SNS 298: Custom Parts Machined & Welded

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[Music] all right we're starting on our next little project here this is this is something I'm building for one of my viewers named Bill and a simple part that he needs made up we're gonna build two of them this is the sketch that he made he calls it a swing knife this is actually one of the parts off the swing night on this end here there's actually a bar that's welded on there that's I don't know about four to six foot long but this is the main piece right there and it consists of a piece of inch and a quarter square stock and we'll have to mill it down to inch and an eighth there and then there's another piece of flat bar right here quarter quarter inch thick flat bar that actually gets welded to the top after the half inch channel is milled in there and it's got a couple set screws in the top so we'll have a half-inch like a keyway looking channel milled through there and then we'll weld this piece on the top it will have some set screws in it and then looks like we've got some holes we got four holes to drill in it there he says that those are 5/8 holes they confirm that so and they're just equally spaced here in this section so a pretty simple job really not a whole lot you know real straightforward so we'll go I'm gonna cut these two lengths here that we need they got to be seven and 1/8 and then we'll mill them seven one eight and we'll we'll use the knt mill to deck this off eighth of an inch down [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we're in the center of the bar and in our equal spacing is 0.975 inches from the end all four holes it's equally spaced throughout there so 5/8 hole I'm gonna go ahead and start with a 3/8 hole to get a pilot going two point nine two five it's going to be the next spot so what I've done is I just I wrote my coordinates down in order this would be the first hole from the end on the x-axis you know nine seventy five one point nine fifty two point nine to five and then three point nine that's on the readout so I'm just working backwards now from the Flast hole to the first hole same thing is putting it on a print but at least right here you can just look straight up at your digital readout and know what you're supposed to be on while my setup is there for the small drill just gonna go ahead and take this one out I got my stop already set there so we can just take that one out put this one in drill our holes and then we'll after that we drill these small holes we'll drill our 5/8 holes onto our 5/8 holes [Music] 2.95 [Music] [Music] I've got a stop set on the equal up here I'm running down on two to make all the chamfers uniform [Applause] try this instead of moving it down each time for the hole we're gonna I take my other part I'm gonna do this slide it in there [Applause] sit that one flip it over [Applause] do that one alright and now we'll move down to the next hole 1.9 50 that's less movements on the on the table and just more movements they're moving the workpiece around [Applause] now we're gonna their other one but that one all right we need down again two point nine to five [Applause] all right that's all the chamfers that all the chamfers done so now we can just move on now we've got a half inch slot to mil in the end there I'm going to bust out the center of this slot with a three-eighths roughing end mil that's how I always do my slots I always like to rough them out and then I'll go in there with an end mill we'll use a half inch to finish it so this will get rid of the bulk of the material link to the slots going to be two and a quarter inches I've got a a line on there a little mark just for reference got the readout going so I'll know when to stop the same thing as before since both parts are identical we're just going to swap them out I'll rough the slide and the other one just like this here and then we'll go on to our finishing in milk [Music] here we are with our half inch in mill see how she does pretty good we'll make sure that we met our depth requirement looks like we're mm over half inch so it looks good I've got a $4.99 stack up of my gauge blocks here these are my shop shop blocks and I was checking the width of it you see the $4.99 they go down in there so really about 1,000 half-inch slot and not sure what the tolerance should be on this I didn't ask him what's going in there but probably gonna go ahead and take one thousandths and down the side so that I know that my half inch gauge block will slide in there all right another pass down and I got to thinking there's going to be a plate welded over the top of this right there it's probably going to move this thing a little bit so I went ahead and made it 502 we've got a 502 stack up in there now right there so I know I got a little bit of clearance if I had to guess he's probably gonna just get some kind of square bar that goes down in there so they can probably trim that to fit accordingly but anyway so we've got our slot made - 502 according to the gauge block there alright just got that slot is finished there so just stick this one in there and then I'll repeat it and I'll get this slot finished out on this one I've got the two plates cut these get drilled and tapped for a couple of set screws and then only in down here where the slot is they get welded right on top of that and we'll just do a weld on three sides there and have a couple set screws in it so just a real simple task we're gonna go ahead and get these drills just using a stop now I don't have them equally centered so I can't flip it around we're a half-inch and in an inch and in this side it's three quarters of an inch on this this one here so all I did was spot it I'll just drop the other one in over to the stop spot it and move it back down one inch just get them spotted in I'm going to use a number seven drill bit to drill them for the tap sighs I need to drop it down a little bit now you can move the table down and drill it or you can just take it out drop the other one back in and it really just depends on how many you got and what you want to do now we can move our table down an inch and do the other two and that's just some mild steel probably 1018 flat bar chip in there somewhere get them all drilled and we'll go ahead and chant for them as well now we'll just go ahead and do our tapping quarter-twenty gun tap I got some moral on this coming here yep all righty these are ready to go I want to clean them up we're gonna transfer the back side there and I'm probably going to go ahead and grind a little bit of a well bevel on either side they're on the bottom forty-five degree angle er mil got some weld prep on there [Applause] [Applause] alright there's our top plates and people ask me why not grind it I say I'm a machinist not a grinder so use the tools that are invested in that 45 degree angle ER mill does a good job for machining well prepped in there and I if I can do that for a little job like this right here I'd prefer to do that and take it over there and get the grinder out on it so that's just the well prep gives us a B to fill in well-well TIG weld these together using the Everlast and we'll run will run one across the a fill it across the back there as well so that's the last stage getting these things welded on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we got our parts finished up here just gonna go ahead and install the the set screws in them I did verify the slot the half inch square slot whenever I was milling that and that that is not a fussy tolerance at all they said in fact they actually sometimes they put a quarter inch square inside there some kind of cutter bit I haven't seen how this part is actually used so I'm not I can't really you know go into detail about how they actually use it there so they install some kind of cutter bit here lock it in with the set screws and that's about all I know there is a handle they're gonna have it when a handle welded on to the end of that right there as well but my part is done right there this is the better of the two that I did on the welding usually once once you get through the first one you kind of get the settings down on your heat and everything and get more comfortable with it that one turned out pretty good this one it's welded but it's not quite as pretty I'm a machinist first and a welder later but it's nice being able to do everything yourself you know do it in housing and get it done and it and it looked good and I'm sure the customers would be happy with that so anyway that's uh that's it for this project this one's done there's the there's the print again on what we were looking to accomplish there so I think we think we met our goals that one's done ready to go out to the customer so I hope you guys enjoyed we'll see you on the next one all right [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 159,232
Rating: 4.9542322 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, machine shop, job shop, custom parts, swing knife, paper machine, tig, tig welding, welding, arc shot, milling machine, slotting, milling, milling keyway, drilling, manual machining, manual machinist, kearney trecker, facemill, gage block
Id: RkoVtHgyEXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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