SNS 264: Drone Shaft, New Garage Building, Carriage Indicator

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop for another week of Saturday night special so in today's episode I got a good little mix up for you we're gonna begin with a small machining project I had a customer in town that had an RC helicopter and needed a little custom shaft made for this and found me come to me and asked me if I could make this so this was a little small job that I knocked out so we're gonna we're gonna share the machining of this little small shaft for this I believe it was for some type of drone okay and then I've also got some updates on the property here and we've got the new garage building completed that was done this week I've got some time lap video of that project you know of it being built I've got some walk-around video of why it was being built and I've got some follow-up after it was finished showing the completed project and just really excited to see that project finally done and got a new storage building here on the property so just really excited to share that with you this week so why don't we go ahead and just dive right in and get right to it okay got this little shaft that I got a machine today this this just come in today and this is a little rough job that I'm going to do for a gentleman that that found me he went into another shop and and they couldn't help him today because they asked if he could get this done either today or by tomorrow because he's from out of town he's actually from Texas and he's going back home tomorrow evening and he said he could not find anybody where he's from out there in Texas to help a machinist so he brought it with him because he's here on vacation because last time he was here he actually had a shop here in town do some machine work but nobody could help him get it done this time so they sent him to me and I decided I was going to go ahead and help him get this done so this is a little shaft for he called it a drone helicopter and that's really all I know about it and other than he's done some modifications to the body and he needs this area of the shaft here to be 3/4 of an inch taller okay or longer you say alright this is a metric shaft I believe it was a ten millimeter okay so it's a ten millimeter shaft there on the journals there is a shoulder there in between that we have to machine into it so it looks like about a twelve millimeter diameter shoulder there so we're gonna add 3/4 of a link here or about you know 20 millimeters other than that everything's going to be the same the journal diameters this is a hollow shaft but he says that didn't matter we're not going to worry about that the holes here will just go from the end and put them in the same location from the end and then this side right here everything is just going to be the same and then he actually brought a piece of material here this is probably just some half-inch 10 18 cold-rolled and he supplied the material so we'll just cut a piece off this and use that and machinist shaft we use the six jaw and I mounted it back over here on the victor I want to use it because of the high speeds that I can get with it and I went ahead and dialed it in and adjusted it and I've got it repeating within a half a thousandth [Applause] so we got one side faced in center drill then what we'll do is I'll just measure it and we'll face this side I'll pull it out and then I'll just continue to face it until we get the the end-to-end link to where we need it [Applause] based in Center drilled on each in there plus our extra you know three quarters of an inch added to it so this journal here is the one that we're adding a link and I've already measured with calipers and it's it's exactly three inches long so we're just going to start with this and so it'd be three and three quarters we'll just go ahead and turn that will turn this one get it finished out and then what we'll do is we'll flip it around and then we'll finish that side there all right slight change of plans here so this piece of material that was given to me is actually bent pretty bad I didn't I didn't realize that I just I took the piece of stock cut it you know and I chucked it way up in here alright but once you pull it out and it doesn't matter where you pull it you see that it's bent pretty good there I've already got the ends cut it's just going to be an aggravation to try to use that see that right there it's best to start with a nice straight piece of stock and usually cold-rolled is nice and straight I've got this half-inch piece of this is drill rod right here and it's the perfect link to make that right there this is just a drop that I had on the shelf and drill rod is normally nice and straight to see that that's how it's supposed to be so I'm gonna go ahead and just repeat what I did won't take them in but five minutes and I'm gonna face the ends there and read read rill the center's and and then we'll go and we'll start turning this piece right here we're gonna go ahead and put to use a new tool that I recently got in from med technologies while we're working on the shaft right here and so I've been working with them for quite a while now several months and trying to help them size up this tool that they've been developing and then and this is a carriage indicator and they've got this for sale on their website now and in a standard size that fits a lot of your more smaller standard sized lathes and they've been working on a couple prototypes for mile aides for the for the in the monarch and this one right here they've got it marked for Victor so this is a larger size so they're working on I believe what they're calling an Excel version so an extra-large version to fit larger ways so what this is is a clamp it's a cantilever style clamp that clamps on to the bed ways and holds the dial indicator okay so instead of your traditional mag back style indicator that clamps that sticks to the ways this one clamps on to the V ways which is clamping force and