Nashville Hot Chicken Recipe - Southern Fried Hot Chicken better than KFC!

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila doing a great job on that camera as usual hi Sheila today we're going to make a legend we're gonna make Nashville hot chicken here in Nashville Tennessee now how this got started believe it or not back in the 1930s there was a guy by the name of Thornton Prince who actually cheated on his wife went out on Saturday night with some gal and on Sunday she thought I'll get even with him I'll make him some fried chicken that he likes on Sunday but I'll dump in all kinds of cayenne pepper and hot sauce and everything and burn his mouth up he loved it and all of his friends wanted some too so it didn't really work now we're gonna make it right here on today's show so come on over and let's get started now you can cut up a whole chicken into pieces if you want or you can buy it already cut up in the store which I did I got drumsticks and thighs you can also use breast meat but that's what was on sale we salt and peppered it up real good and put it in the refrigerator overnight and that's how you prep Nashville hot chicken now we need to make a sauce to go on top of this chicken and in our little bowl here we're going to put a cup and a half of butter milk and 1/2 a cup of half-and-half just so it's not pure buttermilk now most recipes only call for a cup but I like to have enough to really cover this good then we're going to put in about a half a cup of pickle juice and where does that come from well when you serve hot chick and natural hot chicken you serve it on white bread with pickles stuck in it so we save the juice about 1/2 a cup of pickle juice to go in there we're gonna put in two whole eggs and then we're gonna use this crystal Louisiana Hot Sauce now a lot of people use Franks and some different stuff I just like a Louisiana Hot Sauce it's really good and we're gonna put in a quarter of a cup of hot sauce in there we're gonna whisk this together here and make our little Guu that's gonna go on top of all of our chicken now if you want you can add cayenne pepper to this you can do whatever you want but I think it's got enough heat for what we want to do and we're only going to put this in the refrigerator for about two to four hours pour that all in there that's why I like that two cups so I can kind of lift these things apart and it'll automatically run right up underneath all the other pieces beautiful thing awesome make sure you pull it away from the bowl so that everything gets up underneath every piece of chicken that just looks good and see that worked out perfect we're gonna mash that down in there we're gonna cover this with cellophane we're gonna pop it in the refrigerator for about four hours we'll be right back well--why our chicken is in the refrigerator chilling for about two to four hours we might as well make our dredge give us something to do now we're going to put in about one and a half cups of all-purpose flour and a half a cup of corn starch and that corn starch will really make that chicken crispy I've got that in there we're going to put in a half a teaspoon of sage a half a teaspoon of basil and a half a teaspoon of oregano and a full tablespoon of paprika and this is what we're gonna dredge our chicken in as we go back and forth from the dredge to our sauce and like I said as long as we got some thyme here we're also gonna make the sauce that goes on top of the chicken when it's all done being fried and everything we might as well do that and then I'll heat it up later to put it on top of the chicken so let's do that next I can tell you one thing this recipe is about as close to Kentucky Fried Chicken recipes you're ever going to get the flavors are almost identical because we live in Nashville Tennessee we go right up a Kentucky Fried Chicken and get it it's so good now to start with in this pan we're going to put in two tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of lard now in my little cooker sitting right here on the side that I'm gonna fry my chicken in I went out and borrowed oil out of our deep fryer because I wanted that full flavor if there was any flavor to the precooked oil and we're gonna Rob about two or three tablespoons of that oil out of the frying pan and put it in there believe it or not lard and oil and butter and that's what you're putting on your chicken it's absolutely terrific all right we got it heating up here now we're gonna put in a teaspoon of garlic powder a half a teaspoon of salt and a full teaspoon of pepper which are mixed together here and I'll put all the ingredients below the video in the description in the destruction box you don't have to go to a website to get any of our ingredients we don't do that to you and we're gonna put in a good heaping heaping tablespoon of brown sugar which is oh there she finally came out and we're gonna put in believe it or not about three tablespoons of cayenne pepper now that may sound like a lot but trust me on this it's