SNS 217: Rebuilding Hydraulic Cylinders

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to this job for another week of SNS and this week for our main content for the video we're gonna go ahead and finish out the three hydraulic cylinders that I shared in the last video we've got the we got all the seals in we got bearings in and I even have a new install tool made by kit King that I wanted to share with you also so we use that to help install the seals and the glands and we get all those cylinders back together and and get them done okay so I do have a couple of things here that I want to share with you also got a new tool we got something else here that was something that was suggested by a bunch of you guys out there for me to try out so I bought one and and I'm gonna talk to you about that and I'll share you share with you my thoughts on that but before we get to that I want to make sort of an announcement to everybody that watches me there's a lot of you guys that watch me every single week because you tell me you do and the Saturday night specials are a big part of your your Saturday evenings so in about a month from now whenever you're watching this I'm going to be taking a little bit of time off of work because I have to I've got to take some time off work and I'm gonna be having a medical procedure done on me the I rather keep everything kind of personal it is kind of a personal issue I don't really want to address everything out there in the public Airways should I say but it's nothing that's life-threatening I'll say that it's just something that I need to get done and I've been planning this for a very long time and I'm gonna finally have it done but I'm gonna have to have some downtime and recovery whenever I do this so it is now a plan thing I'll be off of work for probably at least four weeks and so I'm not going to be able to come out here and do a lot of work either so the the first couple weeks is probably going to be you know just relaxing and recovering healing and that kind of stuff and then maybe that I might be able to do a little bit of light duty you know talk to you the camera and that kind of stuff but my plan is as far as videos go is I've got I've already got a couple of jobs filmed that I'm trying to hold out on and and not share two and three videos a week right now because I'm trying to kind of stretch that content out a little bit all the way up until I have to take off of work and I still have ongoing projects that I'm continuing to work on so my plan is if everything works out is that I'll have plenty of video content that I can continue to share through that that time period and it'll it look like I won't even be off of work you know so that's my goal anyway so I'm probably gonna stop uploading two and three videos a week and I only do that when I can anyway and we may go back to one video for now a Saturday video because that's when everybody likes to tune in and keep the video content going but I am excited and nervous about this that's coming up but everything's going to be fine and I'll be a better person for it whatever it's all over with okay so I just wanted to kind of share that with all you guys and I want to continue my video content like I always do so we got projects I've actually got a shaper project that I've done that I've been kind of holding on to that footage because I want to finish you out stuff I'm doing like these hydraulics and I've got the welding current project I've got I'm making videos for that that's going to be coming out and I also got my new table over here that I want to get started on so I'm trying to get I've got some machining that I actually want to do for the table before I start doing any of the welding and that kind of stuff so I'm hoping I can get some of that video captured and that way I've got plenty of content that I can share with you guys while I'm laid up in my recliner relaxing all right so enough about that I got a couple of things to show you we're gonna get to that and we're gonna rebuild some hydraulic cylinders all right so a few weeks ago I shared some new socks that I bought dan post is the brand and I had a bunch of guys recommend this right here darn tough socks made in Vermont so I decided since so many people thought these were good socks that I would buy a couple of pair and that's what I've done I've just got these in yesterday so I've got I've got the first pair on now they send a send you a sticker with it to you right there so these are made in USA up in Vermont and they guarantee them for life that's one of the things that everybody was bragging about was that guaranteed for life if if you wear them out or wear a hole in them or whatever you can send these back to them and they'll send you a new pair though these are the work socks these are the over the calf Paul Bunyan was was this one right here that's what I picked out so anyway I wanted to share it out because I didn't know about these and a bunch of guys spoke up and said hey try the darn tough I like them they have all different types of socks so they have a whole work line and they have other lines of socks as well you know for people that run and you know just all kind of different things so I'm gonna try these things out and maybe we'll come back and and revisit this and I'll because I had people have said hey let me know what you think of those socks so so far so good I've got the first pair on my feet now and they are very comfortable so right now they're there's no gripes I would say that I did wish that these were a little bit taller because the damn post socks over the calf are taller than these and they go almost up to your knees where this one doesn't quite go up that high so I was already getting kind of used to the Dan post socks but we're gonna give these a try okay so this is the new tool that I purchased