then they got this cool little arm right here that attaches to the end of the indicator so you can loosen this bolt and then move this around if you need to you know get it dissing it to a different position so again this one is more of a prototype sizing called the XL but they do have this for sale on their website I believe it's somewhere around I want to say like 60 bucks for this version it comes with the indicator there as well got the carriage set where I want and see how it feels alright so there it is clamped up feels pretty rigid and we do have a one inch travel indicator on there see how it goes setting a zero so I want to go ahead and I'm gonna bring the needle to the nine o'clock position and just go ahead and clamp it in right there this little arm here is in a good spot already right there where it's at we're gonna loosen the bezel let's go ahead and rotate its this guy around I'm sure we're tight and there we go okay all right so we'll see how that works we'll put a little use on this thing benefit to this right here was a couple benefits one you're not you're not sticking Magnus there to the way so you're not you know rubbing on this this is aluminum body so that's that's an added benefit right there too is there's plenty of times where I've had chips come slinging around here and actually pull this indicator off or move it things like that so this being clamped on there should be less susceptible being moved then you know the traditional magnet style it was just using a piece of high-speed steel there I believe that some Rex 95 that I had already ground up previously just really not a lot of room to get in there with my insert tooling I don't have any small insert tools so we're just going to use high speed I can see right there that I'm not going to clear that Center on my next infeed so what we're gonna do is just leave everything right where it's at but I'm gonna go ahead and take this tool out I'm going to go over to the grinder and I'm going to grind this corner off to relieve that to give it a little bit of clearance it looks like that'll work right there got our journal turn where we want it I'm just going to chamfer the end of it using that carbide all right this side is finished turn got a nice polish on there and I got it right on sighs the Oland measured point - I'm sorry point three 92 and a half and we've got that one right on it so now we can go ahead and chuck this side we'll put our Center in it to hold it and go ahead and turn this side there as well put a little witness mark there [Applause] [Applause] this very end of the shaft measures out at nine millimeters but it's but it Mike's point 353 is what it finishes at 25,000 slowed the feed rate down the five thousands you keep it oiled it does a nice curly chip like that right there if you let it cut dry its when it tries to string on you and it's nice and smooth all right we got our last shoulder-distance there stepped off which is two or three quarters of an inch that leaves this this shoulder right there in the center it's actually 1/16 long that's what that is it's kind of funny they use inch links there but the journal sizes are millimeters so maybe maybe it's because bearings that these are going on so I don't know we got that right we've got our zero here so touch that right there just like so with our finish cut here take it ten thousands running 700 rpm 5000 speed right that tool is doing a really good job on this on this drill rod it's got a nice smooth finish there just taking that shoulder down to 12 millimeters now got this one polished everything is on size alright there's our original shaft or extra 3/4 length everything's looking good there so now what got to do is just go to the mill let's to put our hole there and then we got two holes that are 90 degrees apart they're on this opposite end I'm going to use the super spacer to drill the two holes are here on this end since they're rotated 90 degrees out and I would use a collet block but with this being metric I actually don't have any metric Kaulitz to hold on this diameter there so be a little tricky to to hold that I'm just gonna use the spacer here it'll do a good job just put it in right there too now I'll put a jack underneath this to support it alright that's the location of our first hole I got this jack here that's it's well supported up there it's not going to try to tilt on me so we're gonna run it up in there I got it sitting on some one two three blocks and then we can raise this up just like that just to support it let's go ahead and rotate it 90 degrees and now I'm going to go ahead and finish moving it down the the right link we're at four hundred and thirty now we want seven hundred and five for the second hole probably just use my Nova to deburr those right there and all this there was nothing set up on the mill to make this lineup easier I'll probably go ahead and just set my vise back up here and way we can push it down on the parallel and then level out the hole nice and square to get these holes square with the other side this is a little debug tool that I love using it does such a nice job and so quickly alright we've got our push down in there push down on the parallels and then you see we got the drill bit through here and I've eyeball leveled it the best I can and I think that's going to be well suited for what this is usually things like this it's just more of a symmetrical thing I don't think there's any kind of functionality on on these holes being perfectly exactly 90 degrees on one end to the other and usually whenever you eyeball them like that it's going to be well within the specs of what needs to be on there for those holes to be aligned so like I said just pushed it down Square and we've got that one in line it's using the half function on the Dro up here all right that's gonna be our whole location not so I am gonna push these parallels back out of the way so that they don't hit but I'm gonna put it right on the tip of that shaft there