Grookey is a GIRL!? Gen 8 Starter Evolutions and Themes | Pokemon Sword and Shield - Gnoggin

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Pokemon's sword and shield generation 8 - starters they are all the talk right now so much of it just all the talk everywhere speaking of talk we have a tick-tock now username is Luxton give me a follow on their hashtag not a sponsor this time but what is a sponsor is myself yes I am sponsoring myself as we have an awesome merch store and the support from there helps us directly so please check it out noggin dot net so two videos ago we had our explanation and theories that were all spawned from the reveal just like everybody else but of course first thoughts are just that and given more time better and more thought-out ones arise it's just human nature and now we're going to specifically look closely at the starters figure out the real theme and then predict typing's and evolutionary names and ideas so we're gonna start with actual like figuring out real stuff and then fun speculation at the end again just like everybody else on YouTube also there is a popular leak going around and we're going to ignore that for now as of right now I don't believe it's real not enough hard evidence it's all just rumor and speculation right now the armored evolutions leak slash rumor I feel maybe like the ultra beasts are the people leak and rumors from Sun and Moon really good they got plenty of speculative evidence but ultimately it wasn't true now was it referring specifically to that leak why is the Sun and Moon protagonists in it and why is it that when you used the fill tool you can find to the artists signature it's well hidden so that it looks like a legit leak but it's still there so that the artist can take credit when the time comes to do so anyway the starters upon reveal I was so sure of the sports theme of these starters especially considering it would go so well with the sports theme of the game I mean brief synopsis the gym Zola flex sports arenas and have big audiences plus the region's called the Gaul our region a gala is a special event with a performance such as sports then just add an R like how a Lola took Aloha and changed a letter like Kalos is literally Greek for beauty a very important thing too yo Nova is the United States of America you Nova there's a lot more to those names of course but that's not what we're here for I'm just the same gal our gala it fits the overall theme of the game that we see in the trailer and as we'll be discussing today it also fits the theme of the starters also as I said in that first video every starter Pokemon set shares a theme at least from generation 4 onward the earlier ones kind of do but it's a lot harder to get so it was an idea they crafted later I'm pretty sure and the theme this time around seems to be sports and even if it winds up not totally true based solely on what we know right now it is in the realm of possibility several in fact so stay tuned we can look at past starter evolutions to pinpoint even more possible design choices things that we figured out after recording but there's actually an even better possibility we can come up with but first let's cover those sports details again as stated in that first video score bunny is super athletic that's the main character trade it has revealed it's fast poppy running fire feet it even has the animate rope bandage over the nose that is commonly used to show so that someone is into an athletic sport and they are often clumsy at it because there are a beginner a rookie at that sport kids and stuff so he's a super runner cuz he's got big feet he'd also be great at soccer because of that which is what the kids outfit looks like here in this shot it's a soccer outfit Envy stadiums look like soccer fields for bunny is so fast he'd be great at scoring goals Plus soccer as we know it was invented in England the inspiration of the gala region and so was water polo rugby and cricket the other sports that these starters all reference may reference like the game logos even look like sports logos and the Japanese ones have this new symbol the Japanese names always have the new gimmick symbol and that symbol is on the kids outfit and on every single stadium gym and it also looks like sports stuff maybe I can keep getting away with this saying it looks like sports stuff and not have to explain what I mean I am NOT a sports expert but when I see these things I immediately associate them with sports logos you know minimalist animal be an aggressive and colors minimalism and like versus stuff you know plus it's fun to have this in mind because coming up with evolution ideas our names with this theming in mind he's easy even though score bunny still sounds like a bad name in my opinion it's double pun of score and scorch is good so they may keep it like they kept char in Charmander Charmeleon Charizard so maybe score bunny score rabbit score hare plus then you even have an even bigger pun score hair scorer the one who scores the goals and then there's rookie the green grass monkey rookie Rookie meaning a beginner at sports I could see it evolving into a gorilla as we still don't have a gorilla Pokemon and it could be a goal Rilla haha but then subl maybe champ million and even its first form doesn't scream sports the water polo aspect was just given to it because of the other two being sporty and like water polo is an aquatic sport so and it was invented in England - so maybe but don't know maybe as it evolves it could get more sporty but as it stands it's not that sporting notably it could get his name from Saab meaning to cry hence its face and the tear shaped marking it Christ because it's not very good at sports it's just a beginner right now then the rest of the name could come from bubble because it's a water type maybe elects to shoot bubbles but it could also come from dribble which is the name of a move in many sports you