for the shop right here this is Anna loris bb5 bought a boring bar this is an inch and a half diameter and of course you have your 90 degree tool one side and your 45-degree tool and the other these are my favorite boring bars for tool bits I already have an inch and a quarter and at work I have 3/4 one inch and a quarter inch and a half and the 2 inch and the 2 inch is a monster bar it looks like this is only it's 2 inches it's longer but the reason why I went ahead and invested in this bar right here is okay this isn't and a half also and this was given to me by one of my viewers out there and this was setting up to start using it when I had a failure this guy right here which was the holder that was sent with this bar when I was tightening it up it broke you can see see the crack right there it just it snapped so I put too much a bomb torque on that what's really surprising me because these these tool holders like this you know the Armstrong and the Williams those things are tough man and I've never seen one break like this before so I don't know what this brand is this does say a extra three and a half and that even looks like it could be a date stamped on there it looks like 710 31 so I don't know if that's how old that thing is or not 1931 that thing would be old but it is very hard so what I would like to do for another video project I want to attempt to fix this guy right here and see if I can save it and put it back to use and what we can do is obviously take the bolts out and let's just do that real quick okay so what we might be able to do is V all this back you out or just V it out be this out and I'll turn a carbon bushing that will go in here and we will clamp that thing back together or space it like it should be and braise it back together I would braise this I would not take braise it I would braise it so that you can get plenty of heat in this thing and and get that brass to flow in there like it's supposed to so I don't know if it'll work but I feel like that it would anyway you know so anyway that's uh that's something that I plan on doing on the channel here I don't know when but this it is a project that I would like to do and I wanted to have this boring bar right here this one is a little bit more difficult to use this older style because this is a screw on cap right here so I just like the Elora style that's got the set screws in the end so I wanted to have a new bar for this holder that I'm hopefully going to be able to fix if I cannot fix this if it fails after I fix it what we may do then and see about making one just building the our own by the way if any of you guys have one of these after its you'd like to sell me I am looking for these not just inch and a half but other sizes as well these are extremely hard to find I look on eBay and I and I hardly ever see any on there so I am looking for these to round out a nice tooling collection for the Shaffer so anyway that's what I wanted to share about this this is also going to be used in a lathe as well my multi fixed holders one of them will hold an inch and a half boring bar so this is going to serve as a boring bar for the lathes as well okay all right guys we're gonna go ahead and get started back on these three hydraulic cylinders for Fernando I've got the seals in so we're gonna start the reassembly on these things I've got a new tool that I'm going to share with you and more the same that I showed before we're going to install the o-rings the backups the seal and the and then we also have a piston seal to install as well but I got something I want to share with you and this is something we're going to kind of go over all right this is a new kit that I just recently got in this is from kit King USA and what these are these are these are tools that are designed to help you install you cup seals like this also known as poly seals you seals rod seals but any kind of seal that's in the shape the profile of it you as your tube sealing lips right there so I got a few these are just some examples that I got from work out of our spare parts bin just some lucy's right there and we'll use these to kind of demonstrate how the tools work I'm go ahead and open it up so you can see so this kit comes with four different sizes and you can go from I want to say the 3/4 of an inch all the way up to six inch or maybe about six and a half inch all right with it with this tool here it's also got a block that you can screw down to the workbench or wherever you need to help hold the tools why you set it for the seal we'll flip it over the back because it actually shares the sizes right there so let me see so it goes up to six and a half inches and for the metric guys watching it gives the metric sizes there as well what is that so it's a five millimeter all the way up to 165 millimeter alright and and that's a demonstration of how it works now I have you some tools like this before we got something like this at work it's not the same brand not same style these actually have the addition of this plastic bushing in the middle that helps hold these things and and with this little block right there so we'll just pull this one now since it's a little bit easier to see but it's got this plastic that's I guess molded around these bars and it kind of stiffens it up helps hold everything in place so let's give this a demonstration I'll show you how this is how this works and I had shared a picture of this on Instagram and there was quite a few guys that seemed to kind of show some interest in it and you can buy this on Amazon they sell it on Amazon so I'll have a link in the video description where you can go to this and purchase this if you you know if you're interested kicking USA will use this big yellow seal right here is our example since it's easy to see and this is I believe it's four four and a quarter inch rod and it's got