Meatloaf Burgers! (Hot Off The Griddle)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout interpreter and just the country Cook Steve all here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila running that camera I see low today we're gonna make meatloaf burgers now this is not meatloaf sandwiches I know a lot of you folks out there got a great meatloaf recipe we have one on our Channel and then the next day when it's cold you slice it and make meatloaf sandwiches they're really good but this is different we're gonna actually make the meatloaf concoction then we're gonna fry it on a griddle we got some other neat stuff to go to with it and to start with in this little teeny pan here I've got 1/4 of a cup of olive oil and a teaspoon of minced garlic I've been simmering it on the stove and to put it on the bun I wanted one slice of tomato I hate two or three little slices and they kind of lay over each other so I buy the biggest tomatoes I can find at Kroger's but sometimes when you get these great big ones they don't have lots of flavor so we're going to infuse this olive oil and I'll show you this close up a little bit later but I want to kind of set this up and get it soaking in there there's that olive oil with our garlic oh man and remember this is hot right off the stove so there's two big slices of tomato can you see them Sheila two big slices of tomato with some garlic hot and I'm gonna let them kind of marinate it in that olive oil then we're gonna put them on our burgers later but let's start making the meat for our burgers come on over let's get started on our meatloaf burgers man get yourself some giant tomatoes so when you slice it you only need one slice per hamburger then I put it in a little shallow tray here and on the stove in that little pan i heated up that olive oil and minced garlic and they're kind of marinating in there I just wanted to show them to you now we're going to whip up our burger stuff and we're gonna use 1 pound of pork ground pork and one pound of ground hamburger 80/20 and I hate mix and meat and stuff with my hands so I like to kind of pre break it into chunks it makes it easier and I'm going to try to mix this up a little bit in my KitchenAid mixer over here that Sheila got me using that paddle right there and let's see how it does this will be interesting we're just going to try it out we'll cut it in some smaller chunks go a little bit of pork then a little bit of beef and so on and so forth back and forth between the pork and the beef in there I'm just maybe I'm getting lazy in my old age I just hate taking the time to mash that stuff around there's always one chunk once to try to get away but he never does alright and in here we're also going to put some bread crumbs actually it's stuffing and I'll show you that in a second and we're gonna put in some ketchup spicy ketchup some eggs some milk and a bunch of goodies let me get this meat in here and get it in the center I'll be right back with you all right we got all our meat in here we're gonna put in some more goodies we're going to put in 1 cup of this pork stuffing pork flavored stuffing we got pork in there so why not go with the pork flavored stuffing then we're going to put in some spicy ketchup and I got about an eighth of a cup of Hunt's ketchup I love Hunt's and then I put in about a half a teaspoon of schrock a sauce or whatever I'm running low on that I got to buy some but I squeezed some of that in there and it's a nice spicy ketchup now remember ketchup normally goes on top of your meatloaf this is going into the meatloaf mixture itself and then it's gonna be fried so we're gonna have to fry this at medium to medium-high heat or that ketchup will burn on the outside of the burgers so the next thing is one medium sweet Vidalia onion diced up real good put that in there and I took two eggs and I put them in the blender in the kitchen and I like to just blend them up good so there is no white and yellow separation two of them in there and here's kind of a secret ingredient we're gonna put in a half a cup of honey baked ham this is just regular sliced fully cooked now this is fully cooked honey baked ham that you make sandwiches odda and I chopped it up into little teeny pieces you can put some bacon in yours too if you want but I'm just gonna go with this honey baked ham in there to give it a little sweetness then I'm gonna save the milk to see how this little beater does now you're kind of going on a little adventure with me because I haven't tried this off-camera before and we're getting ready to see if this will mix up let me lock this thing down if this will mix up this meat here all right as I can see Sheila in the corner of my eye she wants to get it closed up so Sheila come on over and check this out good job on the camera there Sheila that looks like that's mixing it up pretty good doesn't it I'm gonna add just a little splash of milk in there probably about an eighth of a cup boy it's really working that motor let me turn it up to number two see and I don't have to mix that with my hand I love this thing we're gonna let this run for about another minute then we're gonna put in this bowl over here all right that looks mixed up really really nice here look it they're ready to make burgers out of that and I didn't have to mix it up with my fingers or anything let me get this little attachment all the