likely know it from basketball if you're American but it's also a common move in soccer anyway evolution names aside the sports theme fits but as I said it's kind of loose Ensemble water polo which is like water rugby or maybe Marco Polo because it could turn invisible yeah it's there but notably when the international names of the Pokemon are in context some things change score Bunny's name in every other language it still works it's just it all just points to fire bunny easy but GRU key its name in Japanese translates to monkey rhythm it's French name comes from marmoset a type of monkey and tempo and while we originally took it banging on the rock as a similar move in cricket when the player walks up to the base and hits the base a couple of times with their bat while warming up it could be that and then grew key dashes off as if to the next base in cricket but it's happening a rock to a perfect beat death death death tap-tap-tap like a metronome hence the name having tempo and rhythm in other languages so was going to be a drummer giving things to the beats by hitting him with a stick maybe a music conductor keeping the orchestra all on rhythm what could be and in a way that could work into the theme of sports but in a different context it'd be like a supporter perhaps the drummer in a marching band at a halftime show music does play a pretty big role in most sports okay so maybe maybe still sports but differently instead of water polo then for Sabo perhaps Sabo is the water boy always crying because he doesn't get to play because he's bad at it so he's no just the water boy again that's a stretch but again again maybe ah nothing about Litton screams professional wrestler or perhaps we are being too specific afterall Galah is stated as a large social event involving a performance so while big sports games fall under that category it's not the only thing that falls under that category going to a concert or an orchestra would also be visiting a gala but what about that Britishness the sports works great because they were all sports invented in the United Kingdom well anyone who has studied the history of music knows just how massively influential the British band The Beatles were not just in terms of inventing the modern rock genre but evolving the role a drummer plays in a band at all drums fairly uncool at the they were used to keep the beat going and nothing more The Beatles popularly changed that drums could change drum solos exist the beat can change to fit the mood mid song the modern rock band was formed Ringo was amazing and this spike in popularity of course led to many other bands like it get also huge and further revolutionized music bands like the second or main competitor to the Beatles the Monkees and well not as big as the Beatles they too helps further the genre and they were a part of what America would call the British Invasion the Brits are coming to take my America but not by force they're going for a culture of victory this time so ultimately the British not only changed the world of sports as we know it by inventing the most popular sport in the world but they also changed the world of music as we know it by having the most popular rock band in the world - and also back to groupie this would mean the English name can also take from groove or groovy a super popular term used in the 60s when the Beatles and The Monkees did their thing or it could even refer to a groupie which is essentially a super obsessed fan of a band or celebrity that follows them around in hopes of getting to know them beetle fever was all about that it was the first time there was a massive amount of groupies for one band but again this leaves freakin sob all behind like a fish out of water oh it's not music for sure and it's only kind of loosely sports maybe well if we already have two different kinds of galas being referenced why not a third that would differentiate the three starters even more give them all their own unique themes but what well look at Sabo it has a teardrop face and sob in the English name it's blue it makes this kind of who gasp face in its art it can turn invisible and the other languages have its name come from root words meaning crying or chameleon so then what else is Britain famous for that this is he folks from besides they're insanely high rate of depression well what do chameleons do they blend in well sort of acting like their surroundings it's where the term chameleon actor comes from yeah theatre William Shakespeare is one of the most famous Brits of all time six of the top 10 most produced plays in the world are by him and can we connect the lizard to theatre even more than that is it to be or not to be that is the question that was really bad so firstly chameleon actor is a term there are character actors who always play similar roles in all of their movies in plays as they are typecasted as then perhaps most famously like Johnny Depp almost all the time he plays as some weirdo a chameleon actor is someone who is able to play wildly different roles all the time different types of characters silly in one movie extravagant in the next serious in the next movie sad and depressed think Gary Oldman and you know that famous theater drama mask thing the face representing comedy and tragedy an actor in a tragedy role would need to be able to fake tears on demand sob on cue it's making this face in its art because well because it's just starting to act it's it's pretty bad at it this is it's making a reaction video thumbnail face aka it's a really bad actor so it's a beginner Sabo will probably learn the move fake tears and with these three starters together we have three of the biggest British things referenced they invented the most popular sport of all time revolutionized one of if not the most popular genres of music by bringing us the most popular music group of all time and the most popular playwright of all time who also invented