really not for this recipe and about two tablespoons of paprika or actually one I'm sorry one tablespoon of paprika so like if I make a mistake in the video don't worry about it because I'm gonna put the ingredients below then we're gonna mix this up and heat it up some and if you want to thin it out a little bit again you can add a little bit of butter and a little bit more of cooking oil and we just might do that back let me get a little pad of butter all right Sheila brought me a little bit more butter and I took a little bit more oil because I like this look this texture really looks perfect this is what I'm looking for almost kind of like a see through a little bit but this is gonna be good and I will put all the amounts that I ended up with finally in the description box below now this is all melted and heated so we're going to turn this off because we still have to cook our chicken and do all the other process but this is what's going to get drizzled on top we'll see in just a little bit don't care chicken is back from the fridge and we're going to try to take this stuff out and lay it on a rack and leave the juice in the bowl and we're gonna see if I can accomplish this by using this for the dry stuff in this hand for the wet stuff that's kind of what you want to do because if you get both hands going in both bowls you're gonna have quite a mess here well that's that that smells that's that juice just smells great Sheila coming up out of there then look good looks good Nanae even cooked yet so we just want to kind of get this over here to drain just a little bit off of here so we can free up our Bowl so we don't get stuff on every piece until we want to it's kind of weird doing this one-handed cuz you want to dig your other hand and they're so bad alright here's our last piece of chicken Nashville hot chicken took over the industry so much that they added it to KFC alright let's see if we can do this now what we're gonna do is we're gonna move this chicken over here to the dredge we're gonna dredge it in here get it coated pretty good and then we're gonna double dip it we're gonna put it back in our mixture with eggs and flour and all that then back into the flour and I'm gonna try to cover it with my hand before I touch it so don't get too gooped up there shake off just a little bit of the excess and I'm gonna lay him back on the rack and away we go the second piece getting floured up try to hand it over to this hand left hand does the wet right hand does the flour try to put some on top of there I think you get the idea so let me get them all doctored up and I'll be back with you and just a little bit because he's already got moisture on him you don't need to put them in the bowl first cuz we just took them out of there then this one back in there we're gonna what they call in the South double dipping we were flour over here so when they lay it down I can just cover it up nice cover it up first then get your hands involved alright well let me double dip the rest of these and I'll be back with you then alright our chickens been resting for about 15 minutes now and there's a reason for that once you dip it in that little juicy stuff and put it in the batter and then let it sit for 15 minutes man it comes out and slowly soaks out through all that flour and cornstarch and it gets a beautiful look to it almost golden brown come on over here let me show you what I'm talking about alright our oil hit 350 degrees and look at this chicken man it's just beautiful it's got a golden brown almost looks like somebody painted it with like butterscotch pudding or something it just looks like it's screaming out to go into the oil so we're gonna do exactly that get our Nashville hot chicken going here I had a bigger cooker over here all set up to do exactly this many pieces and believe it or not for some reason we can not find the cord to it so I'm only gonna do about four pieces in here for now so I can show you the rest of the recipe but let me get these in there they're looking good and this oil is the oil out of our deep fryer outside cuz I wanted all that texture in there we'll see you when this gets golden brown then we're gonna turn it and here's the thing you can turn this as many times as you want just keep turning the chicken it gets golden brown turn it you want to turn it again keep turning it don't worry about that until the internal temperature is between 160 and 65 degrees be back in just a little bit man our Nashville hot chicken is looking hot it looks great turn it off in so it doesn't burn run your skillet between 325 and 350 right in about there and we have already stuck a little temperature probe in these and they're already right at 160 I'm just going to give them another minute here and then we're going to move them over to this rack see in a second okay our chicken is done and we by the way we took the rest of the chicken and put it back in a bowl and put in the refrigerator I'll cook that later because I just want to show you this recipe