SNS 276: This Old Trailer

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[Music] alright guys I want to talk about my my big trailer here and some changes that's going to be coming to it and some modifications that we've already begun with you'll probably see right there and I want to go over some of the things that I'm gonna be doing and we'll call this project this old trailer this this trailer here I built back in I believe it was 2004 or either 2005 somewhere in that range I bought I built this trailer out of parts and pieces that were given to me by a friend of us and he give me most of the frame and then I added on the front two feet there added some extra cross members in there and I built the tongue on the front as well and I mean I built it put the deck on it and it's it's seen better days it's it's been it's been in the hands of several people and some things have happened to it things have gotten been up but it's a good heavy solid trailer and I wanted to go ahead and put a little bit of money and time in this trailer since I built it because it's always been a great trailer and start using this one for equipment hauling and material hauling and things like that alright so let's begin with what we've started and I'm going to talk about some of the plans that I have for this trailer to kind of bring it back to spruce it up anyway so what I have done the one of the things that I did to this trailer that that one of the many things I want to do this trailer is add brand new axles including brakes so we now we have two 7,000 pound axles on this thing including brakes on each axle alright and we have brand new rims and tires and these are 14 ply tires right here okay so that is going to be some good heavy-duty axles and tires that I can use for equipment hauling and you know just heavy heavy loads on this on this trailer these are the original axles that came with it and these are originally mobile-home axles alright and they told me that trailer place I had the trailer company here in town install those axles for me but they said that these are 5200 pound rated axles right here I had put the six lub hub adapters on there you know I took I took the original mobile-home wheels off put these hubs on there and it's been they've been working so I want to go ahead and save these and save the rims and tires Fernando had even said that he that he'd if I didn't have anything to do with him that he wanted him so I wanted to go ahead and hang on to him so we've got fourteen thousand pound trailer right now - the weight of the trailer so I'm going to I'm just going to go on an educated guess and say we've got it maybe eleven thousand pound payload once I'm through with all the modifications I'm gonna go ahead and reweighed so that I know what the trailer weighs but when I weighed it before it was around 2,200 pounds it's gonna be a little bit more with the tires and axles and then we're gonna redo the deck and I'm gonna add a little bit to it so I'm gonna what I want to do obviously it needs a paint job so we're gonna do that the next phase is I'm gonna build some new finish for it and what we're gonna do is we're going to take these off these are some that I made up a long time ago when I built it they're real thin so we're going to take these fenders off and I'm gonna build some heavy-duty fenders out of channel arm and put on there and the great thing about how this is done now is that you see the tires are below the deck level there so what's going to be really nice is I think I'm going to build a lower the fenders down I'm gonna give I don't know anywhere from two to three inches there so I'm gonna try to make the fenders even with the deck so that these are not sticking up so trying to eliminate defenders being in a way so that we'll have more of a flat deck or an over deck trailer I'm gonna go I'm gonna see about the deck going with the rough cut lumber they said that the rough cut lumber is actually thicker supposed to be a true 2 inches so that'll bring this up a little bit there as well and then we'll drop the fenders down to try to make defenders kind of even with the top of the deck there so that these are not sticking up above that but you can see they're all bent up there was a blowout one time here this got all bent up so I did get a spare I wanted to make sure that I had a good spare so this is these are the tires right here they're Hercules 235 80 are 16 and they've got I believe it was a hundred and five pounds of pressure I read it on there earlier 105 psi so my buddy Andrew a blacksmith tools when I was talking to him about this he told me to go with floor 14 ply tires that the 10 ply tires he's had nothing but problems with having blowouts and 14 plies the way to go so that's what I went with it was an investment this was expensive to get these tires and rims but I wanted to go ahead and take the advice of somebody that's got my a lot more experience with hauling than I do and so I went ahead and invested the money there I felt that the walls on these things I mean it they got to be you know 5/8 3/4 thick on the wall here's the old original these these rims I found that the the pick and pull here in town and they come off of a Chevy truck I'm still good there's nothing wrong with him the tires some of the tires need to be replaced this is a new tire here my uncle had borrowed it and he had to blow out and heat so he had a brand new tire put on it that was the last one that I had put on it right there that one's not that old but these two right here are dry rotted and no good so we're gonna give it a good paint job here's a little look at the electronics you know the electrical work so we've got a brand new plug on it now and