hundreds of English words William Shakespeare is equally as British and going to a sports event going to a concert going to a theatre they are all galas hence the gala region and now we get to what we figured out later love it or hate it ever since game frequent 3d the Gen six starters and Gen seven starters have fit a certain trifecta one that is super common in cartoons and anime because it appeals to the most kids it is the safest route to go something that appeals to most people and this trifecta is having the final evolutions be masculine feminine and cool slash edgy oh we buy fluent bara it fits Gen 6 and it fits gen 7 so will it fit gen 8 and if so how will it work so unless they are wanting to repeat a type lineup the third time around for some reason instead of giving us the third one that the pattern would fit so I kind of doubt that they not do that but you know it's Game Freak if the type patterns are to be believed then this is what will happen a cool fire type masculine water type and a feminine grass type and it's already easy to see how score Bunny can line up to be the cool one a cocky sports player possibly gaining some padding and being extra dexterous able to do all sorts of neato flips with the soccer ball and made a fire it's cool notably both a ninja and an archer are dexterous too Plus while this doesn't necessarily mean something's not possible if you look at the other rabid Pokemon we have we already have a super feminine one and we already have a super big bulky masculine one so it just makes sense to have the more limber one next either limber dexterous masculine or androgynous looking to Sabo real men cry and aren't afraid to hide their emotions is a thing that's been getting a lot of traction these last few years or they could be going the classical real men don't cry route and it's constantly sobbing now because it's young but soon enough it will man up and be a big tough guy at least on the outside but on the inside it still has that soft spot and despite being big and strong it still took up a career in acting but then that leaves us with a feminine monkey getting freaked just wants tiny Kong and candy Kong to no longer be the most looted Apes on the internet but curiously there is more evidence to this idea than the others whether we look at the sports aspect or the musical drummer aspects both work well as they both fit nicely into another very common anime trope just as if not more common than the bandage on the athlete thing it's the trope of Punk delinquent mischievious girls always carrying around a bat or a bow cast which is a bamboo sword the baseball bat already works well with the sports theming and of all women's sports women's baseball is one of the most well-known and in these anime and manga the delinquent girl is often athletic too very competitive hence the baseball bat from when she plays ball or the bokeh from when training in a dojo and even the musical theme can fit well too as stated punk rock was popularized by the British punk rock that delinquent girl idea fits again plus it would make it likely grass dark-type which would be good as water and fire already got their dark types in the last two gens as well though that's not to say Game Freak always does patterns it would just line up nicely because all I'm saying and groupies description does stake that it is mischievous and that mischievousness can always evolve into darker and darker things slowly becoming the delinquent Punk bully but you could say it's similar to the other dark starter it would be similar to how greninja uses its dark arts for good and in sinner our is a heel wrestler only acting dark but it's great with kids more often than not these Punk girls in anime get character development that reveals that it too is an act a defensive facade that they put up in retaliation to abuse and like pangoro won't put up with the bullying of their friends they just often go a bit far with their defense so now with these contexts in mind what are some evolution and type ideas nobody wants another fire fighting and yet that's what most seem to assume with the idea of a rabid soccer player for some reason it's just like when Linton was first revealed and everybody assumed fire fighting again because but now mono fireworks but it could also be fire ground running as fast as it does it would need to benefit from having a mastery over the ground also rabbits burrow and maybe it makes soccer balls out of dirt another possibility is fire steel imagine scorer bunny but bigger taller more athletic bigger feet and those feet have cleats ouch and their steel-toed - essentially like soccer shoes they have a better grip of the ground which allows it to run faster and the tips let it kick even harder there's also the idea of fire flying because it's ears are big and it can use them like wings and jump really high and then glide with its ears other flying types are only capable of colliding - it doesn't necessarily have to technically fly doduo also what the heck some ideas for evolution names then would be well besides the scorer rabbit and scorer hair you could have Quinn call after all there are not many queue names in Pokemon the Kohl is obvious because calls duh and the first part comes from the Welsh word for rabbit though we've changed the spelling of it to make it easier for English speakers to understand there's a reason why Welsh is a dying language if it goes the rugby route instead of soccer you can have a rug bunny and then the names that work for all could be pop kick flare bit putt foot which is a common Frank and even rap adesh it's rapid it dashes and it makes ash in its path wait a second and as for alterations meaning things that changes into as it evolves there's always the chance it could become a Jackalope though that is an American myth there's also the waffle tinker Walt burr tinker something like that though it's of German origin but it's a