Smothered Pork Chops made easy | #SoulFoodSunday

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a b now i know you guys haven't read that title you didn't seen that thumbnail you know what we're making listen i'm gonna show you guys today just how easy it is to make a smothered pork chops right hey super easy and guess what this is what i'm bringing this year you know for the soul food sunday and for those you guys don't know you guys can go right up in the search bar and put in hashtag soul food sunday and check this out along with the rest of the videos i've done and listen it's a couple of other people doing it too you can see cj soul food cooking and there's some other people that got in on it also hey with that being said let's go over these ingredients and let's get it don't have a whole lot of ingredients right but i promise you don't let the lack of ingredients you know fool you look i'ma start look we got ground pepper we got kosher salt chicken broth flour and we got creole kick this is what i want you to see look at that right there this right here is like really the secret ingredient i suggest everybody get this eye this size reason being this is what i cook with probably ninety percent of the time when i'm trying to you know bring some real flavor the first thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna go ahead and get our flour now look i got a lot of flour and i'm only doing two chops right that's for the sake of just this video so i'm gonna probably just go ahead and just add about half of that then i'm gonna come with my creole kick and then it's because i make this all the time then i'm gonna go ahead and just give this just a couple of general generous pinches of salt and we're going to come over the top because if you guys been watching me for a minute you know i like to grind my pepper now get yourself a whisk and just whisk it all together for me this is how i know that my seat my flower season right i should be able to see my seasoning in there right now i'm looking at it and i'm saying i need a little bit more pepper key thing everybody want to know how do i know that's right because the main thing you got to do is you got to taste you got to taste this flour i know it sounds wild but this is why your granny stuff tasted just fine and then when you went ahead and tackled it yourself you're like man they need some salt or need something else so we're going to taste it right here hmm it's ready folks now we're going to go ahead and you know cut this right we're going to cut our onion me i like to cut it like how you see right here now you notice i didn't even uh peel it it seems to me you see how it's trying to just come loose it seems to me it's easier to just go ahead and do it you cut the ends off and then when you do that then i like to do this right it just makes it much easier for me to peel the skin i'm gonna go ahead and just cut this down look there is no right way or no wrong way you cut them how you want to you can use diced onion you can cut these into like little shoestring laces however you want to do it you do it onions down we got our flour done look i'm gonna be using the paper plate y'all can hit me up down in the comment section below and tell me hey i don't cook use no paper plate but check this out folks you see that right there i'm the one that has to wash these dishes so i'm gonna take this i'm gonna bring my flour we're gonna put this in here just like that when i made these before i told everybody to go ahead and hit these up you know what i mean and season them but if your seasoning here is right i promise you don't need to do that so we'll just put them right here like this got to get the size too i'm all about this right here obviously i'm going to be doing them in the cast iron skillet right i just like the way the cast iron just fries everything right so look i've already set my flame up we got a medium high you probably can't ah it's probably like a medium flame i just want to get the heat to just you know distribute throughout the cast iron hey here's a pro tip you can always take your cast iron stick it inside your oven and let it you know get an even head start so that way when it comes time to cook you can just put it down and just get right to it i can see right now i'm starting to get just like a little bit of smoke so i'm gonna go ahead and just start adding my bacon grease i'm gonna start adding my always start with my onions first i'm not gonna let them break all the way down that's up to you guys how you want to do them you know what i mean i just want them to become translucent this is as far as i go right here with grilling the onions right okay so look i'm gonna add a little bit of extra virgin in here you know what i mean nice to have that along with that bacon fat main thing is and i hope i'm explaining this right the reason i don't tell nobody no time because what we want to do is we want to cook these what we want to do is we want to brown them right that's with the flour we're putting a little crust on it so i'm going to go ahead and flip these hey you know what before i flip it i'm going to take this time to say you guys got to follow me on if you're not following me already on instagram you can you should do that there's going to be a lot of things on there that you guys don't see that's on my regular channel and i got a little behind the scenes a little eye candy and all of that so just follow me on instagram you can see it right there i'm sure it's coming up right now and we go from there but with that being said let's go ahead and get this this baby flipped over look at that color right there now don't that look like when granny used to make them i keep saying granny but you know what my grandfather could burn too both of these look good let me just go ahead and take these out and just let them rest right now right because all we want to do is put some color on there and we're going to cook to an eternal temp in just one second so now we're coming back with our onions then we're going to let more of this you know render down a little bit and that helps if anything did stick down here you let the acid from the onions you know get it up because you want all of this to mix remember we had some of that seasoned flour see this right here we're gonna start adding just a