a 3/8 cross-section to us so this is a pretty stout seal right here and these are the kind of seals that are very difficult to get inside of the gland there's a lot of rod seals that are pretty flexible they're more they just feel more like a rubber o-ring so some are easy but these nylons like this are they can be very difficult to install so I'm assuming that you just use one of these holes right here I don't know man it doesn't it doesn't tell you how this is supposed to be mounted in which hole but I do know that it's pushing the rubber grips up no matter if you put in one of the small ones but these it kind of flops around some so I'm gonna use that hole right there all right we're gonna stick the seal on just like so just like this and so the holder the block is deadlock designed so that you can use both of your hands and hold the seal steady and then twist it around so we're gonna go ahead and give that a shot and this is it's a little awkward but here we go so you got to switch hands and we're gonna twist this thing around just like that and this thing will kind of move around on you you know see you guys trying to go back but once you squeeze it together like this now you can stick this down in your rod land and put this side into the groove so we're gonna pretend that we're sticking it in there and just let go of that and that'll be installed in your in your groove now don't worry about that deformation of the seal that is going to just straighten itself rattle now once the rod is going through here and it's in it's forcing it to round itself back out all right so there's that one right there let's let's look at a smaller one right here alright see this seal right here this is very similar to what we're going to be installing and these these rock glands right here this is a loaded seal you have a rubber expander that is pressed in the center of that lip that's a it's actually this particular one as a quad ring so it's a square shaped o-ring and it's pushed down in there and that creates a very very strong lip that is always pressing against your ceiling surface there I don't know if this will work we'll give it a shot alright see you got to hold it so it doesn't try to pop off there just like that so you just you just keep a hold of it stick it down in your gland and then release it just like that alright that would make that installing out a whole lot easier got one more right here this is another nylon type of seal there it is stick it down into gland and release it and this plastic here is designed to help keep from marring up and scratching the inner bore of the gland while you got this down in there so the ones that I've used before that we have it work to not does not have this it's just a believeth system another metal rod in the middle there it holds it together all right so that's how that works right there okay so let's go ahead and do it for the real thing now this is one of the small rod glands that has an inch and a quarter bore and then so we got our seals this is the 1/4 inch and a half it's our pee seal all these are bought from Hercules hydraulics all right these are the seals right there that we're going with as our pee seal and as I said it's got the rubber it's got the rubber expander in there and this style is it is actually an o-ring lets press down then though in the seal there all right so we're going to use our medium-sized tool and what we'll do I'm trying to give you guys a shot of this as well so we'll put our gland right there so you've got to make sure that your gonna go the right way with the lip this is the shortest distance so we're gonna we're gonna try going down from the outside face okay all right now we have it completely collapsed and so you've been get it in there it's still it's so close all right there we go there we go all right well that did not work as planned ours I just popped it in there from the bottom all right just verifying it's in there I'm not sure what that pop was it sounded like this we got it in there we're gonna go ahead and stick our wife in there there's our part number for our wiper now the wiper I'm just gonna stick in there by hand this this is usually easy enough it's this style is pretty flexible see just like that just pop it in there okay probably didn't catch that but it I was able to push it with my phone in it and it popped in there alright we're gonna finish this out we've got some o-rings let's see that's the inch and a half we've got some o-rings and some backups and one of these all we had in stock was bites on so I got a couple bites on rod okay well that's everything right there these are for the actual piston bow rings right there alright so we got our backup 575 backup easy enough to just snap that in place right there walk it on back all right and then we got our own ring I believe this was a 334 Oh ring all right so there is your tube seal right there and we got one more that goes here the o-ring that goes right here in this shoulder is not to seal oil it's to seal moisture rain water and dirt from coming through this crack here and getting into the threads and into the cylinder so that's what that o-ring is for right there and that's this guy all right there you go now I'll grease all this up before we install it let's go ahead and get the other two we got our 575 backup and our overhang we'll go ahead and just kind of work it to the back back shoulder all right and then we have our tube seal that goes here all right there's that one and one more let's go ahead and put our tube seal there I'm just trying to stand it up with the scale there so that it's straight up and down all right there we go there is our loaded glance ready to install onto the rod now we'll go ahead and grease these things up before I install them and what I what I like to use is a tube of grease here in an acid brush I