SNS 289: Oliver Drill Grinder, Trailer Ramps, Stainless Machining

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop for another week of Saturday night special and I've got several things to share with you in this week's video I think you might like we've got I've got some new acquisitions some stuff I've been picking up I've got a little bit of machine work mixed in there I had a little sleeve that I had to make for a guy here in town so we got that and also I do a little bit of heating and straightening of my trailer ramps so capture a little video of that we're going to throw in there but here recently I I went over a mobile and picked up and Oliver drill grinder that I bought from Andrew over a blacksmith tools this is one that he had already made a deal on when we were out at long machine tool and whenever I found out about it he offered to sell it to me and and I wanted to I wanted to buy it and add it to the shop here so we got some video of that picking it up getting over here and unloaded and we'll talk more about the that grinder what its capabilities of and then in the video and then just today I actually went back over there because I had when I was over in Texas when we visited a A&E machine and gear mykos the owner there we were checking everything out and he had these huge slabs of Steel outside and Andrew not made a deal with him to buy all those that I bought one of them the Andrew got the others so Andrew was kind enough to go pick all those up and then he took mine and crated it for me and shipped it over here and I went and picked that up so we got a little video of that of getting it off the truck today and getting it you know set down on the ground so I think you might like the mix-up for this week and I've got a I've got a meet-and-greet announcement they don't want to tell you guys about as well so next month February is going to be the the big event for for the Florida fly wheelers and that's going to be going on February the 19th through the 22nd so it runs from a Wednesday to a Saturday so it's a four-day event so I plan on being there the first day February the 19th on a Wednesday and we're gonna have a little youtuber meet-and-greet there at the machine shop on the the fly wheelers property and also a Dave Richards from old steam-powered machine shop he's going to be there and Keith Rutger said that he's going to be there and also Jim Bollinger from do-right fab he's going to be there as well those are the only guys that I've talked to the confirm that they're gonna be there they're very well maybe some other guys that that end up wanting to come and and hang out there so we're all gonna be gathering and probably I'm saying somewhere between 1 & 2 p.m. in the afternoon we'll start getting together there and you know have our little you know hang out and meet up there you know until whenever I just figured out would give everybody time to be able to check out the swap meet and then maybe go have some lunch and then after that go over to the machine shop and check that out so it's an it's an awesome event I encourage everybody to come down and check it out it's it's a huge swap meet plus lots of tractors and heavy equipment the big snow steam engine there they've got another building there with all kinds of like big Ingersoll Rand type diesel engines in there that run so it's also got a little village there too as well it's really neat to see Orencia golf cart and ride around and you know have a have a lot of fun there so anyway I just wanted to invite all my viewers and anybody that you know is wanting to come out to the event where we're gonna be you know getting together there at the machine shop and having a little meet-and-greet so anybody wants to come on out come and hang out and talk with us alright so February the 19th Florida fly with us maybe we'll see you there these are my two ramps that I built for my trailer way back whenever I built my my big trailer and you see what's going on with them they are they're bent and they've been in this condition for a number of years now and really really what I want to do is just rebuild I just want to build new ramps for the trailer but for the time being what I was going to try to do was maybe see if I can straighten them I was gonna do some heating in a beaten and see if I can get them kind of straightened and I use them to help unload the shaper off of the trailer so that's what we're gonna attempt today and what had happened is this is not my doing right here somebody was using a trailer a while back and apparently they were trying to load a gigantic tractor onto the trailer that was like 15,000 pounds I had no idea and they were using my ramps to load that try to load that tractor up on it and of course it bent the ramps so I used these ramps to load my Malibu countless times a few trucks my mom's Tahoe once and I even loaded a tractor on it that I had borrowed a long time ago onto the trailer and these ramps always worked for normal loads but that's what they were built for they were not built for a 15,000 pound tractor and whenever they went to drive up on there you can see what it did they just they bent and then this one's even worse right here you can see how that one that one got so and this is usually what happens whenever you let somebody borrow your trailers is that they they mess stuff up they damage them people usually don't care about trailers because they're just like oh it's a trailer who cares it's just a metal you know but that's not how I treat my stuff I treat my stuff with care and that's one of the reasons why I want to get my trailer reconditioned and I'm gonna I'm probably just going to rebuild these probably use some thicker gauge angle iron whenever I do these but anyway we'll get them clamped out here on the table we'll use the Rose but probably do some heating and see if I can get them kind of straightened up so that they're not so bad all righty [Music] [Music] [Music] and this thing is unreliable always does that on [Music] [Applause] he's looking pretty good I may do a little bit more heating and painting on the sides with the hammer to kind of get the sides a little more straight and I wanted to point up point out the these c-clamp see these right here like some of the ones that I pick up at the flea market for like $2 apiece they're not the my best ones and I use them I'll use them and abuse them they're not my best c-clamp so I don't mind messing these up if they they're going to get heat all over them or or whatever you know so that's that's what I wanted to point out about those but anyway real happy it's starting to straighten up it's definitely working rather a know me got a rain cloud coming in on me [Music] [Music] just the weight of the rents on their made it fall down once I heated it up that's a lot straighter than it was new machine day guys I just got back from mobile over at the YRC