we have the proper breakaway system got the cable for the breakaway just looking forward to getting some some more work done on this thing we're gonna this somebody put this on there I didn't put these but so once we do the deck I'm thinking about actually getting buying the angle iron and I'm gonna go ahead and wrap all the way around all four sides with the angle iron to protect the edges of the wood and the guys fix some of these some of these were rotted and busted out the little marker lights and they actually still had these down there and their inventory so they put some of those on there for me I think that's going to be about it for now so once we get some more improvements done next thing I want to do is the fenders so I'll show you how that's going to come along I'll probably have probably half Joe down the welding shop helped me with defenders he's got the material for that and he could probably break those up and his break a lot easier so I don't know we'll see if he's busy I might just get some material and making myself but they're gonna be fully welded on here I don't want him just hanging off like this I want the I want these welded on there and they're gonna be heavy enough then I'm probably going to put a couple of D rings up here also so that you you can have it you'll have a tie-down point in this area there as well okay so there you go we'll talk more about this as I get some more work done on it okay but real happy with it I'm real happy with the deck height and it's going to be a good trailer again the haul and move some heavy equipment so I've actually got a machine that I'm going to go and pick up pretty soon with this trailer and I'll show you that adventure whenever we get to it okay there's a couple things that I forgot to talk about that I meant to so I wanted to mention these straps right here these are the quick loaders and I had way way back when I was hanging out with Andrew at this place I saw him using these and I asked him where he got them and these are available over at mcmaster-carr so I've got actually four of them and I believe they're like 57 58 dollars and they're awesome because all of the extra strap spools up on this shaft right here so you don't have all that extra strap that you got to tie tie up and you know and do something with it works really good I don't know if I can give you a shot here I got to be able to kind of hold it somewhere let's see there we go you can see it on unwinding and then it just spring-loaded so it pulls all the extra strap back in there so again the the quick loader they've got them in they got them in this hook pattern they got them in the flat hook pattern and then they make them in a shorter version as well a little bit lighter duty this is 27 foot but they've got them in a smaller strap 10 foot and 6 foot as well then you can see I've got that one hooked into the over the axe was there awesome and then I was going to mention also that we've got all new Springs Hardware all the hangers and everything for these axles so all that stuff has been replaced all that stuff under near is all brand new so I'm starting to slowly work on a couple of the modifications for my trailer and it's actually going to start right here with my with my hitch or the insert I think you actually call it there so I begin by talking about where this come from so I actually built part of this this piece right here the actual insert piece was something that I had salvaged for free it was something that I don't even remember where it came from but I had it at the old shop and it was originally sold with it had the hit weight distribution system mounted on this thing for like a camper and I didn't need that so I just threw that away or scrapped it and I built my own using this piece right there so what we've got is I've got these Lynch pins right here that you can take out and I use these bolts 3/4 bolts I just bought some long ones and I cut the threads off and then drilled the hole for the the linchpin and we got a strong pin right there and I did it so that two of them line up so this is the piece that I salvaged and used nice heavy-duty solid steel and then this is the piece that I actually made myself right here so this was a solid piece of square stock and that's the same material that I used the while back in a collaboration video whenever we made that precision tool makers vise I used some 4140 this is the same material out of that same piece of stock I had cut a piece off you can see how it's all rusty and piti pitted pity but that's how that material looked and I've got a piece of this sitting over on my Victor laid too you might see every now and then I keep it over against the high low lever so I took and cut a piece off that and I milled it so that it would fit on this 2-inch piece right here I made it a precision fit so it's got very very little movement on there at all and I just milled it that was back when we had the Akron mill the one I always used that motion it was that same mill and then this piece right here was some 3/4 plate that I had torched out and torched it so that it fit this tube and I just welded it on and I stick welded it but nice heavy beads on that this was bevel two so I filled up the bevel on both sides and then capped it off with a 70 18 and that's it so this is what I've always used and in the ball I only remember where I got this it was another salvage piece so this is the ball always used two and five in a 6,000 pound rating because it's got the one-inch thread on there so I wanted to go ahead and upgrade to a stronger ball that's got a higher load rating on it and so I went ahead and picked up this guy right here this is a new one that says it's rated for 20,000 