SNL Commercial Parodies: Fashion
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 4,379,740
Rating: 4.9255462 out of 5
Keywords: video, SNL, Commercial Parodies, Fashion, saturday night live, supercut, commercials, parodies, parody, fashion commercial, Leslie Jones, Vanessa Bayer, Aidy Bryant, Chonk, Red Flag, Andy Samberg, Andy Samberg SNL, Leslie Jones SNL, Kristen Wiig, Kristen Wiig SNL, Fashion Coward, Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein ads, kate mckinnon, kate mckinnon SNL, Cartier, Cartier ad, s45, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, guest, laugh, impersonation, premiere, snl s45
Id: AjlDTeOtq-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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