113 Year Old Machine Shop

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there are a couple shops still around that were only electrified within the last 20 years and still have working belt drives up in the rafters

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/comfortably_pug 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

No, no. I clean.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Looks like a bomb has hit it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/1blckbx 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys so in my travels come up here to visit a machine shop and this is a this is a machine shop that has a lot of history to it and it's it's very old and it's still it's still being used and out of the respect of the shop owner I'm not going to mention who owns it or the name of the business or anything like that he is a pretty private person but there is a couple machines in here that he is interested in trying to find a buyer for and we will talk about him one of them is this Niles vertical boring machine right there behind me of ETL so we'll talk about that but a quick little brief history of the shop it was founded and started I'm sorry I think it was 1886 to 1903 it was established and started as a blacksmithing shop and from 1903 to 1905 it was then converted to a machine shop at that time it was it was built as a line powered machine shop now all the line powered stuff is gone but the machines are still here but everything was converted over to electric motor and electric power but some of the beams are still up in here that were originally built that all the pulleys and the line shafts were put to so I'll show you some some clips of that so it's a really interesting place and there's a lot of old cool machinery in here and tools and I'm gonna walk you around and show you some of this stuff because it's so neat and interesting to see all right so we're gonna start right here at the Niles and take a look at this this machine was installed in 1905 and he still has the original blueprints and paperwork of this machine that was in his safe that we can take a look at I don't know what size that Chuck is we didn't talk about that but I got a clip of this thing running he came over here he turned it on and it actually still runs and operates but this is original piece of equipment that was acquired for the shop installed in 1905 if the folder even says 1905 on there so this is one of the machines that he is looking for somebody to come in and purchase it from him and save it from the scrapper so hopefully we can find a buyer for this for this awesome piece of machine history right here you can see up top all the framework that was built to run this thing get the electric motor up there the step pulleys that come down to it they said that this tool holder right here was only used like one time they always used this side right here very cool machine so if anybody's interested in this I can put you in contact with the owner of the shop and talk about we're gonna come back to the folder on the Niles but let's go ahead and take a look at some of the other Mills in here the equipment itself this is something that was there's a tree milling head that was adapted to this old mill and that says Ohio but this one of those P IVs posit an infinite variable like a Reeves Drive that was set up to run this and he had said that there are a few machines in here that bearings and drives came in in the 1940s and installed to run these machines with got a troit rotary table up top this is a really cool small small-sized vertical turret lathe right here there's the motor too that runs up and drives it right here this is an old brown and sharp milling machine with another one of the P IVs and I see link belt on there so that's who the gearbox is made by this say this one here is actually made by Prentiss print this tool and supply that's the tag on it anyway I don't know if it's built by Prentiss but that's what the tag says there there's the old brown and sharp mil so this is a very old Leblon lathe and this is another piece of machinery that he would be interested in selling so it must be a 21 inch swing says Leblon heavy and it still works I like this wall right here this is how my dad used to do it you hang all the milling cutters up on the wall on nails it's a great way to organize milling cutters I wanted to do that my shop I just I don't have the wall space for it there's some cool machines over and that Bay over there we'll go to later really cool vise it's a retu of six I believe yep abby's in here exploring and taking pictures for us there are there are exactly it does it is like stepping back in time and and I know that there's some disorganization in here but we're not going to disrespect the shop owner to this place because he he let us come in here and explore and he says that I could take some videos so yep yep so like this this right here this old lathe is uh so that says Wolcott lathe company Jackson Michigan USA I've never seen morning's before it was also you know it's got a gearbox installed up here that runs it and he actually uses this I just keep Drucker over there he's exploring also so this is a cylinder that he's been working on repairing and he had to do some welding up on this head cap and do some wreath reading and rethreaded the barrel there fit it and he used this old machine here and another lathe over there that will go and see to work on this hydraulic cylinder it's something that he still does a lot of hydraulic repair I've been over in this corner yet but before we get to that when we're gonna start with this lathe here this is another one that he would like to sell and this is a this is a oddity I don't know the make offhand but this is a I think they call it a duplicate or lathe so it actually has two spindles you see one Chuck is there and you got another spindle there and you got two spindles in the tailstock this is a very old machine I don't see a make we'll just have to keep looking and see everything fun to make so there's another old big lathe let's do this tag says Hamilton Machine Tool Company yep built