way here perfect that is the way I'm gonna do that from on don't put right in there little in the bottom but what do you think Sheila did that turn out perfect yes now I'm gonna let this stuff kind of mix its flavors together and then we're gonna go to the next step let me get a frying pan out here see you in a second all right here's where we pour our bacon grease in looks kind of gnarly on top but once it strains it it's some nice white bacon grease and that's what we got in here and we're gonna put some onions in there we turn these down to kind of medium and I slice these so they're kind of left in a ring because I don't like pieces of onion falling off a hamburger I want them to stick together so we're gonna put them in there and what we're gonna make for this burger and by the way when this meatloaf burger gets done you're gonna absolutely love it it's gonna be one of the most delicious burgers ya ever ate let me get stirring this around in this bacon grease all right these onions are starting to soften up real nice and we're gonna make some sugar onions to go on here so take some regular granulated sugar what about a half a teaspoon in there then take about a half a teaspoon of brown sugar never done this with your onions before will you try it about 1/2 a teaspoon of brown sugar a little more it's totally up to you let me get that kind of working in here first so it kind of coats all these little onion rings so to speak yeah there we go that looks nice now we got the sweet we want to get a little tart to it so we're gonna add about a half a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar oh you should smell that that is absolutely fantastic let me get these softened up real nice kind of wilted down with the sugar white sugar brown sugar and balsamic vinegar in there and we shall return all right these are done move these to a bowl for later and then you know what I was gonna do I was gonna put it on in layers but I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna dump these back in and over here on the side I've got some real nice sauteed mushrooms they've been waiting to go on that burger too I'm just gonna mount them together so the onions and mushrooms are in the same little sugary mixture I like that perfect now that they're kind of warmed up a little bit I'll move them all over here what happened if you did mushrooms and put in the white sugar and the brown sugar I bet that'd be interesting too and then I gave I gave a little bite of that onion I pulled one out and cooled it off on a paper towel and I gave it to Sheila and she said now them are nice sweet onions they said aren't they they're already sweet enough cuz they're sweet Vidalia spit you didn't put a little bit of white and brown sugar there and then that balsamic vinegar you try one mushroom mmm we may have discovered some let me move this aside and let's move our griddle out here and get working on our burgers because they're gonna be so fantastic I got to switch this around see in a minute for all you folks out there that got a family of four or six that's why I used a pound of burger a pound of pork and a half a cup of that ground-up ham and I'll put all the ingredients of all these different things underneath the video but we've got enough meat here to make about a dozen burgers but of course me and Sheila we only need two of them so I'm gonna have a little fun here and see if I can't put a bunch of this meat on here kind of work it out like this and I want that burger to be fairly thin but not too thin then I'm going to take a little Bowl here pop it on top kind of slide it around a little bit let's see if I can get my fingers underneath here again I might have to go to the edge yeah there we go and there is my first burger perfect so I want a plenty big then I'll go back here and move all this back to the center again kind of mash it back out get it together about that thick looks pretty good right about like that take my little bowl I'll just take the rest of this put it back in our big bowl here slide this over to the edge I can get a hold of it there we go perfect let's get those griddles warmed up or a griddle warmed up let's get these burgers on there and I'll show you some other neat things see in a second all right our griddle is getting nice and hot I got my Green Bay Packer slipper whipper here because it's football season get these on here and I got to tell you I ordered these guys right here these are Lodge griddle presses or bacon presses if you will made by Lodge and I've been waiting to use them and I don't want to set them right on top the raw meat so what I'm gonna do is let these brown just a little bit first then I'm gonna flip them then I'm gonna set those on top and in the meantime I might even spray the bottom of them a little bit so that they're already anti slick so to speak and while these are getting ready to brown up as they're doing I got to show you this is another surprise for this recipe I seen these in the store we've got a recipe on our channel for potato bread bread pudding because potato bread is kind of yellowish almost like the Wendy's hamburgers buns used to be but this is potato man bread buns and that's what we're gonna use I'm gonna get Sheila to butter a couple those up because she loves see that's what I'm looking for right there and there we go perfect together now you can actually kind