pounds so we've also got the inch and a quarter thread on it there so what we are going to be doing is I'm gonna drill this guy out we're gonna go ahead and just drill this so that the inch and a quarter thread ball will fit in there all right and the other problem that poses is that I normally use I use this guy also this is a one in 7/8 this is from a small little utility trailer so usually what I do is always swap these balls out so I believe what I'll do I haven't looked yet but I'm gonna see if they happen to sell a one in seven eights with the inch and a quarter thread and if they don't what we're going to do is just make a bushing that will stay with this right here that I can put in there and put and tighten up in the inch and a quarter hole so that's the plan for that guy right there so just a real simple mod I may clean it up and repaint it to to make it look kind of fresh so anyway we'll go set it up in the mill and drill a stanch and a quarter hole in this guy right there use my Centrepointe just to kind of quickly get the hole lined up better put me real close right there and we'll stick an indicator in there find the center here's a cutter that we'll use right here this was one of my flea market scores so inch-and-a-quarter end mill with a 5/8 shank let's see if this little mill can handle it I'm just gonna we all have a lot to do I'm just gonna use my cutting hole here [Applause] all right there we go now before I take it out of there I'm gonna I'm gonna run the table down and make sure that the the ball fits that hole good like it was machined for it all right I was just mainly concerned that it would be a little too small but we've got enough clearance there that it'll slide then good all right I did a quick search on McMaster car and these one in 7/8 balls are only listed to having a 3/4 thread on there so I don't know if they've changed the standardization or maybe McMaster car just doesn't have the ones with the one inch but see this one is uh there's a one inch thread right there so I'm just going to make a bushing we got a piece of tubing right here that's a one inch ID yeah see it's already one inch ID I just got to turn the OD down it's one and five-eighths right now so we'll turn down an inch and a quarter part of sleeve off we'll just have a little bushing that will just keep on the ball so what I want to use it we can stick it on there [Music] [Music] [Music] place three quarters so I'll just part it off this to just a shade under that will part it off and then we'll chamfer all four corners and looks good right there all right this should be it right there just go make sure everything fits up right I'll probably coat that down with never scenes because I know eventually it's gonna start rusting and probably get a little bit tight I thought it gave it about five thousands that'll work right there that's gonna work good so I just keep this ball under the backseat of my the back of my truck under the under the backseat and then whenever I used my little trailer I'll just swap the ball out because I just I like using this I haven't you know being able to adjust the height that I need to and not have a bunch of separate inserts to swap out so there we go there's that right there and I'll start getting all this back together now but we got some more projects to start on I've got a I've got a toolbox that I bought that I'm going to mount on the tongue of the trailer as well I think I'm about to start on that next I'll snug that again once I get it on the truck so with the the new axles the new tires and rims on there it raised it up a bit so I actually got to bring it all the way to the very top to make the trailer level now usually whenever I'm pulling my little trailer I bring it down here to the bottom so I just picked up this better built toolbox that's going to mount to the tongue here got this locally from a1 accessories they do trailer and truck parts up there and they had this guy and I've been wanting to pick me up one for a long time for this trailer so that I'll have a good place to store my straps and things whenever I'm you know doing a haul so we're going to probably just I'll lay out a couple or four holes on the bottom side and drill those and then just bring it back out here and transfer a punch onto the plate this is a quarter-inch thick plate right here that I welded to the tone so I'll probably drill in tap this plate right here and then just bolt it in from the top okay so that's gonna be a nice addition I've wanted one of those for the longest time you're finally getting this one I will point out this right here is I'm going to leave this on here for now I'm just gonna but that thing all the way up against it and bolt it in but this was a plate for a winch one of those little cheapo wenches that I got from probably Harbor Freight years ago it just mounts on there but I no longer have that winch but I using for this d-ring there as well I'm going to be removing this once I redo this deck and I'm going to do something different I'm probably going to have a big steel plate mounted on the front of this I'm going to be putting another support in along right here and we'll have a different winch mount I do want to mount a winch on this trailer but we'll put us a big heavy steel plate right up here that's mounted into this front channel will have us another support right across here that would be mounted too as well so I was just gonna point that out that's what that was but that's gonna go away all this will be going away I'm just gonna use some 3/8 bolts I thought about using half but I think half's a little bit run some 3/8 in there [Music] all right we've got a position where we want it I've got it equally