by the Hamilton Machine Tool Company everything in here just about been converted over to a electric power the long bed laid for V lady that's kind of like the American style got the steady rest for it there keith was just pointing out see that big steady rest right there he says that they built that for a a big job they were doing on this big to dual spindle lathe here that's pretty cool alright we're gonna keep going I got a grinding area right here and then did you see those grinding stones P the grinding wheels on me they ain't much look here's the old key cedar machine I've missed this earlier they'll be that big look at that big cutter right there was it say foot foot foot brothers foot brothers Chicago yeah but that's on the that's on the gearbox on the gearbox yeah yeah okay so that comes over here I wonder if fast approaches I wonder if that is also foot Jones I've seen some foot Jones gearboxes maybe first bit out I don't know I don't see it offhand maybe we might figure that out later though okay I was thinking very well could be believe is big brooches yeah it's all that that's cool yeah they're unique we'll work our way back there that's the old blacksmith shop area that's coming around here and see what other machines we so there's a hydraulic press that's more of a late model in her pack he's got a laid here it's covered up that's a late model in Coe lathe that's an old craftsman there's a grinder there at the craftsman saw like these old Anderson brothers balancing wheels they're out there so this must be one of his go-to lays at the the pala chips there [Music] I've never heard of that one cnj model GH but he definitely likes to use this one quite a bit and he's got a Rockwell behind it and while we're over here let's look in his old tool crib so the owner has worked here by himself now for he said nine years he's owned it since the seventies and at one time this place was absolutely just full of men working all in this shop it's got a lot of history to it he was showing it's right behind there was a Carroll Carroll dividing head that's looking behind the Old Mill trunk rotary table look at the old tool crib Abby hey come over here I'll get Abby to help me there's something here I want to show you there's a track burner he says he's used that a lot so this is the tool crib I want to show them this right here if you'll help me see the wooden box thank you you mind opening that up there's a hook on each side there look at that it's a starett starik mic interchangeable believe it's 18 to 24 inches yep beautiful love fine and stuff like that alright you can go ahead and close her up up on the top there here's the there's the stearic badge and the top yeah this was the old tool crib look at the shelving where they would have kept all the Reimers and the drill bits and things like that it's really cool I apologize if the video is hard to see it's very dark in here but I really liked that top that type of shelter and he's got a lot of tools everywhere I mean just everywhere you look even by the machines he's got all the accessories laying around by the machines just walk on back a little bit further drill bits drill bits tan got some heavy-duty c-clamps down there this is kind of in the middle of the welding fabricating area big radial arm drill press we got to go over find out what this is all the noise you hear is actually next door there's a fire station over there so all the firemen are over there hanging out let's go see what this is that's the fireman next door it's it they're over there having a good time all right Esley machine i can't tell what that says right there the e l SC machinery i don't know if that's the maker or if that's just a machinery dealer that sold it oh okay there we go American I was looking in the wrong place so American I believe that's some American torques yeah American tours company Cincinnati Ohio that's a nice big in right there and this is one of his daily machines that he still runs all right right behind it here there's a welding area I want to I want to show you the welding machine in just a minute this is a is an old Prentice bench vise and a little welding table that they had built up using a an old faceplate he had said this faceplate come off of one of the very first ladies that was ever put in this shop back in 1905 I believe that that lathe is gone now but that's a that's what that come from all right so this is interesting check out the welding machine this is the one that he still uses made by sure weld okay but that is an identical machine to Mon Miller 330 ABP I don't know the history of sure weld and Miller and I had mentioned it to him this is the same thing now I had he said this is a 1965 model machine so I didn't realize they went back that far 330 or this 33 ABP it's the same thing this is the same machine as my Miller even has the same flip up door there we turned it on you can see the high frequency working inside there very cool and look at the stand that it's on I don't know what that come off up but he says this is an original piece to the shop itself that they used to put the welder on that's really cool this was a neat old table that that they do they're welding on right here to me it looks like a machine base maybe like a drill press I don't know but that's what it looks like and they put it on these uh cast iron legs Lance found a decimal chart that he's over there eyeballing a really really nice one there's a lot of these really old-school chain Falls everywhere in here I got a big horizontal press over there there's his bandsaw he's got an iron worker right there and we come out here this is where they used to do a lot of the plate cutting that was a plate cutter over there that used to be a blacksmith's area over there there was a big anvil and a power hammer back in the day and then they ended up having to move it because of all the the noise that the power hammer made the fire station didn't like it so they had that was some other outfit that was over there this is really neat I don't know if this is an acorn table it is you know a cast-iron welding table made like an acorn table or a weld cell that's