finished up right now Gina what's terrific I was always wondering when I seen Nashville hot chicken how it had all that crumbly kind of looked to it battered up looked what they were using well now you know exactly what to put in your batter what to put in your dipping sauce all that kind of stuff let's set this here for just a minute let it rest and we're going to be back to plate this up I got all kinds of stuff happening here I got this chicken is done we got our sauce back from the stove we reheated it we got some white bread and that's what you do you just take a slice of regular white bread that's how you serve Nashville hot chicken I put the rest of the chicken in here let me turn it then I'll get back to that well that's looking good too here we are and here's what you do you take a piece of regular white bread and if I'm just gonna use my fingers because it's cooled off enough and you put your chicken in there on top of the white bread and then you add the most magnificent little sauce that that guy's wife created you here's a goal to try to make you mad but made him happy and here it is in there look at that stuff and you drizzle that on top of your hot chicken and that's how they know some people make enough of this stuff to where you can dunk the entire piece of chicken inside the little bowl and put it all on there so you know what I'm going to do I'm going to turn these over and I'm gonna hit the other side a lick using my fingers but that's alright makes the rest that seasoning in there does that look terrific or absolutely what now I'm gonna try to get Sheila to try this because she's not real wild on hot stuff but I think she might like this because as much cayenne pepper and stuff as there is in there it's really not that hot as much as it is spicy I hope that makes sense and here's the magic and here's also where I'm going to turn a little bit right instead of turning left what I mean by that is they serve Nashville hot chicken with pickles on top it's just a tradition I don't even know where that came from but they take it piece of toothpick and they lay a piece of chicken on the plate cover it with the sauce and put pickles on there and I've got a few pickles left so I'm going to put a few around the sides here and here's the deal regular Nashville hot chicken recipes use a regular like a hot dog hair actually a hamburger pickle to put on top but I'm using bread and butter pickles because where they're sweet I want heat and where there's heat I want sweet and look at their folks Nashville hot chicken that's how you make it well we got this part of the recipe done just in the nick of time so I can turn this chicken one more time over here and I just notice we got some left over here more than we're gonna eat so why don't you come over to our house and have some Nashville hot chicken now that you know how to make it I guess you'll probably make it at your house with your friends but at least come on over and subscribe to our channel we really hope you subscribe to our Channel and here's something I always forget to do I forget to thank those that have already subscribed to our channel if you're a subscriber thank you very much I guess I forget to say that and I thought that last night I'm always asking everybody to subscribe but then once they subscribe I never thanked them for subscribing so thanks for your support by the way if you haven't subscribed yet little shotgun dreads face will pop up over here in just a second if you click on that it'll pop up and then you click Subscribe it'll put a checkmark there and right next to that subscribe and check mark is a little item looks like a bell if you click on that it'll open up a notification box and what that's for is if you click that box and hit save it'll send you every single recipe that we come out with it'll notify you when we have a new recipe so we hope you do that as well over here as little shotgun Reds favorite recipes that will pop up whatever we put over there we hope you enjoy and is this the best Nashville world-famous Nashville hot chicken you ever ate if it ain't it ought to be this is Steve hall along with pretty Mia Sheila great job Sheila saying see the next time right here on cooking with shotgun red I got to get this chicken out of here and get it on the rack say goodnight Sheila bye bye
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 133,842
Rating: 4.9474721 out of 5
Keywords: nashville hot chicken recipe, nashville hot fried chicken recipe, best nashville hot chicken, best nashville hot fried chicken recipe, nashville hot fried chicken, Shotgun Red, how to make hot chicken, how to cook crispy fried chicken, hot chicken recipe, Shotgunred, nashville hot chicken, hot chicken, Steve Hall, nashville fried chicken, southern fried chicken, nashville chicken recipe, best fried chicken, How to make nashville hot chicken, kfc nashville chicken
Id: 1eZLjGbnBdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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