So I made ∞ FOV possible in Minecraft...

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TylerTheDragonKeeper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
looking at this you would say everything is normal right not exactly so I change my Croats code to allow me to set the fov slider to insane numbers including negative ones what does this mean well let me show you so currently we're just in a microphone right like nothing is weird everything looks normal we get the fov set to 90 right now if we change it as you can see nothing really seems to happen no matter what you do with it normally this slider goes from 30 all the way to 110 which says quake pro but you know I guess it goes to 1 hour and 10 basically but we can go way way beyond those numbers this is 130 so first things first you notice why 110 is the highest it can go mainly because it seems like your arm is uh not really connected to your body anymore but of course this is only 130 here is 140 obviously it's worse and here is 150 so we're slowly going into the numbers where things are going to get insane now if you have any form of epilepsy or anything like that and you can't handle this kind of stuff it's getting way worse so uh yeah the heads up it's a little warning but without further ado this is 160 already our hand is really far away from the camera and wouldn't we move around everything looks really wonky but it gets worse when you look up and down look at that look at how big the houses are or how big they look and then it goes back to normal and then it goes to this so in f5 mode everything looks insane but obviously this is still 160 and we can go way way higher let me introduce to you 170 on the left what supposedly is a tree and some snow oh my god I'm moving my mouse really slow do not make it as bad as it is but this is insane oh my god oh oh I think we should try and go higher let me introduce to you 175 the cloud seemed to go insanely fast but that's just because everything is warps so close to me now as you guys have already noticed it goes way worse the more we go up the reason we didn't go for 170 to 180 is because currently going up by 5 is already an increased amount let me go from 175 to 178 and show you what I mean this is 178 we only went up by 3 and this is what it looks like we seem to go incredibly fast but we really aren't and when we look up that happens this is what the world is like that's what pillory and jumpin is like the entire earth or the entire world of Minecraft seems to be a sphere it is almost a sphere let me let me go ahead and fly up this is what the world is like right now this is what it's like but I think it's time to go even further so if you've noticed it the closer we get to 180 the worse against cuz we currently were at 178 and it's already insane what do you guys think is gonna happen when we're at 180 here's what happens nothing we see nothing and that is because 180 is basically like the perfect turning point where the camera goes really messed up if you go beyond so let's go even higher this is 180 plus ninety basically at this point it is like ninety fov but the world is flipped upside down so it seems that every multiple of 180 it turns to camera so every 360 it completely flips the camera upside down again so if we go 90 plus 360 which is you know 450 it looks normal it's back to normal but there's one more thing we have yet to do we went all the way from 90 upwards but we have not yet gone downwards so let's jump to 30 this is fo V 30 it's still achievable in game and much further is not really possible without changing the code of course but guess what we can change the code this is 20/20 fov we don't have a fist anymore and we're extremely close up to our face let's look at something in the distance and change from 20 to 10 this is 10 let's change from 10 to 5 let's change from 5 to 2 and 1/2 yes you can do half numbers now already everything seems to be relatively close by but it definitely isn't it's really it's really annoying to move your camera like this it kind of hurts my eyes I'm not gonna do too much but just take your mind how far away this was and we're gonna look at it papi so let's go from 2.5 to 1 this is 1 and this is 1/2 this is 1/4 and this is 1/8 now it is already incredibly big this is one Mouse movement by the way just moving my mouse by one pixel what used to be one pixel decides whether or not the puppy is in the camera or not okay I find a puppy again I had to zoom out otherwise I couldn't find anymore there it is so I'm not gonna move my mouse currently I put it back to 1/4 let's go down to 0.1 here's one tenth and just to put it in comparison the puppy that is covering the entire screen right now is actually this far away now you probably can't even see it anymore but this is how far away that puppy was it was on the way here this is the one that's the one we looked at and that's where we were sadly putting it 2-0 fov results in the same reaction whenever you put it to 180 it basically flips the camera around and once you go below 0 so like let's say - 10 it puts the world upside down so now this is basically considered as 10 fov with a flipped camera which means if we put it at minus 90 it's just 90 fov with a flipped camera so sadly this means that if you put it to the highest value possible which I'm going to do now here's what's gonna happen this is it you don't see anything this is all you get yeah everything still works it's just your entire vision is not there anymore so yeah sadly - or positive infinity numbers are not gonna work that well which is kind of shame but then again we already know why it doesn't work and we can achieve better effects without it that's basically it for today but I do need your help with something in the future the upcoming videos will most likely be messing around with my cat's coat like usual just trying to break the game as much as possible so if you have any cool weird or game breaky ideas that you want me to try please do tell me in the comments because I tried to read every single one of them so you won't be unheard and as we recently hit 100,000 subscribers I just want to sincerely thank you for that the support towards my videos and subscribing and basically everything on Twitch as well has been amazing lately so you're awesome for that I really appreciate it a lot but without further ado I will catch you guys in the next one see you [Music]
Channel: Fundy
Views: 8,489,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, FOV, minecraft FOV, infinite FOV minecraft, minecraft infinite, minecraft infinity, So I made infinite FOV possible in Minecraft, So I made ∞, ∞ in Minecraft, infinite in minecraft, phoenixsc, phoenix sc infinity
Id: 7BrZh1D-oJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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