terminal I picked up this new to me Oliver drill grinder this is a machine that I purchased from Andrew Alexander at blacksmith tools and we recently showed on SNS 286 part two of one of these drill grinders actually being used over at A&E machining gear micah he's the owner he actually has one of these at his shop and we and he give a demonstration on how it works but when I was visiting with Andrew over at his shop we went down to believe it's ferrous a long machine tool and he actually had this up on the shelf and Andrew already knew about it and already had made a deal wanting to buy this drill grinder and Andrew told me about it and offered to sell it to me and after seeing how the thing worked over at A&E I decided that I wanted to have one for myself so it was just an opportunity it was a purchase of opportunity at the time being able to get one so I believe the machine is fully functional and intact all except for this one section right here the casting that was broke off and that was already done that way this it was bought this way and I bought it knowing that it had this crack but other than that I believe the rest of the machine is good and complete Andrew actually showed a video on his Instagram of this thing running pretty cool it'll actually hold up to a three inch drill bit in here and grind drills all my straps are doing goods you see I got my sling protectors on here to protect the slings around the sharp edges of the machine and here's our business in right there here's the fixture and the will and I have never run one of these I'm looking forward to actually getting it set up and learning how it operates it does a really good job of grinding drill bits you don't have to grind one flute and flip it around this is a fully automatic you stick the drill in there once everything is set it grinds both flutes at the same time it spins and grinds both flutes so when you take it out of there the the drill is ready to drill do its thing we got some got some work going on across the street there the neighbors they're having some trees cut so you got the Tree Service out there cutting those big live oaks I think they're trimming it because I remember he said that he's getting a new roof on so I don't know what all they're if they're just wanting to clean it up or they're having to remove some trees but that's what all the noise out here is so anyway I'll get the pallet jack out here this always works real well for me I took the tailgate off before I get over there or before I leave so that I don't have to worry about taking it off forklift can load it push it up on here and all I got to do is just bring my pallet jack and with the ramp hooked up I can slide right on off onto the to the pad there [Music] okay we got it inside the shop here I've just got to get it unbolted and unstrap from the pallet and I'll be using the overhead the rolling gantry crane to pick it up off the pallet and my plan is to set it right here I did have the Davis key cedar here but I've already moved it around to the other side of the shop this is a circuit right here this is a three phase circuit that used to power the knt mill I actually have it unhooked from the breaker box I got to get another breaker for this and why are those wires in I'll have a circuit so my plan is just set the Oliver right here and I'm gonna use it right here for now I would like to have it on the other side of the shop with all the other grinding machines but this is gonna be a better spot for me right here I'll come around here and I'll show you we got the Davis key cedar sitting here now and we're gonna be doing some wiring here very soon hopefully getting all this all these machines hooked I've got the Davis key cedar we're gonna set it right here it may be moved around just a little bit but this is the general spot we got a wire up we got to bring a circuit over here that's going to power up this machine the kemp more electric press there and then my big pedestal grinder the Queen city's directly on the other side of the wall we're gonna move it over here to this side as well it's going to sit right in here I'm going to shuffle all the grinders around and try to get everything arranged to where I have a section right through here that's got all the grinders but I did want the the way that the Oliver is positioned I wanted it on the other side to where I'd have a little bit more room to work with it and I think the Davis is going to be suited pretty good in this general area right here just real tight whenever you got a small shop and you got to get things situated the way it'll work best for you so we're gonna we're gonna have that Oliver kind of sitting right here by the door in in this general area my attempt to pick it up is using these two holes right here that actually hold the guard of the wheel down it's to 3/8 holes I've got 2 3 top bolt screwed in there and some shackles and the threads didn't look all that good in there I've got them screwed all the way down I'm gonna see if that will hold - I pick this thing up get off [Music] all right we'll just set her down there and I'll probably just use my prop our and just walk it over against the the wall there I just put it on these these one-inch hot roll bars there and I'm just going to use though that with it metal-on-metal just to kind of slide it back I tried to put them underneath this area but the the motor plate back here actually sticks down below this surface so I've actually gotten out there on the four feet and we're just gonna slide it just like this working good [Music] all right that's down one of the reasons why I wanted it right here is because of this doorway being open up all the time and you got this extension piece that goes in here right right in this area here so I believe this is one of the stops that you used to you know put the push to drill up against whenever you're doing repetition cuts but so you've got a tapered pin that goes in here I'm just going to drop it in place just like that all right and then you can slide this piece you know up and down this rail as you need to and you can adjust this it looks like a center there but obviously you don't want that there all the time so but it just gives me a little bit of an opening because of the tighter shop space that I have around here so I can always just install it whenever I need to whenever we're doing some cuts it does come with a couple extra set of jaws right here and I'm sure these are used according to whatever diameter drill bits that you're wanting to grind these right here or the ones that are in there I'm not really sure yet maybe the ones that will hold up to a three inch drill bit not quite sure but so those come with it that's cool I'm just going to set them in these little pockets right here we've got the Chuck wrench with it so I believe it's a complete machine I really don't know much about it other than what