hopefully I've got it clamped tight enough that that little drill is not going to try to push that shaft down just making a divot at the center drill and then we'll use our drill bit to go ahead and drill the hole and there it is well there we go we got that one finished up turned out pretty good looks pretty nice that drill rod is pretty good material to use for small parts like this small pieces that's trying to get those holes lined up to see that everything is everything is lined up like it like it should be so everything is the same we just added our three-quarters of an inch to this end right there that's that was what the customer wanted and so we're good to go I'm gonna go ahead and give him a call now and let him know he can come and pick this up so I hope you guys enjoyed we'll see you on the next video thought I'd give you a little update on the concrete cleaning doing some more around there on the front of the shop the slop there so we just come around here this morning and I cleaned this one again because the building is supposed to be here tomorrow and we had a big heavy rain fall over the weekend and all the stuff in the tree came down and stained the concrete again not bad but you know there were spots all over it so I used my cleaner my 30 seconds and I'd use the surface cleaner and went over it one more time and it's looking good and I do want to put a sealer down on this but it's probably gonna have to go down after the building is up because the guys are going to be here tomorrow so I don't think I got time to do a sealer I've got other work I got to get done today as well so once the building is up I'll see about getting some sealer and sealing the concrete I was going to point out this back here this was the area that had the dark spot from the muriatic acid so I got that up as well and right there I don't know it might be hard to see you can really I can see how that Mira Casas really ATS that concrete whenever I put it straight down on the concrete so I would suggest staying away from that stuff and just use some kind of cleaner design for concrete and mold and mildew and that kind of stuff anyway that's that there thought I give you some highlights of this now so I'm gonna start working on this shop slab out here I'm gonna go ahead and least get a couple squares of this clean I'm gonna have to move all that stuff over later but we're gonna go ahead and I want to get a little bit this done and I started with the two garage doors I sprayed those down with my cleaner and hosed them off so I wanted to point this out I had a lot of guys mention one of these two so this is what they call a turbo cleaner and I bought this off Amazon at the same time that I got that surface cleaner it's just this didn't arrive in time of the other video and this works pretty good too this sort of oscillates or it rotates like this as it sprays so it puts out a nice fan motion and these are really good for uneven surfaces just such as that door brick masonry curbs anything like that maybe your vinyl siding on the side of your house I was using it to hit the corners here the corners of the building I cleaned the doors with it you see right there I hit it with the turbo nozzle [Music] and here's one more little helpful tip as well I bought one of these this is a little hose extension this guy right here see this you pick one of those up off Amazon as well and you can just leave this on your pressure washer and it gets too big where you screw your hose in the spicket part it gets it out here where it's easy to access and I think this was like ten dollars off Amazon here's the other tip I learned keep your 40 degrees spray nozzle in your pocket and when you get through doing some cleaning you want to hose it off using this really get all that dirt off of it that you do been blowing around on the surface of course you want to do this when you're done I'm just kind of giving you guys a little shot seeing what the see what the concrete looks like first little area you can see this size dried now looks a whole lot better you can kind of compare to this side right there that hasn't been cleaned yet real happy with the results looking forward to getting this side done and getting the the yellow look off the the new concrete there we just got to get all that stuff moved back over I'll do that another day got plenty of work to get done well we got some good news and some upsetting news the good news is the contractor is here one day early to start getting the building put up now you can see the roll-up door this is some of the trim and what they're doing is that they're just unloading all their stuff right now I told him I could use that lot behind me because the landowners over there do usually don't mind and they're just they're just getting everything unloaded right now I'm glad I got the concrete it was just today that I cleaned the concrete so apparently I messed the order up and he told me that it's it's not vertical metal like like on this right here at the shop that it's going to be horizontal metal down the side and I wasn't aware of that whenever I ordered it thought that I ordered vertical siding but we're just going to roll with it it's it's here it's it's bought so we're gonna get it done we didn't these guys anchor down now you can see there's the red headed there it just got this one anchored and he was pointing out to me just a little while ago that the slab is not perfectly square so they had to they had to make sure the building was squared so that it would fill in the slab properly but it varies a couple inches on the side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice to see this finally going together looks a lot bigger once the structure starts going up [Music] [Music] look at that guy's we got a completed metal garage building I'm very excited to see this happening man how cool is that I've been I've been planning and wanting this for a very long time now a couple years I've been you know putting this in