1,000 Amp Stick Welding with Weld.com

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The bacon frying noise on that one... heaven.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Klaus_Goldfish 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I giggled while watching that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phriday 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

So how much does a box of them rods set you back?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TurnbullFL 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Do you need to notify the power company in advance you are going to turn this on.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/well_hung_stable_boy 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good lord. The flux spatter is the size of marbles.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Guysmiley777 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's impressive as hell.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SandyTech 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

abom79 Welding 3/4" plate with 1000AMP and 3/4" electrode needing 2x 500AMP leads and ground clamps

10:50 "look the concrete is glowing underneath"

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/titleunknown 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right guys we're down here in Largo Florida and we're hanging out with Jason from welkom and of course all the guys here at Welkom and they invited us down to come and see the shop and do a little bit of welding so Jason thanks for having me down thanks for making the trip man yeah it's a little bit of a trek from from Pensacola but not too bad it was a good excuse to get down this way and have a little bit of fun see a different Beach from Pensacola and get see y'all shot maybe y'all got a lot of cool machines right here I got a couple little toys yeah you got a few nice toys up in here we'll give you guys a little quick shop tour of all their machinery and equipment and if you don't know well calm they primarily do educational type welding videos on YouTube and for all you guys that might be going to trade school or you might be a home do-it-yourselfer or just trying to learn welding on your own they've got a lot of great videos to learn all different well welding processes from is that right yeah we pretty much go through we cover the basics intermediate and advanced levels of the different processes so stick MIG TIG flux core gas shielded flux core of plasma arc cutting CNC plasma cutting oxy fuel I mean pretty much everything there's we have basic intermediate and in advanced level videos that you can watch and follow along home as long as you have the same equipment and yeah I mean that's pretty much education is a big thing that we try to promote try to promote the correct way to do things versus some of the old habits mm-hmm yeah well I love y'all's videos you always you know have some excellent film qualities and I loved it everything that you try to promote out there and teach you know the different processes thank you so excellent videos make sure you guys check out Welkom give them a sub watch the videos I dare to you're gonna learn something from their videos so I think I might be learning something today from Jason and what we're going to be doing let me show you guys this right here we're going to be running this big boy three-quarter inch 4-minute this was a 25 25 Weldon Ron look at this guy right here look at this 3/4 inch diameter you guys want to talk about a stick electrode this is it right here so he's gonna be showing me how to run this guy today and he's already informed me that this is primarily or I think it only is a flat rod yeah flat only so it's going to be a flat rod so he's already prepped this piece of plate right down here and I'm gonna be attempting to run this three-quarter inch rod across his plate and see what kind of weld me I can I can deal with it I'm looking forward to it we're gonna be using a thousand we're gonna run a thousand a thousand amps thousand amp I'll show you guys the machine in a minute which one we're gonna be used the DC 1000 over there so I'm ready to give it a shot man once we get done we're gonna go ahead and do a cut in an acid etch yeah so actually cut the plate up we'll do a nice polish on there and then we'll expose that with an acid etch that we use and you'll actually be able to see the depth of penetration using a thousand amps on 3/4 rod and three-quarter inch plate all right very cool can you real quick tell the viewers why they would use a rod like this it's industry typically this is using like foundries where they have the big castings and the molds and what do you get the crucibles so any times those get cracked or damaged they would go in there and kind of grind out the repair area and it's usually set up on a tripod we don't have the tripod so we're just gonna go ahead and manhandle this thing I think this broad is built for for a bomb he's a big enough guy to be able to run it so you should have too many issues but yeah it's very similar to a 70 18 in how it runs not and it's its characteristics but um as far as the way that it runs so it's a very smooth running rod you just lean it down like I said typically it's ran on a tripod so you're just gonna kind of hold it in place and you're just gonna kind of direct it where it needs to go and the rods gonna do all the work we're just gonna lay it on the joint just lay it right on the joint laid on the joint and just guide it right along the you know right along the weld seam right along the weld seam there very cool man I'm looking forward to trying this guy yeah they're fun oh yeah I'm looking forward to it one more thing that we may try to do if we have enough time Jason is a