of mash down on them if you want a little bit move them around but let me get our buns buttered up here because we're gonna make those nice and grilled buns cuz you know Sheila when it comes to hamburgers it's gotta have them grilled see you in a second what I absolutely love about these Lodge griddle presses is first of all the handles don't get hot because it's got that little curlicue metal so you don't have to worry about that but you notice how the burger doesn't cook up to be like a hockey puck how it stays the size of the meat that you put on there look at that nice and big and flat that is what I have always wanted I just got these the other day and I'm just so thrilled see if I can work enough room over here to get these buns on here I know what you're thinking you're probably thinking where's the cheese that's another surprise for this recipe here is the cheese that's going on our burgers cream cheese it took a half a packet put it in the microwave for about 20-30 seconds and soften it up put in about a quarter of a teaspoon of dill a quarter of a teaspoon of parsley a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice and a quarter of a teaspoon of butter and let it melt and that is going on there you should taste the head it is so fantastic let me finish these up alright it's time to build these bad boys there we go there's the bottoms get these buns off of here so they can keep from burnin what I really like about these presses here is remember half of the meat that's in here is pork and you want it done all the way through I like medium rare hamburgers but this has to be cooked all the way to 165 degrees because it has pork in it ground pork which must be cooked up to 165 put a little bit of our cream cheese mixture on the bottom are you seeing this Sheila this is incredible bottom part gets the cream cheese then hmm I don't know whether to go on top or to go on the bottom but I think I'm gonna do it on the bottom on top of the cream cheese and what am I talking about I'm talking about these marinated tomato slices that we did at the top of the show they've been sitting OH they've been sitting in that oil let me get a little the extra minced garlic off the top is I don't want too much see if I can get underneath they're gonna make me use my fingers but that's alright then it's time for our meatloaf burgers which are now done oh man we turn off this dribble Wow you're gonna flip out when you taste this it's outstanding and I'm just gonna use my little cream cheese spoon cuz I don't care but it's time to pile some of those sugar onions and I guess now sugar mushrooms too on top each one of the little extra falls off here that's fine because we want to pile it high that wouldn't hurt to have a little bit on the side there and then the top half of the burger and let me get this all front and center and plate it up right thanks to the Green Bay Packer hamburger flipper we have perfection here and I got to tell you Sheila brought me a brand-new set of knives the other day over here on my little magnetic board I've been using this one for cutting up a few things but this is the first recipe that I'm going to use my brand-new chef's knife to cut these delicious burgers in half now remember this is not cold meatloaf sandwiches okay all right Sheila one stirs cut corner to corner so that's what I'm doing on this one right everybody thank you very much I'm working on it we need to get a little thumbnail picture here and here's all the extra onions and stuff man I can't wait to try this I'm going to take a bite right after we take a picture of it see you in a second Wow you have just got to try one of these fried meatloaf sandwiches with all the cream cheese and the marinated tomatoes and the sugar onions and mushrooms and the potato bread it's just absolutely fantastic we hope you enjoy our recipes and we really hope you subscribe to our channel little shotgun Rebs face will pop up over here in just a little bit when it does click on it and then when it says subscribe next to it will be a bell if you click on that bell you'll be notified every time we come out with a new recipe like this over here we'll put another list of stuff you might enjoy maybe some other videos but most of all and Sheila reminded me just a minute ago that I said hamburger is this the most delicious fried meatloaf burger you ever ate help me Sheila if it ain't it ought to be and remember one thing all of our ingredients for all of our recipes are always right underneath the video so you never have to go to a website to get the recipe it's right there handy for you but if you are out kind of snooping around we're really excited about our new shock and rinse catfish and crappie breading mix it is now available at shotgun along with some other goodies we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red say goodnight Sheila oh this is so so delicious time for another bite see a little bit
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 62,113
Rating: 4.9305172 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, meatloaf, meatloaf sandwich, meatloaf burger, hamburger, cheeseburger, meatloaf recipe, summer recipes, ground beef, burger recipe, how to make a meatloaf sandwich, how to, cooking with shotgun red, shotgun red recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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