field as the lead so if the terror goes on to Gardevoir hydrogon is totally defenseless against these Terror fairy moves that's the idea behind Terran Gardevoir here is a pure defensive play you want to get the imprisoned off so that you can deny trick room for the turn if trigger is denied then the hydreigon of course gets the critical hit ratio so it's ghost Tara Gardevoir that now means Ironhead is not super effective against it this question is is it Ironhead or is it kowtow cleave and prison seals trick room but if Gardner gets knocked out first trigger will still go off I undercover cleave not enough damage but he's not out of this one yet this position is way better than the previous times we've seen this in all honesty Draco is so safe here though well the one thing here is that the king Gambit does have brick break right so you actually will be able to do sizable damage into hydreigon yeah yes believe it will be enough and what I like here about this void even you know if Gardevoir takes you know faints to King Gambit he's showing hey I'm not gonna make the same protect move you think I am every time yeah break break this time of the hydragon because that sucker punch brain probably not I would think it survives would just the sliver five to ten HP this is looking pretty dicey but the thing is Draco meteor is not 100 accurate does boxbox get a chance to knock out this Gardevoir like is there a play that he could go for here that would be able to deny the trigger it's so tough because of the psychic terrain right ordinarily one king Abbott's biggest assets out of trick numbers the fact that it can use Sucker Punch but the psychics wouldn't really work against it yeah with damage but now you have to worry about that Garchomp in the back we've seen it do so much damage thus far our Dragon goes down but yep I mean the good news is that the imprison's kind of irrelevant now leaving Gardevoir alive at this point is actually kind of in your favor but if it's life-form guard chomp in the back with his Terror ground earthquake that was killing the torkel right that's what I was thinking as well and dazzling is not exactly the strongest move so like if Torgo thinks earthquake plus two thousand Liam's King gamble will take an earthquake is it is it possible that count me flamethrower chaos Garchomp and then amongus is the last Pokemon and torquil somehow wins I think there's a possibility it's so hard to see the terrain yeah especially with the sun and with the terror particles yeah that is rough yeah but it does get the survival so you're right like the terror ground is is pretty important uh yeah I think it like I think here okay it's okay poor buddy oh it was based off how much damage it did though like you were just one more gleamer probably didn't matter yeah and if you can any move that King Gamba uses will kill itself with a recoil right so like it's really like he finds so many good defensive Terrors like gives him one turn advantage and wins in the game Essence Tara feel like Dynamax like he makes you feel as broken as Dynamics did yeah he makes Tara look easy another Sucker Punch yeah yeah oh man and like what I really like about boxbox is how he is able to think through a lot of these really complex turns but Boyd is one step ahead of him making that really tough for him yeah the main adjustment you can do with your box box you can actually go with the exact same strategy but just on turn one go for that cow towel cleave instead and then go for the trick room the matchup is so difficult but box boxes adjustment from the earlier set is really good if he can call whether or not Gardevoir Tara's turn one he can get Trickum up and potentially win the battle on the other hand void is now one win away from winning the whole tournament problem is that we know that Draco meteor to so much the media doesn't kill but with the earthquake from Garchomp like it's like even if you get past the garden where you don't have to worry about the Garchomp and now but this is because you're still saying all right whatever uh I'm gonna call your Tara yeah I think basically disappoint not Terror this time around what would you do what would you do if your voice box makes is to switch up and I think Voyage is gonna predict it oh really I was gonna do if I'm going I do the same thing one swish box could make would be an early terrific that's exciting Focus energy wait what if it's a break break I know say I don't care about your Gardevoir really wait that would be so huge that would be so big brain what is he doing all right nice play nice but the thing is now how do you stop Garchomp from earthquaking and rocking your words it's just Draco meteor earthquake Draco meteor earthquake yeah that's true the focus the focus energy scope lens set here looking so good yeah intended for DiNozzo but actually really useful in this matchup as well avoid finding a way to use the Pokemon ways that he probably didn't intend Terror ground this life orb tarragon Guardian puts up so much damage are we gonna see a Terra we don't oh that's just gonna be a knockout if if wait didn't we see King gamma survive this one time oh we did but I think it was because wasn't tarot it got kind of lucky today yeah okay if Draco meteor connects this might be the end [Music] loss of Health there's actually one more chance after this Draco in here and it's gonna come down to with Terra grass he has one more chance with armors you can terrorize live the earthquake go for trick room if if it if oh does the earthquake yes but lack of protect here makes it so challenging difficult yeah I mean we do see the terror this is his only way back into this he needs like probably a minimum rolling Garchomp uh torkel to survive plus a draco meteor Miss and even then it's still looking really really tough but but Hey where's the world is away is battle's not over yet earthquake comes out the first question will torgel survive if torgel goes down it's a slim margin here it's not looking good I don't like the look of the bars that's gone boy can taste the championship he is so close one Draco meteor here will seal the deal takes a little recoil here Drago meteor connects and armor Rouge does not survive and void is your wolf Glicks Pokemon scarlet and violet Invitational champion congratulations to Boyd but also congratulations to boxbox been playing the game for three or four days I made it all the way to the finals and frankly ran into the worst possible opponent he could have but not only a player extremely extremely comfortable competitive Pokemon also the one with the single worst matchup from the entire tournament yup and with that the tournament is over this was a huge undertaking made possible thanks to the hard work of many many people so if you enjoyed this video I hope you'll consider liking subscribing and leaving a comment so we can do more like it and a big thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,971,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, lilypichu, sykkuno, jaiden, jaiden animations, void, boxbox, pokemon tournament, connor, connoreatspants, ultimate Pokemon tournament
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 19sec (6739 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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