rabbit with horns and wings I can see it becoming that too rookie the groupie fan that likes making music could eventually get a career in music but not as a drummer just yet instead it becomes a roadie which is a person employed by a band on tour to drive and help set up and maintain equipment and such and if it does that and goes the guerrilla route it could be a gorilla or a road doula or maybe it does just get drums already at least for the final evolution and it gets named I'm really bad at this bass simian is the bass no that's the opposite thing you need the bass the foot thing it's like past simian but with a B and I could see a staying mano grass or maybe it becomes grass normal which would be a first gaining a normal-type I don't think it's likely but it's an idea normal type is the stand-in for sound type as most sound moves are normal type this way it would get stab bonuses with all those moves as it makes its musical attacks or at the very least its signature move will be grass type but sound based still maybe the name could be Oh ring go tan ring guerrilla I could also see grass fighting hitting people with its drumsticks and all that playing drums with their skulls and if it does sort of go down to rowdy rock music direction like a punk rock fighting or dark would work well not necessarily because people in those groups are mean or dark but rather because they are often perceived as such from the outside especially when the genre started you listening to that satanic music again oh no dad it's the Beatles that's what I mean you get the devil out of this house maybe you could have just the name noodle or something I don't know someone from the guerrillas and then there's the idea of a grass rock type it'd be a pun of sorts rock music is still called rock music in Japanese after all and they do make it rock type and if they do make it rock type has to learn the move rollout rock and roll sob all has plenty of evidence for being inspired by the Scottish Loch Ness monster as it's a reptile and aquatic reptile and it can turn invisible just like Messi and it's the Loch Ness monster it's got it it's in the UK so I can totally see water ghosts due to its cryptic mist and invisibility a very ghost-like trait remember Pokemon don't have to be ghosts to be ghost type they just need to have a ghost-like ability or two and if not Nessie the Iguanodon works also I mean there are many iguanas that are famous for their watery abilities after all and the Iguanodon was one of the earliest dinosaur fossil discoveries ever and it was discovered by the Brits in England plus it has a long neck just like the Loch Ness monster so it could easily pull inspiration from both I feel that a full Loch Ness monster wouldn't work well focus for one it's unoriginal but also its wide body and flippers it just being aquatic laparis 2.0 and water starters always have land capabilities and such and a laparis like thing I don't think would move around very well on the land so I have a feeling it may pull more from an Iguanodon because fun fact iguanodons were famous for having thumbs despite being dinosaurs they're teeny tiny thumbs but still but if not that then perhaps a more anthropomorphic sort of Loch Ness monster so it has arms at least for better acting or at least getting its act Ernest across better in the anime it could even get the Shakespearean ruffle neck thing or maybe the happy and sad face mask could have ribbons and outfits and it can change really fast because it's a chameleon Iguanodon Loch Ness monster Nix I do want more Pokemon that are like they pull from loads of different animals as opposed to just being a cartoon turtle you know oh man it is so hard to come up with names draw a million drama chameleon in Guan se I'm sure critique names but I cannot come up with them on the spot or maybe maybe it uh it gets happier and more proud as it evolves because it gets better at sports going back to that sports theming idea it turns into a cocky athlete dinosaur ah proud on I could also see it turning into an amphibious lizard thing with a bubble beard and neck frills doing the to be or not to be kind of posed after we get there first evolutions will be a lot better at figuring out their the direction that they're gonna go in hopefully or maybe not at all I mean froakie frogadier they look like they're going in one direction and then suddenly it changes at the end it happens often enough what if you had a pattern and then it stopped was the original design scrapped maybe instead of water ghost it could be water fairy because of face stuff face stuff is super big in the UK and Nessie is a part of that and don't you tell me that that idea is invalid because we just had a water fairy starter you know exactly why that doesn't matter so what are your thoughts did you learn anything or is this video not original at all because everybody is talking about this and we're always coming up with the same ideas because there's no such thing as originality and we're late to the party because we're slow at making this video because we like including just an ounce of this kind of thing let me know down below ow and until next time please 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Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 557,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword and shield, pokemon go, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield theory, pokemon sword and shield starter evolutions, grookey, grookey evolution, scorbunny, scorbunny evolution, sobble evolution, sobble, grookey gang, gen 8 starters, pokemon starters, pokemon theory, sword and shield, sword and shield theory, sword and shield starters, sword and shield pokemon, british pokemon, british pokemon region, galar region, pokemon sword and shield analysis
Id: X5WdvxE7E0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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