usually just throw this away whenever I'm done with the job so that doesn't get contaminated with dust and dirt all right so I was going to see the this is a grade 2 nlgi grade 2 can anybody tell me what the grade 2 stands for with this grease don't even worry about what the brand is just tell me what the grade 2 means okay so I'll just grab a little grease and I'm just going to Gries these these seals up just like that okay and we'll also do the same thing with the o-rings put a little grease on it and what that does that helps with the assembly it helps everything slide so that you don't have a dry rubbery seal that's trying to slide on the surface there you want everything just kind of slide in together all right so here's our Pistons got them all cleaned up and we've got our PS piston seals right there PS 1448 that's going to be our two and a half and we got this guy right there yes 1,400 s 40 all right so these are my least favorite type of piston seals but I think these are going to be pretty easy to install considering that the groove is real close to the edge right there and they're excellent seals you know they have a high PSI rating I believe these for 5000 psi they're just this material right here expands and it's it's very difficult for it to fully contract it it's not like muna or nylon once it stretches it's kind of stressed and it takes it a while for it to kind of come back in the size all right so let's move a couple is out of the way and what I usually do is let's go ahead and put a little bit of red grease you have an o-ring which is considered the expander so that's going to go in the bottom of the groove right there alright and then this is your actual seal so this this seals pressure from both sides put a little grease on it that's just to help everything slide together and I'm gonna try to do it with my fingers there we go having that groove close to that edge makes that extremely not extremely but it makes it much easier than if it was in the middle of the piston then you have to like push it all the way up on to the OD of the piston and by the time that's expanded so you have I mean you can use a hose clamp and it's piece of shim stock but to have piston ring tools that you can pull around that to help close it back up all right let's go ahead and do the the other one here I did not bring my and pocket knife in here today so using the old stair to cut everything open with I'm just stick in one side into the groove on the back there and rolling it around with my thumb so that pops in and there is your seal and you see it sticks up all right one more we got the the bigger of the two see that one's acts a little bit further in it maybe a little bit more or tricky to get on there but I think will prevail I will say there's another trick you can do by warming these things up whether it's in hot water or warm oil is the preferred method and the hydraulic builder that I did know when I was young he passed away when I was still in my late teens and he had a he had a tank that was always on it was hooked into a receptacle that was full of oil and it was always on so whenever he was getting ready to do this right here install seals he would throw all the seals and now and not oil and leave it in there for a certain amount of time I don't know how long he would leave it in there but it would warm up the seals and make them more pliable and flexible and then he did install them and that's the trick that I've always wanted to do it I never have I've even considered getting a crock-pot at work to do it because that would work just the same put it like on low yeah see this one's gonna be a little bit more tricky to get on there I'm all baby there you go that'll work that'll work right there all right and in our little o-rings these guys right here go right there all right we're starting with our inch and a half rod and we're going to go on with our gland first making sure that that wiper expanded out like it was supposed to looks like it's supposed to be it's good and tight there we're gonna go with our - Oh 2008 that's for one inch there I think I'll use my good arm strong three-quarter drive ratchet here this is one of my flea market finds some time back remember what I paid for it but it probably wasn't very much there it is I'm gonna give it a little extra hole with my pipe here cuz they were pretty snug okay this is the tool that I borrowed from work and why they anodizing the pink I have no idea but this is what I'm going to use to try to collapse that seal just a bit that's it right there so what that ban does and it's got a bushing here on this side it it forces that seal back into back down into the groove it'll help collapse it down so that it'll be a little easier to install in the tube so we'll just let that sit for just a little bit and then we'll go ahead and stick it in the barrel alright we're getting ready to install this thing I think I need a little bit of pomp behind it got everything greased up we'll arrange the seal and including the threads to that's where that o-ring really starts getting tight on it that barrel we'll give it a couple bumps with the nylon hammer here just to kind of help seat the thread here the gland face that's good right there alright this one is done nice and tight so the two small ones there we're gonna have to wait on put them together and the reason is these trunnions actually take a needle bearing which I removed all of the needle bearings he had said that one of these when he took him off the needles was falling out of them so he that's why he had a tape around that you seen before and they were all trashed though they had rust in it the needles were falling out so I've got four new needle bearings on order I just got these out today and they weren't they weren't too much fun to that say ended up having to pry the cage out of