certified welding instructor inspector and you certify as well yeah well well coupons and I've got a previous video where I helped them machine some of the rollers for their test bending machine so he may he may send me with some coupons to take back to the shop and I'll do some welding in my shop film that I'm gonna send them back down here for Jason and he's going to do his test and I might even get a proper certification for the shop so we may add that to the to the video later on that's like a plan all right well let's go ahead and we want to show you the machine so we'll check that out and then we're gonna get in here and get suited up and we're gonna run a well beat hopefully a shirt for our welding today there's our plate looks like we got that's 3/4 plate right we've got our DC 1000 welding machine that we're going to be used by ready orc and this is going to be running off a big generator so let's go check that out this is the big ready arc generator that we're going to use to run the thousand ant machine let's go ahead and fire this bad boy up we're gonna give it about 15 seconds and we're gonna go from low to high all right let's go ahead it's gonna run a bead [Music] [Music] [Music] nearly three inches wide [Music] show the tape this way [Music] alright guys here we go let's give it a try come on when you're ready alright let's roll [Music] all right so right now we're hitting just over a thousand amps almost 1100 you're just gonna use the regular drag technique very similar to a seven to twenty four you can see it as a superfluid puddle I'm really interested to see what type of deposition we got on here now it is extremely hot please probably run about half the plate and it will stop you let it cool down we're gonna do a cutting edge I want to see what this penetration profile looks like we have two 500 amp rating ground clamps hooked up to this a work these clamp hooked up to the material because we're running those up right off the same machine you just can't run a thousand ants off one cable the same thing with the makeshift stinger you got two five hiring of cables run into that there's almost up to the point but you can see how fluid that puddle is and that's exactly why you're only able to run this in a quiet position you're not getting out of position with this thing anyway but you wouldn't be able to run like a horizontal tea joint with this either because the puddle is super fluid you'd never be able to maintain that vertical leg on the piece you can actually see the spatter coming off this thing it's the size of small shooter marbles this stuff's pretty intense and like I said the heat coming off that is just extreme we've got three fume extractors going on here to pull off the amount of fume that is generating and it's probably still not adequate enough man I can't wait to dig into this and see what the penetration profile looks like on it I bet it goes halfway 3/4 through hey that's hot we all sweet that is Gilda you feel the UV off that one I was trying to get a little bit extra rod and I was having too much fun so you came down here to work on your tan lines at the beach you didn't think you'd be able to do it here in the shop look the conquer he's glowing underneath Wow the I could tell when I first started we were just like blowing through it was there wasn't enough material there at the very end it's we're kind of poured off the end of it but as I got into you know it started blowing a pretty decent puddle there what'd it feel like holding all that it's just it's crazy man like it's a total different feeling to me having a hold of rod like this with you know two arms of where I am that's right he says like hold a mini good yeah that's what it feels like to hold a mini gun so that's a little awkward but it's a neat experience it's it's a little bit on your back because you got a you know words position that down here you just got to kind of hold it so mm-hmm it's uh it's interesting experience though now we got to find a chipping hammer big enough to knock all that slag off we'll get it cleaned up I think we let it cool down just for a little bit we might even quench it because we're not doing a bend test on it yeah but we'll get it cooled down enough we'll cut you know do a flame cut probably halfway 3/4 of the way through yeah somewhere in here yeah and then we'll just well what we'll do is we'll cut that with the oxy fuel clean it up with a couple different types of grinding discs yeah and just to kind of polish that bring it too closely to a mirror finish yeah and then we'll hit it with I think we have five percent fear Attic acid or ferric acid and it'll just kind of bring out that weld nugget you'd be able to see the dissimilarities between the weld nugget and actual the base metal alright cool so we'll be able to see your what kind of penetration I got exactly that right there I'm thinking this I mean that's 3/4 inch plate probably half inch to 3/4 of the way through the plate if not all the way like I mean since you got done you can see the glowing reflection or we off the off the concrete yeah so you could tell I mean the heats definitely getting into it yeah and the whole time you're going to see you were hitting right around 1,100 amps no kid yeah so it's a breeze I've ever run on anything oh for sure all right we'll go cut it and do it door acid etch on yeah let's get cleaned up look at the size of that will be right here my hand but I'm gonna go ahead and chip the flux off of it and get a look right this would be a good scene do that before right there it's almost like little pockets yeah it's kind of like because of how fluid that funnel actually is I think it's because it's just so liquid you can't control it words like with 1770 24 you got a ticker swag coverage okay so it's easier to maintain