little bit right so we'll just start doing it like that and then we'll just sprinkle a little bit more like this move it around yeah what i'm doing now is i'm cooking some of that flour taste out and i'm getting the flour to absorb every piece of liquid that's in here here go to magic if you want to know you notice how i when i add something to anything i always put in a little bit at a time why because it's always let me just say it this way it's easier to add more than it is to take away right and can you see how it's starting to form gravy folks look how it kind of like it thickened up and you can see them onions i can barely talk folks because i'm worried about these onions not worried about it i just want to eat some but i just added myself a little bit more of the chicken stock chicken broth whatever you guys want to use you know what i mean uh look i'm just getting this right here just so it's not as thick right now because we're going to cook it down a little bit more once we put these chops in that right there is right when you season your flour and you do everything right when you put it in there it should come out like that talk to me down in the comments now let's come back to these chops i'm gonna take a chop i'm gonna just put it right there in there like that i know you guys were looking at how shallow i had that oil when i was just browning them chopped thinking it ain't gonna cook but you see this gravy right here you see how it rises up we're gonna get it to rise up just a little bit more listen it's a method to my madness folks you see that right there oh my god now let me just go ahead and get myself another spoon i hope you guys can hear it in my voice listen this is my favorite meal i cook this so much i don't even really make no you know no videos about it that often you know what i mean because i do pork chops in the morning for breakfast you know what i mean or anything well i ain't gonna say that because i'm gonna put some rice on too but right now i'm just going to go ahead and coat these just like this look at that we're going to let these simmer a little bit let it cook down some we're going to get that rice together but i'm going to smother them like this right and then we're just going to go ahead and let them cook i'm going to say it probably is going to take about 10 minutes but you want to do you want to get yourself your meat thermometer you just want to check see where you at whoo they're nice and tender right now check it out i just hit it let me try it again over here this is already at 135 and that right there is yeah that's it 141 okay so we have 138 on this one we looking for an internal temp a 145 when them come off oh yeah it's time to taste got the rice on it's time to put one of these chops i don't know why i just like this one mostly so you know what let me move this let me just make a little room so i don't make a mess right move that over there like that then we'll come let it drip just a little bit one two three ah yeah then we'll just go ahead and just drop him just like that you see that onion that's what i'm talking about folks now i'm not gonna lie to y'all i held back on a lot of onion you didn't see a lot of onion you know that you saw the size of the onion in the very beginning right i didn't put it all in there why because i didn't want to i didn't want you all to say hey he got more onion than he do gravy but check it out this is where you get the money from i'ma turn it like that so you can see this is why we do great i mean this is why we do rice you know this works good with mashed potatoes also but i'm just gonna go ahead and let it do like this and let it rain on the other side you see that right there now any of y'all want to get down and you know get down with me and say you make the best gravy and all of that and then i'll really break out the pro tips hey but right now this right here get everybody in the game and shock everybody hey so i'm gonna quit popping my collar and let me go ahead and swallow one time let's eat got it on here as you can see this is the way i like it i really because we on film that's why you can see a little right rice right because i at least want you guys to know that it is rice but if you look at this right here look at this i'm just going to cut me a little piece out right there look at that right there oh my goodness cheers when your gravy and your rice is proportioned just right along with the protein it almost just slide down the back of your throat hey i don't care how thick it is if you use a meat thermometer you just want to get your internal temperature to 145 throughout the whole you know pork chop when you do that that ensures that it's juicy and i can barely talk folks i'm going to tell you right now this is going to be super quick why because again this is like my favorite of all time just smothered pork chops rice and mashed potatoes hey how about this rice and mashed potatoes engraving hey with that being said don't forget this is my entry for soul food sunday i keep forgetting to say that hashtag part but don't forget that it's hashtag soul food sunday and any of you guys out there that you know and want to go ahead and make a video and just put something in you know for these sundays like that don't forget to use that hashtag i check it a couple of times during the week and if i see it i'll see somebody put something up i'm gonna go watch it and then i'm gonna leave a comment hey with that being said let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here listen it's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said you guys i got a pork chop smothered with a lot of gravy and i'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 322,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Smothered Pork Chops made easy | #SoulFoodSunday, smothered pork chops, comfort food, soul food sunday, soul food sundayork chops, gravy, how to make gravy, food, easy recipes, soul food cooking, recipes, southern food, #soulfoodsunday, soul food recipes, soul food, food porn, how to make, dinner, southern cooking, pork chops and gravy, comfort food recipes, smothered pork chops recipe, pork chops, how to make smothered pork chops, recipe
Id: M5t8kWkKaDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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