centered both sides and I will point out that my Jack handle still works right there it's so we got just enough clearance there so I'm going to transfer points those four holes now bring the mag drill out here and we'll use that to drill and tap those holes use that transfer punch [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well we got our mounted down on there and all for my holes lined up perfectly bolted in good and rigid that's gonna work well I'm gonna go ahead and unbolt it and remove it and the next thing I'm going to do I'm gonna go ahead and start wire brush and some of the scaly rust off and especially on the front right here I'm going to go ahead and start brushing some of my CRC rust converter on the front of this and I'll make it look a little bit more presentable on the front and I may just go ahead and do the rusty areas anyway and maybe even the fenders just because it might be a little bit before I can get to these fenders and I just want to make it look a little bit more presentable until I get there just try to make it look a little nicer going down the road getting it ready for the first haul we got coming up next week [Music] [Music] I'm just giving the front of the trailer here a nice coat with the rust converter it'll make it look a lot nicer our wire brushes everything to get the scaly rust off and this will make it look like it's kind of been painted black and look a whole lot better than that orange a rust color and then once I get to where probably whenever I get to where I'm going to be putting the new deck on it is where I'm gonna actually paint the entire trailer probably just go back black again and then once I do this right here is a good primer coat for paint as well I got a coat of the rust converter on the whole trailer I went ahead and dusted off the defenders in the back of the trailer as well and while I was at it I just went ahead and coated everything that was rusty just to try to make the thing look a little bit more presentable and a little bit more uniform instead of the orange rust popping out everywhere so it's it definitely looks a lot better but I'm really excited about getting a fresh paint job on this thing once we take this off and get ready to put the deck on so I'm gonna go ahead and get the the new toolbox mounted back up on here and we'll just just about be done with what we're doing here all righty our little spruce treatment they can look so much better we've got our tool box mounted up here now ready to put my straps in there and my chains have a good place to keep it locked I can't believe after all these years I finally got one in boxes on here it's looking pretty good so that's gonna be it for now next phase is gonna be replacing these fenders probably gonna go with some 12-inch channel iron and I'll get those fapped up and they'll actually be welded solid to the to the trailer so we'll do fenders and then from there probably go to a deck and incomplete paint job yeah all right that's it we'll see you guys later these are some more straps and things that I bought also from mcmaster-carr that's where I've been picking all this stuff up that so these are the the quick loader straps right there that I found out about from Andrew over blacksmith tools last year I saw him using those and I asked him where he got him he said McMasters so I went ahead and bought me I've got four of them now and when I purchased these last two I picked up these guys here as well these are the smaller ones you know not quite as heavy duty and these are 10 foot long so these are rated for 1,100 pounds but I just I wanted some smaller ones to use also so I got two of these as to see how they would do but they worked the same they wind up the extra strap right there on the on the ratchet and then I got me some change so I have me some new binding chains right here these are these are from McMaster and says made in USA on there somewhere I thought it did anyway I got me some fresh chains and I've also got some of these guys right here these are called web sling protectors on the mcmaster-carr website and let's see if I can get it open they've got that velcro on there so these are used to protect your piece that you're binding down and also to protect your straps and chains so you can put this around your chain or that velcro is tight so you can put this around this strap right here lay it in there then you've got some extra protection against tearing you know in sharp corners and things but this also serves as a padding on say a say a machine we're moving machine and all you got is you know a precision surface to put something across and this will help protect that okay or a paint job or whatever so I actually picked me up eight of these these are pretty cheap I think these are around $12 a piece so I made of those I've got the other the other four inside but anyway I just wanted to show that because it was in the video so these are some really cool straps right there and I'd recommend picking those up I believe these are around $57 for mcmaster-carr and made in USA a good quality stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 134,668
Rating: 4.9195571 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, trailer, trailer build, trailer repair, trailer fabrication, trailer modification, trailer upgrades, trailer axles, axles, brake axles, trailer brakes, trailer wheels, 14 ply tires, tool box, trailer tool box, quickloader, ratchet straps, quickloader strap, crc, crc industrial, crc rust converter, rust converter, milling machine, drilling holes, machine shop, job shop, repair shop
Id: IG_FGgBydHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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