it a good clean beat appearance okay this stuff I don't think it really matters I mean when they're walking up those big what does it go up I don't think they care about a hold right resist this kind of stuff isn't going to be out there on Instagram for prettiest world oh no no these are a hashtag real wolves hey to go so yeah we'll get it all cleaned up quench cut it polish it up check out that depth of penetration in here that's really what I want to see I know we had a lot of comments we previously did this they wanted to see an acid etch on it so we'll give that to the fans all right cool [Applause] [Music] [Music] so what's your process on what we're gonna do here with your acid anytime we want to do an edge we just want to bisect the weld so we're just gonna cut the material you can flame cut it you can put it in saw doesn't matter as long as you cut it now we're gonna go through a process of cleaning and prepping it up so I'm gonna take this Victor grain this thing just piece material I'm gonna clean this up kind of get it down rough get the bulk of the cut striations out of there hit it up with a regular flapper wheel clean that up and then finally take it down to almost close to a mere polish once we get to that stage we'll actually be able to use from this 10% ferric chloride and we'll put some of that on there with q-tips and we'll expose the weld nugget and you'll be able to see the dissimilarities between the two metals you'll be able to see the depth of penetration the width all that good stuff so you got to get it too close to a mirror finish the closer we get it to a mirror finish the better off the results are gonna be right okay I was just seeing which one you got here so you got a 60 grit flap disc there and then this is one that's got the scotch brite yes kinda so this one right here you can actually take this if you're doing detail work you can take it pretty much from well to paint in one step so you only need to use that wheel okay and then this one right here it's like I said just we've doubled tons of place with it taking backing strips off material I mean they seem to last a lot longer the great thing about them is as you're grinding when the the abrasive breaks it breaks into another diamond shape okay so it's just layers and layers of little diamonds on the on the inside and it just continuously cuts until you completely wear it out yeah that's cool I've never seen it before it's it's a lot then then lot thinner than your typical braces right okay so it gives you a little bit of flex to it as well yeah alright cool [Music] I'm just gonna take this stuff and kind of whop it on here take a little bit you see reaction starting to come out right now see right there yo yeah I can see it this is pretty good anymore even so not not as deep as I thought it was gonna be I mean I still still pretty impressive cuz 3/4 inch of plate can actually see good about about 3/8 about 3/8 of penetration in there so it starts right there it's all the way down mm-hmm right up in there you can actually see where the two plates originally buttered up so we got about halfway through this about halfway into the plate about there's about three days yeah by halfway there without any joint preparation whatsoever so it's just a square but place you get creates depth of fusion depth of penetration but well I think you know for rainin running and rainin yeah that's easy for you to say I think for running a process you know manually that's meant to be done mechanized that's not bad at all I mean this process isn't meant to do what we did with it but it's cool to be able to mess around with it I mean how often can you say air in three-quarter inch welding rod that's probably gonna be the only time I ever run a 3/4 welding rod because it's not like it's very practical yeah it's not every day we get a small repair around the shop you know get a bus company like DC 1000 no we might use a 180 70 18 or a 5/32 at the most yeah and then do some basic joint preparation I mean you could no problem do a full pen weld on it all right guys well that's about it I had a lot of fun getting to run the ready art DC 1000 and that three-quarter inch rod and you know watching Jason do the the policin the ashes acid etch on this plate this was I just I had a great time I can't thank him enough for inviting us down here into the shop and hanging out with him bringing the camera for all you guys to enjoy a little bit of video so Jason thanks for having me and appreciate you making the time to come visit us man yeah absolutely it was it was a great excuse to get out of the house and get out of my shop and come down and visit you guys and and see your shop got a excellent place here a lot of great machinery a lot of good equipment and it's just been a lot of fun so let me let me run that that big electrode man it's fun it's like I said once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do it so it's kind of that's right got a neat just to kind of put that in your toolbox yeah yeah it's not something that we're gonna be using every day but it was definitely fun to be able to do it and just say yep I did it I ran one of those so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and we will see you later [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 2,179,291
Rating: 4.8012552 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, weld.com, welding, welding videos, stick welding, smaw, smaw welding, welding procedures, fume extractor, flame cutting, welding shop, welding education, job shop, machine shop, repair shop, slag pot repair, red-d-arc, lincoln electric, welding machine, 1000 amp welding, 3/4, electrode, coromat, coromat f25
Id: AzABTpi_iCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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