it and then what I did is I take a I took a carbide router burr and split one side you can kind of see where it just touched the bore there and once I was once I had a split I was able to grab it and pull it out of there all right I've got those on order and they should be here this week and I want to I want to press these things in before i put the whole sillim together so it's not quite as heavy so we'll do that and then then we'll finish these guys up right here now we're gonna go ahead and start putting these two shorter cylinders back together and I'm gonna go ahead and get the bearings in first so here is the here's the needle bearings these are ina needle bearings and they are they take an inch and a half shaft inch and 7/8 OD 20 inch wide and we're gonna we're gonna use the press make sure that they get started in there though I'm just tapping them in here to start them and we'll go down there to the dake and press them in there all right we got a cylinder sitting here nice and square I've got it kicked up on this end just supporting by a block and I'll put this little 4140 pusher spacer right there that little nub will go up in the middle of that screw and I'm at the bottom of my adjustment there so we'll bring it down with the rim that thing is pouring all out of it this uh there goes now we'll make sure what straight this cylinder is in the desperate need of a rebuild the seals on mine is just as bad as the ones that was in this and it's one of them things never got around to it yeah maybe some I'll hand me around to it I can get it now I'll just kick that off so that as we apply our pressure down once it hits the surface there I know it's it's even all right so there we go all right let's flip it over and we'll do the same thing by the way Aaron if you're watching this uh the press plate is working out great okay there we go both of them in so I'm gonna repeat that on the other one and then we'll bring it back when when it's time to install the seals there's our loaded rod gland they went up this like that not really sure why they've got those spacers on there that's the first time I've seen one like that it's gonna go up just like so [Music] [Music] all right there it is you bots to help seat threads and this is ready to go and forward no and I'm actually going to tape off these bearings to make sure that they don't get any dirt in them why he's transporting and hooking them up alright let's go ahead and do the other one there you go there's your test it works careful not to cut it on the threads this side tapping on the side here all right there we go got it will you use a piece of my favorite tape Gorilla Tape stuff will pull up concrete man I guess we're gonna have to use two pieces there we can use this little strip right there I'm just gonna it's just a cover I'm out keep dust from getting in there so we'll do it just like that all right there we go and then we just need to on this one here and to make sure we put our sitting back on there so that doesn't get forgotten about all righty guys we got this job finished up so last night Fernando had grabbed the the other longer one that you had seen me do because he was over here working on AC so the bearings come in today and that's why these are a day out so got these things finished up and you know this is just to kind of help share with some people out there there's a lot of guys watching there's a lot of people out there to have their own equipment their own implement equipment form tractors you know farm equipment type stuff and some of these cylinders like these as you can see here are relatively simple to fix as far as the seals go with basic tools you know a vice of some sort to hold the cylinder and you know having a few of these kind of tools on hand is a great investment in your toolbox just like a set of wrenches and sockets you know these don't cost very much this is a Williams brand but they're all the same thing Martin Williams you know 15 20 bucks for a spanner like that screwdrivers picks this is you know this first time I use the the new kit king seal twister toolset but I do enjoy having this and I know that this will come in handy it doesn't make putting the seals in a perfectly easy job but it does help get the seals in there especially for those harder type seals you know those nylon and urethane type seals so that's a good investment to have in there and of course you got your socket wrench and different stuff like that so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed watching and I'm gonna call Fernando Lando these cylinders are done and I'm ready to get back onto some machining projects around here in the shop all right we'll see you guys real soon if you've got so interest in this thing right here so this is a tool made PTFE seals and this come from Hercules hydraulics this particular one and it's called a seal clasper and it's to help shrink down the PTFE seals after you install them on piston all right so that's it right there here's the here's the box again I don't know why they made this in pink this must have been the basement machine shop guy version seal clasper PTFE seals all right Hercules book these are all it's a tool section there it is right there 99 bucks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 253,563
Rating: 4.9005623 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, hydraulics, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic cylinder rebuild, hydraulic seals, seal twister, seal twiester tool, seal twister tool kit, kit king, kit king usa, seal twister tool set, loaded seals, PS seal, PTFE seals, seal clasper tool, hercules hydraulics, machine shop, machinist, darn tough socks, aloris, aloris boring bar, aloris bb5, machining
Id: RF0Pr_Lu9Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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