you see right here and apparently they're they're still in business so I've got to look them up and see if I can find maybe some some literature on this thing and start reading in on and figure out you know the function of the machine but next phase from here is that I need to go ahead and get me another plug to put here wire up the circuit here on the wall over on the main panel so that we can fire it up and actually see this thing run and then from there it's going to be a matter of cleaning it up I would like to I'm going to just say this I think this would make a nice restoration candidate I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to get to it but I think it would look really nice if we at least cleaned it up and put a fresh paint job on it at least do that but I don't know when we're going to do that but it would be nice to see this happen but let's get it fired up and actually see the thing running and and learn how to use it and then from there we'll see about starting to get the thing tuned up and cleaned up and everything looking good okay [Music] you you I had a customer that's replacing his washing machine jefra here out of an older unit so this is the old unit right there this is the new replacement unit and the problem that he run into was that this is the new seal that come in here and the seal journal on that is 37 millimeters but the OD of this one is 77 and a half millimeter okay and the housing that this has got to go in has got to use this seal right here and this one is I measured it being an 84 millimeter so he he brought this to me asking could I make a sleeve for this so that's what we did we made a sleeve just leave this smaller of journal which was at 37 millimeter up to 44 and a half millimeter seal journal size so we got it we've got a sleeve now and he does have a new seal on order so he'll be replacing that so we got it fixed up and he's ready to roll I am at the YRC terminal and mobile on this cold morning and I have just picked up another coal shipment from Andrew Alexander from blacksmith tools I got this fine big slab of Steel found this over at A&E machining gear over in Dallas look at this bad boy right here Micah had I believe it was like four of these maybe it was at least four of them and Andrew and I had made a deal with him on buying all of them and I wanted one of them for my shop so Andrew was kind enough to bring him back to his place and ship it over here for me and I'm just now getting it picked up so I haven't even measured yet it looks like it's a good 4-inch stick and I forget what great it was I'll have to I'll have to ask him again but I believe it's a tool steel grade or you know something like a chromoly grade of steel so just something to have maybe you never know we might be able to just make a nice heavy work bench for some vices out of that so just getting it picked up it's always a lot cheaper just to have it drop shift at the terminal for any of you guys that want to buy and sell equipment or tools or anything heavy save yourself some money if you just come to Eric go to the terminal and just pick it up instead of having them drop ship it so on our way back to the house by the way it's about a thousand pounds the truck is sitting mighty fine with a thousand pounds in the bed so let's take it to the house okay we made it back home getting ready to unload it I thought I would go ahead and measure it and see what it actually measured out at so we're at ten and eleven sixteenths looks like so just call it just call it 10 and 3/4 all right and in our thickness is 5 inches it's like right at right at 5 inches and let's see what our length is 5 foot or 60 inches total length right there so I asked Andrew what it weighs he just said thousand pounds so we're gonna consider it a thousand pounds but I've got my I've got a weight scale in there that I might hook up once we get it out here and get it down on the ground and we'll weigh it and see what we get out of our scale so we're gonna use my magnet right here good for a thousand pounds I'm sure it's got some safety factor involved in there but as long as you get a good flat surface with a magnet you should be able to pick it up so we're just going to give it a shot and I want to try to get it worked back here further so that I can get it directly in the center of it and if that'll pick it up we'll pick it up with that way and then I'll just drive out from underneath it [Music] so right on top of that oh I forgot to lower that set screw right there I had to use that to get it off the plate because the the cam leaver slid off the front [Music] try that see if we can drag it back a little bit usually rock it like that to try to jar it and see if it's going to try to pop off there and it seems like it's gonna hold you might just go ahead and walk her back all right there we go yeah all right there we go that's where it's gonna stay for now alright guys there she is it's down here on the ground safe and sound and as far as what I'm gonna do with that honestly I can't tell you I have a couple ideas on what I could use it for but it was just a really good opportunity to purchase a big thick chunk of steel for I mean really scrap value is what we were able to acquire these for there was several of them over there at a and E and Andrew and I was visiting and we talked to him and and we both wanted him so I bought one and Andrew brought bought the other ones and I'm not sure what Andrews doing with it I think he sold one of them already but it's a good it's a good piece of steel if you want to you know do some machining you know build some kind of parts out of it so it's definitely good for that you know if you got something that requires something big like this you could tell you to bandsaw just cut off some blocks so just good stuff to have around my other idea was possibly making it into a narrow workbench that would be used to hold a couple of big-boy vices so fabricate some legs you know where this thing is up you know sitting like a stand would be and then have a couple of big vices mounted on there that's kind of what my idea was for making use of it so anyway it'll be sitting here waiting for a good project to come along and maybe you enjoyed watching me wrestle this thing off the truck [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 201,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abom79, machine shop, machining, manual machining, oliver drill grinder, drill grinder, drill grinding machines, drill machines, grinding machines, manual machines, stainless steel, washing machine shaft, washing machine spider, spider shaft, heat shrink, drilling, taper shank drill, pedestal grinder, drilling stainless, machining stainless, steel, heavy steel, large steel plate, 5 inch thick steel
Id: D7dznFDS_fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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