really cool right there and then over here on the wall it had another old welding machine I didn't ask him about this I don't know if it if it still works but it's another sure weld so this looks like an older model than the one that's actually inside that's pretty cool it doesn't look like this area has been actively used for a very long time he says that that over there is a is a very old coal Forge that was handmade that's pretty cool he's gonna he wants to keep that right there I really like this guy right here do that it looks like a lead faceplate that would be a cool stand that used for blacksmithing work welding work anything like that look at the look at the pedestal grinder and the wheels just worn all the way down so there's a room over here they used to do a lot of prop work I don't think they do it anymore but they used to do a lot of prop work propellers and this was the room this was the room that they worked on props and they reworked and repaired props I also want to point out this faceplate this goes to one of the leis over there and then there's a big there's a big pulley right there there's the press all right so here's the proper room we have one of our residents in here hanging out so this must have been a chair that they built up to use when they were doing the prof work I'm assuming so this was a this was the prop anvil this guy right there I love the the corner the corner cabinet right there hear that that's just cool another old this is a Parker chase Parker vice I'm not sure what they use that for but that was part of that the prop work as well as all these fixtures here is the set of Anderson brothers static balancing rollers look at the the grinder on the flexible shaft right here leave that no polishing machine buffer polisher another old work area over here it looks like a dust collector so one of the things that he had pointed out oh here's the Wilton Vice laying down here one of the things that he pointed out while we were in here was everywhere that was painted red like right here so the shop was actually outfitted with areas for acetylene so a suddenly and was actually piped in from an acetylene generator that was on another section of the shop so like over here wherever they were they were working on the props you can see it coming in right here the line coming in and then there's the torch chips alright so right down here here's the here's the torch they used to heat up heat up the props and they would use this vise right here or wherever they were working and use this that had a carbon rod in it and they would use this for their for their proper pair and you can see the gas line going up right there that's really cool this looks like a prop reamer probably 3/4 of the foot standard taper for a for props this room's pretty well empty those wooden beams going along was the original beams that they installed in here back in 1905 to run the the line shaft so he had line shads up there with pulleys that would come down to run all the machines down on this side right here all of the mills and the lathes you see they're all underneath that beam there so up in the front he's got another nice lathe that looks like he uses quite a bit so it's a monarch same size that I have model see why it's got the lead screw reverse leaver there to Hobart alright let's go up in here this is he's got he's got some old machines stored up in here yeah they got the i-beams built up so that they could use trolleys and chain Falls to pick things up that's a Rockwell lathe base there there's a tool and cutter grinder this looks like some kind of punch press I got another lay there I think that's a Rockwell yep that's a Rockwell laid ternt laid and another Rockwell lathe here this one I'm not sure what this one is here I believe it's one of the automatic type machines select maybe a screw machine and then there's one more right here [Music] well guys I think that's going to be the the end of the shop tour here we want to go ahead and and get on out of here and let the shop owner kind of get back to his work because we are kind of keeping them from getting as jobs on the day but it's been really a great pleasure to Bill come in here and see a place like this this such full of history and how old this place is and how long it's been used and operated and we wanted to be able to come in here and capture the history of this shop and the machines because unfortunately the shop owners kind in this location is limited it's in a very booming and growing area here in town and they are wanting to acquire this piece of property so it's kind of it's kind of limited on how much longer he's going to be here so we're we're hoping that maybe he can find a an interesting party for the the Niles and also this blade here which was the duplicator lay that the dual spindle and also the big Leblon lead so actually I forgot to show you the folders on the Niles so let's check that out here's the folder that he had found on the on the Niles [Music] there's a picture of it the phone number says four six five one one on it but it's all the blueprints into engineering drawings from Niles whenever they whenever they built it and installed it and I certainly don't want to open any us up but you can see right here 1905 June 30th 1905 so cool so you got the original documents that goes to this BTL and then there's one more look at it right there alright guys that's it we're gonna head out of here if you have interest in the big Niles or one of these big machines send me an email and I will put you in contact with the shop owner here and hopefully we can save these machines from being scrapped okay so hope you enjoyed we'll catch you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 249,102
Rating: 4.9048576 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, machine shop, job shop, savannah, savannah georgia, georgia, niles machine tools, niles, vertical turret lathe, lathe, old lathe, vintage machines, vintage machinery, blacksmith shop, manual machine shop, manual machinist
Id: 7mz7OTnuTrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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