the plans and I finally made it happen for a little while there I wasn't even sure if I was going to do this and we decided to go ahead and pull the trigger and I've been saving my money and wanting to get this done and I've been wanting this this originally had started because I wanted a garage here on the property to put my car in awhile back when I had the Challenger I wanted a garage to park my car in but I got rid of the car you know I got the truck and this is actually gonna be a storage building now to replace my my little shed this little white shed right here this this used to be a nice little building a long time ago the way the property was laid out but I don't like this it's got a lot of wood rot down low and I want to get rid of this because I want to I want a full driveway through here so my plan is to tear this down and get rid of it and I want to finish the driveway from up there where the driveway is at and we want to finish the driveway and come all the way through here and come all the way back to meet the garage right there that way I can a lot more easily be able to bring things back here as well I'm hoping maybe one day I'll have a forklift as well so I build use that around here on the slab and out here to build a load things but get rid of this but this is going to be my storage building for any of the things that I'm stored you know if we all have things that we store you guys probably have garages and buildings and you've got yard equipment tools you know things like coolers and all that kind of stuff that you put in a garage I want it in here in a more in a more organized fashion and of course more space to build a store that I've also got some tooling and things like that in here in the shop that's kind of stacked up in here so I'm going to be putting some of those things that's in the shop it's going to be coming out here into the storage building just really excited to have this so so excited to have this and I've already given a big thanks to my patreon my patreon supporters but I'm gonna thank you guys again the patreon guys you've been a big help with this project right here I really appreciate it so this building right here is this is a Carolina carports fully enclosed metal building and this is the catalog size for this one is a 24 by 26 the actual footprint is it's 24 I'm sorry 24 foot wide 25 foot deep they include one foot because of the overhangs up there and the looking at this right here this was the concrete spacing that this little pad right here was not put in the right place but the guys centered the the building the guy centered the building on the concrete slide this way and it's perfectly spaced front to back on the edge of the concrete but the slab itself wasn't perfectly square it was out about three inches out of square so they've got it centered on there that's how that's how I wanted it was centered but once I get the the concrete done once we get some concrete driveway put in here I'll have this I'll have it come over here and have we'll just pull this pad out and I'll have this redone to kind of match up with the doors there so this isn't an issue to me so let's go ahead and take a peek inside look at that nice big brand-new clean pretty building I love it [Applause] so we went with I went with ten-foot wall height right here so these are 10-foot walls of course you got your bracing this is part of the engineering that has to go into the building right there that's part of the you know your structure and your wind load and they did seal the the bottom beams by the way these are sealed down here on the bottom for a moisture of water that kind of stuff that's what I mean there so we've got a the roll-up door here this is a 10 foot wide by 8 foot tall roll-up door of course you got a standard entry door right here and on your roll-up doors your wall height has to be 2 foot higher than whatever height door that you want so if I wanted to attend by 10 roll-up door we would have had to went with 12-foot wall height there and that would have added to the cost so we went with 10 foot 10 foot wall height there on the role of it's real happy with this so my plan is to before I start putting anything in here I've got some work I'm trying to get done this week and hopefully this weekend what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up some concrete sealer and I want to go ahead and get the concrete get some sealer down here get that dry and then I found a guy over in Mobile that deals with bulk shelving you know pallets tile bulk shelving because that's what I want to put in there I want to put pallet you know heavy duty shelving along that wall and along this wall right there and have plenty of storage shelves there to put things on so I found a guy remote build that's got some that's what he deals in and I'm gonna strike a deal with him I'm getting about 20 foot of shelving and walling up to two sides over the over there so we've got that that's going to go in and I got to figure out you know some lighting to that's got to go in here as well so that's all things that's going to be in the work so I'll be working on it a little at the time I've got I've got machine shot work I got to get done I got video work to get done so I'm happy that we made it this far just very very happy I'm a happy customer right now so glad to see this this project get done right here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 160,627
Rating: 4.941668 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, drone, drone shaft, rc helicopter shaft, rc drone shaft. small shaft, manual machinist, manual machining, machine shop, job shop, lathe work, victor lathe, 6 jaw chuck, edge technology, edge technology products, carriage indicator, way indicator, garage, metal garage, metal carport, metal building, tmx, power washer, pressure washer, turbo nozzle, surface cleaner
Id: _p41xUSn1go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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